
how to deal with lonely youtube channel?

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how to deal with lonely youtube channel?

Hello friend, I have a YouTube account, I have done YouTube as much as possiblestarting from the final screen, the annotation card, arranging good titles, good descriptions, and good tagsbut why is the view on my video so quiet?My YouTube account is old, created in 2012does this community have a solution for how to easily get 4000 hours of my channel?


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Hi, waked..
What type of contents do you publish as youtube video.
May be your audience did not find your videos as excieting.

You may do a few things:
1. Always create a video content thats on trending. You may search in 'google trends' for content examples.
2. You may search for twitter or instagram hashtags for modern updates, and create videos asap.
3. You should follow a specific time for your video publication. You may target weekends, for better results.
4. You may change the video thubnails and make them a little excieting, but never use click-bait.
Clickbait may give you a sudden push, but for longer run, you may face reporting!

** i suppose you are a good video editor and camera-man, or you just need a few!!

Its not about how old your account is; in 2016 there is no 4000 Hours policy needed, as far i can remember. You applied for the 'Account Monetization' recently i hope! Because if you set all up then (2012) you may earn from it- in this 2019.

Never think about the view times, subscribers, etc. Youtubing is a dead slow process, and if you can walk slow and properly- with good quality video contents, you will get the success you seek.

*** Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine, after google itself.***

Thanks for reading.

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Thank you sirI really feel helped by your answer, I want to know if the video content of loss weigh is quite popular around the world?I come from Indonesia and I put English subtitles in my video

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When you create one/ single video for your youtube channel, you should have a specific aim for that. Surely, 'Weight loss' is not a popular video topic unless you have the ways to support it. If you are an affiliate marketer or seller, want to promote your product using youtube, then the 'Weight loss' video is ok if that's based on medicine.

If your weight loss video is showcasing yoga, then its different story. You can create a series of videos on that. For that, you don't need expensive RED cameras or final cut, you just need simple editing software like- Proshow producer or Wondershare Filmora and 2/3 good 2019's smartphone camera will work too.

1. Hire a female model, who knows and understands yoga. You may try Instagram for that.
2. Dress her accordingly along with the room.
3. You need a minimalistic room set, any empty room with good wall color will be enough.
4. Mount one camera with a tripod, and you and another person shoot from more two cams.
5. Ask her to open dialogs everytime showcasing a new yoga.
6. If you shoot for 12h, you may have 30 yoga poses, and you may publish that in a set of two.
7. If you want to choose an outdoor setup, follow the same, but a lonely place.
8. Editing is easy if you know your job, or you can hire a local. If you have a prewritten script, you may not have to edit much, but i don't think any script is required strongly.

Follow this method, create a few admirable 'weight loss yoga' video series, share that on social networks, and then me later. ;-)

Thanks for reading.

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Encourage people to subscribe to your channel. There are thousands upon thousands of Youtubers that would be nowhere if they didn't ask their viewers to subscribe and enable notifications. You can't think "Well, that might just annoy people and they'll never come back" but if you think about it, the chances of them coming back are slim to none if they don't follow you. So be sure to ask them to do so lol.

Another thing you should focus on is video editing. You can outsource this if you don't have the skills to do it yourself, but that could get expensive if you have a lot of videos to edit. What you'll want to do is have a nice looking intro, something that will identify you to your viewers before they ever see who posted the video. A lot of pro gamers have custom intros and they will show their usernames as well as a custom logo that will identify them. They get thousands of new subscribers every month and it's not always about how good their gameplay is, it's about how good the editing on the videos are and how they're acting within the video itself.

Like mentioned above, figure out what is trending in your niche and target that to start off. If you can get a wave of subs to come in because one of your videos does well, they will then get notifications of your future videos if they're subscribed, and hitting that 4,000+ hours won't be as difficult.

Don't just focus on getting views from YouTube either. Share your videos to Facebook pages within your niche, share them on your pages, put them on your websites, mention them on niche related forums, etc. You need to market your videos to bring people in to watch and you can't expect them to just find you. Becoming a great Youtuber isn't always about doing the best on-page SEO for your videos, it's about your entire marketing plan and how many subs you can acquire in a short amount of time.

You should definitely avoid purchased traffic packages or using bots to watch your videos because YouTube is pretty sophisticated and they will know who is real and who isn't. It doesn't matter if the seller says "Real human-verified organic traffic from the search engines for $1" lol. Real traffic isn't cheap so be sure to do everything I mentioned above and bring in a massive amount of free traffic. Also, remember to optimize all of your shares on Facebook, Instagram, forums, blogs, websites, etc. with hashtags. You'd be pretty amazed at how many views and hours you can rack up by using some simple hashtags. If your videos get more popular, and you have the hashtags in place prior to going viral, it will help you out immensely with rankings and bringing in additional traffic how to deal with lonely youtube channel?

- Tommy

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Does buying a number of traffic through this website include spam traffic that is hate YouTube?

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YouTube has a pretty advanced detection system and they will know what is bot traffic and what isn't. Even if a seller says they have "YouTube Safe Traffic" there's no real way of telling if it is or not.

You're better off creating content on your website, embedding your videos, ranking for keywords, and getting views. You can purchase real traffic from facebook and bing ads in order to get $0.01 per click if you're lucky, but that's the only way to know you're getting quality traffic that is real most of the time.

Purchasing traffic packages for your YouTube videos will likely get you in some hot water. What I would suggest is to stop cutting corners and do everything yourself how to deal with lonely youtube channel? You'll be happier in the end because you'll see all of the hard work come together and you'll be profitable.

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