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When we start blogging, we all want to have thousands of readers flooding out pages in order to build our lists, popularity, and maybe even get a sale or a few dozen along the way. We also know that getting 1,000+ visitors to your new blog post won't always happen, unless you do a few little things in order to get your new post noticed.
Your post will need to be valuable in the eyes of the reader, so you will need to write up high quality content that people actually want to read. You will need to be seen as an expert in your field, which takes time, but you can jump start that by using the tricks I'll be going over in this discussion.
Thousands of times each year new bloggers will give up on their journey because they aren't getting a massive amount of traffic to their websites simply by posting quality content. I'm sure you've heard the saying "If you build it, they will come" right? Well, that doesn't work with websites and blogs, you actually have to do a lot of work after your content goes up and is ready to be seen. Don't let that discourage you, it's not a super hard journey to get eyes on your newly published content
A few ways you can start getting 1,000 or more visitors to your blog posts.
Find influencers within your industry
You will want to go on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find the right influencers for your website or blog. This isn't a difficult thing to do since each of these platforms has a built in search function that you can use to search specific keywords. All you do is search the keyword and write up a list of the top people that you will be hopefully using in order to help build your own traffic sources.
Try capturing their emails if possible for email marketing, of course this would be a different type of email marketing because you will be asking them a few questions and not trying to sell them anything
Start writing your email
After you have a list of infleuncers, hopefully their emails as well, you will need to start writing up some high quality content on your own blog. Every influencer will want to see that you have a decent amount of content on your website, because they won't recommend a website with no content to their followers. Remember, the influencer is seen as an authority source of information and they won't promote a website or blog that looks like it just popped up out of nowhere.
Now, writing your content isn't just what your visitors will see on your blog, it also consists of your emails that you want to send out to infleuncers to see if they would be willing to work with you.
You need to remember, infleuncers tend to get a lot of emails everyday and they might not check them as frequently as you would hope. This is why you need to write up your title and body in a way that gets them to click your email as well as read everything within the email itself. Remember, they get a lot of emails and won't want to read a wall of text, so keep the email short and sweet for a better response rate.
Another form of content for this is to ask each influencer a few questions, that you will add to your website, in hopes they will respond. They will see the benefit of responding because they will get a linkback (nofollow of course lol) to their own website or social media account. Figure out what questions would be best for the influencers, figure out what they would want to answer, and ask them
Make a goal of getting 20 to 30 infleuncers answering your questions, then move on to step 3
Create the post
Now that you have all of your influencers answering your questions, you can now add all that new content to your blog post and publish it. Make sure you add a nice profile picture of them, or their preferred image, so they can be validated by anyone who follows them. You'll need to link back to their website or social profile, like we mentioned already, in order to show some love to them for answering your questions. One thing you should also do is create a sort of profile picture collage of all the infleuncers, which I'll go over in a little bit ;)
Start reaching out to all of the influencers involved
After you get your content written up, get a list of influencers and email them, get their responses, and create your post you will need to start reaching out to them about your new post. You don't want to ask them to share it because that's the easiest way to get someone to NOT share it lol. You need to make sure you thank them for their contributions, that means within your email and within the post itself, in order to show you're grateful for their interaction with you.
Your influencers will likely share your post, since it's something their followers would love to read and see where their favorite influencer is being mentioned. This will increase your views exponentially if just a few infleuncers decide to share your post
Start up an ad on social media
What you'll want to do is create a promotion on Facebook and/or Instagram, really wherever the majority of your influencers are at, and be sure to title your ad something like "XX responses from (your niche) influencers" in order to get people intrigued.
You'll need to set up your targeting to be pretty specific. You can't just target everyone in the world, you will need to break it down so your targeting isn't broad at all. Figure out what your influencers like, dislike, follow, read, what they do, etc. Target all of these, or exclude them from your ad campaign, and you will start to get a lot of traffic and shares.
Remember that image I told you to make earlier on in this discussion? Well you'll be using it as your ad image in order to get people coming in to your blog post. People will see their influencers profile image and they will be intrigued, then click through
In Conclusion
This isn't a very difficult thing to do, it just take some time to get set up and running. The longest process is waiting for the influencers to respond to you, which could take a couple weeks if they don't read their emails often. You'll need to be patient if you go about getting your 1,000+ visitors this way, but I can personally tell you that it's worth it You will get a nice increase in visitors and hopefully you will make a few additional sales down the road
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