
Are hashtags necessary for Twitter?

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Are hashtags necessary for Twitter?

So I own a gaming platform/social network and I tend to post a lot of the latest gaming news and updates on the blog. I then tend to share these posts on my social media pages (for the site, not my personal accounts). What I tend to do is put a few hashtags in the tweet as well when sharing on Twitter. However, I noticed that for a lot of these trending topics, people don't even bother to use hashtags. When you include the trending word in your tweet, it tends to appear in the list for that trending word. So I wondered, is there actually a point in using hashtags?


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I would still include the hashtag, especially since that hashtag could act as a 'keyword' of sorts, and it can easily give the reader a little idea of what post is about. I actually still use a lot of keywords, and generally just use 2 or 3. Sometimes when I am googling something Twitter hashtags appear in the search and this can actually help you get traffic to your website, so this is another bonus of using the hashtag.

However, with most things do not use too many hashtags, in most cases 2 hashtags is all you need. Do not be like those people who include hashtags for everything, people probably won't take you or the post too serious.

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I always have the same question in my mind too, though I prefer to add the hashtag as I personally would like to click on the hashtag to look for the tweets with the same hashtag. I think it might be easier for others to search the related topics. I did not know the Twitter hashtags is good for Google search and for the website traffic too. Thanks for sharing this.

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I like adding the hashtag for search engine purposes, and the social network search. It just helps other social media users find my content based upon the hashtag. However, as I would like to mention, do not ever use too many hashtags it does not look very good, and it looks unprofessional. The most hashtags I would ever suggest is around 2-3 hashtags, anymore and you have a very spammy post (even if you did not intend for it to be).

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I think hashtag is still needed on twitter. This is what they are known for. Its bad to take hashtag away out of twitter.

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Thanks for the clarification Everett Are hashtags necessary for Twitter?.
I have to agree. I tend to only just use around 2 hashtags which are related to the game that I am posting about. There is nothing worse than overusing hashtags in your tweet.

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I think necessary is not the right word. You do not have to use hashtags compulsorily, however, using hashtags helps in reaching out more people. Hashtags are keywords that will help your tweet group into the tweet using the same hashtags. Hashtags also help people discover your tweet. Therefore, using hashtags in your tweets help your content receive engagements, social signals and traffic. If you already have a large following, you can succeed even without using hashtags.

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Exactly the point am making. The use of hashtags not only connects with old existing keywords which are necessary components for engagements, it also helps draw traffic to ur said post in the context of the discussion. A lot of people do not understand the actual use of hashtags on twitter, making it look like a modern style of posting - such behaviors which can and have been portrayed on many other sites, (asides twitter), which do not require hashtags.

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I see people creating stupid hashtags or using too many hashtags. By stupid hashtags, I mean the hashtags that do not relate to the content. Using too many hashtags is generally seen as spamming. hashtags are important in order to make your content found, however, you will have to take a lot of care.

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It is very important to include relevant data on your content and using unnecessary hashtag would distract the reader rather that encourage them.

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That's correct. Related hashtags will bring engagements and traffic to your posts, however, unrelated hashtags and too many hashtags will generally be considered spam.

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I have to agree with you anahbello1206. There is nothing worse than using unnecessary hashtags and overusing hashtags as well. Every time I visit one of the hashtags that are trending on Twitter, I notice that a few of the tweets have nothing to do with that trending hashtag which looks weird and unprofessional.

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Using too many hashtags or using hashtags that are trending yet not related to your content, might work in the beginning, However, in a long time, you will lose your reputation. There will be no engagement with your post and you might even lose followers because they begin to see you as a spammer. Generally speaking, 2-2 related hashtags are good.

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This would be the correct answer.

Hashtags are pretty important especially for new and upcoming users of the platform, but the bigger you become the less you have to rely on that sort of visibility - you simply being big and having massive reach will do that regardless.

