
Have you ever had to give up some work at some point?

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Have you ever had to give up some work at some point?

There is no doubt that having to give up some work is very frustrating, however... Sooner or later this happens to all of us. But unfortunately not everyone has a well-prepared mind to have to deal with this type of decision because sometimes the frustration can be greater than we can imagine.

Have you ever had to give up doing some work (either because of lack of time or because you made a mistake, for example)? If your answer is YES, why did you have to give up?


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I had to give up my general discussion forum a few years because of a lack of time to commit to it. I didn't want it to die because of how well it was doing so I thought I would just cash in and get money for it. Unfortunately, the buyer didn't bother to keep the forum going and gave up on it after a few months which was a shame because I felt that it had a lot of potentials. I wish I hadn't given it up, to be honest, but at least I got a decent amount for it.

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Yes! Sometimes you need to give up your work in order to have new things to come or happen. If you already are fed up with what you are doing, its better to find some other work to do. Its better to find really what job that can be you fulfillment and happiness.

Why stay when you can move on? If you are not happy anymore in that job, better to find somewhere else. Its your choice to move or not. I advice you need to give up some work than endure your stay unhappily. Don't worry. Be happy.

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I strongly agree with you. Even at this time, I would like to give up some work because of not so good relationship with a person.

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Yes, I had to either give up work or refuse the offer more than once. I think that it isn't anything unusual, especially if you are getting too many job offers. You simply can't do everything at once or your overall quality would suffer and I don't allow that.

I have declined work for various reason such as lack of time, bad pay rate, etc. Another reason that I remember was because I didn't feel comfortable writing on some very scientific topic. I felt like I lacked the knowledge so I told that to the client.

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I think one of the reasons people give up job should be lack of in-depth knowledge which I see it as professionalism, if one can't handle a specific topic or niche then not to kill one's brand and reputation it better one give up such a job than trying it out and getting bad rating or feedback which could dent one's profile and of course this reason is good enough to give up a job.

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There were college/university courses where I had put up my hands toward the end and realized all was lost. I mean, I had big plans to fight to the end, but then I realized I hadn't a chance. However, though, on at least one, my decision turned out to be a bad one.

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I gave up working and called it a day as I thought I had worked enough and needed to spend time just relaxing. I did that for a while and then took designing gardens which was my hobby That activity i thoroughly enjoyed. Now I am more doing online work at my pace with none to breathe down my neck.

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Having to work on pressure is something very, very stressful. But personally, I have no major problems with this and sometimes I even think that I get amazing results considering the tension situation, haha (but obviously I prefer don't have to work under pressure).

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Dear @wiseagent
It is true, working under pressure is very stressful, one could go bonkers and lost of appetite. SOmetimes it is best to just put the work aside and relax before coming back and finish off the work.

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Some years ago, I was a co-blogger. And although I am not very prolific, since I could submit an article twice a month only, I’d say that I truly enjoyed writing since it is about my passion – pets. However, it came to a point that I had to quit blogging when I got promoted in the office. The new position came with heavier work assignment and a bigger responsibility that required most of my waking hours. Until now, it is the lack of time that is an obstacle to my writing career.

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That's too bad that you have to shelf your passion in writing. Sometimes when we were able to do what we love, it refreshes us even though they are a bit stressful sometimes. I hope you find a time to go back into writing what you love.

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That's nice. I find it sad that you have to postpone your writing for office work. Though, it can't be avoided. I hope you find time for writing since it gives you a sense of fulfillment in life.

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Since I started working online I haven't experienced this, maybe because I always conclude every agreement after assessing it properly before starting the job.Giving up a job wouldn't do me any good especially when I will not be paid after giving up.So I rather finish it and get paid.

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That's great (the sense of accomplishment is awesome, isn't it? Have you ever had to give up some work at some point?) and I hope you keep meeting your deadlines, but keep in mind that sooner or later giving up some of your works will be something quite normal for you, so... Focus on it too, haha.

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That's a very good point. I've also had to quit a job before it's complete, which would really kill me to have to do. I think that would hurt my reputation as a professional and I try and do everything I can to keep my image to the highest standards as possible. I have, however, had to turn down people who were interested in my services, which also really hurt me to do. But if you can't commit, then you can't commit and it's better to be up front about it than get into the job and realize you can't finish it.

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Yeah, I think that is why a lot of people try to finish the job because you definitely do not want to lose out on a potential payment for that job. And the fact that you have already spent so much time on that particular job, you might as well just finish off the job by spending a few more hours or even a day or two on it so that you can get paid for it. It would be awful for you to have spent all that time on it and not get anything in return for the time you spent on it.

