
Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1

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Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1

Hi everyone, I am on seoclerk since two months and able to made 12 sales in two months. I am a link building worker. I have looking methods which cn help me to boost my sale. I have found two premium and mostly purchased service to promote my service on seoclerk like home feature and category feature. Were as home feature is costing $500 for a month. I cannot afford such service right now, so I am focusing on category feature. If you already have experience on that can you tell me how it boosted your sale?


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Hi there,

Yes, the category feature will definitely help you get seen more and obtain more sales if your service is good. The homepage feature is definitely worth it but I wouldn't consider it until you've amassed a lot of positive reviews on the service you're trying to advertise. This is because you want to ensure the biggest ROI and if people land on a service with no reviews, even if it's featured, they won't purchase because they never want to be the first to find out if a service is bad or not. The homepage featured spot is pretty tough to get into, but if you can't afford it right now I guess it's not a big deal. Look back into it from time to time when you're looking to boost your sales because there are a lot of people who stay subscribed to it because it works so well.

As for the category features, I use them from time to time and get clients from it. I always profit from it, I think my best month was around $700 in profit from a 31-day ad, which is pretty good if you think about it Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1 The only downside to your category is that it is likely competitive and you will still compete with top sellers in your area. You will still be one of the top services and get some sales, but you will need to do other things to keep people coming back to you time and time again. To keep them coming back you will need to ask them to follow your profile, over-deliver your services (give them a little extra), make sure your services are the best that can be purchased in your area of expertise, and always respond quickly.

After someone follows your profile you can write up a new status and have it sent to all of your followers. This helps when you announce your services are going on sale, you add a new service, or you just want to wish everyone a happy new year so you stay on their radar lol.

When advertising you always need to think that you're going to lose the money you're about to invest. If you're worried about losing the money, you might not want to invest it, but I can say that I've used the category feature in the past and have had some good results from it. I still have people coming and purchasing my writing services and I don't know if they would have ever found me if it weren't for my category featured service at the time Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1

- Tommy

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Thank you for sharing your experience. I prefer to purchase category feature service after my pending payment cleared. If any other have good or bad experience with it please share.

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You're welcome Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1

Each category is different so be sure to put that into your assessment. I was in the writing category so I didn't have as much competition as something like SEO, link building, reputation management, etc. The bigger categories can still be competitive, but you should still be able to profit, and that's why I think you should give it a chance Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1

Make sure your service is written in a way that will help you sell. The more people that you convert into a sale, the better your ROI will be, and the more likely you'll be able to keep advertising within the category you're targeting Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1

I looked over your services just now and they look to be pretty well set up. You have content that is formatted correctly, you're using different colored text when necessary, you're bolding certain titles, and your images are unique.

I would suggest trying to add some client testimonials within your services so potential buyers can see what others have been saying about your services. What I did was used Gyazo to screenshot my testimonials on the service then I put them into my service description so people could see what my customers were saying. Obviously, you'll want to use the best testimonials you have and not something that just says "Nice Job" because you want your buyers to know people are invested in you and are willing to type up a great review or even a recommendation Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1

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My service need more optimisation since with few views, I have good conversation. If it will be in home page or category page I must get more orders.
I have 116 free boost but only 6 boost I can do in 12 hours and it allow my service to stay 5 minutes on category or home page and getting 2-3 views each time. I am sure my service will love by clients as I have seen my previous sale have good reviews.

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That's awesome Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1

Try the category featured advertisement and your service will be on top of your category for 31 days even while you're sleeping Is Category Feature Help Me To Boost Selling Even I am In Level 1

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After reading it a lot of experience, I have already featured the category.

thank you so much - Tommy

Have a great day!

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