
I need help related to my website !

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I need help related to my website !

Hey Everyone,

Please, someone, check out that My ads are at right place. Adsense ads and my website loading speed is good or not?

Website link is:


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Your website seems to load pretty well but I didn't see any Adsense ads I need help related to my website !

I saw some native ads under the content, but that's all.

I would suggest to format your posts a little better and funnel your readers down the page. It was hard for me to read anything because it was just a wall of text. If you take your time and format just a little bit you will notice a higher CTR and that means more money in your pocket.

I would also suggest trying out a WordPress theme that is specifically designed for Adsense.
I did a quick search and you can find some of those design options here:

Hope that helps I need help related to my website !

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