
What Is The Future Of CyberCafes?

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What Is The Future Of CyberCafes?

The Need For Browsing In CyberCafes

With the coming of computers due to online business has made people set up cyber cafes so that they may cater for the many freelancers who want to earn from writing. Entrepreneurs have decided to set up cyber cafes at strategic points in order to bridge the gap of lack of owning a computer.

 Google's Definition of A Cybercafe
Definition - What does Cybercafe mean?A cybercafe is a type of business where computers are provided for accessing the internet, playing games, chatting with friends or doing other computer-related tasks. In most cases, access to the computer and internet is charged based on time. There are many internet cafes located worldwide, and in some countries they are considered the primary form of internet access for people.A cybercafe is also known as an internet café.
Smartphones Taking Over The Services Of a Cybercafe

Phones are now equipped with enough memory to cater the services of a computer. They can type and post content just like computers. It therefore seems that people will no longer need the services of cybercafes. Browsing is now a smartphone away from you.

Do You Think Cybercafes Will Thrive On Or Die A Natural Death?

My line of thought is in dilemma whether the cybercafe will thrive on or die a natural death. Will you help me to decide? 


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I think that cybercafes are headed to a slow but evwntual death. I mean if a person like me does not remember the last time I visited a cyber and neither do my friends or their friend's friends.

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To some extent I expect them to die a natural death but there are some factors which define some difference.

Not all own internet enabled smartphones. Some who iwn them may nit have enough memory. Though computers are cheap but they break down.

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I do understand why you brought up the point. I own a personal computer so I have no use to go to a cybercafe. Most of the things I used to do on a computer, I now do on a smartphone. I remember there was a trend where cybercafes were both a cafe and a computer zone but now all I see are cafes. Cafes where people use there smartphones and only a select few with there laptops. I do think cybercafes will die in the more progressive countries. But for countries like the Philippines, these cybercafes are a low cost point of access for the poor to have internet.

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That's interesting. I'm sure you're right about that. Developing countries seem to have a high demand for cheap access to internet. Maybe it's why most people still earn money through this type of business.

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Yeah I agree with you on that. In third world country, subscribing own wifi is too expensive that is why most people patronizing the cybercafe.

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Maybe it's a good thing. Both parties are benefiting from the exchange. The user gets to use stable wifi for a low price and the owner earns profit. It seems nice.

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I agree with you. Availing your own internet service can be expensive unless there are other household members who are also willing to give a share to pay the bill. If not, renting a computer at the cybercafe is your option. It is cheap and you will be able to control yourself from using an internet.

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That is right. Owning internet connection is expensive nowadays. Needs someone to share the payment or just buy a data and use your mobile phone.

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I made this observation because I used to frequent those cybercafes but not anymore
It is only time that will tell.

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It sounds like we're talking about living things. Hahaha!

Yes, you're right. It could be why they haven't entirely gone away. They still have some people who use cyber cafe.

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The point is as innovation keeps on there will be better phones and gadgets that people can access the internet with. There will obviously be people who cannot afford the better gadgets but when the market is flooded with numerous types of smartphones the prices will drop. Whatever is considered expensive at the moment will be sold at peanut-prices meaning that those who do not have internet enabled phones can upgrade to the cheap smartphones.

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I agree. It's coming to the point of nearly no one using it. Maybe it has to do with people getting their own internet connection at home.

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This is another point which needs to bw noted. Like each home at the moment has strong internet and residents do not feel the need to go looking outside.

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I believe the people who loves Cybercafes will continue to patronize this. People who are used to doing it will still be there. Its just a matter of choice. If its already a tradition or norm of people to go there then there will be no problem with it.

if you place it near the school or offices, I believe many will still flock to go to that place. As I look around and try to enter a Cybercafe, I could see that it is full of people. So we cannot say that this business is dying. I believe if you lower down the price of internet per hour there will still be customers.

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Near offices and schools such a business will prosper until the time when the school has strong wifi connections and students have their own personal computers. There is nothing impossible in the future but one sure thing is that businesses like cyber cafes unless they offer a new unique service will die out.

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That's right. I've also found it helpful to place them near areas where people normally go. It's similar to how convenience stores are placed in rural areas. You want to have people who will gather around your business. It's crucial that there's little competition. That would mean them going to your cyber cafe all the time.

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The case of cybercafes is really debatable. You come up with such a utility being near offices and schools. It is a good idea. Patrons of cybercafes will still patron them

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What I am trying to say is that as time passes people will feel less burdened to visit cyber cafes. This is especially true for minor errands like surfing the internet. I mean for a little amount nowadays one can buy their own home mifi and even carry it around as they move.

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I agree. Most household now a days have their own computer and own internet connection that's why most people don't go to computer cafe anymore . Unlike the old days where Computer shops are always full. Maybe one day computer cafe will eventually close.

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Very true in that is the influence of internet to the people. Every households now are enjoying the power of wifi and the amusement of social media. People are getting crazy watching youtubes and making a lot of things in their facebooks,instagram and twitter account. Internet is a casual part of the household nowadays.

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I'am planning to start my own internet cafe the past years but observing the fast growth of technology today, owning an inter cafe would be risky. The budget in setting up a computer cafe is not a joke. Buying computer set will only will cost you a lot, so I think it's now a good investment now a days.

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That was my business planned before but it came to my mind that it is too risky especially nowadays where many households subscribe for their own internet access so it means that this is not a good business at all. Good thing for you because you conducted a great observations about this business.

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Have you thought about wifi rental? It seems to be the new more cost effective version of cyber cafes.

