
What's your worst distraction as a freelancer?

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What's your worst distraction as a freelancer?

Most times, we are faced with one obstacle or the other when we are trying to make it in life. While I was starting my freelancing life, I have the distractions of friends asking for a visit always. While I had to cut ties with them to improve on my freelancing journey, it has not been that easy so far. 

What has been your worst distraction as a freelancer? 


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Probably the phone. I get too many calls that interrupt me from getting work done. Sometimes I have to turn it off in order to accomplish important tasks.

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Same with me, it's my phone. But in my case, it's the social media accounts that disturb me most of the time. However, I'm not planning on getting away from them as they are like the tools to keep me entertained.

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Yeah same here, for example, Facebook, after I post some article I keep on looking at my Facebook account to browse.

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Each and every time that a new notification comes in then it is a great time to leave whatever you were doing and check only to find an unimportant message. Phone distractions are the worst.

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Social media has a funny way of helping and sabotaging your work's progress. Done right, it can brighten your mood during dull hours. But if overused, it can also lead to procrastination. Something many of us still struggle with on a daily basis.

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Phone calls are also my distraction. I use my phone's internet on my laptop through mobile hotspot. However, when people called internet would be interrupted. Then one day I decided to disable calling while using internet on phone, this saved me from calls distractions.

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The same is true to me. Phone call is also my distraction.

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For most of the people phone calls and social media are the greats distractions. If you want to continue working without being distracted, you will have to disable phone calls and stop visiting social media sites. Apart from phone and social media, I am also being distracted by household chores and my kid.

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That is right. I agree with you. So that I will not be distracted, my phone should be placed in silent mode.

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My phone is also my biggest distractor. I will either receive calls or messages and I find myself replying them, hence wasting a lot of time.

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I agree with you. My biggest distractor is also my phone. There will be sudden calls to be answered.

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I agree with you, I get really distracted when my phones beep and when I checked it I can't put it down.

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I agree with you. I have experienced it. I was so focused in writing when suddenly my phone rang. I don't have a choice but to answer it.

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I think the bad news from phone calls is really a big distraction and very destructive. To hear that someone you know is suffering from cancer and is about to die is so heartbreaking.

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Me too. It's best to turn off your cellphone during working hours. You can also put it in silent mode if you're waiting for an important message. Though, I keep mine away for a solid few hours so that I can focus on my work.

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Yes, I turn off my phone too when doing something that's important to me. Otherwise, I'll constantly keep checking it for new notifications.

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You remind me of the olden days before the cellphone and the internet. When I was manning the boutique there would be so many calls on the phone that I couldn’t handle when there are customers around. I cannot imagine working with a ringing phone once in a while because that is really not just a distraction but sometimes annoying even if the call is important.

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Most of us distracts with pir mobile phone while doing your freelancing jobs. It was part of our technology and it could also help us to improve our freelancing journey. I only prefer to silent my phone or turn it to vibrate and not totally turn it off for some emergency cases or emergency calls from friends or family. When it comes to social media, it was also your choice to check your social media accounts so it won't bother you if you don't check it while doing your job. It was just a matter of choice and actions with your distractions.

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The internet browser itself because you attemp to add another page and search again of anything comes from your mind. Lol

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Hahaha same, sometimes even when you are working on something you just cant resist browsing in different websites.

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I can relate to you. On my browser, I have Instagram, Facebook, and Gmail opened. Sometimes, I would think for something and decide to search for it on the search engine. And the worst is, I would watch some videos on Youtube if I remember a TV program.

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Yes, it's the best temptation we can't resist. We lose our focus. I also do that, I keep saying myself to stop it but I keep doing the opposite way. This always makes me in trouble. I can't finish a task. My purpose is defeated.

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I do not want to check my email again and again. lol What

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That's not easy, but I believe that checking of emails is part of the freelancing journey. This is because you may be doing so in order to know if a client has dropped a message for you.

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Yes, I’ve got to check my emails multiple times a day. It’s a necessary evil in the freelancing world since it’s how potential clients get in touch with me. I’ve always got to ensure I reply in a timely manner.

