
When people don't know about your freelancing brilliance

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When people don't know about your freelancing brilliance

So, as a freelancer, in life and or on here, you've probably worked very hard for past clients. You probably try to do a great job for everyone and always like to go the extra mile for your clients to make them happy with your work. And that's reflected in your positive ratings and personal recommendations you get. You probably have people leave feedback saying how you're the "real deal" and have "blown them away" and made their day/week/year? I've got them. Those clients are awesome. Most people are just happy and say thanks for the work and thanks for putting in extra effort for me and doing all this etc etc. But some are more than happy and that makes me happy too!

But occasionally, you come across that one client that's proving to be very difficult to work with/for. No matter what you do, no matter how far above and beyond the call of duty you go, no matter how much extra work and extras you do for them, they just show no appreciation and pick at threads and still go on to leave you a negative feedback even. Even though you say if there's any problems or anything, just talk to me first and we'll work something out for you. Hey! That's just people I guess right?

These people often don't see the good in you. They don't know about all the positive praises and feedbacks you've got from past clients. They don't know about how hard you work on people's orders and try to provide a great professional service to everyone regardless to the size of their order. They don't see any of that and don't care much for it either. When you do one thing wrong or something goes wrong, even though you make more than ample amends for it, they still think you're a "bad guy" a "bad seller" and then some even go on a mission to create a smear campaign about you and post imfammatory remarks to you.

These people don't see any of the good stuff in you. They don't care much for it either. All they see is that something went wrong and that must mean you're a crook or something. Like what? Even though you've bent over backwards and gone above and beyond the call of duty for them. Even though you've been very patient long suffering with you through it all and offered so much to make up for it. They just want to brand you a bad guy and then go off into the horizon leaving you like, huh!

So how to deal with that?

You can only do so much for these types of people/clients. You have to remain professional and firm at the same time. Remain fair but firm. Be generous sure, but don't do yourself out at the same time. If things don't go well and they're very difficult and taking up a lot of your time. Offer to cancel or offer a big discount on the next order of about 50% or something. But if that and nothing else works. You do have the right to tell them that you don't wish to deal with them anymore. It's your right and prerogative to choose not to work with them anymore.

That's all you can pretty much do really..

How do you deal/handle these kinds of people/clients.

Fortunately they isn't many of them. But there's always one right? When people don

Some wise man once said;

"You can make most of the people happy most of the time. But you can't make everyone happy all of the time."

True that!




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Yeah! You are absolutely right...

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I agree with him as well which is the reason I always ensure that I work in harmony with most of my clients. The good part of that is when the negative client comes around, I try to show my best, but when it's not enough, I have to let go and move on with my work. I have come to realize that not every client needs to be pleased.

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I've always keep a professional relationship with most of the clients I work for and have been lucky to meet the few tough ones that are unhappy and try all they could to make working for them miserable. The aim is to keep working fine for most of the good clients I see around the site that I work on so they can recommend me to other friends as well.

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Yes, I think in any type of online employment you will have the "suspicious" types that wonder what you are up to. Your week should speak for itself..but sadly, that isn't always the case. That is part of the reason why I hate sites like iwriter..that feel that insulting a writer at the outset is the way to get their best work..Oh please..yeah, that is really motivating..not!

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Luckily, I have never had to deal with such people. I definitely feel sorry for anyone that has to come across a client that acts like this because it's just annoying especially when you have done everything they have asked for and have tried to meet all their extra demands as well. I'm not sure what you can do to make them happy really, the only thing is to either try and do what they are moaning about or just offer a discount like you said for their next order.

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These kinds of people never crossed my way, haha... And honestly, I hope they never find me because depending on my mood at that very moment, I don't know how I would react.

So... Back off, crazy / annoying clients! Stay away from me, haha. When people don

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These sort of people are pretty ridiculous and they can turn up in all sorts of places in life. You could be working as a freelancer, a cashier at a retail store, or in some form of customer service. No matter the location, you're always going to have that one client or customer that just barges on in, guns blazing, and wants to stomp all over you.

Thankfully it's so common that a lot of people out there are aware that these sorts of characters exist, and knowing that, they'll probably overlook any negative feedback that may be visible to the public.

