
Canceling an order from a seller side

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Canceling an order from a seller side

Hi there,
Greetings all, does it affect if a seller wants to cancel an order from his side? If so how?
Best regards!


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Hello rabinchakma

In SEOClerks, It's a Good News because Mutual Cancelation Didn't Effect in Anything.
This is Happen to me Last Month When someone Order my Explainer Video Services

He Missclick The Extra from my service, And then We Accept Mutual Cancelation and Repeat From Begin.
Now our Order Is Complete. Honestly, I don't take any Negative Effect From Doing This.

Thank You
Yours Sincerely, Rehiga

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Thanks for your kind response. My issue is a client ordered me for a service. As per order I delivered my service two times with utmost care. But he started rejecting the order over and over again, using impolite words. My expression is if he is not satisfied with my service he can cancel the order whereas he doesn't do it. Question is what can do a seller in such circumstances. Can he cancel the order?
Best regards,

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Hi There

Better you contact the Support Center of SEOClerks, its the best way to get rid of Impolite Buyer.

You can of course ask for Mutual Cancelation to him/her, but you can do any revision if he/she asking for it, Tell him/her that you only do 3 revisions, after that happy or unhappy you take the money. If he/she give negative reviews, then contat the Seoclerk Service Center and give your reason and screenshot of your chat with your buyer, maybe te Seoclerk Service Center can change or delete the reviews for you

I am good at video editing and making videos, If you interested you can Inbox me Canceling an order from a seller side

Thank you
Your Sincerely, Rehiga

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Many thanks for your kind suggestion.

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