Since everyone nowadays has their own gadgets, you only need to give them the password to your wifi. They'll pay you per hour of use just like internet cafe.

You can just cut off their connection once their time's up.

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I tried that when I was living in United Arab Emirates. They would get your phone or laptop and put them the password details and you need to pay them monthly also. It is possible if they are near in your accommodations where you can able to access their signals. This is like wifi sharing .

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You're right. It's the reason why many entrepreneurs focus on other stuff. They know that the business of cyber cafes isn't what it used to be.

People now only go there for the sake of gaming. It's much better to have wifi rental since you won't have to worry about buying your own computer equipment.

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What's funny is the fact that marketing for it has doubled over the years. Back then we only see a select few commercials for home wifi. But now even mobile users have it all the time.

It's become so common that people will wonder why you don't have internet if they go to your house. It's no longer seen as luxury but more of a necessity.

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That's the thing with technology. Everything changes as time moves forward. Some will prosper and others will become obsolete. But it will probably take a while before that happens. It seems many users are still patronizing the service of cyber cafe.

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That is correct. Many still patronizing cybercafe. In my country these cybercafe are open 24 hours and most of their customers are gamers and students. They spending time too much just to play games.

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You are right. Here in the Philippines, Cybercafes always have a lot of customers especially if there is a lot of schools around your cafe. Filipinos love to play games with their friends and even students go to the cafe to get their documents printed. I believe that the Cybercafe business will not easily fade as long as you choose the right place to build this kind of business.

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Prudent cybercafe owners are upgrading them for gaming and other services. Some also sell airtime and computers. Others have made them into music stores and many other innovations

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There is future for everything. Not only cyber café has a future. Everyone and everything has a future. Its now the question of qualiy of the future.

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I began to use cybercafes at a tender age of 11. At that time, mobile phones did not exist and cybercafes provided an opportunity for people to have access to the internet at a high cost. I'm talking about the year 1999 and being in a third world country, having cybercafes close to where I lived was a bliss.

Nearly two decades later, cybercafes have lost relevance. First, the digital divide in my country Kenya has dwindled immensely. Nearly 60 percent of the country has access to 4G internet. The rest is covered with 3G internet. Second, devices are now cheaper. The government made an initiative to drop taxes on computer devices and peripheries a few years ago. As such, the cost of owning a computer dropped greatly.

Third, secondhand computers are cheap. With $150 you can get a computer that is in great condition. Fourth, the cost of internet access has dropped due to intense competition in the market. For instance, 1GB of data cost $10 two years ago. Presently, the same 1GB of data costs $0.50.

Fifth, smartphones have evolved and with competition intensifying, everyone can now own a smartphone from as low as $50. As such, internet cafes have lost importance. I have even lost count on the number of cyber cafes that I have seen emerge and disappear in under two years. It's no longer a worthy investment.

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Well said.I believe you as am a Kenyan too. There are times smartphones fall and break the screens. If you are a blogger you may be forced to seek the services of a cybercafe. They are dying the wsy call boxes and payphones died.

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Rather use laptop or desktop in blogging. Comfortable to use and with wide screen unlike mobile phone.

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I think Cyber Cafes would stay relevant for the next 15-20 years before it gets obsolete and die a natural death. There's still a lot of people who use cybercafes because a lot of people still doesn't own computers. Although one can access anything over a smartphone it still not as efficient as using a PC in a cyber cafe.

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I definitely think PC's/laptops are much easier to work from than a phone - even though I do occasionally use Google Docs on my smartphone. Most people here where I live though will just bring a laptop to a coffee shop that has wifi, and work from there. An added bonus is you can get your caffeine fix while you work - so it's a comfy place to chill for a while too!

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Mmmm. It is true thst laptops come in handy.

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I think you are right. Laptop is better than mobile phones in terms of working. The space is wider as well as the screen of laptops.

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Laptops are definitely better. I mean the things that you can accomplish with a laptop more efficiently than with the use of a mobile phone are more. The keyboard is also larger allowing you to type with both hands. Among other things, this enhances speed and efficiency.

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Yeeah that is actually a thing nowadays. Carry your work to a coffee shop and continue doing what you did not finish over branch or as you wait for a friend to join you.

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You have a point there. I tend to believe that in my country, using cybercafes might be more expensive.

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I think it does. I used to live and stay in Luanda Angola. Cybercafe there was too expensive. Not only that even the foods and the lifestyle there was very expensive.

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About 10 years ago cybercafes were very popular in the country. However, when the internet became cheaper and mobile devices became popular, people stopped going to cybercafe to access internet. These days even the tourists come with their own phone and laptop and they access the internet through wifi. Cybercafe business have gone obsolete.

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It's the same here. WiFi is everywhere, from coffee shops to car dealerships and everywhere in between. I can't remember the last time I actually saw an internet cafe, but I think with the rise of WiFi accessibility around the globe they're going to continue decreasing at a pretty rapid rate.

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There was a time when people could not afford internet at home, therefore they used to visit cybercafe. later when smartphone became popular and the telecommunication companies began providing mobile internet, internet was within the reach of almost all people. These days offering free wifi is one of the good ways to promote hotels, restaurants, cafes etc. people do not have to go to cyber cafe in order to access internet.

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Even if there are hotels, restaurants and establishments that offers free wifi, cybercafe is still way cheaper and the wifi connection is way more stable than those offered by free wifi places. It will face its slow death but I am sure that it will take a lot more time.

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It depends. If you are using a free wifi in a public space, it might be slow, however, if the wifi is in the private space, it still has better speed. Let me explain, you are waiting in airport and you are using free wifi, now this network is being used by many people at the same time, therefore, it might be terribly slow. However, you are in a coffee shop and you are using wifi offered by the shop, this might have a good strength.

