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A majority of us here started out working a steady job, or not so steady depending on how you performed, but we all want to have a stable side income which can be done through freelancing. You may not want to write an article, build some backlinks, make some logos, etc. but I'm sure there's something out there you can do in your spare time to make some additional income.
Your side job doesn't even have to be online, it could be making and selling jewelry at events, or you could have a car detailing service on the weekends where people sign up for a time slot during the week, and you go to their house on Sat/Sun. The job opportunities are endless, and they could even turn into a full-time income if you do them right, get referrals, and start transitioning from your 9 to 5 over to your side job.
Your job might be draining
When you go to work, and you keep looking at the clock to see how much longer you have to be there, it's likely time to start freelancing and building a side job. Think about it; if you were to get clients through SEOclerks or other platforms, you could essentially go part-time at your job and be happier because you're there less. Hell, you might even be able to quit after you've done well with your freelancing side job because now it makes more than your boss is willing to pay you lol.
Your freelance side job
Choosing what you want to do depends on your skillset. Sure, you could learn to do everything along the way, but you probably won't have many positive reviews, and we all know a negative review hurts much more than ten positive reviews help you.
Learn to advertise your side job
Since you'll be doing your freelance side job along with your full-time job, you'll need to understand how to promote it while you're at work. There are some simple ways to do this, but I would suggest using Adwords and getting super targeted with it.
What I would say is to get so targeted that you're only showing ads to those people within a particular area of where you live. This is so you can meet with potential clients on your days off or after you get done working. Meeting face to face will always increase the chances of getting a new client on board, which is why you should think of starting locally and expanding later on if you decide to go national or global with your services.
Automate what you can
With websites today you can automate the majority of your tasks, but sometimes it's just not worth it due to higher price tags for some services. You can always automate your emails, list generation, ads, and your live chat system if you can afford it.
If you can't afford to do any of the automation, then you'll need to have auto-responses letting the people know you will contact them between certain hours. This will let them know you aren't ignoring them, it's just that they happened to contact you at odd hours, and you can get back to them when you're back online.
In the end,
Turning a side freelance job into full-time employment isn't that difficult, but it does take a lot of time and patience. I know a bunch of people who were making $50,000+ per year and running side freelance jobs as a way to generate extra income. They eventually left their jobs when their freelance income started closing in on their actual full-time job pay. Yes, they took a slight hit in revenue for that year because they started focusing full time on their freelance ways, but now they make much more than their old 9 to 5, and they are their boss
Thanks for reading
- Tommy
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