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I think the worst distraction that I have encountered before as a freelancer was the temptation of watching some great videos on the YouTube which hinders me to focus more on my freelancing activities. Most of the time I cannot finished immediately my task because of tying to surf at YouTube and consuming most of my available time rather than working on it to my online jobs.

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Really, Youtube videos? I mean I have my favorites also but that's hardly a distraction for me.

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Yes because there are a lot of things that we can watch at YouTube. I can watch the replay or live coverage of news that I really like an can stay updated on my favorite TV series. Sometimes when I feel bored I watched and listen to my favorite music videos that helps me to feel relax for a while.

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I normally catch my breaking news on television. Social media is good at breaking news, but the problem is it's then filled with noisy opinions normally driven by politics or something. There's plenty of time for that later, but at the beginning of anything - I just want the story.

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I have the same problem too. Probably not too much but when I feel stressed or tired with my work, I pause for a while and play my favorite music videos.

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I am getting so addicted at YouTube because I can do a lot of things in it and I cannot sometimes know that I am already spending much time form it which is really annoying at some time. I am trying my best now to avoid the site especially if I am working on my freelancing sites because it really distract me and affects my concentration as well which would leads me to have a very low earnings on my online jobs if I will not make some ways on how I can deal with it.

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I agree with you, actually for me it's every social media that I have.

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Yes that is true and I see that social media sites prevent me from doing some of my freelancing activities since I am being drag by it. I am really enjoying surfing to some social media sites because I really learned a lot and being entertained for some time.

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True, but surfing won't pay us money. hahaha

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can't you just stop watching videos and focus on your work? Well, I am not distracted by youtube because I use youtube in moderation, however, sometimes social media create a lot of distractions for me. In the middle of work, when I get tired, I go to my favorite social sites. I just want to escape for 10-15 minutes, however, I end up spending over an hour in useless activities.

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Sometimes it is very hard for me to focus on my work especially if what I am watching at some social media sites is my favorite TV series which I am a fan of. It really puts me in trouble because I am being tempted by it but then of course i admit that it is my fault because I should have done something so that my focus on work could not be affected. I think I should try to create some strategies to solve my problem.

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In that case, you have to made a schedule for working and entertainment. If you mix both, you will not been able to work properly. You have to create a routine for working, checking social sites and watching videos.

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That's another issue and one thing that I have noticed about watching videos is that someone may get addicted to it to the extent that they won't want to do any other thing. So, you should try to cut on that.

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Yes that is really true since sometimes when we are watching some videos we really focus on it especially if we really like it so much that makes us distracted in an assistant. We also sometimes tend to forgot that we are doing something very important. It is one of the hindrance that I am having some difficulty to be resolved right now that is why I am trying my best to cope with that problem.

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My aunt because she always ask for some errands like going to the grocery or asking me to pay some bills. Your can be very annoying sometimes always asking what you are doing. And then when you tell them that you are working then thy will just say why am I always on my laptop. Their "working" means should be in an office not on laptop. They thought that I am always posting on my social media which is annoying sometimes.

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I agree with you, someone in my family is the same with your aunt.

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Exactly and it is annoying sometimes. They thought that I am just playing or posting on my social media which in fact I was working.

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Haha.. I have had this issue with my fiance as she is always not ready to accept the fact that I am working to earn. She always take my working to mean that I am addicted to my mobile device which is pretty funny.

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I also have a sister like this. She always ask for my consent when she have to do like anything. She will ask you to watch the video that she watched because it was so funny or it could be asking for help on something she can't do that's why I always work in my room and music is on.

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My worst distraction as a freelancer are notifications from YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Facebook and other sites. Combine this with text notifications even if I change my settings to mute or vibrate mode, I could still see it on my screen. There's no escaping it. So I just delete whatever is not really important when I'm on my break and look at the important ones after I've finished my work.

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I agree with you, i really get distracted and tempted to switch tabs.

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you seem to be distracted by social sites. I also believe that social sites create a lot of distractions. If you are working for long hours, you tend to get bored and you want to escape for 10-20 minutes. You find social media sites relaxing. However, you start spending time on social media without realizing that you have spent a lot of time on useless activities. The only way to stop this by working on short shifts, walking in your room, doing stretching etc.

