
Interesting fact about the Internet

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Interesting fact about the Internet

Hello guys, many of use the internet on a day to day basis to send emails, communicate via Whatsapp and also wish our friends in other countries. Have you ever wondered how data travels from you device to you friend out there in the other country in just a matter of seconds? Data travels through super fast cables laid on the ocean floors which connect multiple countries. Interesting as it may sound, you can Google out more information on this and you would be amazed.


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It is pretty mind blowing when you think about it. It can be hard to believe at times that the internet is such a big part of our everyday lives. When you actually consider the technology that goes into it, it makes you appreciate it so much more.

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I agree with you. It's hard to believe, but it really is part of our lives. Just the fact that most people will struggle without the connection in just a single day is a big evidence that technology has completely invaded our lives and is already part of our lifestyle.

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I can relate. It can also be a bad thing. Our dependence on technology could eventually bring our downfall. A lot of factories have been known to contribute to pollution. Basically, it does some amount of good but with a price.

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This is indeed the truth not everything that technology resulted in is helpful. Internet, when used in a bad way, would lead people astray. Teens nowadays rely heavily on the internet and sometimes abused it.

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I agree with you. Internet has become a great and important part of my life.

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I was amazed how things like this happened but I always thinking that it is all about the hi-technology that we have now.

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Absolutely correct! It is indeed part of our lives already. Sometimes you can not function without internet. When we are working, we use internet, when we are calling someone from abroad we use internet.

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Internet is one of the powerful today. I cant imagine what life would be if internet vanish?

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We would go back to an old era or to the times where internet is being made. Imagine if we go back to that time, life would be quite hard and tiresome. Technology helps us make our life easier without it, everything we do or working takes time to finish.

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I dont think people will survive if we will go back to that time. Business is depending now in the computer and technology so if things go wrong the business sector will definitely suffer and people too.

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You are correct, we are not so sure how does it really works and you will be amazed when you think of it and maybe, you will be curious as well. Technology is like a galaxy that you need to explore so you might know more what is inside of it.

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I agree. It's something we take for granted. For those of us born into it, we think it's just part of normal life. But it's only been recently invented in the past few decades. Lots of people lived their lives without even using a computer.

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They had to place them underwater because it's really the only place that they'd be safe from constant tampering or bad actors.

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How amazing our technology now! Yes, true! It's sounds interesting how fast internet data is which travels from place to place even if a person lives far from the country. Well, there are more amazing facts we can discover about internet such as there are more than 1.9 billion websites in the internet and some of it are most likely a blogs and businesses sites, a very competitive phase for us especially new comers.

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The world is getting people to interact better with the people that are on it. I believe that this is the way that we have seen a better world where we can talk with others freely.

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I have always been fascinated by the Internet. I am not so much interested in how it works as in that it does work and hopefully will never stop working AND people around the world will be granted access to this tool that makes the entire planet a world with no borders. Internet for everyone is on my Christmas Wish List, along with World Peace. I honestly believe - idealistically and unrealistically (I know) - that the Internet is a means to achieving world peace.

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I think you’re right. It’s amazing how the internet really does break down borders. I even think about here on the forum on SEOclerks there are people from all countries and backgrounds - it’s pretty wonderful when you think about it!

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For me, it's the most wonderful invention ever! I have always wanted to travel to various parts of the world but it's not possible. However, with the Internet, it's “virtual travel”. But hey! I meet real people. The people aren't “virtual”. LOL.

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Internet has pros and cons too, but I lean towards positivity like I can't imagine life without internet, I mean it's just now a part of our life, this era is the most amazing and interesting time to be alive, we have unlimited access to almost all the information in the world and that for me is amazing, like for me everyone can quit school quit their job and live in home together with their loved ones and learn online study online and get a job online because of internet nothing really is impossible, thanks to the one who invented internet.

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For sure there are more positives than negatives. I used to worry about my kids going to college and not having transportation to get to and from the campus. But now they can go to school online and never leave the house. What a blessing! They didn't get cheated out getting an education. The Internet brought the college to them.

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It amazing how we get to communicate with one another so swiftly I do enjoy every bit of the innovation called internet. The findings about it is so amazing too. It just magnificent that the world is like a global village now information get sent out at a spilt seconds to different continents.

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"... Global village is exactly my point with the invention of the internet.."

Seriously without the internet, the world would be still a stone dull and boring planet in my opinion.

So, the internet has made everything all better and we can't do without it today.

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This is kind of true. Without internet we might not be able to communicate thru messenger or any other application. Without internet there would be no such thing as Facebook and Youtube.

