
Build your legacy, not just something you want to profit from, and it will be more rewarding

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Build your legacy, not just something you want to profit from, and it will be more rewarding

People all over the world are getting into website design or online marketing because they want to make money online right now.  I'm here to tell you that it's a long journey ahead of you, so don't chance profits, just work on something you like to do and leave a legacy for someone else to work on after you're done. 

If you're building something you love, if you can put in countless hours into marketing and branding, if you're proud of your work, and you can create something you'll be happy to leave to your children, then you're doing everything right and should be proud of yourself.  If you're not doing any of those things, then please keep reading, because I'm going to cover them and open your eyes a bit Build your legacy, not just something you want to profit from, and it will be more rewarding

Build something you love
If you don't love what you're doing, it's just going to feel like a job and you're going to burn out quicker than you think, so start doing what you love or working in a niche that you're happy about.  When you start out you'll likely get into a niche because someone else told you it's profitable, I know that's what I did and you might do it as well, but you'll also need to open up a few websites or blogs about something you love in order to really grasp what you're doing online.

If you don't love your job, you will leave it, and it's the same with anything website related.  It doesn't matter if you're an online marketer, website designer, or a programmer because we're all human and love doing things we're interested in.

Put countless hours into marketing and branding
When you're building something you love, you'll want to put in countless hours towards marketing your website or business as well as branding it.  If you want it to be successful, you will need to do the right marketing in order to get noticed by everyone and do the branding to build trust and become the authority within your niche.

If you can do both your marketing and branding just right, you'll notice a lot of people flocking to your website or business, which means a lot of recurring customers and high retention rates Build your legacy, not just something you want to profit from, and it will be more rewarding  Put in the time and effort now so you can retire early and give your children the life you always dreamed of.  When they're old enough, you can hand over the keys to your business and watch them steer it towards even higher success Build your legacy, not just something you want to profit from, and it will be more rewarding

Be proud of what you've done
If you're not proud of what you're doing, then why do it at all, because you'll never feel like you've achieved any of your goals.  Being proud of your work comes from loving what you do and doing the best you possibly can, resulting in the best outcome possible with no errors and hopefully helping people along the way.

If you can't be proud of what you're doing, you're not going to like what your legacy will be, because it will be years of hard work on something you weren't dedicated to.  So be proud of what you're doing and it won't feel like work at all Build your legacy, not just something you want to profit from, and it will be more rewarding

Create something you'll be happy to leave to your children
Like I've mentioned above, you'll need to work on something that you'd be proud to leave to your children.  It doesn't matter if you're building a marketplace, a physical business, selling products online, etc.  If you're happy with what you're doing, and you train your children how to do it, you'll likely be happy to leave it to them when you're wanting to clock out of work for the final time.

Sure, your children may not want to take over your business because they chose a different path that may not align with your business, but that's ok because you can just sell your business and keep everyone in your family safe from debt with your riches Build your legacy, not just something you want to profit from, and it will be more rewarding

In conclusion
Your legacy is what you leave behind after you pass away, and your business can surpass you in years pretty easily if you run it right, and your children may want to run it after you pass.  They will think of you each and every day when they go to work because it's something you built for them and they will do their best to keep it successful.  If you love what you do, it will come easily to invest thousands of hours into it, and your family will thank you for your sacrifice and dedication to the job Build your legacy, not just something you want to profit from, and it will be more rewarding

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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I always wanted to be a writer. I built my site a few months earlier. As I was working with my site the first thing I really thought of was what would be my niche, who would be my target market. As I was pondering what will my site would be, I thought that this must be something that I will be proud someday. Some thing that I can proudly show my future children and grandkids. I wish the site will be something I will not be ashamed of. Instead I want it to be something that shows positivity to others. I want it to be something that not just this generation can relate to but the coming generation as well.

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You're right. We need to build legacy and not just profit for our children. Life is so short. We need to think of ways that our children will be glad that we leave them a good legacy. A good name is one.

Our good character or attitudes are the one that are valuable than just money. There is nothing we can bring when we die. We will all leave those beautiful houses, cars, etc. behind. Education is another good legacy that we can leave to our children.