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A good few years back I did feel like throwing in the towel and stopping doing the things I been doing. But, for some reason, I came back and was more filled with determination and with positive thinking and my goals I was going to see it through. But we all get those moments in life when we just simply say "I can't do it" but remembering when growing up people saying to me "there is no such thing as can't". This as made me much stronger and more to say positive thinking and daily affirmations as really really helped me. It as gave me motivation and also confidence in what am doing.

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I have met various types of the clients which have made me gave up on the work. And they seem to be someone who were persistent about the work that is being done. So they wanted low cost work and they are not into the regular working as well. So we can see that there are always things that may end up making things a bit harder. I think we have to understand that people can be unreasonable. And we have to deal with them the right way. It's going to be hard to understand that part for sure.

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I tell you bro, I have been a victim of such clients. They are just so frustrating that you have no option than to shove the work up their face and even forfeit the money. Like the one I handle a project for, he clearly didn't know what he wanted, almost made me review the work for like 5 times, I had to give up the work.

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Yes most of them are on fiverr and upwork. And they are asking you to charge low and work longer. So that's something we have to consider when it comes to the retaining of client. I have learned that giving up work may not be good for many. Some may work with it. And some people struggle all the time. So it all depends on how we get used to that part. But at some point we have to give up with such clients.

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I can totally relate on this. There really are unreasonable people out there who will suck up all your positive energy and just make you give up, not only on working for them, but give up on the type of work you're doing. Sometimes with jobs and interacting with people online, some employers see you as on object rather than a person working your butt off to fulfill your duty. But In any case, offline or online, there are tons of unreasonable people we'll meet in our lifetime. I just hope that with every difficult people that we meet, we'll stand stronger rather than quitting.

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Yes and I have trapped in this cycle. I want to jump out and see what else I can do. I am tired of work on low cost and get long term work. Because that is kind of the draining on my body. And also affecting my confidence and the will to survive. So that being said, it'd be reasonable to understand that work is something we have to learn about as well. And another thing is that we work with what we have and that's something clients take advantage of. I hope someday I can get out of the low pay cycle.

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I hope that you'll be able to step up your game and move up from this trap too. Most of us is in the low pay cycle and it's sad to know that there are tons of people including me and you who work hard and honest but still meet those who seem to abuse workers who are in need of a job.

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Yes. It seems like platform such as ionicware and fiverr are good way to boost up earnings in small ways. But still we fall in same cycle here too. But there are some skills which can't be stretched and that's where we can expect to get paid better. And that's something I am learning too. I hope to get better paid for my skills. And hope this freelance industry for many of us.

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Cheers to that. may all of us here striving for a better pay and work online will be rewarded too in the near future.

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It was a frustrating winter of 2016 for me. I registered on on a site that accepts clients to write for them. The procedure is that you will bid for jobs, but as time goes on, I discovered that it was not something that I was ready at that particular moment.

I had no other choice than to give up working on that platform. The reason was that I always seek perfection on things that I do.

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I guess that is pretty much the story of almost every one of us. You can see that people give up on work that way eventually. And many people move to the day jobs more than online earning. I am guessing we have to find out what may or may not work for us. And then take things more seriously on that basis. I am not sure how people can change things. I am glad that you're being persistent as a writer. Cheers to that persistence.

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Sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances, we just have to give up the job that we are currently holding on, look for a greener pasture to enhance our abilities.

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Yes. I have had those days. Given up on many projects and the timelines were strictly out of my reach. So I did what I can in that context. I guess we have to understand that some of the time it'd be not always going to be reasonable to get things around. But I guess reaching more people is harder.

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That is completely true. There are things in life that we have to give up and sacrifice at the same time for us to be able to be a good person. It is hard definitely but we need to choose at the end of the day because we are the only person who will decide for it.

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I am trying to set up an offline business and I have been really busy with this over the last few months. Due to this I am unable to concentrate on my online works. I stopped working on some sites that I used to and I also spend less time on my blog now. This has greatly reduced my online earnings. I know that I need to concentrate on my blog at least and I will try to do it in the coming weeks.

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Juggling multiple responsibilities can be a true chore, I get you. It's good that you're focusing on the startup that really needs attention, though. Your blog is in it's starting stages, so it needs you there to nurture it and get it running capacity. The nice thing about online work is that once your blog is in a position for you to transition into online revenue again, you can always pick up where you left off!

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Sometimes it is hard to juggle to tasks at the same time, you have an offline business that takes 9 hours of your time while online tasks can be done when you are free, maybe weekends. I had been busy looking for real jobs, offline, that I had neglected my online tasks too. Have to sacrifice one of them.

