
Do you fear Failure or do you take a leap of faith and venture into new things?

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Do you fear Failure or do you take a leap of faith and venture into new things?

Failure and success is a part of life, especially in the fields of Business and freelancing. Most of us would like to venture into new things and aspire for a degree of financial freedom in our life. Given a choice, everyone would like to be his or her own boss and have people working for us rather than working for someone else. However, starting your own business does require us to take risks in our life. We need to take a leap of faith for quitting our secured job and start from scratch when we are starting a new business. There can be various problems like financial constraints or personal problems which restrict us from taking this risk. What are your views and experiences about this? Does being afraid of failures keeps us away from taking risks?


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Being a freelancer is not always a stable career path, so failure is something you should always be prepared for, but never afraid of. After all, it is in failure when we learn the most valuable lessons.

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Not doing anything at all is worse than failure. I've experienced a lot failure and rejection for what seems like my entire life and I always tell myself that it's okay, that there's gonna be another chance next time and that at least I tried. But when it comes to quitting a secured job to start a business...

1. I'm not gonna do that because it's my source of income and growing a business is hard especially when starting from zero so what I would do is start the business but keep my job and when I feel like the business is doing quite great, I'm gonna quit my job and just focus on the business.


2. I'm gonna quit my job and start a business and when failure happens I can always get another job.

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You have a good point and those are the possible way that we could apply to ourselves. I do have a stable job and just doing some freelancing although, I am not able to get a lot from but still it helps me and for now I am just enjoying both of it but then I am still considering to start my own business and to work with my own time. For now, I still doing what I have right now and soon I will plan my business.

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Of course we fear failure but it's how we face it despite the fact that it's painful to fail. It's a big satisfaction if you fear something but you still do it, you still do the things you fear, and you still do it no matter what. Learning new things in life makes me feel so good, that even though its terrifying I know in the end it's worth it.

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Fear of failure is often the one hurdle most people never make an attempt to get past and unless circumstances compel them to make a move, they would rather stay in their comfort zone.

I've in the past grappled with the fear of failure and though I must admit I haven't yet fully vanquished it, I've made some progress. No longer am I afraid of trying something new. Should I fail, a few years from now I'll no have no regrets because at least then I'll not be wondering whether a business I should have started would have been successful or not.

My advice to anyone who is afraid of taking risks? Fear not. The only way to find out if you'll succeed at something is by trying. If you don't, you'll never know.

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We have to understand that failure is not the opposite of success, rather failure is part of success. Sometimes God allows you to fail not because you're a failure but because he wants you to learn something from that experience. So, never waste your storm without learning a lesson because people who fail to learn from their past are condemned to repeat it.

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I take a leap of faith in venturing into new things. I like the movie, the life of Pi. It is through the fear of Pi against the tiger that kept him alive in the ocean. It is just normal to fear failure. A child learns to walk not because of fear of failure.

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I used to fear failure, but I realized that was blocking me from success. I no longer fear failure, but instead, take a leap of faith and venture into new things.

Every mistake made in my life makes me wiser, and better. Fear of failure is the biggest obstacle to success. To succeed, you must overcome the fear of failure. Thus, you must risk, fall but rise up strong and better than before.

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Failures makes us wiser, we learn from it and one shouldn't be afraid of it. If one doesn't fail then one can't learn and be successful. But if constantly failing at things then you should reassess everything to identify the cause and find a solution. My old boss once told me that to be successful in a business you must first open up 5 businesses because that would give you all the experience and wisdom to successfully open and managed your 6th business. Of course you don't have to take it literally. You can be successful on your 2nd or 3rd business but on your first one? The chances of failure is very high.

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I think fear is associated with self-doubts and lack of knowledge. When the opportunity arrives, so many what ifs while seeking in. I honestly admit that I have fear of failure. It really holds me back every time I would try to venture out. I'm on the battle against my fear of failure and I hope that someday I'll conquer it.

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I am sure you will eventually be able to overcome this fear of failure and be able to go ahead in achieving the goals that you may have in your life. Most of us do go through this circle of self doubt after failures. Once you are able to overcome this feeling , the sky is the limit and you can be able to achieve things that you may have felt completely impossible to achieve in the past.

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Do you fear failure or do you take a leap of faith and venture into new things: Everyone of us experienced a failure in different kind of situation, it only depends on how we use those failures in our life. I failed many times but those failures makes me more stronger and encourage me more than theres a thing that is for me if I failed this time. I make my failure into kind of strong instead of making mylife miserable.