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You are right my friend, vinaya . Yet they still remain vital in our lives. They keep on changing their services. Now they include betting

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Same thing here in our country. The rise of WIFI accessibility and cheaper internet connection rates are the reasons why they decreased. Those cybercafes mushroomed the streets and malls before but now there's only a few remaining and mostly used for gaming.

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I agree because of the rapid growth of technology we can now access cheaper internet. Continuous upgrade of the mobile phones is really one of the factor why cyber cafe had a decrease of sales. Right now, I only visit cyber cafe when I want to see a different scenery or if I just want to leave the house.

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That's the exact reason, I agree, access to a cheaper internet especially in our country. People have to go to cyber cafes before to communicate. It could also be because of more options and more advanced methods of communications which are handy on our phones.

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Same with me here. I rarely visit cybercafes. Afterall my phone does all the tricks I want. It is only when I want to print that I do it in a cybercafe

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Things are really changing fast. In the near future there will come something new. Mark my words and watch this page

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About 20 years ago, people who goes to the internet cafe is not yet a thing. People who goes there usually need it for thesis or research purpose only. An hour would cost about 1 dollar per unit use without internet and print could cost about 50 cents. People are obliged to pay addition fee if they wish to connect with the internet. Only those who can afford goes there. Now, internet is facing its slow death in our country.
The dawn of cheaper computer set came. The time of prepaid internet service was born. Then there came mobile phones and smart phones. It created a big impact against internet cafes.
When internet cafe owners felt the need to survive the competition between home internet and cheaper laptop and computer units, they tried to compete with these by having additional services.
They allowed online games and government online application assistance. They also lowered their price for computer rentals. Internet use and unit use is charged as one. They also include photocopy, scan, and fax in their services.
But as the technology progresses the fight for internet cafe's survival is becoming weak. Like the radio, tube tv and film camera, internet cafe is a dying business that is just slowly waiting its end.

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Cybercafes are really expensive.

You are charged per minute and one hurries to work within the financial limits. With wifis it is easier to work and cheaper too.

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Yes you are right in some ways. Cybercafe is still here to stay but not for too long. In my opinion, there are still people who are using PAY PER MINUTE cyber cafe because they can't afford paying for monthly bills postpaid wifi. Also people who use PAY PER MINUTE service are the ones who are just there to finish smaller task. Indeed wifi is cheaper but it comes in a hefty amount to acquire unlike paying for cybercafe.

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I believe despite al the odds against cybercafes they are here to stay.

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Yes I agree that cyber cafes are very expensive because you are being charge on a higher price which is really unfair at some point. Thanks to the wifi because it is more cheaper and convenient as well especially if you would be using an internet connection for a long time. You can really save your time and money in it that is why I find it as alternative to internet cafes.

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Their popularity had definitely diminished but I don't see them shutting down completely. They may still be relevant for several years more. The online gamers and students are the ones who make use of this service herein our country. Maybe for those who really want to experience gaming at its best as they don't have the equipment yet at home and those who need to type for school projects and assignments. But for the working adults, because of the rise of smartphones, they are most likely out of this market.

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I agree with that, students and gamers need this internet shop. I think cyber cafe will remain around the school. Students always find ways to play games and do their project near the school.

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Cyber cafe are really popular in the students. The students spend their free time in playing games in the cyber cafe. Now, I think their is law that prohibits high school student in playing games in school hours.

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I think cybercafes are still good in the next five years. But will gradually lose its value after these years. As the year goes by, the popularity of smartphones becomes more intense. And these mobile phones are powerful that can also perform the functions that a computer has. I am not saying that cybercafes will totally vanish in the future. I believe that there are still people who love the convenience that a cafe brings to them. But having a cybercafe business will not give you a high profit in the long run.

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This is just the reality as we have come to notice that the world is changing at a rate where the cybercafe is not that necessary as it is in the past. However, I have notice that there are times such as when examination registration is needed that the people go to cybercafe to do it and such is one you can't easily do with your phone.

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Yeah, maybe they will stay around the school and university. Students need them and aside from that, the gaming software keeps developing and as a gamer and student, they will always find ways to play as a group and skipped classes just to play in the internet cafe.

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They have started other services like online games, betting and online applications of government services like pins and others. That is why they thrive on.

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Where I live they don't even exist anymore that I'm aware of - because WiFi is just so prevalent. Most businesses in my local area offer free WiFi so it's just much easier to do that rather than have cyber cafes that also need computers and other technology to operate.

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You're right. It's like a big sign that cyber cafes are over. Free WiFi in most areas just shows that it's not as big as it used to be. Pretty much anyone with decent income can afford home internet. So they only offer WiFi as an added bonus instead of a paid service.

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Internet becomes cheaper the more cybercafe are going to collapse. And the thing with those cybercafe is that most likely they are going to remain as a printing house. In such case you can see that there does not seem to be much money on the cybercafe market and the printing isn't the viable much business for long term either. I can tell you that it can be still done in some villages and the places where you can do this business. And it may work around in that case.

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I agree with them remaining printer houses. I have bought my printer and will no longer need them.

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I think in a few years it will now face its death. People nowadays spend their day surfing on the internet on their own phone. It is more practical and accessible. You do not need to left your house to access the internet. And, cyber cafe are really expensive compare to buying your own internet connection.

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If we are talking about having access to the internet, it is something that you can easily do with your mobile device but another thing is that the cybercafe will offer you a bigger service which you can not easily do by making use of your phone. I have noticed that as well and this is one reason I am not clearly convinced that cybercafe will die in the nearer future.

