
6 content marketing tips and tricks to bring home the bacon

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6 content marketing tips and tricks to bring home the bacon

We all want to make more and more money online but the majority of us aren't using out content the right way.  We will post content to our blogs but it will go stale after a couple weeks because we don nothing with it.  We need to consistently push our content, in different mediums, in order to bring in as much traffic as possible.  Not using your content, reusing your content, and not publishing content wherever we can will just push us back in terms of success.

When you write up an article for your blog you need to think of all the places you can publish it.  You can pull it apart and post certain paragraphs to other blogs or websites, you can publish the entire thing as a guest post and then tweak it a bit and publish it on your own website or blog, and you can even use it in an email to pull people back into your website.  The amount of things you can do with your content is pretty insane, you just need to think outside the box a little bit in order to get the best results.

Rewrite your old content for more organic traffic
You could be getting a decent amount of traffic from the search engines because of the content you've written and published to your blogs.  You could get even more if you just tweaked and rewrote your titles and bodies slightly to rank for slightly different keywords 6 content marketing tips and tricks to bring home the bacon

You can't just change out the keywords, you need to actually rewrite the content, but this shouldn't take you all day long for your content since you are essentially just editing the work you already did.

Publish snippets on social media and send people to your website
When you write your content you can usually pull the first half of a paragraph and publish it to your social media pages as teasers.  This will help peak curiosity and people will begin to click through in order to see what the entire post is about.  This is also called a cliffhanger because you're giving away a little bit of info, just enough to keep the attention of the reader and get them to click through 6 content marketing tips and tricks to bring home the bacon

Promoting your content is not optional, it's necessary
You can't think "I'm going to write this amazing blog post and that's going to make me a millionaire!" because no one will find you unless you're promoting the content you took so much time to construct. 

You need to run some ads for your new content to bring people into your business or website.  You can pair this up with the snippet idea to show a little bit of info and pull them in to read what you've written, which works very well if done right.

Write up a month "How To" series
A lot of businesses and websites will write tutorials and a series of blog posts to keep people coming back.  I like writing a "How To" series that helps people do something related to their website or blog.  I've done "How to build a backlink the right way" and "How to get your blog up and running for less than $50" and I've seen a good amount of people clicking through to read what I've written.

If you have a set type of series you like to write, you will see people coming back from time to time wanting to read what you've written.  They will come without you even calling them through an email or newsletter, they will just expect you to have written another how to and they will be happy you did 6 content marketing tips and tricks to bring home the bacon

Conduct some interviews and put them in text form
Don't be shy, go out there and ask your industry leaders if you can interview them for your own blog.  A lot of them will deny you the interview or just ignore your request, but you will get a few that will gladly take you up on your offer and answer all of the questions you're going to ask them.

By getting these interviews, posting the results, and telling the person where your interview can be found you will likely get some additional traffic from it.  The traffic tends to come from the people you interviewed because they will share the interview on your website with everyone they have visiting on their website.

Bring on guest bloggers and contributors
This is hit or miss when it comes to building content on your website or blog, but it's a great way to do it if you can get enough contributors.  What you'll basically do is let people post high-quality content in exchange for a backlink to their own website. 

The downside to this approach if you're just starting off is people won't want to publish content on your website or blog if you aren't already an authority.  People will start gravitating towards you more if you have a high DA, TF, LOL, etc. 6 content marketing tips and tricks to bring home the bacon  If they can benefit from a post, they will give you content with no questions asked.

In conclusion
You will always need to write content for people to read if you want to boost your traffic.  Google doesn't like 1-page websites, 2-page websites, or 3 pages websites but they will love you over time if you build more and more content for everyone to read.  The more quality content that is unique on your website, the more likely you will be blessed by the search engine gods, and that means more traffic and money in your pocket down the road 6 content marketing tips and tricks to bring home the bacon

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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I have read your post and I do have the following observation to make. First, I do find the rewriting of content common nowadays. For instance, there is a story about a Nigerian who sold a fake airport to a bank for a whopping $242 million. This story first appeared online like over a decade ago but last month all popular blogs on the internet republished this story.

Even though the republishing of articles is ideal, Google doesn't like that at all. In my quest to obtain an Adsense account I realized that Google won't give you an Adsense account if any content on your website is republished. Even if you tweak it to appear unique or souped up than the previous version. Google will disapprove your application.

It's funny that some blogs change the titles and dates of publication of the articles to mislead readers that the content is new. It is really a cheeky activity by publishers out there. As such, this is a place where rewriting of articles might apply. Also, you have forgotten to mention that in rewriting of articles, the author should update it with fresh content to match current events.

Finally, I believe that unique content outmatches quality content. I realized this after Google disapproved of my Adsense application due to claims of plagiarism. I had written over 20 articles that were on the lower side 3,000 words each. 80% of these articles contained issues that other people had addressed on the internet.