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I think my biggest distraction is getting bored. So if I am bored I will go to a website like Youtube, or just browse on my phone for a bit. It takes up a lot of time, and time is money so.. yeah not that good.

Another distraction is my day job, which is kinda okay since it is the graveyard shift (go in at 12am til 8am) and because of that I am so used to update my sites during the early morning hours of the day when there is not much traffic.

Also, another distraction of mine is my friends trying their hardest to drag me out of the house to go to restaurants and such with them. I mean it is nice to invite me, but they should know I am forever working and do not really have the time to go to expensive restaurants nor the means to pay for it.. I mean a $15 sandwich? No thanks.. lol

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Working continuously can make you bored and you might be easily distracted. If you are not enjoying your work, you will end up being bored. Therefore, concentrate on the wok that makes you happy,
I don't think day job can be considered distraction because day job is more rewarding that working on earning sites. Unless you have a proper business, generating good income online is almost impossible.
Friends can be a great distraction and I agree on this.

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Well, my constant distraction while working as a freelancer is social need. I can't help it but to check on my social media accounts or even video streaming sites. It's like my way of coping with stress.

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I agree with you, the need to connect and talk to people.

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Looks like most of the people have the same distraction. The only way to avoid this distraction is by using social site in your work instead of spending time doing nothing creative. For instance, instance of checking facebook feed, you can create groups and pages on facebook, bring members and followers on your group and page, and the start promoting your work or even do affiliate marketing.

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Some of my friends on social media have complained that my time on it has reduced and I think that I can't just help it since I have a lot to do with my freelancing life which is not easy.

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It can be tough, because freelancing can often be lonely. It's not the same as working in an office where when you've got some quiet time you can have a chat to the person next to you. For me, some days I have zero adult interaction until my husband gets home. That's definitely lonely! So for me, sometimes checking my social media sites helps fill that "human interaction void".

It can definitely be distracting and a time waster, though.

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The internet itself and the social medias.

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The internet is a mess. I find myself disconnecting my laptop from the internet, but find myself connecting my phone to the internet.

Once connected, I will directly go to social media. At the end of the day, I will spend a lot of time on social media, which is a waste of time.

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My distractions are social media platforms. Instagram, Facebook, Youtube are always getting my attention. Sometimes, I will just close my browser so I won't be able to see any notifications. The other distraction that I have is the household chores. Since I am working from home, I tend to do more household chores to keep our house clean and organized. Something that is hard to do.

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I feel you, there are times that those social medias are tempting you to open and browse them.

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Mobile phone is the main distraction to me while working. Whenever I get bored I grab my phone and check my social media account and youtube too. Once I feel that I am ready I will go back to work again.

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I agree with you, once you pick it up it will be hard to put it down.

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Yeah and I think many people could relate on that. Mobile phone is very powerful tool that can distract our attentions.

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It seems that you only need some breaks with your work. It feels good when you were refreshed from where your working and go back after some break. It wasn't bad to take some breaks while working because it will help you to improve your mind and positive when you get back to your work and it was effective.

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My biggest distraction is probably my butterfly brain. I find it hard to focus on one project at a time. However, I can also spend hours perfecting something to write and that too has its downfall. It is fine, but I am never satisfied. Then of course there is the housework and so many other things I do. If I could spend a week focused and produce the ebooks I am writing instead of waiting till I am satisfied, I might be rich by now.

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I am more focused on short term earning rather than building a reliable income source. This is my major distraction. I have blogs, I have published ebooks. If I work on blogs and ebooks I will be generating a stable income source. However, generating income from blog and ebooks take time. Therefore, I am spending my time on earning sites and freelancing. These works pay instantly.

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Oh, I've never heard that term "butterfly brain", but it certainly sums up how I feel sometimes when I sit down to work. I had a case of it yesterday where my brain couldn't just focus on a single task and I felt like I was just floating from job to job but getting nothing concrete finished. It was driving me batty!

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The freelancers need to deal with distractions. despite the fact that we manage to keep away from many distractions as possible, there'll still be moments when we're going to interrupt. In those instances, we want to learn how to control numerous distractions, which pop up. It isn't always possible for all of the time to carry out the work in a defined manner.