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I suffer from a mental illness and yes I have had to give up work before. The story of my life is I get a project going and once its starts to really take off I either run out of money or I somehow kill it of by changing up the website. Living on a budget sucks, because after a website gets so big you need more hosting and when you outgrow the next step up on hosting your expenses double or triple every time you need to move up on hosting.

I have a new project now and my hope is that the blog/forum stays small enough for me to manage and the hosting costs don't get too crazy. The most that I am willing to pay for webhosting is $20 a month anymore than that and I am going to have to sell of the blog/forum and start something else.

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Yes I had given up on working with companies since I had quit my job 10 years ago due to taking care of my baby. Back then, my mom in law refused to care for my baby so I had to do it. I gave up thinking about going back to work in the society until my hubby and my teenager encouraged me to jump back into the working life. They said it is never too late to learn anything, as long as I am willing to try.

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Yes parenting makes us want to quit the jobs. Because not all companies have the support for the people who can be parents. So we have to think of other ways to manage jobs in such case. I guess now that many companies are reformed. It'd be reasonable to say that dividing the work and also some of the time working with flexible hours in company can be helpful.

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Yes some companies are willing to employ middle age and retired folks into the fast paced industries. That is a positive move to "reuse" manpower at lower pay rate instead of rotting the idle people at home.

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I guess those type of companies are being inclusive to all. I guess it'd be better if the jobs were like this. But based on what I have seen. Not a lot of business and the services are like this. And in fact some are really harder to get around. Also working on those sort of the projects kind of makes me wonder how it may plan out.

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I've had to pass on video and photo gigs because I've overbooked myself or haven't had time to devote to a project. It always sucks to have to do that because you're turning away someone who could be a repeat customer, or someone who is really in love with your work, but if I can't commit, I don't want to subject them to long waiting times or less quality.

I had someone reach out to me about my services based on a recommendation from a friend and because they really like my work. I was booked the entire month of their wedding, so I had to turn them away, which really hurt for me. I could tell they were told really good things about me from my past client and they were incredibly interested in having me at their wedding, but I just couldn't do it.

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Well I have actually given up on one work recently. I got introduced to one forum know as forum coin, I felt the need and urge to work for the site until I discovered that the time I invested in working on the site is not anywhere near its worth of what I'm supposed to be earning.

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I even started working on that forum and then it was taking up too much of time that I had to stop. I was spending too much time on there and was struggling to complete my other online works. I have learnt a lesson from this. Before joining a forum the next time I will do as much research as possible.

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This was exactly what happened to me, it took me a while before I realized that I was just fooling around in the site wasting my insufficient precious time. It's was actually a big lesson to me as well to always find out more about any forum before joining it.

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It happened to me also. I dont want to stay in one job that I wont enjoy to work in. I needed to which job I would love and stay for long time in order for me to have long time career. Choosing is hard but have to do it for my the benefits of my own.

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This happens a lot to freelancers. They would invest so much time, and the realize that perhaps they are not being paid enough and leave the work. You're not the only one.. lol

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Most times, I really don't blame new freelancers, as they are new to the system, they would be very much eager to work on all sorts of forum without any research on them. It's only with time, that they begin to learn and understand more about any site they invest their time in.

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Forumcoin is a forum site where you can earn 10 posts per day, so you can't get near the payout in a month, it will take 1.5 months to reach there unless you had applied the article writing section where you will earn faster. Did you really gave up?

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Sometimes i take on too much work, because let's face it, money doesn't grow on trees so you want as much work as you can get. Sometimes it's really hard to get work, and sometimes it's extremely frustrating because you can not get any. Often at times i take on more than i can, and go periods of great stress which hinders my quality of work, and overall mental health. Yes, i go mental when there's too much stress, so unfortunately i would have to let go of some clients. I hate that.

For one, some clients you let go will never return, and you do not want that - at all. So if you do have to give up some work, make sure it's not that important, and that the client or whomever you're doing work for will totally understand your reasoning and maybe offer a discount next time they decide to use your services again.

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Yes, but I have always "worked" although it hasn't always been in a traditional job. There are enough flexible jobs out there now that finding something that works for you may not be too difficult to do. The problem is that many of this part time or flex jobs do not provide the income that a traditional job would.

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Yeah, I had to give up on my website at some point in time, because the competition scared the hell out of me, and I felt like I was wasting my time, I just felt like tearing down the website, but when I remember the bucks I shoved into the website. I just had no option than to continue the work, I was doing on the site.

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So, you stayed on to your site? You bought the domain name? Mine is at blogspot, I had literally given up on it because of the low earning at Adsense

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This has happened to me numerous times. I have given up high paying jobs numerous jobs because of following reasons:
Not having enough time to work because I am already engaged with some work
Not having enough skills to complete the work
Having to complete the job in short deadline.

