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Fixing SEO is actually something that can easily be done, if you know what you're suppose to be doing. If you just started off building websites or putting them up for profits, you might need someone to help you out, but it's pretty simple to do if the site isn't completely broken already. If your website is completely wrecked, you may need to redesign everything and start from scratch, because your optimization likely isn't the worst thing going on. If your websites design in flawless, but your rankings are still hurting after you do some SEO related work, there's likely a few things that you need to check on and fix in order to boost your rankings.
SEO isn't the most difficult thing to do, but it is easy to screw up and hurt your rankings very bad. You'll need to take your time with your optimization so you don't over optimize and actually hurt your website. In this discussion I'll be going over 4 on page optimization fixes and 2 off page optimization fixes that you need to focus on to boost your rankings.
On Page Optimization Fixes
The act of optimizing your pages for the search engines to understand exactly what you're all about is call on page optimization. This is the main way the search engines will be able to evaluate your website, and rank you for the right keywords over time after you've gained their trust. Below are 4 things that you may need to fix if you've noticed your rankings drop or never jump up in the first place. If you're not sure what to focus on, follow the next 4 tips and start working no these fixes.
Edit your meta titles and Descriptions
Your titles and descriptions are one of the first things the search engines see when they get to your website, so you'll need to optimize them in order to get indexed properly. If you add a keyword into your title and one or two into your descriptions you'll notice your rankings go up slightly because the search engines now understand what the page is all about.
Fix your website and blog content
If you have broken pages, or pages that just aren't finished, you will need to go through and fix that. If they aren't finished, be sure to redirect them to a page that is or just don't make the page live until it's ready. If your content is all over the place, you'll need to focus it towards your exact niche or industry so the search engines feel more comfortable sending you traffic. You'll also need to go over your keyword density and make sure it's not over 5%. If you really want to stay safe, you'll want to stay around 3% keyword density just in case the search engines change anything and lower the percentage of keywords on the page to be considered "Quality Content". I've stuck with 3% for a while now and get top rankings consistently for my clients
Interlink your pages better
A lot of website owners suffer in this section because they don't think of how important it is to interlink their pages. When you interlink your pages, or blog posts, you are giving the search engines a path to new content they might not have seen. You'll need to use the right anchors, ones that show what you're about to click through to, in order to boost your rankings even better.
Add a sitemap for indexing
A sitemap is something that indexes all of your pages in one location of your website, and the search engines will see this as a pot of gold for them to crawl and check out. If you have a sitemap on your website, you can ping it or submit it to the search engines for them to check out, and they definitely will!
Off Page Optimization Fixes
off page optimization is the act of building up your authority, and rankings, from placing links and being active on 3rd party websites. There are many things that you will need to do in order to boost your rankings, but there are a couple things that can mess up your rankings, which you'll need to fix. If you're doing either of these, you'll need to fix it as soon as possible to boost your rankings back to where they should be.
Focus on quality backlinks, not quantity
I can't express this enough! If you are thinking that 100,000 blog comment backlinks are going to get your website to #1 for a difficult keyword, you're not going to be happy when the work is done and your rankings start to drop. If you get a massive amount of links, for a few bucks, they will never be good for your website and you're just hurting all of the work you've already done. Now, if you focus on high quality links and build them gradually over time, you will notice your rankings start to sky rocket even though you don't have anything close to 100,000 backlinks aimed at your pages
Use better anchors aimed at relevant pages
People always think that if they can place a backlink they should use their main keyword and aim it at their homepage to rank it better, but it doesn't work like that. Lets say you have a dog grooming website, and you place a link with the anchor "German Sheppard" you won't get as big of a boost as if you were to use the anchor "Dog Grooming" or something relevant to the page you're linking to. The pages have to be relevant to the anchors and backlinks being placed in order to get the best results for your work.
Think of your anchors as a sign that shows people what they're about to click through to, not something you want to rank for. Sure, you'll rank for it over time, but if you're misleading people into clicking your links and they land on something they weren't expecting, you won't like your rankings after a few months lol.
In conclusion
Doing your own on page optimization and off page optimization isn't difficult, but you'll realize it can be messed up pretty quickly. If you aren't proficient in SEO, I would highly recommend bringing on a freelancer or hiring a company to do the work for you so you don't get anything messed up. If you do know about SEO, you might already know what I mentioned above, but if there was even a tiny bit of information above that you didn't know, I'm glad you learned something new
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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Centurion Great on page and off page optimization techniques. As my learn -I cna remember in case of white hat SEO meta title will be maximum 100 characters long and meta description will be 150 words long. I have tried to make this rules every time. This will give a facility about easy indexing your website to worldwide search engine. Keyword research, keyword analysis and high volume keyword based do follow hyperlink or back link will provide you huge traffic to your website from worldwide search engines. A quality or organic traffic can become a sales lead for you easily. Thanks Centurion
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