
Meaning and Benefit of RSS

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Meaning and Benefit of RSS

Many Sellers and buyers are new They do not know what this RSS. All of them have only one question in their mind. So let's solve this problem

RSS = Really Simple Syndication
. And that's what it was created for. As a way of being able to access information in the most simplest, purest, rawest format possible. As a way for people to subscribe to their favorite websites latest posts and
everything else in their feed in a standardized way such as with a Feed Reader like the old Google Reader or or some other one like Feedly, NewsBlur, FeedBin, Inoreader etc. These are all individual RSS feed subscriber apps but some feeds also let you subscribe in your browser and even by email notification etc so you don't have to use an RSS feed app.

Another benefit and reason for a website to have an RSS feed other than letting people subscribe to it in different ways is that it's also coded in a computer-readable format so that Search Engine bots/spiders/crawlers can access them and read them and then display them in their Search Results or as a way to find/crawl it's way around that site but Google only crawls so deep depending on the authority of your site anyway.

Hope this helps!



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One of the main reasons I love RSS feeds of big corporations within my industry is that I get free content ideas that are uploaded to my own website and all I have to do is edit the content in my own words then publish it lol Meaning and Benefit of RSS

Not many people are doing this today because they think you need to have a unique idea when it comes to content, but that's not true at all. Those RSS feeds are syndicating content right to my WordPress dashboard, then I edit the content so it's unique, and I start ranking for the same terms these big corporations are Meaning and Benefit of RSS

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RSS= Rapid Syndication System has been created long term ago for the readers club only. The peoples who doe snot like to visit website- RSS has been made and had been implemented for the online readers club. IT has been implemented for long term ago and its only for long term.


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I agree @centurion, I only know RSS because I used to use it to get my news from around the world. I did not even know what the full definition of RSS was. I did not know that it is used as a strategy to improve SEO rankings. Amazing we learn new things everyday. But I agree RSS is really old. I don't think many people still use it to date, I certainly don't use it anymore, most people don't even know about it.

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Honestly I never knew that word and how it is being used but I am glad that I was enlightened for now and I learned that is very useful in any other form of uses. I am thankful for having the opportunity to heard about this word, at least for now I would not anymore left behind when RSS word is being discussed or wheneverr I saw it in the web.

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I suspect this is an archaic way of dealing with SEO, but I could be wrong. I mean, in my research, I keep getting articles from the 2000s! So has anyone tried this in your SEO efforts? I mean, it seems like the constant generation of new activity would be good for SEO, but, nonetheless, this might have been some thing that was abused by SEO companies - and hence, discarded.

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RSS can still be certainly helpful today, although I think less and less people are familiar with them, let alone even use them right now. Still, it's pretty easy to incorporate and can help even for a little bit.

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If I'm being honest, I would admit that as much as I I have seen RSS - Rapid Syndication System ever since I started working online and visiting several sites, I really don't know exactly why RSS-Rapid Syndication System means. But after reading through this article, I have come to understand exactly what it means and what it offers to sites.

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I derive benefit from using RSS feeds to keep my tweet stream populated. There are many automation tools that can be used. is an example of one such tool. But there are more. Just map the RSS feed to your Twitter account. It posts automatically for you. All of my blogs have an RSS feed and my Twitter is updated whenever I publish a post.

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I think that most blogs are populated automatically by RSS. It is a feed that seems ubquitous and allows others to get the kind of information they need. It is just one of the many ways that you can populate your blog website. It is just for making sure you have the follower map you can use.

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Thanks for this info, honestly I just heard this RSS but never know how useful and purpose of this. I don't even know the meaning of RSS. Now I know some of benefits of this RSS, specially by promoting your site, because by using RSS feed for your content, and by encouraging the readers to subscribe, you allowed them to become your regular readers and continue to engage with your content.

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While I understand what it is for, does anyone actually use it anymore? I remember a few years ago, RSS was a prominent thing on websites with there always being a link or a button linking users to the RSS feed. But you just don't see it as much anyway really, I have not bothered to even look at it or include a button for it on my recent sites and projects.

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RSS was a kind of especial words for me at first since I really don't know what does it mean, I just learn it now at SEO Clerks that it goes that way. I always saw this word in the web but I didn't give much importance on it and just experience how it is useful to everyone.

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That's the same thing here and even when I knew that it was a way that you can get to capture words and a that, I never knew that it is going to be that easy for those that are looking at making use of it on the website that they own.

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best article on RSS I ever found. Thanks for sharing. I have also used RSS feed for my readers for my tech blog and that gives me decent amount of views daily.

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Honestly, I never knew what the RSS meant until today and understanding the need for it onost sites is a great thing as this is a way that you can also get to make your readers access the information on your website in the most simplest way as well.

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Rss feeds can be used to grow your blog's audience too.

If you consistently post content that your target audience finds interesting or valuable, then they may want to come right to the source of the content, see if they'll find more of the same in the blog's archives. I've seen it happen on my entertainment blog.

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This is new to me but I have a hint that it is all about getting more hits to your website courtesy of the site that provides the syndication. I am not well versed with technical matters like this and even the HTTPS is still a hanging issue that I am still trying to learn completely. In my preparation for having my own site I guess RSS will be needed.

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