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That's true. It's really amazing how we can easily connect with each other in just a second no matter where our location is.

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It is unbelievable but its true. I was amazed too but thankful also because our lives is easier now compared before.

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The internet has connected many people to every part of the world. It is just so amazing that that we can easily communicate like we're just standing at the front of our yards talking p each other.

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It is pretty special. When I was younger I had snail mail penpals and it used to take a couple of weeks for letters to arrive from overseas. Nowadays with email you can send messages globally in the snap of your fingers. Such a wonderful innovation!

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I agree. Before, we need pens and paper to communicate to our families in another country. We have to email it and wait for days receiving the letter, but now we can talked to them face to face using our smartphones, tablet or laptop. We can connect to them instantly which a huge advantage having an internet.

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I totally agree, and that's the power of internet. Humans now a days rely on internet. Everything we do, we use internet, from traveling, doing some business transactions, calling our love ones, and etc we use internet. It's like a part of our life already and when the times it's gone, we can not function properly.

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Well, who doesn't know about the internet and how good it has been to our world. The world is made a global village today all because of the internet and social media.

The extension of the fact is that internet still getting better and better as the day goes by.

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It's really amazing how technology evolves ever since. Internet is one of the most useful technology being utilized by individuals all over the entire world. It's really fascinating how people get connected wherever they are with the aid of internet.

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Yes, you are right. The technology has done wondrous things and the greatest of them is the internet. I can't imagine how people will be if internet is cut. Well, we managed to live without it before, but l, nowadays, we will be struggling.

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Somehow I agree with you. Technology amaze us until now. Thru internet we can search anything we want. If we may want to play games, we can download thru internet. If we just want a youtube then we can search videos for entertainment or DIYs. The communication from other people also serves here. We can connect with other people without living the country.

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I also find it very amazing that technology has come a long way. I just can't fathom what would be the heights that it'll achieve in the future. I just hope that the security of the accounts would still be a top priority in the future.

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I also hope that will be the case when it comes to security. If people start to lose faith in how secure their data is, it might see the internet as we know it change dramatically.

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Me as well. Security is the danger of the internet because of the increasing numbers of hacking. Personally, I haven't experienced being hacked and I don't want to experience. But I have friends who were hacked, most of it is there accounts on Facebook. What I am scared about is someone going to use your identity.

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Interesting fact about the internet: That is one of the great things that has been done in this days of hours. I was a mind blowing how it was happened, it will never failed to amaze anyone of us the main brain of these hightech evolution.

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As there are many benefits of internet today. There are also bad effects caused by internet specially to our little ones. It is our job as adults to secure our children from bad influences particularly the social media and video streaming sites like YouTube.

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That is the good one to have a internet for our lives today but i have one question, ever you wonder while searching some naugthy things in google, the service provider can see this? Or your password at e-wallet and bank?

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Well you can have anything one snap of your hands and that's a fact. As our world is modernized, high technologies, and fast internet connection, you can always connect the outside world. You can have a news about other countries, always updated about the lives of the celebrities that you've followed, can do online shopping, live streaming and etc. These are the wonders of internet.

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I agree with you. Everything is so easy nowadays that I'm afraid in the future, it would be easier for people to hack other people's accounts.

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Approx 99% of internet is hidden and the rest 1% of internet That is called surface web , when you are reading anywhere like wikipedia or google is coming under surface wave.

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I never knew that! Kind of crazy to think about the extreme depths that the internet can go to. I wonder if there are accurate figures about just how many websites are out there, for example. I think it’d be almost impossible to calculate!

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It's amazing how our technology has immensely improved now when years ago people were only limited to writing letters to each other and have to wait for weeks to get a reply! Even telephones back then were so expensive that you couldn't stay long enough in a call to enjoy a real conversation. But these days it's all free!

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Even when I was a kid in the early 90s that was the case - even calls within our country that were longer than a certain distance away were classed as “long distance calls” and were pretty expensive. Hard to believe that we’ve completely bypassed that these days and we can video chat with people around the globe for free!

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I remember that time as well. And the dial up internet, I think it was really expensive at that time. Do you remember using the internet and no one can use the phone at the same time? LOL! What a time that was. That was one of the reasons why I couldn't stay longer than an hour online, it's because no one could use the phone if I was online.

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Technology has come a long way. This is an interesting fact to know and have. Its fascinating I wonder how someone thought of this idea. I know that Bill gates is credited with coming up with the first personal computer. Who came up with the internet? I know that the internet started spreading seriously in the 1990's. Most of us were too young then and don't even remember the whole process.Interesting fact.

