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If you've recently started to notice, large companies are resorting to Twitter posts to get across important updates about their businesses. One of the recent ones was from Google announcing their June 2019 core algorithm update which simply explained that their update was going live, that's it. They didn't go in depth about everything they were doing and why they were doing it, they just did an announcement on Twitter because of one reason, and one reason only...
Twitter is seen by millions and posts get shared easily
Google knows that not everyone has a Gmail or Google+ account so not everyone would see the announcement. Now, if you're in the Internet Marketing world you knew about this announcement about 12 seconds after it went live, but this is just one scenario. Massive companies resort to twitter because they know they are casting a wider net to potential viewers who aren't directly following them via email or browsing their websites daily.
Still don't understand what I'm talking about? Not a problem!
Look at it this way, if you were to start an ad campaign and not have to pay for it, would you target everyone you possibly could in order to have a chance to convert someone that may not have been interested prior to seeing your website? You could show them ads, make them interested, and gain a new customer all for free just because you went to a free platform like Twitter and made a small announcement. Well, that's basically what these big companies are doing! They know that there are massive amounts of people browsing twitter and they can cast a huge net to potentially put themselves in front of people who weren't aware they existed.
Another reason these big companies are resorting to Twitter for their big announcements is that people are more willing to check a social media platform than their email lol. How often have you logged into a social media account compared to an email you have? I know that I log into my email every day, but I log into my social media platforms multiple times a day, and I think the big corporations are starting to understand this.
Should you be using Twitter for your announcements?
The short answer is ABSOLUTELY! And why do I say this? It's because you will be mimicking the large corporations who are already doing this for a reason. You will cast your own net a bit wider and even though you're not a billion dollar company, you will eventually begin to bring in more traffic and sales later on down the road. You can get your words in front of many new people with each post and you never know who is going to be a new customer.
In the end,
Twitter is a great platform for announcements and news about your company because you can funnel people to your website or just engage with them on that platform. You can boost your subscribers, followers, likes, shares, etc. just by using a free platform to push your news.
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