
New seller , orders no Order in 1 Month !! Please Give me

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New seller , orders no Order in 1 Month !! Please Give me

 started at SEO clerks and still not happy with buyers and there worth , orders are not coming. At low price rates , help me how to boost sales and income .


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Hey Pixcelplus,

Starting out in any marketplace isn't easy, especially one that is flooded with services, and that means you'll need to stand out from the crowd a bit more in order to get noticed and pull in some sales. Below are a few things you can do right away to bring in some additional traffic to your service(s).

1. Advertise your service(s)
When you go to the page where you can manage your services you will see links like "Feature" and "Category Feature" which are nice ways of saying "This is how you advertise your service!" lol. When you click on the "Feature" link it will take you to a page where you can bid on a placement that will put you on the homepage. This is pretty expensive and might be out of reach for you, but it's definitely something to think about later on when you build up your services a bit more. The "Category Feature" is what I tend to suggest to a lot of sellers here because it has a great ROI due to the people finding your services are already looking for something related to them. If you were to be on the homepage you would get a lot of views, but not everyone would be looking for what you're selling, and that means you'll have inflated numbers.

I would suggest starting out with the category featured advertising spot and work your way up to the homepage featured spot if possible. Both the homepage featured spot and the category featured spot are for 31 days and you don't have to worry about boosting.

2. Boost your services
You can boost your service every 12 hours and you can gain free boosts by participating in the community discussion area, delivering a service on time, and various other simple acts around the marketplace. Your boosted post will go up to the top of it's category and gradually fall back down the listings until you decide to boost it again. The more popular the category you're in, the quicker your service will drop back down, so be sure your services are listed in a category that gets traffic but isn't the host spots of the marketplace.

3. Have a variety of services
You currently have 2 services up and running, but they're not services that many people will be looking to purchase, and that could be why your orders aren't coming in quickly. Not many people need data entry work because everything is automated nowadays and not many people need a basic image. I would suggest looking into how to do some basic SEO services, basic design services, some social media services, etc. and elaborate on what you can do for an affordable price.

The more information you have for your potential customers the more likely you'll get a sale.

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Hey nice information

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Thank for kindness
nice information

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The first thing i gonna tell you is, You need lots of services.
You can't survive in this Crowd marketplace by just offer 1 Service.

Also, try to promote your service outside SEOClerks if you want more traffic.

Thank You
Yours Sincerely, Rehiga

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Yes, it difficult to get the first order. It almost takes 45-day forme to take my first order.

To get the first order my tips:
Low your price and give the best service at the lowest price.
Daily boost your service
Try to reply as fast as possible
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Thank you

Good luck for your future

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This information is So Useful New seller , orders no Order in 1 Month !! Please Give me

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Thanks rehiga hope you will have success in your life

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Thank you very much, You too New seller , orders no Order in 1 Month !! Please Give me

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