
Have you ever tried to write a script for a TV series or a movie?

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Have you ever tried to write a script for a TV series or a movie?

This may be difficult task to pull because you need a lot of time and patience in order to write a decent script for a TV series or a movie. So, my question is: Have you ever tried to write a script? Have you succeeded? 


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I did before way back in high school, but it was not for a TV series or a movie but only for a play. I was assigned to be the scriptwriter for a short story adaptation in our English class. It was just for a couple of lines, it only lasted for about 20 minutes or so, and I feel that I did a great job. Our group had an A for that project.

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Wow. That's already a great achievement. It must be fulfilling to have your work being used in your school.

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At the time, yes. I'm not bragging or anything but after that, I was offered to write for a more significant play for the school, but I didn't take the chance and politely declined. I feel that it's just not for me and not something I'm glad of doing.

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No I have never tried to write a script. However, one time I did entertain the idea of providing “ideas” for scripts. I saw an ad one time where it said submit your “ideas” for a script and if accepted you would be paid for it. I did not follow through.

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Have I ever tried to write a script for a TV series or movie? Yes, I have tried writting a script tor a tv series because I was broadcasting major when I was in college. I can say writing a script is not an easy thing to do and now I have more respect for the staff and producer of television shows.

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No, I haven't tried it. But, I have a dream of doing it someday in the future. It would be a great achievement for you to have your work broadcasted Nationwide.

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I did for a short movie competition when I was in college, I wrote most of the script with a little modification by my groupmates during the filming and the whole school watched the films which gave me extreme anxiety but it's my favorite experience in college and the best part is we won the best movie award.

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Way to go! I can understand your anxiety of the situation, and I used to feel the same way. Anymore, since I've been doing filmmaking regularly for several years now, I've gotten to the point where I love to share my work with others and let them watch it.

My friends and I compete in a film race every summer where we have to write, shoot and edit a film in less than 24 hours. This past year, we screened in the top 10 films and it played to a theater of 1000+ people, which was incredible! It feels great when you hear people laugh at the jokes you put in, and saw "aww" during your heartfelt moments. All those little things.

Overall, great experience just like you had! We won the "student spotlight award" and award for best actor!

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That's great! Yes it feels really good but I need to work on overcoming anxiety a little bit more, also I'm not that confident with my work, I always think they're not that good enough so I'm afraid to show it to others. I'm really proud of myself and my work but I don't think people feel the same way.

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Yes, quite frequently, actually! Nothing well-known per se, but my friends and I compete in a film race ever summer in which we have to write a script, shoot it and edit it in no more than 24 hours. I've also written a lot of scripts for short films that I've come up with, not all of which I've actually gotten around to filming. It's nice to just get your ideas down in screenplay format so you can visualize the camera angles/movements and scenes.

None of my productions have ever been feature length, but I'd say they were successful. They were made into films anyway!

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Creativity is a luxury not all can afford. Words will seems like parched land if you don't know how to use it properly in an artistic way. I write scripts, and there's a lot of it written in our language intended for fantasy drama. However, I haven't submitted any copy yet in any of the tv networks in our country. Time is gold and I don't have it. It would be a great honor to be able to get accepted in the future for writing scripts.

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I am glad that so many of you actually tried to write a script! I see that some of you even wrote some scripts and got paid. Congratulations! I am currently trying to write one myself. It is difficult and it sometimes I get stuck while writing. But I guess that is normal. I can not wait to finish my script for TV series!

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Wow. A script for a tv series is a daunting task. I am rooting for you. When stuck just look at your outline and look at the ending that you are foreseeing. Make sure that you really know your characters and know their motivation.

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Thank you for the advice and nice words! I already know the ending, I planned it a long time ago, before I even started writing a script. I basically had the full outline for the whole series from day one. I really, really know my characters because my script for TV series is basically semi-autobiographical.

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I haven't tried that before. My focus is on writing books, booklets and other spiritual materials that we can use to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. I also wrote poems about love and about God but never in my entire life that I wrote a script even for a play.

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It's included in my Bucket List, I still haven't had the opportunity to write a script for a TV or Movie yet not even for a Play. But I do dream of writing a script for a TV Sitcom.

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I also haven't done it before. But, I guess all of us dreamt of at least writing for a single commercial.

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Yes. I have written and directed a film that was a requirement to finish a summer film making program that i joined. It was a short film of about 17-18 minutes and yet it took us the whole day to finish filming the scenes. It was a hard but enjoyable experience and definitely one I wouldn't forget. I have worked on film sets after that but now have recently taken a hiatus and am currently trying to start a different career path.

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To be honest I am not a fiction writer but when it comes to scripts my husband is tops. He was giving lectures before on the nuances of scriptwriting for tv and movies even if he has only 1 script that was made into a movie. The discipline of scriptwriting looks simple but actually is complicated as you go along. There is the sequence treatment that will be the main guide to the script but you also have to make the sequence list and some other tasks like character build up, setting, etc.

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I have never tried. I'm always open to new experiences. I'm really unsure about this one, truth be told. I don't think that I could concentrate enough to write a whole movie or worse a series. I don't think that I would have the patience to develop the characters to the depth that is required by a movie or a series script. In a series you need to constantly keep the audience entertained which is really hard.

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I've never been given the opportunity to, but I think I'd love to challenge myself by trying it out at least once. I mostly write content articles, but I do enjoy reading works of fiction. The last time I attempted fiction was back in high school, where I got assigned to write the script for our play.

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Writing of any kind is not easy. I have tried writing several television scripts and it was really difficult and slow. I eventually managed to finish one. Unfortunately, l had no idea what to do after writing the script. I don't know anyone in television or production so I ended up abandoning the idea.

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I have never tried to write the script of a TV series or a movie.I think there is a huge difference when between writing a script for a TV series and writing for a movie. Writing a TV series script is definitely more challenging and stressful. One has to do a lot of changes and U-turns according to the demand of the director. One has to be very flexible and dedicated fully to the project during the entire span of the TV series.

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The only script I've ever written are for school plays. Not only did I write the scripts but I directed the plays as well. It was back in High School and we have a yearly play competition. It helps students practice and find passion in performing arts. I was always too shy to be in the spotlight so I became the designated script writer because I do admit that my scripts were good. I usually get script ideas from my poems. But it sounds fun writing script for TV

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Thank you all for responding to my topic! I hope that those of you who are interested in writing will write one script in future, be it for a movie or TV series. I am glad I found out that some people wrote something similar to this and I am glad that you provided me with certain info that I find helpful. Thank you all!

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Never had the chance to write a script for TV. Not my specialty actually, I mainly create product descriptions, sales copy and general blog posts. But it would be an interesting thing to try doing.

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