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Another important factor is that you do everything in the comfort of your house. You do not need to get out to access the internet. You can do it as you attend to household chores.

Smartphone internet is also flexible and you can do it almost anywhere. The time you waste in bus stops can be profitably used on the net doing valuable things. No need for the Cybercafe.

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Well, cybercafe or a simple internet shop still popular in our country, I live in the third world country where still having a problem with our internet provider and not all families here have their own computer. Many students and other gamers still need this shop. And now the cybercafe or internet shop in our country upgraded it in Insert coin cafe, or you need to insert 1 php coin and it will automatically on for 3 mins, kids can play computer now by doing that.

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It has remained a place where children play games. I think there are other services that they do too. They do printing services which is vital too. Not many own printers

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The day that smart phones will be used to do some things like the printing of documents as well as using them to do some high profile works is the moment that they cybercafes will be out of here. However, it is clear that there are areas where they are always needed which means that you can't just phase it all like that as well.

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It is not that they are being phased out but are sliding into oblivion. It is only fortunate that they are printing houses and offer other services that phones do not offer. When a solution for this services will be found then they are headed for sudden death

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Cybercafe's are still being used by a lot of people, those who need the power of a pc away from home. A good example is that there's plenty of people using cybercafe's located inside malls. Some of these users would use it to talk to their love ones via Skype and other apps and programs.

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Soon this service may be replaced by another on the smartphone. Then people in the mall will start needing lesser time in a cyber cafe. At long last the cybercafes will be turned into something else

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In our country, going to a cybercafe is still a thing. Especially for those people who doesn't have an internet conncetion at home. I don't usually go to a cybercafe but my brothers usually do. They usuallu play online games and surf the web for their homeworks. It is great when you suddenly needed an internet and you don't have a cellular data you can just find a cybercafe and use the internet. It can provide an access to the internet for people who doesn't have enough budget to buy a personal computer.

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Another thing is it's hard to rely on data connection specially with greedy internet provider in our country. It's hard to find a stable connection and the price is still not cheaper. Internet cafe still needed in some area.

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I've definitely found that for people who are into gaming, that cyber cafes still tend to be utilized quite a bit. I guess that might be a big part of them still being successful into the future, if they can capitalize on that.

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Soon and very soon you will realize they are diminishing slowly. I think cybercafes have no life really. They are ebbing like a bad storm.

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Cybercafe come in handy for various services but may end up dying completely.

Gaming, printing, betting,, government services like application are still done in cybercafes. Yet with smartphones becoming smarter then they may soon find themselves out.

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Most likely Cybercafes will just die a natural death. its because of smartphones that can be used easily. You can be at the comfort of your home or office while using it. Whereas with cybercafes you really have to go there if you left your smartphone at home or anywhere.

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This travelling can be time consuming. I realized you can turn mobile data into wifi and use it as a family in the home. It is most convenient unless you have your own wifi or a free one.

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Just like everyone here, I also think that cybercafes will die a natural death maybe 10-15 years from now. The advancement of technology can't be stopped and the access to internet are growing each day. Almost everyone who has smartphones use there phones to access the internet and you can but a laptop at a cheap price.

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It's not a far thing to happen. Imagine how internet access used to be in the previous decade. A lot has changed in that span of time. So I'm sure that the same can be said of the current progress a decade from now.

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I think these are reasons enough why cyber cafes will die out. Being left out as a place only for printing and where children play games is a good indicator of their future

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It depends on the culture also. Here in the Philippines, cybercafes are a big thing. Even the poor can have access to decent internet speeds. Most of the youth sadly are wasting there time playing games in cybercafes. League of Legends and Dota are games that are still popular here with the high end cybercafes sometimes hosting tournaments monthly. They even offer xerox and printing services which are sometimes convenient as there are cybercafes everywhere. No, I don't think it's going to die out anytime soon in the Philippines.

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That's right. Some people still can't afford to have a personal computer, and the price of internet connection still not affordable in our country. There are so many students still rely on internet shop for printing and do their homework.

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Yeah and the price is very compelling. $0.20 for an hour makes you not want to buy a personal computer. That's why a computer cafe is still a very feasible business in the Philippines. Though the price of computer parts are also coming down. You could build a computer for around $180 which can play and do what the computers in the cafe can do.

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Some second hands computer is not really bad, but still that cheap amount of computer can't afford by minimum wage earner in our country, because it's not about just the computer, it's also included the electricity and the internet connection.

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That's another true statement from the Philippines. This could be why others are investing on opening their own businesses here. So much of the culture enjoys internet and games. It continues to fuel the youth's desire for competitive gaming like DOTA.

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rlpzbeermoney I believe the youth who use cybercafes may be betting and playing games. In a way that keeps them busy. Somebody should teach them to earn online.

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I agree with you. I also live here in the Philippines and a lot of cyber cafes are still earning. You just have to find the right place to build your cafe. Aside from the affordable price of renting a computer, students are comfortable playing inside the cafe, they also need some printing service etc. Maybe for other countries, cyber cafe are dying but not here in the Philippines.

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I agree with you also. I live also here in the Philippines and there are still the presence of cybercafes. You really have to put up your cybercafes on populated areas so you can have customers.

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I think cyber cafes would continue to exist since not all are given the chance to own a personal computer. Although we already have some smartphones out there but this is kind of limited since you cannot do multitask unlike in a computer that you can open any site at the time doing some task which is really not available to a smartphone. Cyber cafes would still be popular especially for those remote areas where people have no purchasing power to buy a new laptop.