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That's a good point. Having something that we are proud of are very fulfilling, not only for us but for the people around us. Planning on how the sites give impact to the viewers are more important than thinking of the material things that we will gain. Money soon will follow after we established something worthy.

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Also there is a saying that "Internet is forever". It means that whatever you put in the internet stays forever. You may delete the content but there are ways that it lingers some where. It is like a ghost in the past that you almost cannot run away from. Whenever I post something in my blogsite i always think before I post it. Will my future family member be proud of me because of this or will I also put them in shame?

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Gee, you are being dramatic with your thoughts. No offense meant. I was just amused by your musings about the site that you own. Maybe you can start working on the niche by thinking of your passion. What do you want to do and what makes you enjoy doing it. An example is my niche which is pets because I am a pet lover. When I write an article about pets it is like not working because I enjoy thinking and writing about my passion.

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If you love what you do, you do it well and you are prone to be successful. About leaving behind that your predecessors will be proud of is another thing altogether. Sometimes we are full of earning, pulling traffic and becoming successful that we make mistakes.

we do things fir fame and money without minding whether our children will be proud of the work we do or not. At times we streep naked for likes and traffic without being minding of the repercussions to our children.

A nice one.

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I always love to bring someone else on board either to evaluate what I have done or to learn from it. That way I ways enshre continuity and I can get to build things that are just beyond me.

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Replication is a good thing. Keep up the good work.

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Yeeah you will also have minimal problems. At the time that you are stuck, the person you brought on board will have learnt a few things that might assist in coming up with a solution.

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I would have to agree completely that you must build something you love and feel passionate about. Happiness is the key, if you love what you're doing then there's no way to lose.

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This is exactly what I'm talking about. In a life that you are not happy and not fulfilled, there is no doubt you will end up being depressed on the long run and might eventually commit suicide. This is a very common thing in the western world. So, it's very important to keep going through the chanel of working on what makes you happy and be satisfied in your life.

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Satisfaction is always an inportant aspect of any engagement. I for myself always envision the long term effects of any activity before initiatilizing it. In such a manner, I am able to keep focus throughout as I know what I am really after and hence getting the undesired effects are not possible to achieve. What you get in the long term is the sum total of your efforts and aiming correctly is always important.

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I can see this is so many blog sites. I have a friend who put up a blog site in wordpress. He built it to be one of his source of income. He also started vlogging in youtube. One day he experienced content creator's burnout. He was so tired and forced to think of content that he is not passionate about. He became unhappy. He soon let go of the blog site and youtube channel. It is quiet sad.
This article is a great help with others if they are planning to enter the seo world.

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In my passion as an eneterpreur I have always wanted to start something which offers a solution to an existing problem in the society. I have learnt through experince and time that without solving a problem then anything you do can be forgotten pretty quickly.

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Very cool that you look at problems in society and ways to solve them - that's how a lot of famous inventors started out. It's a very smart way of addressing a need and helping to fix a problem.

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when you solve a problem it is also hard for people to ignore your product. Since it is what they need they will always appreciate the product and before you know it you have built a strong client base. It is also difficult for you to run out of business unless there comes better competitors.

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This comment is what exactly Jeane advised to me when I was looking for answers regarding what niche to choose. Find a niche that will give solutions to problems experienced by people, make it relevant to them. Great advice!

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Also do not forget to be the best solution provider and keep innovating and making your company better. You are the best in the sector if your solution advances with the shifts in the design of the problem.

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I'll sure take note of that. A business won't survive if it fails to evolve and innovate at the same time. If ever it's time for me to jump on the entrepreneurial bandwagon, I'll remember all these things. All the best!

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The same thing was actually said to be a good marketing strategy at the same time. I once heard a successful businessman who advised that customers should see your business as solution to your problem. In other words, you have to promote in such a way that you've got what they need.
But I do understand that you're referring to something that has a value to the community. That will be a great legacy and a noble desire.

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I get your point. When you establish a good enough solution people will then come to know you as the individual who introduced the thing. This will mean that your legacy is already solid.

