
Seller Ratings - 0% But is 100%?

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Seller Ratings - 0% But is 100%?


I have been selling my unlimited website hosting packages and have on my profile 10 positive ratings and it also says my buyer & seller ratings are both 100% but when i view a product i have listed it states 0% rating?

Why is this? Can i fix this ?



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That's pretty simple actually, it's because each service it independently rated on its own page but your overall account percentage is a combination of all your sales.

Let's say you have 10 services but only 1 of them is selling anything, then you'll get reviews on that one service and your profile will say 100% or whatever you've gotten in return for a job well done. Now, if you go to the other 9 services that haven't been selling anything and look at their rating, they will all say 0% because they are independently scored based on the individual sales they've gotten.

Your service pages: Independently scored
Your profile page: Accumulated percentage of all sales across all your services.

Does that make sense?

- Tommy

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It sounds like you got your answer! It is always important to ask though if you are not sure what is going on. It is simply better than continuing to scratch your head in confusion. I don't know anyone who likes to do that. Also, asking a question allows others with the same question to benefit.

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Haha total sense. Just had a look at my listings with sales and indeed some of them have 5 star 100% feedback.

Thanks Tommy!

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You're welcome Seller Ratings - 0% But is 100%?

It's a common thing that people actually ask about, so I knew exactly how to answer it without researching why it was actually happening lol Seller Ratings - 0% But is 100%?

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Profile rating and service ratings are different. The service you are selling there have another option for getting specific rating on the service. Like you can make favorite on every service. In that way may be you can get rating for every services also.


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