Its like making a purchase on the internet. You're looking to buy an item and all the reviews are great, nothing but 4 or 5 stars. Then you run across one or two people who happen to give it a 1 star rating. In a sea of positive reviews, do you really think that their reviews are justified or reliable? Probably not. Perhaps they genuinely had a bad experience, but its more likely that they have insatiable standards.

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It is true. You can't make everyone happy. I have gone through this as well and I finally had to quit. Some clients will NEVER see how good your work is and they will always try hard to put you down and still take the work you did for them. Even offering a 50% discount is not enough because they are used to being mean. It is better to give all your time to good and understanding clients.

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I think not everyone is going to understand how hard we work. And nobody has to either. As long as we get paid for the effort we are taking then that is more than enough. You can see that sometimes you have to really work towards the goal. Not all the time things are going to be in your own way. That's the part that needs to change as well. I don't know if there are some really good freelancing options out there. People just need to find a good amount of the buyers for their gigs. And that can be helping them to get things properly setup.

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I try to identify problem clients early. Upfront, I will tell them that writing quality is often very subjective. They are free to accept my article or reject it. If they reject it, I have ways to use or sell it. So, it is not going to hurt my feelings. Still, you have these jokers that nitpick and look down their nose, as if they could have done a better job. Once I get a sign of that, I'm done.

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This happen all the time with all sphere of life not just in freelancing, one is bound to find people of this character when working.

The most important thing is to do good jobs so that the clients would appreciate ones brilliance.

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When people don't know about your freelancing brilliance, they underrate your writing skills and feel you wouldn't be a writing material. Freelance companies too have this perception and, because of this, require trial posts in most cases before accepting any writer no matter how brilliant, intelligent, or talented in writing. When a potential writer submits trial posts and gets approved with a user rating of 5.00 stars, he becomes 100% trustworthy.

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You are right on this. As a freelancer, I had encountered different types of people. What bothers me is when the client gives the impression that he is king and that I am a slave. And it was unfortunate that he had given me a very low rating just because of his whims. Maybe he thought that I was pauper who would go hungry is he doesn't make me earn on his site. Pardon me for this rant. I just want to drive home the point that some people have to know who you really are so they could level with you.

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I think that's a regular thing for most of the freelancers. I can tell you that good freelancers are harder to come by. You can see that some of the time it'd be not reasonable to argue with them. And it'd be reasonable to spend time with them on the freelancing side. I have spent a lot of time trying to understand how that can be good on the understanding part. Life is tough as an freelancer.

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I'm sorry to hear that you had such an experience. You don't really have to apologise for this because it is a fair comment. Maybe the customer treated you this way because of past experience. It can quite hard to come across some good freelancers nowadays because of how saturated the market is and how many poor and awful freelancers there are out there. Because of that, he may have just assumed everyone was bad, which is wrong of course.

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I think when you first have a conversation with a buyer, you can tell what kind of client they will end up being. That should give you pause as to whether you want to enter into a contract with this individual or not. A freelancer should never overlook red flags or alarming behavior from a potential customer. Just like customers run from bad sellers, freelancers have the exact same right to run from anyone they feel or greatly suspect - is a bad buyer.

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In Joel Osteen's book 'Becoming a Better You' he comments that they are people that will like you no matter what you do. They are people who will hate you no matter what you do even if you carry them on your back.He advises that you work with the people that like you.

I have encountered the clients that you are talking about. First, their instructions are always really vague. They want to make a million changes. I know my worth, so I do the best I can.If I can't give them what they want, I advise them to get someone else.

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I know what it's like to deal with difficult customers. I always try my best to provide a very good service to my customers but some of them are never satisfied. I prefer not to deal with such kinds of people. I had a particular customer who was complaining relentlessly and at a certain point, I couldn't take it anymore. He was wasting my time and this was affecting my morale. I decided to stop doing business with him.

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I have come across a discussion about awful clients and I’d say it is true that there are customers like that who seem to be impossible to satisfy. But my take on such customers is to be friendly as much as you can. One good approach is to be personal like asking the client for some advice about anything that is obvious for the customer to have an answer. That will start the ball rolling in your favor because you are seem to be praising the intelligence and knowledge of that awful client.

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