
Live Video On Facebook As Promoting Your Blog Or Site

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Live Video On Facebook As Promoting Your Blog Or Site

I know that a lot of people use Snapchat for video content, and Youtube as well. I was wondering what the forum community here thought about using live facebook posts in order to self-promote or "shout out" about our content, sites, blogs, services, etc. I look forward to hearing your insights and opinions.


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It depends on if the live videos won't violate the terms and conditions guiding this site. It's going to be an interesting way to to and coupled with the fact that it's cheaper as well to do.

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I think that people might just want to use them in general, and not necessarily on this site. One thing about video it does seem to garner a lot of attention. People are always looking at video these days it seems.

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People use live content for advertising purposes all the time, but it has to be done strategically. You can't just "go live" and think people will flood in to see what you're talking about Live Video On Facebook As Promoting Your Blog Or Site You'll need to first build a community that will get notified when you go live and then they will come in.

You'll need to share your website, verbally, when people are in there and you'll have to do it often so they know where to go look for your stuff. I don't think you can add live links to your Facebook live video, but I could be wrong since I don't really use that feature for marketing purposes (I don't use it at all actually lol).

One tricky little thing you can do is post on your community/Facebook page and say you're going live, then advertise that actual post to the masses and see who comes in to view. People will want to watch your video if you can do this, but I'm not exactly sure if it's possible Live Video On Facebook As Promoting Your Blog Or Site

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Agreed. Placing your ad, through any means, will not benefit you until you have potential clients. If you do not have too many followers, your posts (text, images, or videos) will have fewer engagements., The most important requirement is to have engagement. You will have engagement only when you have followers.

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I have not really experimented thoroughly with this feature yet. I do appreciate your advice here, and I have seen others post that they were "about to go live", so that gave me the ideas for this thread and for possibly using this feature as another tool to try to self-promote my blog and sites. This reminds me, s well, of having a good and easy to remember domain name so that you can easily and clearly refer to it during your live feed, and your audience can access the blog or site with ease from your live referral.

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You are right that sometimes I get annoyed when someone would pop up with the Facebook live video. Especially when I am reading something serious about a sad incident that happened to a friend, I would be interrupted by the small inset view of the video on the left side, it is distracting that sometimes I would click out even if I know that I should be watching it. But for an advertisement or promotion of a business I don’t think the Facebook live is a good idea.

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I'm seeing facebook live used by many online marketers here in our country. They first tell their followers on when they're going to do the facebook live video. It used also for webinars. I think facebook live is a great feature that can be used to promote your website or advertise products.

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I think if you make a Facebook live video you should have something important or vital to say. Your blog or site should be mentioned last as a place where people can find out more info about your video topic, or more thoughts about the topic. You can also have your site or blog url placed at the bottom of the video as it's playing.

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I think some of the people are having good result with the live video. And some people are having a lot of updates on that part. You can see that some pages are promoting the Facebook video in different context lately. You just have to be working the right way in such case for the blogging. That's something we have to understand when it comes to promoting the blog or website. I guess video based content is good for the channel though.

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I think it is a great idea as long as it done correctly. I think if you follow some of the suggestions offered by this group you will be ahead of the game if and when you decide posting video ads is for you. It can be a great idea I think.

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Yeah--I was thinking about how to make it look good appealing while also getting some of my content across in the video. I could be walking somewhere and reciting the content, highlights of it, that is, and have someone film me, or I could film myself and do the same. I am just not quite sure yet how to make this look really posh and professional, if I even want to do this idea at all. However, after reading everyone's comments here, I think that I DO want to do it.

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I think until you get the hang of video blogging or Facebook live - you should practice filming videos of your content so you can work out all the kinks. Yes - video can seem spontaneous and great at times, but when you make a mistake or screw up your audience will totally crush you for it. So think of video as singing live on stage. You need to rehearse before the big show actually starts.

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This will be a nice and great way of advertising and creating awareness for whatever services or products one has to put out but the people that need this information must be first built, do you have the needed audience to benefits from the live video.Without a targeted audience, it will be totally efforts in futility and that's it.We need the audience to help boost our live video.