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That's a good point. I've also imagined how people in far away places use internet. And it seems that businesses are focusing on areas with limited access to the outside world.

So having cyber cafes in those areas makes sense.

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I did not recognize the important job done by cybercafes till this post. It made me realize some services like printing, powerpoint presentation, designing various cards, gaming, and many others

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Customer's from an internet cafe are limited today unlike the old days where it is always full until it's time to close. Mostly household today have their own computer and own internet connection so there is no need to go to cafes. Maybe their will come a day that internet cafes will close.

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It's not impossible. But the question is how long before it happens. Maybe for developed countries it will happen in less than 5 years. But lots of Asian countries seem to have numerous users of cyber cafes. So it might take a long time for them.

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It is just matter of time. We cannot tell the exact time but it will happen. Just the way landline telephones, Post offices and radios are disappearing. They are being replaced by technolology

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I think Cyber cafes will stay on its peak. Here in the Philippines the student or a gamer who have a low budget will tend to go to Cyber cafes just to do his or her home work. And as for my experience I have a computer set which I always use in my business and gaming sometimes I prefer to go on Cyber cafes with my friend because its more fun to play together than alone. I dont think Cyber cafes will die sooner or late maybe in some countries but here in the Philippines it will not happening.

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Me too. I've heard lots of stories about the youth in the Philippines being active gamers. It's like part of the culture for adolescents to have that group gaming. Many seem to enjoy the game Defense of The Ancients. That fact alone will keep cyber cafes alive indefinitely. Hahaha!

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The other thing I like with Philippine youths is that they are creative. They know how to make money too. I have bumped into them on many sites.

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Am confused whether to agree with you or not. In some aspects it is as if cybercafes are dying out. In another aspect it seems as if cybercafes are doing some jobs that we do not find in our homes. You talk of fun with friends as one of them. jetselle

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Maybe it's a little bit of both. Some are simply staying alive while others are going out of business. Location is really important. Because if you have a good number of customers and you're the only cybercafe in your area, you'll have a better chance at keeping your business operational.

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Have a wonderful day.

Its nice- Cyber Cafe romance or Cyber Cafe uses long term ago. Lastly I have used cyber cafe minimum 10-12 years ago.For the last year I use smart phone minimum every time. Most of the time I use Laptop for using internet. Now a day Pad, Android and Laptop - continuously using and my house building is Wi fi station also. By my think Cyber cafe will not stay in this world. Every body will use internet minimum by android or by ios device.


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Thank you centurion . I love your answer to this question. What will we do with printing and downloading of givernment services? Buying cimouters and printers for home use can be expensive and non economical.

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I have tried to use cybercafe internet and I would say that I dont like it. Wifi there is too slow because many people were using at the same time. I recommend to get your own wifi.

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Yes, me too. I am not really fond of going to cybercafe because it is like using a public service. The noise coming from immature gamers, the unsanitary headset, keyboard and more, and many others. It is just sad that others can't really afford to have their own wifi because it comes at a hefty price.

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Yeah I agree with you on that. My country has lots of cybercafe. Many people used to stay there purchased an internet connection. I have no idea why they enjoying it. They should have at least subscribe into internet service because they are paying almost the same.

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It could be that they find their gaming experience better. Maybe they don't have their own desktop computer at home. It seems to be the case for most gamers. Especially, those who play team matches.

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Yeah I think that so. Many people cant buy their own laptop or desktop at home. It make sense that they could spend time paying in the cybercafe. They also wanted to be on the loop in social media.

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This is why they're still functional as a business. If everyone could afford home wifi, then no one will go there. I've also felt a bit uncomfortable with the sanitation.

But some places frequently clean their computers and desk area. Though, not everyone is lucky to find hygienic cyber cafes. Hahaha!

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Yeah that is correct. Some cybercafe has a poor sanitation practices. They dont consider the cleanliness of their business. They cared only the profit that they get from the customer. Many cybercafe here in the my country usually open 24 hours. Customers always come late at night for playing games. I think they should also think the safety of each individuals in their area because during late night,crimes are possible.

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Actually, the ones that are open 24 hours is probably sanitary. I've visited one in the past. And it was really nice. The area was well-lit and air conditioned. So I had a nice experience. I also noticed that the computers and keyboards were free of dirt and smudge.

I guess places like that are also keen on keeping their place clean. They wouldn't want to discourage customers due to unsanitary computers.

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I'm okay with it. I don't hate it. But you're right. Most of us just prefer to get our own wifi connection. The place you've gone to probably doesn't have stable or fast enough internet connection.

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I went to another cybercafe Steve5 , and regretted the action. The internet was very slow. Whatever I could do could not easen the burden. I walked out without cash but with no service.

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That was too bad but I think it was not only happened to you. I f you experienced that,others may do also. The reason why cybercafe have slow internet connection is because the volume of user versus the wifi capacity. Normally cybercafe offers weak internet connection and if you are customer you would not enjoy the service for sure.

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That's not very nice. The reason they remain active is because they invest in high speed connections. So those that don't offer reliable speed will surely experience negative customer feedback.

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Exactly,may cybercafe is like that here in my country. They keep on doing business but they have no standard when it comes to their wifi connections.

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If you get your own computer you need a printer too. Your computer needs to also be able to make powerpoint presentations. Yet some people need socialisation and go to cybercafe. mark8625

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Such things are actually making cybercafes to be replaced. Few services are still demanded at cyber but soon technology will replace them. We will soon start attaching printers on smartphones.