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When l first started freelancing, l started by signing up on Fiverr and advertising writing, proofreading and editing services but l had so much self-doubt and fear of failure that it practically crippled me. I could not advertise my gigs to my friends and family because l was scared they'd laugh at me "when" I failed. During this time, a friend of mine even gave me his project to proofread and instead of referring him to my gigs, I did it for free. Needless to say, that venture was a bust but I learned a lot from it and have grown stronger and tougher ever since. I am no longer afraid to tell people what l do to make money online and invite them to join me through my affiliate link.

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While the thought of failure is unsettling, I still realize that inaction is even worse and scarier. The thought the you could, but didn't grab the chance is a lot more scarier for me. So I guess I venture into by doing leap of faith, haha.

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I think failure is always a part of our life. This is unexpected results of what we do. However, failure teaches us to be strong and find ways to improve on what has failed us. It is an experience and a lesson to learn. It helps us evaluate and analyze our weakness. Thou, in most times it hurts but it made us wiser If we don't face our fear of failures there will be no chance to know our ability and capacity in life.

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I think that failure is just a natural thing that we will be experiencing no matter how good we are into certain things. I know that most of us experience some failure before and it is one of the things that make us to be strong and more motivated compare when it was before. Through some failures we learn how to move on and to be strong no matter what challenges we are facing. Failure doesn't mean the end of everything but it is just a beginning of our journey in this world.

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I try to think of different ways to change the things around me. And that way I can take care of the failure. It does not always works. But it can be working on many changes. Like say if I don't get clients. Instead of making that a failure. I try different option. And then see if I can work in a different way. I have mostly seen that method working out in approach where the failure needs validation like if the idea is not working. So apart from that it's better to see that people take leap of faith and change things around.

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I don't fear failure, and yes, I prefer to take a leap of faith and venture into new things. Failure is not the opposite of success. Failure is part of success. When you fail, you never lose, you learn something great from it as a reward and that is winning. In fact, we will never know how to figure out life without failures, because the next time around you encounter the same situations, this time you can take control of it as to how exactly you wanted it to be.

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I am not afraid of failure anymore because I’ve failed many times in my life already. I’ve learned how to face failure in my life. Failures made me stonger and tougher. Now, when I face challenges, it’s much easier for me to handle things and keep a positive mindset. And Faith in God is keeping me up.

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I have already experienced a lot of failures in life and what I have learned from it is that you have to overcome it and take a leap of faith for you to grow as a better person. Well the leap of faith is not an assurance that you will succeed but you have to use what you have learned in every failure for you to be a strong individual.

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I have to admit that fear of failure limits me way too much. I'm constantly having negative thoughts that don't leave me be. My problem is that the reward I perceive in all my enterprises is not really guaranteed and I feel anxious about spending my on something I don't trust :/

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When it comes to leaps of faith I'm like Indiana Jones in that movie where he had to step forward even though he didn't see any ground underneath him. If I don't take that step, what will I lose? Most major decisions in life are that way. Sometimes you can't see what's in front of you. But it's there. Right in front of you. Only thing for you to do is decide if it's worth the risk. If you have doubts or fears, don't do it, as your decision may be followed with regrets. But if you settled your mind to accept the outcome and deal with it, then ... JUMP!

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One year ago I used to be afraid of risk. In this past year I've been transitioning from being an employee to running my own business. I have also become a freelancer online. I have realized(though it took me a while) that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. You just have to go for it. I don't take this attitude for granted and I know that it comes only as a result of going through the fire so to speak.

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I fear failure but it doesn't mean that I won't take risks. My fear is overpowered by my determination to try something new. Failure is a blessing in disguise as it means you will be learning from your mistakes. It is through failure that we get to improve ourselves.

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I think, it's normal for people to fear failure. Failure is really a slap of reality that you cannot escape, that's why we sometimes don't want to take risks because we're afraid to lose what we have.

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There are many ways to test if you can handle the leap of faith but I cannot risk my office job for a business. This is not to brag but I am earning a high salary since I have worked my way from the bottom and now I am in the elite group of executives. My tenure of more than 30 years will prove that I have the patience and loyalty not to mention the dedication and diligence of a good employee.

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Glad to see the response and contributions to my post. Some of the responses are truly inspiring and I am sure will be very helpful for everyone who is reading this post. I think that once a person is able to overcome the feeling of being afraid with his failures, the road to success will be open for him and eventually with his effort he will be able to achieve his goals and transform his life.