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However the FB Ads are going to cost a lot. So Live videos can be good for promotion. But we should not choose the Live video ads. Because that may surely burn the money. As that's something Facebook is trying for making money. And also for reaching more people. That in itself is something harder to work around.

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I do have a pretty regular audience at one blog--a few thousand a month--so I think this might be something I could get some mileage out of. I do think, though, even though I totally understand what you are saying, that I could utilize social media with these videos which could potentially interest traffic to my site(s) as good as some of my regular posts--this is what I am hoping, anyway...

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I follow one blog site that does this every once in a while but they do not post too often and whenever they do, I will either go see that while they're being live or watch it later. But their video is so well put and not that long too. Personally, I find facebook live notifications annoying, but there are some that I do love to see right away because in the previous times, they will first post good videos and this will somehow introduce viewers/followers that what they do and post are really good, so when they attempt to go live, people will view them too. You might want to build up on that too, well at least for me, that works and I think I am not alone with this type of thinking too.

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I think that you make a good point here reminding us about being careful about the intrusive-ness of our social media and how we use it. We can easily be perceived as annoying or pushy, if we are not careful with our online communications, and I am always wary of that when I try to self-promote. I always ask myself if what I am about to send or broadcast to someone else would bother me personally, and I try to gave my social media decisions a bit on that.

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I admire that you do think of how people will see your posts when you promote your works. But I think self promotions/ promotions in general via live Facebook videos is harmless and useful too for as long as it isn't ALL the time. And if you've built a strong foundation of followers to actually see you doing live.

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Me too have noticed the notification of Facebook live really boring and annoying. I don't like every Facebook live video. It can be tempting to make use of the notifications. But it's not going to be good enough in many ways. I'd say on that scale, it's reasonable to make use of the Facebook promotion. That's what I have learned so far.

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I don't think every Facebook live video is going to attract attention or positive feelings. But if the star of the video has something to promote I'm willing to listen if it's within my realm of intrigue.

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Exactly. the only reason you'll take a look at a notified Facebook live is because you already know and liked the star of the video. So before we all make use of the Facebook Live video, we must first establish our resumè in our target markets so that they'l take a peak on one of our promotional live videos.

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It's amazing to think the difference of the live streaming videos and uploaded videos as an advertisement. Most lives really are ignored compared to the well put video commercials. I can exactly pinpoint the difference in the reception of the media, but I'd prefer Facebook promotions and other forms of ads on Facebook than the live ones. That's just me though.

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I will probably never use this function, even with my friends and family, but I was curious as to what people thought about it. I would, however, use a Youtube account to create a few vlogs or to show videos of my readings, and I would promote that on social media and have links to the videos at my sites, etc. I think that would be more "professional", and people what probably take the video content more seriously under those circumstances.

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I have noticed a lot of people doing this actually, if you scroll through your facebook feed you could eventually get to a point where there is a live video. Normally I see people opening clams that their customers have bought. I don't know why I see these videos but apparently facebook thinks I like them..

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My feed was also recently flooded with these types. Maybe because at one point I did actually click one and see for myself. And since then, I always get those in my feed.

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I have been seeing some friends on Facebook doing that video live. But to be honest, I don’t mind those live video feeds because I am not interested. However, some of my friends love doing those live video because they said they feel like they are on tv. And they have the tendency to watch live video feeds of others because they can relate. Okay, does that mean that they will watch my live video feed also? And if that is the case then promoting your interest with the use of live video is one good thing and will be popular soon

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I have this one blogger that I followed few months ago after he become popular because of his mind blowing articles, they are all about politics issues tho. Sometimes, when he's not yet at home, he used to go on fb live while driving home. I think it is also a good way to promote something about his articles because most people prefer to see him talking on live including me. That way, you will be able to test how brilliant he is, how good a blogger he is the way he talks.

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I dont think it can be good, Maybe if they want the content of the articles. What I have seen was may people are selling their products using the fb live as they easy to sell and show their items to the customer live. I think this technique is very effective. I havent seen someone doing fb live selling the blogs only products.

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