
Messages seen by Seller/Buyer - Give your votes!

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Messages seen by Seller/Buyer - Give your votes!

Hi, So finally I'm here with a solution for the "no reply from seller or buyer on the messages" i think it's a good solution!

As you have already aware of a feature "seen at xx:xx time" on facebook,
where we send a message and we get this outcome when someone seen our
message right?

So why not to implant this on inbox page?

When seller or buyer read the message at the same time the buyer or seller get a custom
message on the order box "This message is seen by the seller at xx:xx
time, Messages seen by Seller/Buyer - Give your votes!"

Check the uploaded image for more information, i think this feature
provide buyers or sellers a satisfaction that the message is seen by the seller or buyer!

So how's it? Let me know your thoughts!



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I agree and disagree to this, and I'll explain why.

Why I agree:
I like the facebook messenger system that shows when a message has been seen, it basically tells me if someone looks at my link/post/comment/message/etc. and I know if they're ignoring me or if they really want to respond because they'll do it rather quickly.

This is good when it comes to the client side of things because you'll know when the seller is actually in the inbox reading what you sent them. That's about the only good thing that will come out of this for a marketplace.

Why I disagree:
I don't like this idea mainly because I'll be on my phone a lot when checking orders, comments on my discussions, checking my inbox, etc. and I don't like typing on my phone because I have big fingers and my spelling gets all messed up. Now, I sell a content writing and article writing service, so if I have a lot of spelling errors within my responses, people are going to think less of my service and they might not buy from me, right? That's why I will usually try not to respond to anything in my inbox or order related when I'm on my phone and I'll wait until I get back on my laptop or desktop.

Some people are saying "So what? Take your time when you're texting a response and everything will be fine!" but I type much better with a keyboard on my computer than I do on my phone, and I try to not do it when I'm in bed or in the car checking my notifications lol.

If there is a message saying "Tommy Carey read this at 2:35 am" and I don't respond until 4 pm that day, I'll likely get people requesting cancellations or they will think I'm ignoring them, which isn't the case at all! I don't see this as a good feature for the sellers here on SEOclerks, but it's something the buyers will want so they can see who is most active, even though it won't be a great metric to see who's active because we're all in different time zones lol.

That's another reason, time zones! I'm in CST and if I get a client from India or somewhere overseas, they will usually be awake when I'm asleep. They might see me as active at 2 pm their time when it's actually 2 am my time, and they'll get upset if I do respond and then go to bed. They won't get a response back from me for 8 hours and that could lose me sales because the potential client might think I'm now ignoring them, regardless of the "Tommy Carey saw your message" notification.

Also, I get a ton of notifications every day and don't want to get any more than I have to lol Messages seen by Seller/Buyer - Give your votes!

Well, that's my $0.02 Messages seen by Seller/Buyer - Give your votes!

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I didn't even think about it from that angle really (reasons why this shouldn't be a thing) so thanks for informing and sharing us what you thought. I actually agree with you because I do the same thing quite a bit, especially on forums where I will read the private message on my phone but won't respond until later when I'm on my computer when the browsing experience is much better.

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very good, noted and confirmed

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I vote nay, because I like my privacy. I can see why others would want it though, and do agree there are benefits to be gained from it.

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It is a choice to disagree with the idea of having messages send to us been notified to the sender that we have read it. However, we need to understand that this new feature is a way to make things better for all of us because there are times when you will want to be sure that the receiver has read your message and that is when you will realize the importance of this feature.

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The feature can actually be turned off by either the sender or the recipient of these messages, so therefore it's up to the seller and buyers as well to determine whether or not to call on the people once more send or receive the messages. I will be very honest and honored in appreciating how the software programmers seek out ways to make things better.

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I think it's a good idea but there also should be an option to turn off this feature, at least for the seller's side of things so that buyers wouldn't pressure the sellers to reply even during times where the seller may not be available, just because the buyer is notified that the seller has seen the inquiry.

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You have a good suggestion in the sense that it is not always a good plan for most of us that might be busy when we read the message and turning off the feature is a good way to ensure that we are not put under pressure to reply the messages when we read them earlier.

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I think giving the option to turn on/off some features should be implemented in most things that are "quality of life" features, since there's an issue when some people would like it while others would not, like in this scenario.

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I like the seen feature too. But it can be stressful. Knowing your client has seen your message might make you assume something negatively. The same goes for them when they see that we've read their message and haven't responded immediately. This is why we must consider if the feature will be beneficial for us or not.

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I don't think that it would help though, I mean getting notified through messaging if it's seen or not would be a hassle and would put undue stress to both parties. I can't see the benefits of doing it.

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I think its a good idea but this might be annoying to the buyer. The great thing about it is that the seller knows that the buyer has read the message and probably relieved. But the buyer might be annoyed that he/she might be discouraged in having a transaction with the seller.

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I would love to see this feature on SEOClerks. I think that it would great for both buyers and sellers because it would allow us to know whether or not the opposite party has seen the message and are ignoring us. It's good to sort out issues as well because you can tell now whether someone is actively trying to respond as soon as possible or ignoring you regarding any matters you have which can help you make a more accurate rating/review.

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I think it is not a good idea. Why not? Because it can be hassle for both side (seller/buyer). There are already some option in order to check your order or inquiry, and if you apply this one too, it might get things messed up and no one would want pressure. The owner would not probably favor to add this feature to the system too. Anyway, the idea has a point though.

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I think this sort of system is implemented by Fiverr and they use it to punish the sellers for not being active. And many people have lost their ranking. And fiverr forces the sellers to be active on app and website and instantly reply to the buyers. And many sellers send each other message during the weekends to reduce their ratings. Trust me this is a bad system. So message seen type of stuff is going in the wrong direction.

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Really? I thought there are no existing system like this in any sites since it has really a bad results just like what you said. Good thing you mentioned about this on Fiverr.

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Yep there are many sites with such system.And on fiverr every 15th of month people lose their ranking or gain it. So it's not a good thing. plus the issue is customers coming on such sites are in search of low cost. And the system is designed to give us stress.

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I think it would be helpful from the customer perspective, because they would know that the seller is actually checking their page and that the message didn't get lost ina vaccum. I think it is a decent idea and one that I would participate in if I had the opportunity. It seems like it would satisfy everyone.

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I don't see any usable or positive benefits in seeing if your messages is read or not. But there's no harm in making it an option that could be turn on and off . Sometimes knowing if messages are read or not gives additional stress to both the sender and the receiver.

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I would say that it's a good idea to have a notice that one's message has been read or not read. It would make you know how serious you are being taken by the prospective buyers. If one read the message and gives no response, it means that the person is likely not serious and this would make the seller move onto the next buyer. But when the person reads and respond, it means that the person is serious.

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I have an other idea, .
When there new order, they should be an option for the seller to tick "Seen and started work" or "Require buyer's additional response" or "Reject Order", required to act within 24 hours or else the order will be automatically rejected by SEOClerks and issue a full refund to the buyer so that the buyer would know the status of his/her order and his/her will not wait blindly.

What do you think?

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Yes you are right because some seller just abandon and forget your order and the time of process runs out and order not processed

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