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It is not always easy, but we have got to deal with it. This is the point where we should prove that we are keen to keep moving higher. Life is never a bed of roses and I believe that when we look at doing the right things, it will definitely work fine for us.

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The worst distraction for me is noise.

I can't stand it in any form. Be it music or the steady hum of a fan, they all make it very hard for me to concentrate. Considering the fact that I live and work in places where the absence of noise is quite alien, it is always very difficult for me to do much writing most of the time..

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Well, noise can come in many forms and as you have described, a lot of things can pose as noise to anyone.

Unlike you who do not have any love for even music when writing, there are some people who are very comfortable with it. Personally, I enjoy listening to music when working online.

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I once installed fancy software which would play sounds you'd hear only at night. Cricket chirps, an owl hooting in the distance, etc. Apparently this software would change the atmosphere, block out any noise that might distract you while you work. It didn't help.

Sometimes I wish it were possible for me to play music while I write but if I do it would be impossible to write well.

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I think many people also distracted by noise. Whatever kind of noise is that is for me can distract peoples attention and focus.

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This could be one of the hardest distraction to the most of the freelancers. Others are having a hard time to focus when there's a little noise or music and it could easily distract us from our work. I usually listens to music while working, some raggae and jazz music motivates me but just a very low volume. It feels great to work with some background music that keeps me relax and I feel like I'm just having fun about what I do and there is no pressure at all.

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Actually there are so many things that distract me because I am used to multi tasking. Even though, it is still hard to focus on just one thing. There are so many things to know and learn in the internet that it is so tempting for me not to search for something for couple of times in day.

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If you are addicted to playing games as well, whether it's online or offline games, this single act alone is capable of taking your mind away from work for hours and before you can really understand what's going on, the day would be almost over.

There was a particular day I was hooked up playing games till midnight.

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Yes. I can also get distracted by games. Instead of doing work I end up playing games. This is the reason why I don't have any games installed on my laptop. There are times that I would stay up all night just to play.

Anime and books are also my distraction. I ended up watching and reading than doing my work. I just love animes and books so much.

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Internet or wifi connection is one of the distraction in writing or doing something important. We should make way on how to overcome about this issue.

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I will tag the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube and so on as the major points of distraction to so many people who are trying to work online as a freelancer. Once they get attached to these social networks, it's very hard to drop it.

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I guess the biggest factor in distraction is myself. I get to convince and set my mood in doing the task but I keep doing the other thing. I would end up blaming myself. I always lose my focus every time I sit in front of a laptop. There's so many temptations that I can't resist.

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I really don't consider them as distraction but they are the factor why I can't continue my work for a while. My nephews, when they were around, they all want me to play with them. They love me so much and I love them more than enough. They always hug me and kiss me. I can ignore other distractions but not them.

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That so sweet of you. I used to play my nephews when they were young. It was such a good feeling having fun with them.

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My worst distraction as a writer is a loud noise from the environment, because it makes me feel uncomfortable and made my mind not to focus just on writing.

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It is true that too much noise will make us irritated and at the same time we feel bad because of that distraction we might not finish our deadline job.

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My worst distractions are either social media (I try to keep my phone away from reaching distance when I'm working!) or external noise. I'm a parent too, so when my children are awake I've got to focus on them. Not that I'd call them a distraction, but they mean that my work hours are limited.

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Social media is one of the main distraction for us. I think we should put our phone away from us while working so that we can be focused to our job 100%.

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I think for me it's the internet connection haha since i only have a few friend's. I hate it specially sometime's when i'm doing online job, when our internet connection got slow, it's the worst distraction for me because when your internet got slow you can't continue doing your online job and it's hard to continue with a slow internet connection so you need to wait till it became fast again.

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Thankfully my internet connection where I live right now is pretty good, stable and quick - so I can't complain in that regard. I definitely can understand though how a slow or unreliable connection would be a huge distraction and frustration when it came to getting work done and submitted in a timely manner.