It was painful to delete everything and start afresh. To my surprise, I wrote unique content with each article averaging 800 words and Google approved my Adsense account. The funny thing is I did not even proofread the articles. In a nutshell, publishers should strive to have unique content at all times. Google loves unique content.

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Rewrite your old content for more organic traffic
~ For this I laugh at myself. It took about 5 years for me to realize this.

Publish snippets on social media and send people to your website
~ Another laugh. Took me several years before I realized that it was OK to do this.

Promoting your content is not optional, it's necessary
~ It's not optional and it's kind of silly to think family and friends will promote your content as diligently as you would yourself.

Conduct some interviews and put them in text form
~ There are those who were gracious enough to allow me to interview them. It's great because the content is usually evergreen. So it doesn't really matter if you interviewed them 5 years ago. The interview results might still be timely and relevant and you can share again and again.

Bring on guest bloggers and contributors
~ I like this just as much as publishing interviews.

As for your other tips? Working on it!

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Do you approve of rewriting the content? Isn’t it against the unwritten rule of publication that once published you should not revise the content because it will be out of convention? Think of this scenario. You had written about a bad president. And then you will rewrite it that the president is great. Isn’t that just like lying or fooling your readers? Pardon me for this comment. I don’t intend to make mountains out of molehills. I’m just expressing my opinion regarding a printed matter.

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First of all my blog is personal/home business. The “personal” part is I write about whatever I fell like writing about. The “home business” part is my content may included affiliate product links. When I say I rewrite I'm really only talking about fix broken links and updating information, etc. Minor edits.

If I a make a major substantial change, especially to an opinion piece I've written, that's not a “rewrite” in my mind. In that case I usually publish an entirely new blog post and refer back to my old post for contrast and comparison.

But experts say bad links can really hurt a site's rankings. So if my links are broken I fix them. If my content is no longer up to date, I have to correct it. I don't want to mislead the reader. For example, I used to use an automated posting service and it was great! I wrote a blog post about it. But after a few years they changed the service. Well I can't let my post say the service is this way, when the service not that way any more. I have to update the content! See what I mean?

No need to ask for forgiveness. I'm cool with your comments and questions.

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Updating old contents is very beneficial because search engines normally give preference to the contents that are new. If you check search results you will notice that newer contents rank higher than the older contents. Thus, if you have old articles, you need to update them with new information.
Social media sharing is also must. Social media can make your content go viral. While sharing on social media you have to write a teaser so that people are interested in clicking your link.
Generating backlinks is also important.

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I have the same observation as well. Search engines give preference to new contents. Updating information is an imperative then to rank higher and at the same time make the content adaptable to the current need. Recycling old contents can be helpful to a writer I believe because it somehow saves time and the benefit of that particular content is being stretched but it has to be updated.

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You can recycle your own content. For instance, you published an article about bitcoin four years ago. Things have changed and the information in your article needs to be updated. You rewrite the article and publish again. Your article will be highly valued by search engines. First of all your article was published years ago, search engines trust the old content, secondly, you edited article recently, search engines rank new content higher.
However, you should stay away from recycling others content.

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I agree on bringing guest bloggers and contributors. Each blogger has different viewers. Collaborations will introduce the other blogger to another bloggers.
The "How to's" are more likely to bring traffic to your site than your blog from your personal life. Unless you are a celebrity, others are not interested on you personal life.

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The need to bring guest bloggers to your blog is as crucial as anything since it is the only way that you can get your visitors to experience something new as well. You can't just get doing everything by yourself as ideas will always dry up when you are having writers block.

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I also experienced the infamous Writer's block. Indeed having others help you to make a collaboration in this kind of profession is helpful. I can see it hereon this site. Actually, it is more about being a community because everyone is helping each one out. I find this site helpful and informative.

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Lots of great tips too. I see a lot of businesses doing this - posting a snippet on their Instagram, for instance, and then referring people to the website link in their bio, or getting them to "swipe up" in their Instagram stories to access more of a post. It's a great way of getting people interested and then redirecting them to the website itself.

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It is actually a marketing strategy that is effective especially in the social media age. One can easily connect to the products or services on sale by clicking on a link offered. This also happens to cath you offguard as the advertisements are targeted and placed at the most appealing areas on social media.

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Me too, and I think it is a great strategy, since people gets curious about it.

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I think in context of the rewriting old content. We can add a lot of updates. Say like I have written article on Fatima Portugal incident. And let's say I add content based on the current conditions of the place and the people who experience the same. I can tell you that adding such new content would be a good start. And people should do that on regular basis. It may not be a good idea to always do that unless the content is enough.

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Absolutely, promotion is really necessary it is not optional. To have more visitor to your blog you need to promote your articles or yourself. Promotion can be through your social media profile like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Publishing snippets in your social media is I think will be really effective to the readers it is like trailer of a movie. The "How to" series is a very catchy content. Many readers like articles like this because they are learning something.