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I definitely agree that you really should do something you love. Doing something you love will always make you really motivated. Building a legacy may be hard but it is not impossible. You can really achieve it through a lot of hard work.

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From my childhood, all I ever wanted to become is a lawyer and even though I have had some setbacks with achieving my dream career, I still haven't given up on becoming what I truly love because I have already mapped how my legacy is going to be in the legal world. So, I completely agree that chasing what we love and work hard towards getting it is the only way to being happy in this life.

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There is this common thing with motivation and passion. When you love what you do you will always do it naturally without feeling like it is an obligation. When you make money in the process then it is even more advantageous.

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Being into something that you love is one of the way that you are not going to lose the desire and passion that you have to make things work. I always tell people that when you do the things that you love, there is always a higher chance of you achieving success unlike when it is a job you don't have passion for.

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Exactly! It's always advised to pursue what you love whether it's on a personal level, social level or business level, this is the only way you are guaranteed of being happy on the long run. Some parents make the grave mistakes of trying to choose their kids profession for them, this is wrong, alow them to pick what they love and build on it.

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I have always said that I don't care what my children do for a career as long as they're happy (and as long as they're not doing anything illegal!)

I think like you said - if someone picks what they love they're guaranteed to be happy and I think that means they'll excel at it too!

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Some people make the grave mistakes of building on something on the short run instead of looking at the bigger picture. Even if it's for business purposes, working on creating a legacy would be better than just looking to earn money because in our society today, fame even earns you more money on the long run.

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I think that concept of loving what you do and having pride at it not only helps to build your legacy but also increases the chances of you being successful! These days I think people can tell when others are authentic or not, and if you don't care about what you're working on that ends up being pretty transparent.

Passion for what you do equates to profits!

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I am kind of agreement with the fact that we have to leave something for which we are remembered. And that is something that needs to be thought with everything we make. You can see that some of the time profit is not always what you should be thinking. In such case you have to be thinking more in terms of the what you are leaving behind. Because at the end that is what matters for anyone.

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Yeah, it is all about the thing that we are looking at leaving behind when we are leaving an industry. This is one of those reasons it is better that we leave something that is going to make many others remember us in the future.

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Sometimes we feel that we are going to live forever. And then we have to understand the fact that we have to leave some things behind and move on at the end. And that is where you can see building legacy part comes into play. Lot of people don't pay attention to that and instead it would always something we have to think about and then plan our life.

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If you put up a business with the mindset of leaving this as a legacy for your children, then that means you will do what you love and give your best shot. This is a good mindset because it will motivate you to maximize all your resources and put your best foot forward. It's not something that you will do just to earn or just for the sake of doing it. You'll value it more and definitely this will manifest in your business success if you do it right.

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I have to agree that mindset plays a big role into this. And people need to understand that profit is something we have to understand properly. I have learned from the experience that motivation often requires something at the end and need outcome. So the profit mindset often may not help as well.

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It's like one of the things you should do before you die. Leaving behind a legacy, like your kids for example, makes it so you'll still live even if you pass on. You live through your kids who you've thought how to live. Having your work remembered is one way to leave behind a legacy. Would you rather be remembered as someone who did the best work he could or someone who didn't do his best and will probably be forgotten anyway?

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Yes, you are definitely right with your article. Making a profit from the business you do is actually the main goal that's why you do your business but I agree that we shouldn't focus on just getting a lot of money our of it but we should also think of something that people will recognize us with our legacy or with what we want to tell people about us. Every successful business that has been built all over the globe has its own behind stories. In fact, I like hearing those kind of things. I want to know why rich businessmen decided to make it.

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For me legacy is more important than having a profit because it is something that we can be proud about. Legacy is something that cannot be valued by money, it is a very important tool in humans life. Many great people are known for their great legacy which until now is hard to forget.

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I think often when people work with that mindset of creating a legacy then they often make a profit too, since they're putting their heart and soul into their work. People often can see when someone is really passionate about what they do, and that is what regularly makes me purchase from certain businesses over others Build your legacy, not just something you want to profit from, and it will be more rewarding so it can really be the best of both worlds. Creating a legacy and being able to make a profit too!