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Speaking from a South American country, I can tell you there are still some Cyber Cafes here. However, they have remained more like a place where teens gather to make game matches, or where a group of guys go to make bets on virtual casinos, but not where a group of friends go to connect online. They have evolved into something else, to survive the arise of smartphones and mobile devices, that have taken the Cyber Cafes relevance.

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In my country too, most of them are now betting dens and meeting places for youth.

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You have a point. I've seen some people going there just to play games. It's not really for general internet use anymore. I guess they go there because they're able to play games better using the cafe's services.

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Apparently yes. Cyber cafe tend to have a better Internet service/provider, so obviously it is a faster connection, that allows you to play games or use heavy platforms, in a very smooth way. Also, that's perfect for betting websites. Here, people make some kind of groups or clubs, and they gather in cyber cafes to bet between them, and that involves good money for the cafe too.

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It's a win-win situation. The business owner gets to profit from the frequent customers. And the ones using their service are often satisfied. That's a great relationship. Hahaha!

Also, the games people play are often group battles. They prefer to be in the same room so that they can talk to each other without having to type stuff. Makes it easier for them to share tactics.

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Exactly. And that's the way my cousins started their gaming platform. They used to be on those clubs, gathering at cyber cafes, and there's where they catched most of their current followers and subscribers. Nowadays, they have blogs and videos about gaming, specially FIFA, they're literally hard cracks about it hahaha.

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I think cybercafes won't get die in any ways unless the owner let it happen like not upgrading anything in their cafe. Almost all now are upgrading and improving even the way people live, so in order to not your cybercafe die in no time then you should think of any ways to attract more customers. But even though there are smartphones now a days that people can use instead of going to internet shops, there are some situations that people need to go to cybercafe for specific purposes. Sometimes it also involves printing a document or an infographics, photocopying, scanning, etc. Therefore, I don't think having a a portable computer like smartphones now a days take over the need of people in going to cybercafes.

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Yet they will diminish in value as it was before. It is good we come to the conclusion that cybercafe have some services that cannot be found in smartphones

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That's true. But what I see in most cybercafes now a days is they are very in demand in gaming and eSports industry is very popular and it is actually one of the rising field in today's generation. Some professional eSports athlete who are popularly known as gamers are actually earning money on gaming and a lot of popular egames now a days requires a desktop platform with high specs so therefore many are still preferred to go to cybercafe especially those people who are aspiring gamers. Let us just set aside the other purpose of cybercafe because that is actually why smartphones are invented for the convenience of people's need.

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It is a fact really. They still print and make piwerpoint presentations

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I definitely disagree with you because the 'convergence' of the mobile technology enable us to do a lot of task in our mobile phones insteqd of usinh computers. On the other hand, mobile phones even in the future have a smaller limitations unlike computers and also computers can do a lot more better than using a mobile phone. For example, making a Powerpoint Presentation in mobile phone instead of computer can be done but by using computer we can really polish the presentation because of the more options and editing that is available in computer.

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I agree. I never knew some smartphones do make powerpoint presentations. It is a welcome idea. So cybercafe cannot completely be erased.

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I think that cyber cafes would exist on location that is far from the modern age of technology wherein people can't buy a personal computer for their own. I really believe that cyber cafes are needed to improve the lives of the people. It would stay for a long period of time.

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You are wrong there. They thrive well in urban setting. In remote areas the people are often concerned with their land and farm animals. They rarely engage themselves with cybercafes.

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I guess the type of Cybercafes that will survive are gaming computer shops which have high end specs. As what I observe, computer shops that have low end units just for online jobs, doing assignments of office task are not that strong or popular anymore since you can purchase your personal computer or laptop and that can save in the long run instead of going to Cybercafes. I'm a gamer and I see a lot of people are fund of playing video games with computers that contains high end specs to meet or exceed the System Requirements of the games that they're playing. They usually prefer this type of Cybercafes as it's more faster and it has a different feel and comfort playing their preferred games. In conclusion, I would say Cybercafes will still survive but it should have high end specs to meet the peoples needs since you can just purchase a personal laptop or computer to do online jobs and you can save money in the long run.

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The gaming people need such cybercafes so that they can duscuss business with their friends. Birds of the same feather flock together.

So what you want to indicate here us that they vhange tact so that they stay in business? It is good. If you cannot beat them you join them.

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The future of cybercafe is I think you can have your own card to access the cyber cafe and you can also load that card online so you may have access on each computer inside a cyber cafe.

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A very good idea. We top up our cards like the way we do our phones. If I had a cybercafe I would begin this. Wuite novel.

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I think cyber cafes would be on the market as long as people will patronize it, it has been a part already of the life of the people from school activities, to office works and so on. It has many uses not just for research purposes but as well as for leisure activities.

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The way I see it is that cybercafes have many points which are pro and cons. Their survival depends in this.

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One of the pros is stable internet connection. Sometimes people who use mobile data find it troublesome to have conversations. Most pocket wifi aren't as reliable for video calls and the likes. So people prefer to have them in cyber cafes for their consistent internet.

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Yes, it's up to the users. At the end of the day, people will make or break cyber cafes. Because if they'll remain active in using their services, they won't go out of business so easily. Rural areas seem to benefit the most from this.

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I think Cyber Cafe's are still relevant up to this day but of course it's a striving business. One thing is for sure user's will decline if there's no innovation or upgrade in the part of the business. I have seen some improvements like gaming (casino based cafe's) and other local betting games using computers. But in terms of browsing and internet use the market is a bit dim nowadays.

The age of computer browsing using Cyber Cafe's is coming to a fade in my opinion, but it's not the end if there is significant improvements in the future.

