
How do you store your ideas?

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How do you store your ideas?

Anytime, anywhere... We can have good / excellent ideas. It's as if a light flickers - usually, out of the blue - in our minds and ideas begin to pop. Of course, for everyone who knows how to take advantage of this situation, it's a very good thing. It's like a fuel that makes us more motivated to write.

But, how do you usually keep your ideas so you don't forget them?


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I don't bother much about storing ideas as long as I can't get them done within weeks of conceiving them. This is part of the reason I always go about with my jotter that whenever ideas come up in my mind, I write them down and reflect on how to actualize them when I'm at home. The goal is always to make it work out.

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I store my ideas on my notebook. I write them down there. I put the date when I got that idea. Then I write down all those ideas. But recently I stored them on my smartphone.

The procedure is just the same. I go to the inbox section. Then I choose write message. After writing down it there, I save the to draft. Now wherever I go I have stored my ideas on the draft of my smartphone.

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If it is something that I really think I might forget I might jot it down or put a note on my phone. It is frustrating when you lose great ideas you had no matter what the topic is or the kind of information you wanted to remember. It is just something that should come to you.

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yes I do that too. I find that using the notepad in the phone is very convenient. Samsung has the freehand writing too. I can use my own handwriting to jot down the notes when I am in a hurry.

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Yes, it is proven if you write things down you are less likely to forget them. These are the types of things you can remember to do, and are an easy way of remembering ideas when you think you might forget them.

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I don't really bother to write down any ideas that just pop into my idea. If the idea is good enough then I will usually be able to remember it and I will probably start working on it at some point. I do have a few things that I want to work on for my website which I make sure to have on a notepad file on my desktop. I have saved to ensure that I don't forget something whilst I'm working on another feature.

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I usually do the same things you do because if I was to write down all the ideas (which obviously are not 100% good, haha) that pop into my mind everyday I would probably go crazy sometime... There are days when I have many brainstorms in a row, haha.

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I usually write the ideas that comes in my mind in one MS Word file named "Topic Ideas" so I have a list of topics to look into if I wanted to write. I would probably forget some of ideas that came into my mind if I don't write them. Sometimes the topic ideas I've written helped me to create a whole article.

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I keep my ideas in a written book or my smartphone. Usually I jot down the titles first then I would further search and generate the contents. Otherwise, I take photos of my ideas. And then rename the pictures.

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Taking pictures of the ideas is really cool and I had never thought about it before reading your comment, haha. The idea of renaming them later, also seems to be very interesting (mainly because it facilitates the search for them at other situations).

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I keep my notes in a few places.

On my desk, next to my laptop, there is a notebook with a mechanical pencil always ready by its side. Any ideas which come into my mind while I am at my laptop is written down there. If I am outside, I always have my tablet with me. I have installed an app called Popup Memo. One swipe and it's ready to accept anything I might want to note down.

Every once in a while, I will look over my notes and copy the ones which I want to keep into an email which I send to myself.

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I spend a good chunk of my day on my laptop, which means that I have almost constant access to writing and storage applications.

My ideal program for writing down and saving thoughts and ideas is Microsoft Word. I basically keep a Word file in my documents folder which essentially acts as my personal journal. I also use the Sticky Note application as a means of keeping notes and reminders readily available on my desktop.

If I'm out and about somewhere and I get an idea, I'll either use the writing application on my phone or I'll use the voice recorder and say what's on my mind.

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I have never really used the sticky notes feature that comes up Windows 10 because of how inconvenient it is. For some reason, they have set it up so that the notes actually close so you have to remember to open the notes up which is just silly really. Do you use the inbuilt notes feature or have you downloaded a separate sticky notes application?

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I'm actually using Windows 8.1 because I never wanted to upgrade to Windows 10. I use the default Sticky Notes application and it honestly works exactly the way I want it to.

I find it a bit strange that you're having this issue, but it could be that it's the way it works in Windows 10. For me, I open the Sticky Notes app, write down whatever I need, and then any time I start my computer up the application opens automatically with everything I had written down. The note doesn't go away until I manually delete it.

Maybe there is a setting you can change? Try opening your Task Manager, navigating to the "Startup" tab, and check to see if Sticky Notes is enabled. It could be that it is disabled in Startup and therefore won't open upon starting your computer.

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When an idea comes to my mind, I tend to forget it after 5 minutes that's why I have a pen and paper in my wallet. And when I get to my computer, I consolidate it to my idea database. When I used an idea, I tag it so I would avoid reusing it. Posting the same topic twice can affect my reputation.

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me too, I always whatever I have the ideas across my mind onto paper too. I couldn't remember well after a day. Very forgetful memory!

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I remember blogging about my ideas. And I have executed some of them one by one. And it does work out. I think this way lot of ideas can be stored. And we just learn things around in due process. I know it may not be easy but it's doable.

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Yeah, sometime we get good idea about something, about new article to write or new plugin / software to make... Many times it happen even when i am not behind my computer, but in case i don't forget about it, i don't write it down on paper or something, i usually write small note on my smartphone notes so just to remind me of it when i have time to do it. Just a few words to wake up my brain memory How do you store your ideas?

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Sometimes the sticky notes help too. But not always effective. But it can add the things on the check list. That's what I have noticed in that case. I can tell you that some of the time adding the ideas on the book definitely helps. Some people who are into the using notebooks with the ideas there can be good option for the idea listing and catalog.

