
My troubles with Payoneer

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My troubles with Payoneer

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Before few years i added a payoneer card to my seoclerk account that card issued by my friend name. From that time i didn't receive any payment on that payoneer account. And for inactivity that card got blocked by payoneer moderation.

So now i want to remove that payoneer payee id from seoclerk account and want to add my new payoneer card. For this why i contacted with payoneer live chat from my friend's payoneer account and ask them for removing payee id from my seoclerk account. Then they told me they deactivated payoneer payee from my seoclerk account.

After deactive when i tried to add my new payoneer card to my seoclerk account then i faced a problem. Again i contacted with payoneer live chat. And told them that i am facing problem to add new payoneer card. They replayed me - Your payoneer payee id is deactivated but not released.In case if you want to add a new payoneer card to your seoclerk account you have to release your present payoneer card.Then i ask them for releasing it.

When i asked them to release then they ask me - why do you want to release your payee id??
I told them that i want to add my new payoneer account for getting payment from my seoclerk account. They told me that for this reason they are not able to release it. Next day again i contacted with them and told them another reason. Again they told me that they are not able to release it for this reason.

And next week again i contacted with them to release payee id but again they are unable.

Is there anybody in this community who did this process successfully?

Actually which reason should i tell them so that they will release my friend"s payoneer payee id from my seoclerk account?

Waiting for your informative replay.



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You are using your friends' information, that's why you're not getting access or being able to get something removed/released.

They see you as a stranger trying to access someone else's account and withdraw funds, then you might take the money and run, but the original person in their mind is getting screwed because now their own money is gone.

Why don't you just set up your own Payoneer account, in your name, and do everything legitimate? If I ran Payoneer, I would likely have banned your IP because you're using someone else's account and that just doesn't sound right.

Set up your own account, link your Payoneer ID to your SEOclerks account, tell Payoneer that you are using your ID to withdraw AND FUND your account so you can buy and sell services, even if you only plan on withdrawing your money and that's it. Tell them what they want to hear and they will likely work with you instead of telling them you're using someone else's account.

Yes, you may have set up and account with your friends' name but that doesn't make it yours. You used all of their information and are funneling money through it, but it's not yours no matter how you talk about it. Go do everything yourself, stop using your friends' account, and you shouldn't have any problems.

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Well, this just summarized everything that you need to know about the reason why they are refusing to release the Payoneer ID for. So, I would suggest taking the suggestion given by Tommy and have your own account set up for your Seoclerk account. This will solve all this problem for you.

Good luck.

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TommyCarey yes you are right

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At first you made a mistake by adding your friend payoneer account with your seo clerk account.
Secondly you need to contact with seo clerk customer care service about this issue.
Thirdly your friend should need to contact with payoneer customer care section.
Not you.

Fourthly honestly say every thing to SEOclerk customer care section. They will give you the best solution.
Check down part of your seo clerk.


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I had the same problem with my paymaya account. I wanted to get rid of my first account for some personal reasons, and I don't know how to. I already made a second account but I am restricted to put money into it. So I called their service center hotline and asked them what to do. They asked for the the informations of my first and second account. And asked me again what account I wanted to retain. They said it will take 3business days to delete the first account but I need to finish the registration of my second account within the 3business days. And I just do what they asked me to do, I finished the registration. But I didn't use my friends account to finish it. You need to use your own account. Yes I made a video chat with them to finish my registration but I used my second account to do so. And, as they promised, they deleted my first account. So it is better to use your own account sir. I just don't know if the paymaya and payoneer works the same, like you can actually do second account but you will just be restricted to put any amount into it.

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I would like at their terms and conditions. I don't think that they allow you to use someone else's account. This may be the reason that they are refusing to change the account ID. Remember also they banned your friend, so in essence they have banned the account you were using, they may not allow you to open another account. This issue is about you using an account, that got banned. I'm sure you didn't tell them that you were using your friends account, they may not have allowed it. From what I know with these online processors if you want to open a 2nd account you close our 1st one first. In this case it will not apply because your SEO account is linked to a banned account.

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My troubles with Payoneer: I never tried to use Payoneer account, I prefer to use a Paypal as a payment portal and I never encountered any problem using it as of now. But this first move that you made which is using your friends account was a really big mistake and not acceotable in all kind of payment portal you can surely encounter a problem by doing it. This thread was a big help for me even I don't have a payoneer account because I may create one soon not only for me but for those who using a payonner account there it will serve as a guide lesson to every body to be more extra careful.

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