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Hi, So finally I'm here with a solution for the "no reply from seller or buyer on the messages" i think it's a good solution!
As you have already aware of a feature "seen at xx:xx time" on facebook,
where we send a message and we get this outcome when someone seen our
message right?
So why not to implant this on inbox page?
When seller or buyer read the message at the same time the buyer or seller get a custom
message on the order box "This message is seen by the seller at xx:xx
time, "
Check the uploaded image for more information, i think this feature
provide buyers or sellers a satisfaction that the message is seen by the seller or buyer!
So how's it? Let me know your thoughts!
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Why I agree:
I like the facebook messenger system that shows when a message has been seen, it basically tells me if someone looks at my link/post/comment/message/etc. and I know if they're ignoring me or if they really want to respond because they'll do it rather quickly.
This is good when it comes to the client side of things because you'll know when the seller is actually in the inbox reading what you sent them. That's about the only good thing that will come out of this for a marketplace.
Why I disagree:
I don't like this idea mainly because I'll be on my phone a lot when checking orders, comments on my discussions, checking my inbox, etc. and I don't like typing on my phone because I have big fingers and my spelling gets all messed up. Now, I sell a content writing and article writing service, so if I have a lot of spelling errors within my responses, people are going to think less of my service and they might not buy from me, right? That's why I will usually try not to respond to anything in my inbox or order related when I'm on my phone and I'll wait until I get back on my laptop or desktop.
Some people are saying "So what? Take your time when you're texting a response and everything will be fine!" but I type much better with a keyboard on my computer than I do on my phone, and I try to not do it when I'm in bed or in the car checking my notifications lol.
If there is a message saying "Tommy Carey read this at 2:35 am" and I don't respond until 4 pm that day, I'll likely get people requesting cancellations or they will think I'm ignoring them, which isn't the case at all! I don't see this as a good feature for the sellers here on SEOclerks, but it's something the buyers will want so they can see who is most active, even though it won't be a great metric to see who's active because we're all in different time zones lol.
That's another reason, time zones! I'm in CST and if I get a client from India or somewhere overseas, they will usually be awake when I'm asleep. They might see me as active at 2 pm their time when it's actually 2 am my time, and they'll get upset if I do respond and then go to bed. They won't get a response back from me for 8 hours and that could lose me sales because the potential client might think I'm now ignoring them, regardless of the "Tommy Carey saw your message" notification.
Also, I get a ton of notifications every day and don't want to get any more than I have to lol
Well, that's my $0.02
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