
How to get views and conversions with your LinkedIn content

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How to get views and conversions with your LinkedIn content

We all know what LinkedIn is and what it's used for, but not a lot of people are actually using it the right way, and they're just spamming links and content all over the place in order to get some views.  What if I told you that 99% of people are using LinkedIn the wrong way and you could actually stand out if you're genuine and use it as an actual networking platform and not a self-promotion website?

People all over the world will want to connect with you just to promote what they're selling, and you can't really do anything except take it and ignore them.  Now, if you were to use LinkedIn the right way, and never really promote until it's necessary, you can make more money than the people who are just connecting to promote their businesses How to get views and conversions with your LinkedIn content

Write shorter paragraphs that are 1 or 2 sentences
In your status updates as well as your articles, you should try out writing shorter paragraphs that look odd because it will keep peoples attention, and they will make it through your entire post.

If you can keep people on your post or profile, they'll more than likely connect with you or contact you about a service or product you provide.

No links in your status.  Add them to your first comment
When you write up a status, you should try to avoid dropping a link within it, because people will avoid you if you do.  This just looks like self-promotion and people hate that, but they do tend to click through when they get through your entire status and see the link in the first comment.  They will get interested and then see a link, then BAM, you get a click to your product page or blog and likely get a new customer or subscriber How to get views and conversions with your LinkedIn content

Use proven ways of formatting your content
I can't tell you how often I've seen someone just write a wall of content with no formatting or structure to it and then complain that they don't get the conversions they hear everyone else is.  Of course, they're not getting the same conversions, they're not listing or breaking up their content properly to keep peoples attention lol.

Format and structure your content in a way that keeps peoples attention spans high, so they get through your entire post, and they will likely stick around for a while How to get views and conversions with your LinkedIn content

Reply to everyone who is engaging with you
No matter if you're getting 1 or 100 comments on your posts, you need to talk with each and every person that is leaving some additional words.  Each of those people commenting could be a potential customer waiting for you to reach out, and if you aren't doing that then you're losing them to someone who is.

Use engagement groups
You could either start an engagement group or join one, but the goal is to write something up and share it within these groups in order to get engagement on your newly published content.  The internal algorithms of LinkedIn value engagement on the content being published, and the more engagement you have, the easier it is to be found by a stranger looking up what you've written about How to get views and conversions with your LinkedIn content

Engage with strangers content
Remember, you're not here to promote your content, you're here to engage and if you go to other peoples content to add content you will likely get some additional people to your page and even your website.  You're essentially taking customers from competitors, and they can't do anything about that if you're not dropping a link or self-promoting, but you're adding great comments and intriguing people who are reading How to get views and conversions with your LinkedIn content

In conclusion
LinkedIn is a powerhouse for lead generation if you use it right, but most people just spam links and try to connect with thousands of others in order to use it the wrong way.  Use LinkedIn the right way and you'll increase your leads, traffics, connections, and everything else positive that has to do with your account and your business.

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Those are pretty good tips. I have to admit that I don't use LinkedIn to funnel visitors to my sites even though I've been a member for a decade or so and reading your article gave me some good ideas on how to use it.

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I have good reasons to believe that LinkedIn can very much well be very useful in getting traffic and funneling it to one's business website but have it in mind that nothing comes easy without working for it. It's just like trying to funnel traffic from your Facebook page to your site, you are definitely going to be very active on your Facebook page in order to stand the chance of getting the traffic to funnel to your website.

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Good point, however as of now LinkedIn is not that popular but it has a lot of potentials tho. For me facebook is still one of the best booster since you have more audience and more accounts.

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What about the LinkedIn Pulse articles? Do you recommend publishing content that way?

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LinkedIn is a very much good way for writing and reading content. There are huge and huge professionals available to read and get content. My linked in connection numbers are 8000+. Some times I get some great order for sharing my SEO clerk user profile and affiliate profile on there. The most lovable and beautiful matter on Linked in is that- there have not enough n u d i t y. It makes me happy for using and sharing the links on there. But from now I shall follow the tips you gave on here: short paragraph and link on first comment zone.


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Any social network is good for the business especially when it is allowed to promote your business interest. I have received many invitations to LinkedIn but I am not keen on creating a profile there because I don’t have the spare time to be engaging there. Just with Facebook I already have little time and some of my friends are complaining that I don’t react to their posts. It’s just that I don’t see their posts because I spend only little time in Facebook unlike them who spend hours in a day.

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I have been on LinkedIn for about 3 years now and I have not been able to get a lot of views for my page. Even though LinkedIn does not much up to Facebook and tweeter I think it is the best media site for me to build the image of my business. I love the points you have listed and am thankful for your article I would love to try your points out to see how it improves my LinkedIn experience.

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Same goes with me. I also didn't have a lot of connections and views there that is why I ended up not using it now. But this is interesting. I think i'm gonna try some of the tips provided by this article.

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I perfectly understand how difficult it is and the frustration it comes with when you are having serious difficulties in getting activities to or on LinkedIn. It's just like Facebook page, if you set up your own Facebook page but don't work to get organic traffic to the page, it's always going to remain dormant. Try and get something going on your page, employ some of the tips highlighted in the article above and I'm very certain there will be a change in your LinkedIn page.

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The thing is that LinkedIn is a different kind of animal compared to Facebook or Twitter. The latter two lean more towards the social networking aspect of things—after all, they are social media platforms—while the former takes cues from social networking and media but has a greater emphasis on business and employment.

Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms can be utilized to fuel your own business endeavors, while LinkedIn is more along the lines of seeking employment or finding employees. After all, the very description for LinkedIn states it is ”a business and employment-oriented service.”