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Yes. It seems that this information has been taken for granted. I wonder who has a bigger contribution, Bill Gates or the inventor of the internet? Since you brought up this question, I will read about this. I am very curious now.

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Wow. I didn't know that. What I do know is I can't live the life I'm used to without internet connection. That would be boring. I hope in the future internet connection would be free and you can connect anywhere. That's impossible nowadays since telecommunication companies took the opportunity to make money out of it.

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Yes. I also hope that the internet will become free and that anyone can connect to it. It is still pretty impossible nowadays because there are areas that cannot be reached by signal towers such as here in my place. We have a signal but not the entire province has it.

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Yes I was aware of this fact. Many public and the commercial servers is what makes up the internet. And ISPs are playing the important role here for the communication. And their data transfer is what is responsible for us to communication and other things. You can see that internet is changing it may add new ways for the communication. That should give people some idea on the data transfer.

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I just hope as time goes on, people will not abuse the usage of internet. I hope we will be responsible enough upon using it for a better purpose such as to enhance our daily living and communication.

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The Internet is indeed really amazing. I cannot imagine how people invented this technology. Nowadays, we live in a digital age where you can almost get anything from the internet. Through the internet, people are connected from all around the world. You learn from Google almost anything under the sun. The society today is a very far from what it is before.

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There are different ways to transmit data it could be via optic cables which is laid in the sea floor connecting countries which is pretty amazing really because to lay it down they would need big ships and submarines along with deep sea divers. Data can also be transmitted thru older copper cables and thru Satellites. It's really amazing how people developed the technology to do this.

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I'd imagine it would only take a few seconds. Messaging apps like Viber show you when the person has received the text and when the person has read it. Sometimes there's a delay for sure but it only takes a few seconds so I'd imagine it would take a few seconds to send and receive email.

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Yes, internet is one of the best invention in human history. It makes one's life easy in terms of communication, research and gathering of information and news. It gives us learning in daily basis. It feels like a huge library with updates. Although, there are also wrong information shared on internet but it has more advantage and useful for us. I salute those people who first started the concept of internet. The developers and programmers who work hard to improve and develop this technology up to this days.

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I find it really amazing at some point because whenever I am chatting with my friends at Facebook the message came really fast which is something that really amaze me. I really don't know how did technologies do it since it is still a question on my mind. I really appreciate how technologies do it since it is really cool and very interesting to have.

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Thanks for sharing this fact. I am so grateful for the people behind the invention of internet. My life has become comfortable.

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Did you know that as of today there are more than 1.9 Billion Websites in the Internet? These websites contain 4.46 Billion pages of data. According to Google, they have only indexed 0.004 percent of all content present in the internet.

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It's mind-boggling to think of the number of websites on the internet now, and just how much data they contain.

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Wow, and to think about the amount of traffic that internet receives each day. Here we sit in our dark room, writing something, and while we do it - the same billions of people do it as well. I wonder how there is still no artist who took this as an idea to create a painting illustrating this image. Kinda amazing to think how many people are spending their time on the internet.

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With the advent of the internet, information is made much more accessible to the public. We can communicate with our distant relatives and friends through chat and video call.

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Right it's so amazing like if you just literally think of it like how does it actually work, we can't even see it in the air like how? and how can someone invent something like this? Like sure he probably just imagined of it but to implement it and make it a reality is just amazing to me, brilliant people. And I really thank them a lot the people that invent these things that we all have access too.

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When I was younger, I always have thought like that. I always ask how can two people be able to talk through telephone? How can their voice reach the other side? And how does our data travel? It was truly amazing. But what really amazes me is how does the Bible knows what will happen in the future and wrote it thousands of years ago.

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The technological advancement has helped in reducing the distance in the World. Due to Internet we are able to communicte very easily with people all throughout the world. It has definitely helped in breaking all the barriers between people and we feel like a single community online inspite of our geographical distances.

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That's true. It feels like just about anyone can communicate nowadays. It doesn't matter if you're on the other side of the globe. The internet has made it possible for us to reach each other no matter how far.

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i think that internet is very powerful because it can influence our mind and behavior, we often associate those things that we saw in the internet, that is why it is very important to be wise and diligent in using it because it can also give us some some negative consequences if we will used it in a wrong way.

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Think of a scenario that your forefather who lived in the early 1900 will come back to life and experience the internet. I’m sure he will be both shocked and amused because of the impossibility of the digital communication during his time. Even some seniors nowadays are surprised to the reality of the internet communication facilities not to mention the apps and the websites.

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The actual browseable and searchable pages of the Internet is a small percentage of the whole thing. There are lots of servers, darknet and devices that exist online that you cant see. Like a big ice berg.

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