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Your online image is everything when you run a website because it's how people will see you if you're not showing an actual spokesperson. If you're running behind a logo or domain name, people won't be able to see your face, and that's where your online image becomes even more difficult to solidify. Branding your image or getting people to just see you how you want to be seen is always an uphill battle, so you should start this journey as soon as you launch your website, or even before you launch so you have a head start on things.
Branding is becoming more of a popular term when it comes to becoming an authority within a niche, before you just needed some great backlinks so Google would boost you, now you need people to see you on social media and other platforms before they deem you as the best in the niche. You can do various things to help brand your company and website, it's not just about commercials and high paying advertisements, even though those are nice ways to help you out Below I'll go over 3 great ways to help improve your online image, and I'll get into detail of how to do each, so let's begin
Help everyone you can, whenever they need it
Every niche will have people needing information about their products, materials, services, websites, etc. so you need to be the one who swoops in to save the day with your detailed answers You can go to websites like Yahoo Answers, Quora, and Stackexchange which are Q&A type websites, and search for anything related to your industry and give a detailed answer. Before all of that, you'll need to brand your profile so it shows your business or domain name, not just your actual name or some pen name that doesn't relate to your business at all
You can also search through forums to find anyone that is asking a question. You might not know all the answers to each individual question, but you'll need to figure out all the info for the person asking so you don't leave anything out If you can do this, you'll be seen as the authority over time and people will just start coming to you for your services, products, answers to their questions, and everything else you can think of
Offer discounts to people who left positive reviews
This is a trickier method because you don't want to tell them up front "I'll give you a discount if you give me a positive review!" because that could spread, which will become a negative thing because people will not trust any reviews of yours they find online, because they will see them as purchased reviews. Instead, what you'll need to do is send out emails to the clients you know have given you positive reviews, without asking for them, and offer a discount to them for the great words they wrote about you. Word might spread that you give a discount code to the people who leave positive words about them, but you're not out there saying "Hey, I'll help you save money if you give me a good review!" which is frowned upon lol. You'll be able to save face and claim deniability because you only sent out those discount codes to people who left you positive reviews on their own free will
Remember, this is sort of a grey area, so you might want to send out other discount codes to random people as well as your high paying clients. This way you will be able to say "We've sent out a massive amount of discount codes, and they didn't just go to people who left us great reviews. We sent out discount codes to customers who have come back to us multiple times and the customers who have spent over $XXX in one or two visits."
Get your name on authority niche related websites
When it comes to any sort of branding, you will always need to get your name on other websites within your niche that are already seen as an authority, which will boost your own reputation and usually bring in more sales over a short amount of time compared to other methods A lot of people call this "Guest Posting" but in reality you're going to be doing much more, such as, getting interviewed by these big companies and having a page published about you or going on podcasts and talking with them about your services as well as getting to pitch your brand
If you can think outside of the box a little bit, and not just look for guest posting options, you will be able to build your reputation over time and become the main person in your industry that people fight over
In conclusion
Building up your brand name is never a difficult thing, and branding all over the internet will take plenty of time, which is why I tell my clients they should have started before they launched but it's never too late You can brand through your content, using third party websites, offering discounts and having that go semi-viral, and various other methods that have been tested and proven to work. You'll never know how successful your website truly can be unless you begin to brand it, so get out there and start your journey to boost your own authority
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