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Many people think you need to have a well-established business, with all the right PR out there, the best SEO team doing the work day in and day out, all to make a ton of money online. I'm here to tell you that if you do the right marketing, people will literally just give you money, and you can use it to push your business to interstellar heights
You need to do various things in order to bring people to your website, get interested in what you have on there, then want to give away their hard earned money in order to boost your own success. Money can come in by many forms such as investors, pre-orders, and even credit lines but it's up to you to figure out which you want to target because all 3 of these need different marketing campaigns.
Investors VS Pre-Orders VS Credit Lines
When you talk about profits, people always talk about customers who bought something from you, but what about Investors just wanting to give you money or people wanting to fund your project in order to get something you're building? And then there are credit lines from banking establishments, which is another monster that needs a specific set of marketing tactics to entice to come in.
I won't be going into detail about each of these marketing campaigns, because that would be a 100,000 word discussion But I will tell you that you need to show value to an investor, show a great product or service to a customer, and show current orders as well as purchase orders to be fulfilled if you want to entice a banking establishment to give you a credit line.
Intrigue the investors
You need to show them value in what you are producing, if there is no value, you won't entice someone to hand over 1 million dollars. Investors can push your business from a small startup to a fortune 500 business in a short amount of time, so you need to focus on your own value before you start to target them.
Pre-Orders can fund your business
Just like on Kickstarter, pre-orders can fund your business in order to keep it going for a long time. Normally, you would need to have an established business and send out a newsletter in order to get pre-orders, but that's a thing of the past and now you can just set up a campaign on Kickstarter to take a chance at massive pre-orders.
The only downside of Kickstarter is that you don't get any money from a campaign that doesn't meet it's minimum. If you set your goal at $10,000 and you get $9,999 from backers, you won't get a single penny because you never met your goal. Now, in some cases people will set $10,000 or $25,000 goals and get $1,000,000+ from backers because the product you're trying to produce is so awesome that it goes viral pretty quick and you even get noticed by the platform, boosting your views and potential backers giving you money
Purchase orders can get you business credit
A purchase order usually comes from a big chain store wanting your product and giving you money along with a time frame in order to produce plenty of product that will then be sent to them. This is similar to Kickstarter where you get backers to give you money in order to make the products, but with PO's you are working with just 1 buyer on a massive production scale, which has its specific benefits like obtaining credit lines
Banks will give you credit lines based on your purchase orders because they know you can pay them back when the work is done, and getting paid back is what banks want to hear
In conclusion
As long as you do everything right, think outside of the box a little bit, and have determination then you won't have troubles making money online. Above are just a few ways you can generate $1,000,000+ when just starting up, but they aren't something everyone can achieve so don't expect to be handed checks to fund everything. Just remember, you miss 100% of the shots you're not taking, so take a chance and try everything you can to bring in Investors, Pre-Orders, Credit Lines, and anything else you can think of
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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