
How important is the technical support service?

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How important is the technical support service?

Everyone who seeks and values ??a good server to host their sites / forums / blogs obviously worries about possible problems that may eventually appear, right? It's a natural concern because all work can be lost by some unexpected error (and this is certainly very frustrating).
The technical support service is something very important... However, the level of importance of users for this type of support is not always the same, so... The question is: How important is it to you?


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having a hosting company go under and losing all of my code would be devastating. I don't know many companies that have run into this type of problem, or many that have actually had virus's or bugs delete stuff, but it can definitely happen. For this reason i like to back up all of my code every couple of months so that I have something to fall back on. If something were to ever happen, I would at least have a blog or website from a few months prior to work with than nothing at all.

Having something go wrong is what hosting companies try to avoid at all costs. With hosting companies, similar to most, one major screw up can kill your business. It doesn't matter if you fix everything, the damage was still done and you've likely lost the trust of your customers and they will migrate to another credible hosting company who hasn't screwed up How important is the technical support service?

I actually get a lot of my SEO, marketing and design clients because they had a bad experience with the previous company they were working with. The company screwed up royaly and their clients jump ship right into my life boat waiting patiently lmao How important is the technical support service? I then take the time to analyze anything that was messed up, and I tell the client what I'm going to do to fix it. Obviously time is an issue because 95% of the clients that come to me already have websites up and running with traffic coming in, so getting everything fixed quickly is their top priority.

I fix it, make it better, they love me, they stick with me and take all of my recommendations How important is the technical support service?

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If my server company decided to wipe my server clean that would be devastating too. Could you imagine all the hard work we freelancers do? My server has many coding projects of mine and I pay really good money every month to have it. If they decided to wipe my stuff clean then I'd be the angriest person on the planet.

Not only would I be the angriest person on the planet, I would lose a lot of sales and business. My demos are hosted on my server, basically my entire online working life is on that little server. Sheesh. I'm going to make backups about right now.. LOL.

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I used to be the one in-charge of the technical support team in our company. We provide technical assistance to the operations particularly to the frontliners who are in close contact with the clients. From my experience, it is a big mistake to run an operation using computers without technical support. As per the Murphy's Law, if something can go wrong, it will. I knew of one small company dealing with importation of footwear from China. They were using computers for their transactions. When their system went down, they were desperate because they couldn't find the guy who created their system. If you don't want that to happen to your business, I'd say that you have to put a premium on technical support.

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I agree that the value of the after sales technical support is going to be different. Not all the people can provide it better. You have to find out some sort of the setup for fixing the technical support service. I have realized that support service can make with forums and the chat bots. It can be easier to add the technical support options like support ticket system too. But people don't know how to fix such broken system.

First of all they need to add the technical support ticket system. You have to understand that in order to provide good service you need some of such technically strong people. So that way it can be fixed if you have such strong technical people in that case. That's the thing about the technical support service.

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This will not be funny at all.This will be putting pressure on the blogger or web owner because everything save on the site might be gone,you need to get a new hosting company to partner with and having and putting back those files might not be damn easy.

I think this should be a reminder to put or have a back up sort of,because it wouldn't be easy if one site is down with no concrete solution on ground.

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Technical support service is extremely important to me as a website owner. Imagine losing everything just because of some technical error and then the hosting company not having a high-quality support service and not being able to assist or help you? Sure, you should be doing manual backups anyway because trusting the cPanel backup only isn't wise but still.

The technical support service is something that divides average companies from really good ones. If there are any issues and they get resolved fast and professionally the person will tell their friends about how good his/her experience was. It also depends on the type of website you're running... for certain niches the technical support is far more crucial than for others.

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Technical support is extremely important especially for a service like a hosting company. If you encounter a problem that you have trouble fixing then you will have to rely on the technical support of the company to sort out the issue. I don't know how many times I have had to use technical support (not for hosting) where the person has just been awful. EA Sports (who develop FIFA) are the biggest culprits of this. They just hire anybody and their staff just has no idea what they are doing or how to help you.

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Regardles of business, technical support is Crucial in order to solve customer problems which would boost confidence in them.

Technical support help to keep the customers complaints at bay

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I think it is very helpful when you are having a problem. It is always good to be able to discuss your issue with an expert if you are having problems. It is just one of the things that you may need when you are looking for the proper support for your device. It is simply one of the options that you may need.