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Hmm, I can really relate, because I have been in such situation before, but I don't really think I can give up a good paying Job because of time factor or been occupied with other Jobs, I would rather outsource it and get some profits.

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I haven't done this yet to clients because before accepting a job I think many times first if I could finish it in the required time. I always avoid committing to many jobs because I am afraid of losing my credibility if I would not be able to complete what is asked for me to do. But sometimes I'm thinking that maybe that's the reason why I could not work with bigger projects because I'm afraid of failing. When the task seems complicated, I would turn it down easily. Avoiding failure just to maintain credibility.

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I often feel the same way if i take on a big project. I hope that i am able to finish my tasks and not let the buyer down. I feel as if, if i do let the buyer down then my crediability will be nothing more than words.

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I have several decisions in my life where I have to give up some work at some point. Some of the reasons behind it were actually lame but maybe sometimes because of my arrogance. I'm a man who would always lead and not to be controlled with. But I'm always happy with everything. After all, I've always been successful with everything that I do.

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Hardly do I give up at anything so far I am sure I can achieve it with time. Though there may be challenges, there is no cause to give up or call it over when it's not yet over. This is in conformity with the principle of life. People who quickly give up once they have one failure or the other can never be great achievers in life. This is because getting to the top or stepping up in life attract serious challenges and that's why we have the greatest achievers as people who faced the greatest challenges.

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I had to let go of a client once because the pay was not worth the effort I was putting in. To be honest, I wish I could just fulfill that because the client was nice and I could also have used the money anyway, but it was just too much work for too little pay that I couldn't justify the effort I was about to put in, and I felt like if I forced myself then I would just be doing the work halfheartedly and would not do justice to the quality of work I would like to constantly put out.

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Yes. I have ever had to quit doing some work at some point because the payment was very low and I felt my complaints were not being attended to. If the work I am doing does not make me happy or does not fulfill my expectations then I will have to quit.

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To keep things short and simple, yes, I've had to give up on many ideas, projects, and different types of work at some point. Whether it was an affiliate marketing campaign (including a website that I completely built out) or partnered with another person for an online project. Dedicating hours of my time and energy, only to realize that a brick walk was in mere feet of my path.

Unfortunately, it's something we all experience in the pursuit of our business goals. How we handle it, however, differentiates one man or woman, from another. Usually, when I've had to give up on work or terminate a project. I give myself 2-3 days to reconcile my thoughts and change directions to build momentum again on another venture. I also like to keep multiple projects and work going on at once. So if I have to shut one down, it doesn't feel as big of a loss.

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Two years ago, I was coming back from Christmas holidays to my regular job, then suddenly I found out I had a new manager. This one, was considering to pay less to all of the employees, because he said we where earning "too much". He cut a lot of our benefits, fired the newer workers, and when we took the case to the authorities, our case was dismissed. We really tried hard to fight for our rights, but our laws don't exist for some, so I chose to quit and search for a place with better conditions. Pretty unfair, but that's real life. Eventually I found another place where I feel better, and that's the important thing, I had to quit to find something better for me.

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I had to give up my work when I gave birth to my child. I wanted to personally care for my child during the first year of his life so I've decided to quit my job at a large pharmaceutical company. My son is worth it, of course, so I have no regrets whatsoever. At the time, working at home was not a viable option as internet access wasn't as prevalent as it is now. We had to depend on a small business for subsistence and it wasn't easy financially. I knew I needed a regular salary if I were to secure my child's future. Nowadays, with the advent of the internet and online work opportunities, I am earning more or less a regular salary just working at home and doing a part time job a few days a week. I've used the time I previously spent commuting to and from work to manage a small business that has been delivering semi-passive income to our family.

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That is the problem in the olden days when you have a baby because you have to stay at home when there is no one to take care of the little one. We are fortunate here because if you have a mother or an aunt who is not employed then they can help you with the baby so that you can continue working in the office. But now that we can do freelancing at home I don’t think a baby will not pose to be a problem anymore.

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Well, i did just because i know that if i take an additional work i might not meet the time frame. In my opinion it's a wise decision... meeting your requirements and schedule is so essential in business. It's better to have no customer than have a disappointed one just because your delayed or you have not met the requirements. Remember that every costumer is a potential advertiser....but if the costumer is unhappy he/she might be a critic.

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I've never given up work. I have changed jobs many times though. But I don't know how to not work. Even though I stopped sending out my resumes and filling out job applications years ago. I hired myself to work online. Now if I can just manage to create a consistent paycheck, it'll be just when I used to work outside the home, at a regular 9 to 5 job.

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