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I also find that I gravitate towards "how-to" styled articles, because like you said it helps me to learn something. It makes me feel like spending my time reading it is going to be worthwhile, and I think that's such a big thing when it comes to trying to attract readers or new customers.

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I agree with yiu, if you don't promote it it won't get higher sales. Sometimes yoy need to be the one who get close with the costumers.

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Promoting your content is necessary to gain more readers that will also increase your market. You have to help yourself to make your content known by people. You can use the social medias to promote your content. Rewriting your old content is also a good way to increase your market especially when you added some update of that certain topic of yours. I know some content writers who post their links and share some parts of their content in their social media profiles and that helped them to have more readers than they usually have.

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Thanks for your 6 tips and tricks to bring home the bacon. I hope I could use all those tips. Its always good to have new and fresh ideas. for marketing.

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All of these tips I've already seen organically when scrolling through Facebook. Only now that I know since you enumerated it. I wouldn't have known if it wasn't explained here.
Wouldn't bringing in guest bloggers into writing in your blog be kind of offensive for people who are religiously reading your posts? I guess if the guest bloggers were someone well known then fine but how about if it's someone nobody even know? Wouldn't that sort of rub them in the wrong way?

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To me, I don't really see anything that is not right with making such a move. I have come to realize that most people may not even have anything against you as long as they have come to see that what you are doing is all in the name to ensure that they experience something better with the type of articles that they read on your blog.

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I think as long as the guest bloggers are relevant to the business in question then it's fine - in fact it can be something that is helpful to existing customers, by giving them a different view. I do think though that if you were looking at a blog and there were guest blog points that were completely irrelevant to the overall content then it would seem frustrating.

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I was with some writer friends yesterday and rewriting was one of the topics in our casual conversation. Most of them agreed that rewriting is easier than writing a new article. However, before you can do a rewrite you must first get a good grasp of the original article. Cheating is not allowed which means you cannot copy an entire sentence or worse an entire paragraph because that will be plagiarism. For your content it is not that strict when you are just modifying or enhancing the existing contents.

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As mentioned in the previous comments, one of the ways to rewrite is to update the content to make it more timely and I agree that rewriting is easier than writing a new content because you have to generate the ideas first in the latter. While with rewriting, you just have to tweak it a bit, enhance or update it.

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I think I stay more with the update the info, than to rewrite it. I don't know why, but rewriting gives the impression, that you are changing your thoughts on what you just wrote. It is ok to change your feelings onto it, but in that case, when you do an update, you can make your point clear, instead of doing the whole job again.

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Write up a month "How To" series- This is a great idea although not really new. It has been tested and proven. People normally search for "how to" or the step by step process for them to understand a vague idea and put it into practice. It will also help you to not run of ideas or what to write regularly.

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Your "How to" series should really be unique and interesting. I think there are many things under the sun that you can make a "How to" series. You just need to really planned it ahead and take your time in writing it. The more detailed it is the better.

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Planning ahead definitely helps because you already have all the topics in mind which you will need to expound in details or step by step. It has to be practical and suited for the beginners because they're likely the ones who'll search for these guides. You will also have a rough idea of how many topics in a series you can cover.

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This is a good tip. Usually when you don't plan ahead, your idea can look kind of messy. And if you are a newbie, you have to plan your movements, and take a lot of advice from experts before. A very organized entrepreneur, will always have a step ahead, because customers love someone that can keep up with the hard work, without messing up.

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Promotion is one of the reasons why businesses fail. You have to do it intentionally but in a subtle way sometimes because you don't want to be pushy about it. According to a business expert I watched on FB, you should let them know you have the solution to their problem or you got what they need. Writing "how to series" and conducting interviews with industry leaders are subtle but effective ways to establish that you're an authority and you can give them what they need. These put the business in a good light.

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Most people think that just putting your content out there(online) is a guarantee that it will get seen. You have to be as strategic as any other business. I agree that the name of the game is promote, promote, promote. If your article is well written social media can get you alot of traffic and a huge audience. Guest posting is a tactic used to generate more content to your site. However I think it benefits the writer more then it does you.

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Creating relevant and valuable content can be very difficult specially if you have just started your website. Creating a content is hard and marketing it even makes it more harder. Promoting your website on personal social media account can be quite embarassing specially if you are not the authority in providing information about that content which brings me to my question. How do we overcome such situation when we seem not confident enough to publish your content and market it in the social media? What shall we do when people starts to questions your credibility in writing a certain topic?

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These are great marketing tips that I can surely use now since I am a newbie in this field. The strategies that you have shared will definitely help me in the future. I was actually quite shocked at "recycling contents" because I am not used to that. But you made me realize that what I am diving in is the world of marketing, your point is greatly noted and will use some when time comes.

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Publishing snippets is a very good idea. It will create interest in your blogs.

Actually I was doing it all wrong. I was just throwing links anhowly without caring about snippets. Now I know.

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