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My opinion is that they will evolve with the passing of time. As people buy sophisticated smartphones, laptops and wi-fi, cybercafes are adapting to new tricks to survive.

Recently I saw ine changed into a betting hall. All the walls have been fitted with Tvs showing various games and computers are occupied with football wagers.

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That's interesting. So they've somehow became a hybrid between internet and casino. I wonder how that will fair in the future. But it seems that they're doing well with that. Football betting does look promising. Lots of sports fans find it enjoyable.

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Maybe there will be. I've also noticed their prominence when it games to gaming. I guess gamers find them better because of their upgraded equipment. Not to mention the incredibly faster speed. So they definitely have a future if they focus on gaming.

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Cyber Cafes may or may not exist in the future. Now, why did I say that? I believe that the cost of accessing the internet will significantly decrease (might cost $5 - $10 per month in 2030), and it will be more mobile (more accessible, upgraded wi-fi infrastructures) meaning there is no need to use wired desktops anymore. There are a few here who have already closed shop and were unable to survive since customers can now easily access their social media accounts straight from their mobile devices. Renting out PCs might fade in time.

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I thought so. What of printing services that cybercafes offer? The governments also make some services come via cybercafes. I think they undergo a metamorphosis as life goes on

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That's a valid point, and most customers of cybercafe's printing services are students, but I also foresee that more on more institutions will also practice a paperless system. I see them being adopted and implemented now in schools where assignments, homework, and reports are submitted directly to teachers via email.

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Certainly that happens to be the truth. Cybercafes are very vital to students, lecturers and tutors.

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This is true. I've seen businesses that were once so active. Like you wouldn't think they'd suddenly stop operations. But I was surprised when they did. When I asked why the place had closed down, the customers said that they weren't as active there anymore. They already had their own internet at home.

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Correct. The only surviving ones I know are cybercafes located at poor income places where people do not have the means to pay for their own internet service at home.

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The future of it I guess, is you can reload your card using a load, or loading it using your debit, credit card and also paypal. I think that would be the future of cyber Cafe.

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In other words you are sating that they have a bright future. You mean they will be so sophisticated than they are now? How I wish this is true? I pinched mysely to be sure I was not dreaming.

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In a way, it's already happening right now. It would only take a few changes for it to be done that way. It's like how you use re-loadable cards in arcades. Only this one is used for cyber cafes.

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I beg to disagree. In my country, new players in the telecom industry are coming to the market. So prices of internet subscriptions will potentially fall due to competition, in turn making the usual cyber cafe guy to afford his/her internet connection on his/her own.

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What an intriguing topic you've chosen. Didn't know the future of cyber cafes was in question. But when I Googled for information on this topic it seems that if you are into gaming or sports, your Internet Cafe might have a future. Also, it depends on what part of the world you're in. I'm just speculating but I think the country location is the key. Those cafes may have a great future in certain countries. I don't think smartphones will be the alternative. But what do I know? What Is The Future Of CyberCafes?

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I know the future will bring a smartphone equipped with a printer. It is true that location matters when it comes to the use of cybercafes. Their revolution to gaming and other services is giving them life.

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This reminds me of a machine that prints paper. It's like a calculator with paper inside that can print receipts. It might not be so far off if we think about it. Seems like printers will also be that accessible in the future

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Cyber cafes will be there till smartphones and other handheld devices will be established enough. At this moment, most are using these devices, but some people still rely on cafes.

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So, in other words you say they are here to stay? Which is the last time you were in a cybercafe? Should be a very long time. There were times I went to cybercafes on daily basis.

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That's true. Most people are wandering around outside all the time. So they need a place where they can connect as soon as possible. This is where cyber cafes find their target users.

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The mantra of any business is location, location ,location. This applies greatly to cyber cafes. As a model to access internet services its not as popular as it used to be. However you can set it up in a location where people cannot afford computers but need them e.g a rural school or where people are poor but educated e.g in a slum area. You could also set up one in a low middle class area where you provide wifi and charge for it, people can bring their laptops. I don't see it as a dead service because of facilities like printers, scanners and photo copiers. They can also assist people who are not computer literate to type things like CV's. So not dead but the model must be rethought for now. However in the future we will see.

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Evolution of these cybercafes is what will keep them afloat. Thinking outside the box is necessary. Cybercafes will go a complete metamorphosis before they can die.

We still need cybercafes for the services you mentioned.

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I wonder what that will be. Lots of businesses have been known to survive shifts in time. Like how advertising evolved through the age of social media. So we might yet to see how cyber cafes will achieve such a feat.

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That's a realistic way of seeing it. Location is definitely one of the primary factors in successful businesses. Too often we forget that having the right place will make or break your means of living. That's why we should think about what works best for our chosen business model.

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Cyber Cafe future is that you can use your phone to scan bar code on the computer that you want to use so you can use it.

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That's a cool concept. Reminds me of futuristic movies where everything is so high tech. They might invent something like that in the future. In fact, the internet may very well be available to all people by then.

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Am still waiting for that time when the cell phone will do all that. Am sure smartphones will be fitted with printers too.

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A smartphone with a built-in printer on it? Hmmm, for me that is too far-fetched but not entirely impossible. If its dimensions are thick enough to hold ink cartridges on them (or can be externally attached), sure I think it can be done. However, it will sure mess up the design and wouldn't look futuristic at all.

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For me as long people are connected and involved with internet, cyber cafes will still remain. Though its very common now these days to have smart phone and laptops as for an individual to have, still many people would still go to cafes and not to bring their gadgets with them. I just noticed that even we are very exposed to internet still there are people that not really that good enough to open their file or where to go to or if their email has been sent already, from cafes sometimes they still get assistance from cybercafe employees to help them about it.