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Totally true! It sometimes cause me stress especially when I am doing a research and then the connection will suddenly stop. Especially when the informations flow into my minds and I am at the peak of writing then the connection will suddenly slow down, my ideas will also diminish as my anger starts to burst out.

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I feel you. It happened to me before and I was like very disappointed about my wifi connection. It is true that wifi connection is one of the worst distraction ever.

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It is the reason why we are able to do work online and without it, it is almost impossible to get to work. I just hope that the internet connection here in our country could get more stable in the future.

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I hope so too. Internet connection is really slow. New telco will operate the country soon and I hope there will be a huge changes when it comes to the speed of internet.

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I have heard that news that a new telco company will be entering our country that could beat other telco companies when it comes to internet speed. I just hope that they'll give us the speed that we expect from them so that we could work without this kind of distraction.

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Offline Jobs, sometimes I get calls for some offline work and when this happens my online schedule gets all muddled up.

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My worst distraction as a freelancer is the social media sites. I can't help but to spend too much time scrolling through social medias. It is my way of spending time and I almost spend around 10hrs on my social media accounts. One thing that I did in order to refrain myself from using social media sites, I removed it from my homepage where its shortcut is placed. On that way, I won't get lured to click it and spend too much time on it.

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For me it’s YouTube. Those guys are so good at tempting you to watch “just one more” video.

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For me there are lot of triggers like say you have limited amount of clients. And also limited amount of time. And the issue is you are working on projects that pay low. And you can't scale those type of the jobs. So on that note you can see that there are always some sort of distractions to work with. And we have to build ourselves on those distractions that can be done properly. It's not always easy being a freelancer.

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My mother keeps on nagging me because when I wake up I already have my phone in my hands and I still hold it before I sleep. We only have one device for internet that's why we have to share and because I'm doing this she can't watch heridols on youtube because my phone is awlways with me wherever I go.

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One of my worst distractions if I can call it that are my kids. They always find ways to distract my attention when I'm writing. They would ask me for help with their assignments and projects late at night and this interrupts my normal writing schedule.

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Sometimes tiredness from doing my offline work is affecting my concentration in doing my freelancing jobs. I am working full time and sometimes doing some overtime work which is something that make me feel tired easily and end up sleeping after doing my offline job. I may work at my freelancing sites but only for a couple of minutes or an hour if I am experiencing some fatigue in my offline work.

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Good evening!

The worst distraction is my daily routine.
As a Freelancer, you have to use your brain in order to be succesful, and it's hard to concentrate when you have a lot of things going on.
Being a Freelancer is not a monotonous job, so you have to be focused all the time.

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Sometimes I feel distracted to work on my freelancing sites whenever I lack some good sleep because I cannot concentrate and focus well on my what I am doing. It i really important to have enough rest and sleep so that our brain can create good ideas for our articles because it might be a tough job for our brain to do some hard work if we really feel so much sleep.

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Having a good sleep is something that is going to help us always as long as getting to focus on writings is concerned. This is something that you can't easily achieve unless you are pushing to do so through that means as well.

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As a freelancer you need to be super strict with your time. More strict then when you are working as an employee. You need to remember that your time is your own. You are the boss of you. For me the biggest distraction is social media and my email. I can spend hours on Twitter reading people's discussions and following news from around the globe.If I want to have a productive day I have learned to ignore social media and email. I check them once a day in the evening.

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I will advise that you set out time that you shouldn't be on social media. This is one of the ways that you can get to make things go right always. While I believe that it is not always easy to do, it also doesn't mean that one can't break away from the addiction of social media.

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I'm not sure distraction is the right word for my situation. Taking care of kids has a way of taking up one's time. There are times when you are right in the middle of work and bam, the baby needs to eat, or needs a change of diapers, or the baby just needs some attention. It's one challenge which is tricky to find your way around, especially when you can't afford a nanny.

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I have to say that my phone will forever be the worst distraction in all areas of my life. But to be exact it's the messaging app I use that's really distracting since my best friend is always up for chats. Maybe I should change my answer to my best friend being the biggest distraction of my life. Well then we better not let her know about this. What)

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My freelancing is going smoothly when I am at home because my family is cooperative with what I am doing. They give me silence and they avoid disturbing me. My worst distraction is when someone comes at the gate for any other reason. Our 3 dogs would bark incessantly that I had to stop what I am doing. Sometimes it is just a delivery of a letter or someone asking for directions. It is really a big distraction.