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One of the reasons why I am with Namecheap hosting since a long time is the support system. Namecheap has a wonderful support system. You always get your answer within 10 minutes, no matter what time of the day you asked the question or what day it is. Even ever I encounter any kind of technical problems with my websites, I send a ticket and my ticket is answered in less than 10 minutes. I am from Nepal and namecheap is based in the US. There is 13 hours time difference. Even though we are from different time zones, Namecheap staffs are always available to answer my queries.

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Wow! I'd say that a ten minute response time is most incredibly fast. This kind of endorsement of a company and its support team is priceless advertising I would say. Apparently their tech support is there twenty four hours a day and seven days a week! That is dedication that I can seriously appreciate in any kind of support team.

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As a customer, it is very important to me, but to be honest, I can understand when businesses don't always pay that much attention to their customer support services, because some businesses are just more able to get away with that type of arrangement. I guess the type of business where good customer service is an absolute must would be in retail, which is what I do, so I try and be quick in my responses to customers and even when they are angry or complaining, I try and keep it professional and I try to fix the problem instead of taking it personally.

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In my experience, good tech support in invaluable in any business now at this point. I have been about to give a presentation where I teach, and the entire Smartboard would go down on me--I always have a plan "B"; however, my tech support guy is literally down the hall, and I can walk down and ask for his assistance if he is in the office. He has got me up and running so many times that it is hard to count. Furthermore, in this virtual environment we are all working, living, shopping, and existing in, tech support keeps us getting paid, keeps out servers running, keeps our content available, and, in general, is there to make sure that the systems we use to communicate and to conduct commerce continue to be available to us and to work as they should.

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You said a key plan, "Plan B". Although the technical support service is very good, it's always good to be cautious with an alternate plan because we will never know when we're going to need it. But unfortunately not everyone thinks about it and ends up underestimating the development of these plans.

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Technical support which can differ or be part of the customer services a company offers to its customers in cases where those customers seem not to understand ways that they can better the experience they are having using such products or when it has to do with services being offered by these companies. It is important for every company to have an active technical support, so as to send a positive signal to the customers on cases that arise.

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Yes, in addition to having the obligation to always have a great service (because it will help other people to solve problems) has the obligation to always be available to the clients.

I always get upset when I need to solve something with the technical support of a store - for example - that has limited hours of operation.

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Technical support service is the backbone of any business structure particularly if the business entails promoting services of a technical nature. Someone's got to keep the wheels turning otherwise how else will anything work? Some employees have a bit of a technical knowledge on how to get out of a minor technical glitch. It's very important for technical staff to be on hand or on call to ensure seamless and smooth running of operations.

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without a good tech support your customers will have no one to revert to for help or assistance as well as tech support being the face of the company, customers will decide if the company is worth it or not from how they are treated by them or how helpful they were

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Yes, the relationship with customers should always be as close as possible so they feel comfortable whenever they need to solve a problem. Without this support, any kind of business is doomed to a complete failure.

The technical support service has to be a must.

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Well, if it's not important to you, it's important to me. The importance of technical support can not be over emphasized, and when I mean technical support, I mean 24/7 technical support. Which is a must if you are running a client side business, because at some point in time, your clients will experience some hitches on the platform, and without technical support, to take care of it, with immediate effect, then that's means you will lose some clients at that point in time, and that's losing money.

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I think technical support is very important and I also want 24/7 technical support. Right now I am hosted with namecheap and their technical support is slow as a turtle. But I LOVE their technical support because although they are slow they always get the problem fixed first try and I never have to deal with it again.

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With a technical support like what you mentioned, I will also stick it out with them because even if the service is good but the technical support is not then you will be inconvenienced. We had bought a popular brand of air conditioner which I can say is a good one. But when it bogged down, it took more than a week before the technician came to assess the problem. And you can guess that it took another week for them to fix the problem. That is a lousy technical support that is a lesson to be learned.

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Before I sign up with a host, I always check their site for important information like emailing clients prior to server work or maintenance. Very important that I know the site itself or my site won't be available for a few hours due to server work. I also look for live chat support, email support and a support forum. One which is active and filled with helpful and knowledgeable people. If all four of those facets are in place then I know they're one of the good hosting companies.

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