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I agree. “Necessary” is not the right word. I have often searched for a word or a phrase and put the hashtag in front of it and the relevant search results showed the words or phrase that were hashtagged along with the same words and phrases that were NOT hashtagged.

I really find hashtags helpful for me when I want to go back and find something that I have posted. I create my own hashtag to make it easier for me to retrieve my own content at a later date. Along with the customized hashtag I've created I try to use relevant or popular hashtags that other people use simply because it's how they search for stuff!

Hashtags were invented to make finding content easier. But that's the same reason the search engine was invented and nobody was using hashtags to get found by the search engine. Are hashtags necessary for Twitter?

Interesting info link:

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The primary motive of using hashtags is to push your content up in the group of posts that are using the same hashtags, however, using hashtags does not guarantee you success with your twitter promotion. Let me exemplify, during the recent FIFA world cup so many people twitted with hashtag #worldcup however, not everyone tweet's gained momentum.

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I believe the first comment has answered the question to this thread. Since hastags serves as guides or nest enveloping keywords, they are most necessary and without any doubt the best way to tweet, except you don't feel the need to relate or connect certain post with already existing ones.

Asides all said above, the use of hashtag are merely for sharing and adding certain post with already existing ones in relation to keywords. Hashtags are not compulsory, I barely want to use them, but the site automatically suggest them most of the time.

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I think this question has already been answered, but to add my opinion...

I'd say, yes and no. Or at least, not as much as it used to be. Personally, I've never been a consistently active Twitter user. However, I have had an account since March of 2011. From what I've noticed, I seemed to receive less engagement activity from my tweets, without hashtags when I initially started tweeting in '11. Fast forward to present day, I can throw out a random thought with zero hashtags, it'll still receive some type of response. So if you ask me, it appears like basic keyword search has substantially improved on Twitter since I joined.

Keep in mind, it does depend on your specific purpose for using Twitter. In my case, I'm an individual with no promotional and/or follower goals. For someone (like yourself), you have a specific genre, along with a platform/social network for that genre. Therefore, I'd say hashtags could be quite essential, in your case. Whether you're trying to implement popular hashtags within your tweets to gain attention or creating your own hashtag to tag all your tweets into one specific topic. It'll probably work for you in your scenario but isn't mandatory.

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I think that you should be using hashtags but always think which ones are the best. Most often they will be your keywords. But either way, hashtags are there to give you extra possible exposure for when something starts trending.

I always include at least 1 if not 2 hashtags whenever I tweet something out on my blogging Twitter profile.

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If people search like me, then they search by hashtags. A lot of people search for something by using a hashtag. However, I take your point about the trending hashtags. Your stuff could get buried in the overflow. I don't usually add a trending hashtag to my tweets. But that's just a personal preference, Can't really say if it hurts or helps. But for sure, adding relevant hashtags helps.

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I think that hashtags give your reader a preview of the content of your writing. Although it is not really necessary still it would do the trick and more people will read you post. Also when people try to search certain placing a hashtag would make it is easier for them to find one.

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They are not mandatory from what I have seen. But making use of them definitely helps the tweet get more exposure. And your tweets needs to use it in order to meet the right set of people. As some users follow the specific hashtag on twitter. So it helps bring some level of the traffic.

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It sounds like the hashtag will give you more exposure and since maximum exposure is probably what you are seeking, it would probably be a good idea to use them. I think they are some of the most viable alternatives to be able to use twitter in a productive way. I think it is useful and helpful to use them.

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Its like Keywords, i use them often to get more likes and followors onto my posts. I would use real popular Hashtags because they get alot of attention. So i would say put like in every post of yours a hashtag.


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Yes, it provides an easier way for users to search for content related to the hashtag. A bonus of hashtags is it can get to trending, which provides an easy source of publicity and traffic to the post or discussion.