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I write them down faster on my notebook or notepad on the phone before I forget. Then I later look for more information or things to write about the generated idea so I can put it out there. Ideas that come to mind when unexpected should be written down faster since it is easy to forget.

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My visual and artistic ideas are on instagram. And most of the time they are there. Not much work is being done on that. And I don't mind if those ideas get stolen. So it's kind of like how the work is going on for me that day. I also have some ideas being stored on the mobile. And then I sync the stuff with the Google Drive. It's kind of not easy to work with those but yeah you get the idea. It seems like the ideas are easy to store these days than in past.

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I keet a list of brainstorming ideas. It is mostly related to either content or marketing ideas. When an idea becomes a project, I have another list to make sure it gets done.

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You can store ideas within yourself or in people, though it's more excellent storing ideas with other people. The ideas you store with others are just like an investment which is going to yield beautiful fruits in the nearest future. Anyone that utilizes these ideas will be established and productive.

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I usually write it on a piece of paper which I keep safely. At times I write about the ideas on my mobile itself. I always make sure to write those ideas else I will end up forgetting them. I have a forgetful mind. lol

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If I have an idea about something to build, create or write about. Or even if I have an idea about something I need to do in the future that's very important - I write it down on a post it or memo pad. Or I might save it to a note pad document and place it on my desktop.

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Bascially, when an idea pops up. I pen it down in my diary or save it on Evernote. I am of the habit of writing down all my important thoughts and ideas on Evernote. It's easier for me to access them this way whenever I need them because they are stored and synchronized across all my device both on mobile and PC. I have access to them anytime and anywhere.

I suggest you go digital too.

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I constantly have a small notebook, a little black book, in my pocket and keep a pen on me. One never knows when the Muse is going to strike, so you need to be prepared! A lot of the time, I will just jot down enough words in order to remember the ideas later--sort of like a conceptual sketch or something. I have also recorded ideas with an audio recording or in the notes section of my cell phone when I can think to do so, but my preferred method of recording ideas is through handwriting them in my notebooks, and I have shelves of these books from over the years that I have been writing in since I was a kid. I use the cloud and I type my work into word on my lapop for longterm storage with thumbdrive back-ups as well.

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I often jot ideas down on my notepad, if I don't have notepad handy and am on the laptop I just create a word file and save it to my desktop. A number of word files I have on my desktop that reminds me I must sort them out into a folder and be more organized. I also have memos and similar items in special folders in my email address...

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I jot down my ideas on my smartphone memo. Then transfer it to my notebook at home and i usually doodle some visual content as a rough pattern to where I want to lead my article. I don't know about you guys, but sometimes, due to so much work, I sometimes lose the main thought and I need to do this visual skeleton to guide me back to the idea.

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I have notes scattered all over the place because I like being able to write when the idea comes into my head and sometimes if I wait too long I forget. Sometimes if an idea comes to me when I'm on my laptop, I'll just open a file I use where I write all my thoughts in bullet points, and sometimes if I'm just watching TV or driving, I will end up writing ideas on a note on my phone or tablet. Sometimes I even just dictate it on a voice recorder.

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Inspiration strikes at the weirdest moments. I draw my inspiration from different environments. When I'm in a cafe, on holiday at the beach, shopping, at a farm or a zoo. I have the Evernote app on my phone. I find a place where there are no distractions and make rough notes on my thoughts. When I get home I open the Evernote App on my laptop and I record my ideas in detail. Normally these are my business ideas. I store them on Evernote and develop them further as and when I get time. Once a month I block out an afternoon where I work on my ideas.

I also get ideas when I browse the internet.I store any ideas I have on One note or on Pocket. Both apps allow you to save web pages. These ideas help me especially when I am blogging.

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What are ideas? why it needs to be stored?

I don't think it is a good idea to store ideas while you are seeing your idea is good to start a business.

I started immediately when I have a new idea.

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Not all ideas when introduced are appropriate for that particular time. Introducing some ideas at a particular time might be too early and this could kill that idea. What if not everyone buys that idea or see any need for it?

Ideas can be stored for future use. The downside to this might be when you fail to realize the right time to introduce your idea and you leave that idea locked somewhere permanently.

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I am a forgetful person, so I always try to jot down my ideas as soon as possible. If I am in a rush, I will grab a pencil/pen and a piece of paper, just scribble what is in my mind. This is the easiest way for me, and I thinking writing down helps me to look at the idea clearly and makes me easier to plan in future too. If I have no access to paper and pencil/pen, and I have my phone with me, I just type a short note and store it in my phone. These are just temporary storage, and I always like to write down properly about my ideas and see how I can make it a plan, and also think of the action steps to make it happen. I like to use Evernote to write down my plans, so I can reference in future. Moreover, it's cross platform, so I can access the plans and action steps on either my computer or smart phone. Sometimes I like to write it in my Bullet Journal too, as I said, writing helps me to think better, and I don't need to look at the screen when I am referring to my plan or ideas.

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In the olden days, I could remember a list of maybe 10 items that run on my mind without the need of writing them down. But now I can’t even remember 1 item. That is the reason why I always note down whatever idea that comes to my mind otherwise I would lose everything because my memory cannot be reliable anymore. I have to admit that I have too many concerns that I tend to forget some of the things that I should be remembering especially wild ideas.

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I store my ideas on my cell phone. I write them at first as a message. Then when I am finished, I saved it as a draft. Then when I opened my drafts I could see what I have just input.

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