
How to marketing for my services on SEOClerks?

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How to marketing for my services on SEOClerks?

This is Shawon. I have joined on seoclerks from 2014 but until 2018 I didn't get any order. Basically I focused on graphics design, but I can develop your wordpress website as per your need and requirement .
I can't understand How to marketing for my services on SEOClerks?
I was focusing design, but now i am start learning


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Focus on your keywords, your titles, where you list your services, etc.

Think of SEOclerks as a search engine, how would you get found?

After you figure all of that out, you will now need to work on every single order that comes in, and not just finish it but over deliver so your buyers come back time and time again to leave amazing reviews for other potential buyers to read and then decide to purchase themselves.

If all of that fails, you can always pay to boost your service through advertising. You can feature your service on the homepage for $300+ or you can pay for a category featured spot and be seen at the top of the category you're in. I haven't tested the homepage feature, mainly because it's rarely open, but I have tested out the category feature option a few times and it got me a decent amount of sales. Plenty of sales to justify the price it cost to advertise there How to marketing for my services on SEOClerks?

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how to buy that featured space

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Go to....

Seller >>> Manage >>> My Services >>> Feature or Category Feature

Then you'll pay for the advertising and it will be set up within a few minutes.

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@TommyCarey You have just said it all on what to do in order to get good sales of services in SEO. If the person in question who seeks for tips or advice on how to make a headway with his service sales takes this instruction to the latter, I definitely believe that things would start going well for him. Good luck.

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I think you have gottens some great ideas and have gotten some good advice as to what to do. I think these suggestions will help you with your marketing efforts. They are good ideas for everyone.

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There are two methods to market your seo clerk services, on site and off site. Off site marketing means you promote your services on social media, forums, blogs, even your website. On site marketing means you promote your services on SEO clerk. You can use a service like free bumps that does not cost you money or use paid promotional methods like feature category. If you promote through paid service, your service will gain exposure and hence sales.

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I think promoting in the forums can be a good part. You have to find out forums which are good for the SEO and other services. And that can give you some level of the marketing approach from there onwards. And if you wish to go with that you can definitely promote the gigs among those threads. And that could give you some traffic as well. Start with forums then move to social media. And see how much response you get on gigs.

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At first you need to enlist your services on SEOClerks seller option. From Seller go to sell option and list your services. Now check the down side for adding some more additional services so that clients will be attract to give you work order. Before that from SEOClerk home page- right side check the graphics design option and check what others are giving the facilities. You have to give some thing special so that you will get more and more orders. 90% peoples are successful on SEOClerk. Hope you will become successful also.

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Here's how I do marketing or advertising for my own services here on the ionicware platform and get sales:

1. Social Media
Know the powerful of social media, then when you understand the power of social media the world will be yours - kinda! However, what you should probably do is firstly set up a facebook page for yourself as a freelancer. Then when this is done, if you have not already done so, create a fabulous service. Make sure the description looks professional and make sure the title is short and sweet but outlines what the service is about. After that is done you could make a post on your page, and promote it. I sometimes promote my posts but facebook is very costly to advertise on, it's almost too much competition especially if your budget is really small - like mine. I would even suggest using an exchange to get post shares but eh sometimes this can have a negative affect so use your own discretion there.

2. Forums/Blogs
If you have the ability to post on forums or blogs, this should be another thing you need to do to get sales. I would list what to do, but there is so much information here about this that I will let you look for it (and hopefully find other cool information you will need).

So basically make sure you post on a social platform whether it be social media, forums, or blogs. Don't use traffic exchanges, or other shady methods to get traffic to your service - 99.9% of the time people won't buy with those methods and you are just basically wasting your time.

Also, don't wait for sales on the marketplace. There is much competition here (healthy competition) so you need to do some marketing off-site.

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