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Sometimes power failure and no internet connections are one of the things that distracts me from working on my freelancing sites. It really feels bad when I am experiencing such situation because it greatly affects my freelancing earnings. I cannot do whatever I want to do online when I am experiencing either one of them that is why I am trying my best to have a power bank so that I can still work anytime of the day without any failures.

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I have lots of distractions like my kids keep playing on my keyboard and want to view whos taking on the webcam. They are my distractions but best motivation as a freelancer.

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Sometimes my kids are one of my distractions while working on my freelancing sites because whenever I would start working on my laptop they would always want to play games and watch some cartoons in it which makes it hard for me to work at homes. If I will not let my laptop lend to them to do things that really want, they would cry and beg for me and say that please papa lend to us your laptop because we are going to watch some cartoons. Since I pity them because they were ages 3 to 6 years old I just lend it to them and just wait till they are done watching which makes me to have a decrease in my freelancing earnings.

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The biggest distraction for me is my phone. I have this urge to check my phone from time to time for new messages. I am trying really hard to eliminate this bad habit of mine.

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One thing is to find out what is really bringing issues and the other thing is to work out ways that you can use to eliminate that. I hope that things work out the way that you plan it at the end of the day.

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Definitely has to be the cellphone. If anyone calls you that's game over, or even if anyone sends a message. Beside that social media is a pretty bad distraction also.

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I agree that sometimes mobile phone is a distraction for me because I cannot resist myself from checking on my bitcoin sites in my mobile phone because I have some faucets that I do claim everyday to maximize my online earnings. I cannot control myself from taking those bitcoin faucets because the are part of my daily online earning routine which I visit everyday.

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My worst distraction as a freelancer is noise. Even with earphones on, people just seem to enter my little world. I can't work in a noisy environment and I'm unlucky that my house is noisy. Doing work outside is even more noisy. I just can't seem to enter the "zone" where I can do work straight without stops. I get frustrated and can't do my job properly.

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Totally. I live in a noisy neighborhood, next to one of the main roads of the city, and I know what you mean. Usually, that's why I think it works better for me when I'm freelancing during nigh time, or super early in the morning. Otherwise, I have to deal with a very noisy environment that distracts me all day long.

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Sometimes my worst distraction for my freelancing sites is my limited time online because sometimes my offline work eats all the my precious time which prohibits me from doing a lot of work from it. I wished to focus more and to be active on my online sites but then I cannot do it in a regular basis because my offline work is too demanding on my time which leads me t have a decrease in my freelancing earnings.

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I'm having second thoughts about regularly checking emails regularly. Looking at my Upwork account Yesterday I learned that I'd lost two jobs because i hadn't responded fast enough.

I suppose while emails can be a distraction, freelancers should at least check their email every hour so. You never can tell when a prospective client will look at your profile and offer you a job.

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One of my biggest distractions is my family. It looks like they're waiting for me to sit in from of the laptop or the PC, to start requiring my presence for whatever is happening. No matter how many times I tell them I'm working, the simple fact that I'm at home makes them think I'm playing or doing nonsense on the PC. So, home chores and family attention are always demanding no matter how much I have to work.

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This is really a good question. For me the biggest distraction in my personal life as a freelancer is the environment, I'm not a rich person so I can't afford to live in my own home, pay my own bills the list goes on. So I've been struggling to get rid of distractions at home, like my mother telling me to do something, my cousins who constantly goes at our home, and the room itself, it easily get dirty in my house, and that's such a huge distraction.

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What's your worst distraction as a freelancer: Most o the time when i do online jobs my social media account which is almost active and one of my distraction, I usually log it out to avoid distraction when it is time for online job. I have a time mangement in all of my daily task so i already used to it but even i do this technique I still have one distraction that i can't be ignore also. It was a phone call, for me a phone calk is important that i should not miss so whatever I am doing I need to attend a phone call.

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