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I'm not really sure what leap of faith means. Does it mean going for something without first thinking of possible outcomes? If so then... No definitely not me. I tend to study everything. I need to think over things many times, and pray twice as much before I even attempt to do anything. If the possibility of me losing something is more than my possible gain then I stop and turn around. But if the Lord tells me to push forward even with doubts in my head I'll trust Him. I guess it really depends now that I think about it more.

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Doing in depth research before we go into any business is something that we should always look at as well. It is not always all about going into any business before first getting to begin what we do with the business.

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As people say there's always a risk in business. But you're right on the fact that business is something that needs to be researched on and studied in depth to lessen the probability of a loss. It's not always easy to start out a business and we do need time, money, and a solid plan in order to proceed.

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I love this question. For years now, I have been struggling with my crippling fear of failure. I have always been an honor student who never failed any subject, and I've mostly succeeded with the endeavors I've tried taking back in high school. I have never really experienced a huge setback, and now that I'm in college, I'm afraid I'll finally experience one. However, I've decided to go against my knee-jerk reaction to settle for what's safe and comfortable - instead, I have been actively taking risks and trying out a lot of opportunities despite the possibility of failure. This, I think, really changed the game for me. It's really difficult, and it takes an insane amount of courage - I still feel nervous everytime - but I just trust that whatever happens, I'll learn something from it anyway. So to answer your question - I used to fear failure, but now I take a leap of faith and venture into new things!

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To be honest, being in that kind of situation where I am afraid of failing can really limit me from trying new things. However, I have learnt that nothing good comes easy and for that easy, I have focused on doing everything to dare to dream. I am looking at getting better at taking calculated risks as well.

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I don't fear failure because it is a part of becoming a successful. We all have our decisions in life on choosing whether freelancing or have a stable job or do both. I take failure as an investment to improve myself and to have an idea on what I have done wrong. I also want to explore new things no matter what it is as long as it would help my life even though it won't be successful. You wouldn't having failures if you won't try something new and stick to your comfort zone.

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I'm actually a bit of both. I'm still not sure with my courage because sometimes, it falters and sometimes, it boosts. Well, mostly, I fear failure. I am just a human and I think, everyone of us feels like this and I think it's just natural.

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I take risks all the time - calculated risks. Every time I start or is planning a new project, I always do proper research about it. You see, it's not ideal to do something you want to because you believe it'll work, or only because of a hunch that it will work, it needs to be supported by data research to be more successful.

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We should not fear the failure. If we always do so, we will not be able to achieve great things. What if some famous performer, actor or singer feared and felt anxious about their performances before they became famous? Well, the answer is simple. They would not be so famous now. Same with business and everything. Take the risk and go for whatever you see fit! If you do not risk, you will not gain anything. But if you risk you can gain so much.

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I don't believe in "failure", as I think no matter how, we are actually learning even though we might not get the end results we wanted. I always remember a story or quote about Thomas Edison's invention. He said he has not failed, but just found ways that the light bulb didn't work. When one way doesn't work, we just need to find another way to make it work. I also believe when we have faith, the doors will always open for us. I believe there's a will, there's a way. Even if the door doesn't open, we can always make it open too. Moreover, I am grateful for many nice people who shared their successful stories with us and even give us many guidelines or tutorials.

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If we are not ready for failure then we are also not ready for success. Failure happens to everyone and no one is exempted in this, but you should know how to handle it. We have to look for the positive side of everything happens to our lives to be able to keep moving with our life.

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For me, I'm not much of a risk taker. I prefer venturing into projects or tasks after gathering sufficient information about the possible circumstances I might encounter, the potential problems, and the probable outcome of my choices. I prefer to plan my course, carefully chart out which steps I should take first, and what must be done in order to succeed. If I were to choose between quitting my permanent job and freelancing, I prefer to do a compromise and do a bit of both. Freelancing is not a stable income, it may fail and it may succeed sometimes. Especially if you have a family to provide for, you have to consider doing something more stable and consider freelancing as a part time for extra income.

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I doubt that there's anyone out there who is completely unafraid of failure. Failure has been equated to loss and more painfully, to some kind of insufficiency. It just depends on whether or not one feels that it's an insufficiency in our circumstances or in ourselves.

We shouldn't let that hold us back, though. There's no exploration, no going forward, if we stay within our zone of complacency and routine. We still have to weigh the risks, of course. Sometimes, the things we stand to lose far outweigh even the benefits of success in our ventures.

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