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Yes that is really true and what is happening now, there are some people who even have their own computers but then still asking for the assistance of cyber cafes for doing their encoding of research paper and other pertinent papers in school. That is why I really doubt it if cyber cafes would be totally wiped out since it is still needed for today.

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I used too to go to cybercafes where I would be assisted when I was stranded in my browsing. Since I now I know and smartphones work for me then I do not need cybetcafes

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I think that cybercafe would be in the market if people will patronize it, there are still some people who cannot afford to buy a computer that is why I think cybercafe would be still in demand Although have some gadgets but then it is limited as to its function unlike in a computer that it is all around and can do so much in terms of multitasking.

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This seems like a good idea for rural parts of developing countries. Locations where there is a lack of internet connectivity. Imagine being able to provide internet to people who've rarely used it. It could be life changing for them.

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Yes that is right, there are still some areas in my country that don't have their respective computers that is why internet cafe would be the solution for them. They can provide the computers and the internet connection that each individual may need, it is a life changing moment for them because everything could be done in the easiest and most convenient ways. They have nothing to worry about which is one of the advantages of having internet cafes.

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Maybe there will be a cybercafe that has a offer promotion to the customers that is loyal to the cybercafe. Like giving them a free hour for each account.

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I think it is a good idea since it will retain the loyalty of old customers of a certain cyber cafe. I think that cyber cafe should also give discount whenever a certain user or customer consumes a lot of hours so that many customers would be motivated to stay on the cyber cafe for a longer period of time because it would only means a greater profit from them.

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I've seen something similar in the past. People love to have stamp coupons where after a certain number of visit, they'll get a bonus hour for free. It's fun to have that. It's like you're in an arcade.

This could be a helpful motivator to keep loyal customers happy.

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I think if cyber cafes can provide a better and faster internet connection then there might be an increase in demands for it since people would really prefer it because of that particular features and characteristics. I am sure that cyber cafes would slowly boom and be known ii the market which would help them to make more profit from it which is really good to have.

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Am torn between agreeing and disagreeing. Cybercafe are still in demand for printing and other services. You agree if internet speed there is very high then people will opt for them. But internet there is slow. So they may be headedforr a downfall

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Same here. I think internet speeds does matter when it comes to cyber cafes. However, once they got the option to have a decent internet connection at home, they would ditch the cyber cafe idea and do it all from home instead.

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Here in my country we have a very poor internet connection which makes it hard for us to have some of our online sites that need a reliable internet connection. The opportunity to earn online becomes limited due to that factor and I am just glad that cyber cafes now are improving their internet connection stability which makes them to have more customers and a profit as well.

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I understand. Although I'm pretty sure it won't take long that the upgrades done to cyber cafes in your area soon will reach residential homes. If I'm the project manager, that will be my plan. Cater to businesses first then to residential.

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That's probably their best advantage. I've seen some that boast having 1 gigabyte internet speed. I've tried it myself and found it amazing. They've very useful for those that need fast access. Lots of people there use it for online games.

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Yes that would be a good idea so that cyber cafes who are doing business can benefit from it. I have a feeling that after some time residential homes can now also avail the fast and reliable internet connection that cyber cafes are using up to this moment. It is great also so that I can also benefit from having it so that earnings online become bigger and more reliable.

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I wonder how useful they are to most people. Internet has become something of a necessity for all of us. So to see someone still using cyber cafes means that they're still convenient for some users. I've seen my friends play online multiplayer games there.

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I think that cyber cafes have lost out long time back since the day when internet was accessible on mobiles. Most of them have already shut there shop and have migrated to some other kind of business. Few still are functioning but they are also not sure of there future in this business. If the cyber cafes do some value addition in there business then they have some hope , otherwise the concept of Cyber Cafe is slowly but surely going to die

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I believe there are numerous alternatives to what a destiny of cybercafe can be as lengthy because it’s greater than just putting in desktops or consoles for play. The engagement of the participant with reference to things past play, can they play a in shape towards a person else inside the cafe, can they win a prize that they couldn’t play for being at domestic, are you able to bring in a personality or gaming associated band in for an event. offering the capacity for streaming stations and bar/food.

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Cyber cafes are still alive. But, they are slowly dying. Though it was a trend years ago, we cannot deny that as technology improved, this business is not benefiting from it entirely. With people having their own computers at home, smartphones and with the widespread availability of internet, the world of cyber cafe is in danger. But, I think, it will not die instantly, there are still people who rely on this business.

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Good evening!

It's an interesting question that you brought up, but I think cybercafes will exist for a long time. Especially in Asia.
Have you heard of Hikikomoris? There's quite a lot of social outsiders like them everywhere, and these cybercafes are like a haven to them.

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What are Hikikomoris? I have not heard about them. What do they do? They use cyber for their activities.

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What is the future of cybercafes: Cybercafes are spreading fastest. One of the most click business in nowadays. But everyone should know the limitations in cyber. In the future, it is the business that has boost sales.

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A former neighbor had consulted me some years ago about her planned cybercafé in front of their home. There will be no overhead expense in rental so I said she could put her capital in the equipment. The business was going great although now it was slacking a bit. The reason may be the capability of the cell phone for the internet access that going to social media is more comfortable when you are using the phone. It seems that only the gamers are giving good business to the cybercafé.

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This is an interesting experience for people who love information technology. Such sites help students get an education and communicate with interesting people. You can talk about important global topics. For example, the use of abortion or nanotechnology. These topics are always relevant in different countries. Muslim countries prohibit writing articles about this.

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