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There's a line between doing work for the sake of passion and for the sake of money. Almost always one screws up the other. It really is hard to stay passionate about something if you don't have the money to do so. Then again, it's hard to live without money that you'd work without being passionate. It really is tough to do both IMO.

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The good thing about leaving a legacy is that your children can also profit from it if you trained them to do the work. It cannot be measured by money because of the priceless value but at the same time, you can put a tag on it that doesn't come cheap if you leave your business behind to those who have the same vision with you.

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A dictionary defines "Legacy" as a gift that is being handed down, endowed or conveyed from one person to another. A lot of individuals disregard what they do in life and focus on things that do not matter. Some people are trapped in the rat race and chasing money day after day, week by week, month after month, knowing for a fact that it will not bring them happiness in the end. I know I am weird, but isn't that usually the case? Know who you are, what you stand for, and work on that. Your legacy will define you when you are not walking this earth anymore.

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Your content is delivered in a simple way but it has a big impact on everyone. I got a lot of realizations after reading this. I agree that you need to do something that you love and not just the profitable one. But to be honest, it's hard for me to know what my real passion is. Sometimes, the thing that you thought you would love to do is not the thing that you love and will make you happy. It is a long journey. I guess what I have learned is that you can find a passion in the job that you currently have. Things will happen unexpectedly in the way that you will love in the end.

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Its really nice to do something what you really love and earn money at the same time. Not all are lucky to have this kind of job but for those that are experiencing this, blessing is what I call on that. never let anyone stop or ruin you for what you really dream of and love to do. If thats what makes you complete and happy, you aim it - you go for it.

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I agree that giving a business to your children could really mean a lot. It is not just about money that they could earn but also they will learn how to appreciate things that helped their parents to financially support them. I also agree that you mention to build something that you really love to do. I believe that doing something that you love isn't just about doing it but also letting yourself enjoy and have fun with what you do. Also, being proud with your success could make you feel satisfied with your achievements even with the smallest one.

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Have you noticed that businesses run by families and which survive beyond two or more generations become very strong eventually. There are deep values which are rooted in the operations and over time they become so concrete.

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I agree. Businesses that were passed from generations are much more successful because they cherish and love the business itself not with how much the business can make. They take it as a treasure, left for them to cultivate. Memories of their successor will always be with their business that's why they keep importance to it.

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It is mostly through them keeping rooted to the original passion and goals that the founder of the company had. Such are passed down the generations and everyone gets taught to respect the business itself first before creating any money.

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Respect and gratitude are special ingredients to make a business successful. They should not think that it can only bring them money but also think of it as a gift they should cherish. I have seen some businesses fail because they ought to just make money not to love the business itself.

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True. People that inherit busisnesses have a deep rooted respect for all the operations and those who came before them. It is all about keeping tge reputation untainted and this helps in making them even stronger.

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This is an eye opener for me. I have been thinking of starting an internet business because mainly of the profits associated with it. My plan is to focus my time and effort building a website just for the sake of profiting from it. Now I am determined to change this mindset of mine and to focus on a good legacy that I can leave my children behind.

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It's the same with me. I actually just focused on building my website and keeping it good to gain profit and live comfortably. But I realize that what makes you more comfortable is being able to build something that you can share to the younger generation in the future.

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Having a legacy is really good since it can help your business to earn more profit. Even your children might benefit from it since it can give them a feeling of self confidence and boosting their morale. Others look those people who have a great legacy as a role model and the best of all that is why legacy is very important.

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The legacy that you can also leave is being able to train your children in this line of business. If you were not able to achieve your goals during your time, it doesn't mean the end. You might be able to do enough to sustain the business but they could be the ones who can make it succeed. It's important that yoy share the knowledge skills to keep the business going which will also benefit them if they try on their own.

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I agree with what you have said in this article. One of the missions we must accomplish in life is to leave behind a legacy. Otherwise, you won't matter when you aren't living anymore. This can be in the form of your kids, your life's work or your goodness to other people. It's very important to think of the long run of your business. Do you want your business to go beyond your life span? Do you plan on making one of your kids take over the business? Do you care about the business' legacy even after it's closed?