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I think it's not necessary to use the hashtag, there's some situation, that hashtag will confuse the searcher by giving the wrong info. Specially if the things you want to show on your hashtag is not on the top of that trending hashtag. Instead of that, I think much better to use some links.

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I agree with you. I don't frequently use hashtag but when I want to promote something, or I want to just want people to know, that's the time when I use hashtags.

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Hashtag is the worldwide first social media marketing policy. Like you are a fashion girl. You need to post regular on several social media options. Hashtag works as a social media SEO to show your products to worldwide fashion related peoples. The peoples which are searching fashion related news on the social media they will get you first if you use hashtag. Like Candice Swanepoel is a worldwide fashion model. At the time of posts he can use #candice, #swanepoel, #susan, #Candiceswanepoel etc. The second popular and real method to increase the social media presence is application programming interface based social media marketing. API based SMM.


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For me it depends but if you want to see your post from other people aside from your friends then its a yes. Hashtags is necessary so that people will see your posts not only with your friends but to others also who you don't know but of course it depends on you. I think it acts as a keyword to your post especially if your a businessman or woman, you will basically need to put hashtags so that people will see your posts and it also helps to see what you are promoting to. If people type in search and they put that keyword and if your hashtag is about (example) #nightout and the keyword they type has the same as your hashtag then they will be able to search your post and see. I think it also serves as marketing strategy to easily identify your page and things that you are promoting. So yes its necessary especially who are in the business industry. Any business industry use this even in commercial and shows in tv that appeared at bottom of the tv screen, In magazines and Fashion trends and any business worldwide. To make long story short, Hashtags used to market or one of the ways to market your page, your product and your ad post and anything you promote. Since twitter is also a social media site then for the people who are promoting and wanted to see their self from others their photos, their thoughts, their feeling and anything they want to see and share to others then putting the hashtag is necessary for them. But sometimes we put hashtags because it is a trend and sometimes since a lot of people put that hashtag, we just tend to copy them. We just tend to copy on whats trending today. So yeah, it depends on us.

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I have an account on Twitter but I rarely use it, in fact, it's just like once in a blue moon I visited the site. Though I know that hashtags can help you to be on the trending list. Some media use hashtags in their programs so people could tweet them and use the hashtags words so they could be trending worldwide. It's like promoting their shows and when they open the hashtags people would be curious about it, in that way they could attract more viewers and get higher ratings.

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Yes, because hashtags can be a huge benefit on Twitter. They categorize your tweets, making it so that your tweets are found more easily in searches. It also helps others find your tweets and your brand page, which might lead to gaining a follower or at least gaining interaction.

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Yes, I agree with the other comments here. Hashtags are being used to sort out searches. Posters' content can be easily find through their included hashtag word/s. It isn't working and useful in twitter only, but also to the other social media platforms.

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In my opinion, I think that using hashtags on Twitter is not really a necessity. Using hashtags are not compulsory but somehow, they are still useful as keywords for a specific content that a user wants to search. As an active Twitter user, I don't really use hashtags whenever I wanted to post something. Sometimes, I use hashtags whenever I tweet for some trending issues and posts. But other than that, I use Twitter to see what's trending online and just reading facts about them. Nowadays, hashtags are also used in different social medias such as Facebook and Instagram which is also helpful for searching. But not really a necessity.

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For me yes, because it is easy to find a word if you put a hashtag before the word itself.

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I actually don't think that hashtags are that important on Twitter. I know that many people use them, but in my opinion I don't think that they make a material difference. I must say though that I don't really know much about how to get more traffic on Twitter. Twitter is my favorite social media platform. I know that you can search topics on Twitter using hashtags so maybe they matter.

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I am not well versed with Twitter although I am aware of the goings-on in that social media platform. The hashtag is like a search key that when a Twitter user would like to find something then he can use the hashtage as keyword for his search. I learned of that a few years back when the hashtag #aldub was proclaimed to have made a record with the most number of retweets in a day. That hashtag was based on a local tv show.

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