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Nice tips on how we can use LinkedIn. I never thought of that. i have a LinkedIn accoubt for about 2 years now and I never did anything about it. In fact I have never opened it for a few months now. But I think I will do now. Thanks for this very beneficial tips.

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LinkedIn is more of a business oriented social media network, it's not like Facebook even though they seem so much alike. LinkedIn serves more of a business purpose than interpersonal relationships. I believe that it's the reason why you most times forget that you had an account on the social media site and go for months without opening it. It happened to me some time ago but I have gotten used to it now and I'm currently make more use of it unlike years ago.

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I think I will be opening it too,and I have to improve my profile too. I need to have some connections, it will be beneficial for me. In time I think I will be able to find an interesting job through linkedin soon.

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I learnt about LinkedIn about 5 years ago now and I must confess that I found it very difficult to use for any social media activities back then. I was more use to working with Factbook than LinkedIn then. But recently, I have gotten used to and more comfortable with working with LinkedIn, and I'm definitely going to apply these tips discussed in the article above to how I use the social media sites to get the best out of it.

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I find LinkedIn is becoming more and more popular, and it's something I need to capitalize on myself. These tips and tricks to gain views and more engagement with content are really helpful.

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When you are looking at getting more of business experience with the use of social media sites, LinkedIn would be the best bet for you to use. It's more business oriented than Facebook and Instagram. Facebook and Instagram are more of social media interaction sites for people, even though it's used for business marketing but LinkedIn is more business professional in general.

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I'm working on setting mine up this weekend. It's a little funny to me that the business I work for has a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but hasn't set up a LinkedIn profile. I guess we have to rectify that ASAP!

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I am a bit skeptical on linkedin. I have spent a lot of effort. And truth be told there does not seem to be much value out of the linkedin content. There are most of the things that may go wrong and it can be seriously worked out on the difficult side. I guess we learn from our experience on that note. I would instead spend the time on facebook and other platforms. Hopefully that may work out.

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Thanks for this. I must admit that I don't know how to use LinkedIn, I know that it can be very useful as a network. I've heard some of my friends use it to look for writing jobs, by posting their articles and getting corporate clients. I intend to take a short online class in it at some point, because I'm interested in leveraging it's power of lead generation. Thanks for this reminder, I need to start working on getting a course.

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I have my linkedin always active since it can offer valuable connections to some of the best professionals. The tips are superb keep giving us some more.

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I never really thought much about LinkedIn before I got into the online business trade, and the difference between a good and a bad account is all the difference on how your profile can be used for potential employment, etc. You really need to take it seriously if you're planning to create one and be active in checking any messages and reply promptly and professionally,

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I’ve known quite a few people who have received job offers via LinkedIn, and I definitely think theirs have been the most detailed LinkedIn profiles I’ve seen - so I do think what you put into it tends to be what you get out of it!

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Thanks for the tips but I'm sticking with Facebook because it's the best place to funnel people from because it has the largest user base when it comes to social media platforms and more is always better when it comes to funneling and getting conversions.

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I think it never hurts to have multiple different social media platforms working for you! I try and capitalize on all of them, despite some being better for certain things than others.

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LinkedIn is more for people looking for jobs in companies related to their field since LinkedIn is commonly used by corporate people when hiring prospects. They serve different purposes.

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I've never thought of using LinkedIn for this purpose. I only use it to find jobs offers from potential companies I'm eyeing. Though I do question if will anyone connect with you though. In my country (Philippines), I don't think LinkedIn is that a popular of a site. Like me, most people only log in to check for job offers. Maybe if you're target is a global audience then it would work.

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Being engaging with stranger’s contents is a good advice not just for LinkedIn but also in other sites like social media. When you say network then that means a group of people. In social media network, you have the opportunity to create your own group of people by creating your account and connecting to people that you call friends. And when you have many connections then that is to your advantage especially when you have a business interest to promote.

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I have linkedin account, I think I have about 300 people in my connection. I check my account once in a while, I even respond to every connection requests and messages. However, I am not jusing linkedin for marketing or even for earning opportunities. Linkedin for me is just abother social media site. I have tried sharing contents however, I had to stop doing ths because I did not gain engagements in my connection.

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Thanks for these wonderful tips in using LinkedIn! It was such a great big help to those people who wants to take a first step to be a content writer. Most of the people have the access to the Internet, that is why if you would like to become famous or a well-known blogger/writer you should consider doing the steps given above. It is really a big help, also for me.

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Your lindkdln account should be attracting. When I say attracting you have a good content in your account there. The more experienced job the more people would view your account. I think thats how it works.

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I don't know that LindkdIn can be used this way. I don't have an account there because I heard from my friends that it is not good. But since you've given this pointers I'll make an account and apply this. This article is a big help specially for a beginner like me.

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LinkedIn has been a very powerful tool in widening your networks. It has also been useful especially businessmen around the world. I find this article useful. I will definitely use some of these advice.

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It is my first time hearing about LinkedIn but I will keep this helpful advice for the near future. Engaging to other people content will also help you. Putting link sometimes in the post can really make it look like spam. You should really construct your post clear and accurately.

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Put some great skills, include your work experience and also share something interesting about yourself, by doing all of that I guess you can boost the view on your LinkedIn profile.

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I have been using LinkedIn wrongly and it is high time that I change strategy. With these tips am prone to make a gateway. Such posts are very motivating really.

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I've been using LinkedIn for a year now and I don't have clue that I've been using it wrong all along. So I will remember those advise and make sure that I apply it to my next posts, thank you for this.

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