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Yes I really agree that we should be proud of what we have achieved because it is one way to say that we are contented and enjoying what we are doing. Being proud of what we reach is something like a great day for us, giving emphasis on certain achievement that we had is a must for us to stay more motivated to work hard for success.

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Building our own legacy is not that easy. It will take time before we can say that we are already there. What's important is our journey in before reaching it. Just enjoy what we are doing and not only focus on our main goal. For me it's so fulfilling to reach something while having fun walking towards it.

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I absolutely love this idea. Most of us are not successful in business because we have no clear path or purpose. Last night I read an article in the New Yorker where Mark Zuckerberg the owner of Facebook and one of the richest men in the world, was being interviewed and for him one of his reasons to build Facebook into a better company today and in the future is that he wants to build a legacy that his girls can be proud of. How many of us think like this? I would argue that most of us are still working for money.

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Create something you'll be happy to leave to your children

With this in mind, you can make sure that you keep yourself from doing unethical things or those that will taint your character. This will mean that we will not be caught up merely with monetary gains but as well as more valuable and intangible things, among them is a good reputation. It also means that you will try to build a good foundation for your business so that it will last long for you to pass on to your children.

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Yes! I agree to this. We must build on something we love. Something that we love to do. if you love painting, so be it. If you love sports, be in sports.

Our children will follow what they see us doing. Like father like son. Like mother like daughter. Like parents like children. That's why as parents let us be very careful in what we do. Its because our children are looking up to us.

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When I wrote my first blog about my dogs I felt that it is something I love. That made me decide to be a blogger when I retire from my job some years from now. Doing something you love will not make you feel working that you can do it all day and not feel any stress. My planned log is the expression of my passion.

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I really agree that we should create something that would make us happy to leave to our children since our life on earth is just very short. We must make use of it and do good things to our fellowmen so that our children would be great and proud to us in due time.

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This article surely relates to me with the cars that I have. I have a car that I bought for myself and a car that was given to me by my father. My father passed away this year, and I realized a lot of things. Guess which one holds more value to me?

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The mentality of doing something to just earn money is not a right thing to do because you will not perform well because what you just want is money not the service or product that you are passionate into.

I can simply tell that if you really want to make a business find a business that you yourself are interested and somehow you will find a way in making it a legacy.

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I agree build something in present and take the reward in the future. What will happen when somebody beats you unexpectedly? Will you end up on edge or discouraged on the grounds that you are no longer as fruitful as you ought to or used to? The most noteworthy issue with endeavoring to make progress is that you are never present. Your stresses over as far as possible your conceivable outcomes you from playing taking care of business today. What will happen when somebody beats you unexpectedly? Will you end up on edge or discouraged on the grounds that you are no longer as fruitful as you ought to or used to? The most noteworthy issue with endeavoring to make progress is that you are never present. Your stresses over as far as possible your conceivable outcomes you from playing taking care of business today.

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I agree completely with all the points you have made. One has to love whatever he does. Unless there is a lots of love, patience, hard work and time invested in whatever you do, you won't be able to succeed. One has to dedicate himself to his work and this can only be achieved when you have a long term perspective and goals. If making money is the only objective behind a project then it won't achieve long term success. Once the goal of earning money is achieved then the focus on the work starts becoming less and there is always the danger of eventually loosing interest. If on the other hand our goal is to do something which can be helpful to the others, then the motivation we feel is much more and we can give our best and be successful in leaving behind something which is useful for generations to come.

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I am one of those people who tried online marketing at first, for the sole purpose of earning money. However, everyday, I have my realizations and one of those is putting my heart and soul to what I do, because in the end, what matters is what you are in the future, not what you earn at the moment. I learned to establish my online marketing career with this value.

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Build something you love will always be a good thing to do because if the thing that you are building is the thing that you do not like, the outcome of it will become useless.

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Leaving a legacy is one of the best people will do. I agreed in this discussion. Love, professionalism, attitude is one of the disscusion traits. I appreciate this and learned from it. Thank you.

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