
The destructive glare of the screen

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The destructive glare of the screen

Whether you are using a ocmputer, laptop, tablet or even aphone, you have to take note of glare that the screen emits. Especially now
that screens are colored in display, the glare can cause eye strain. Especially
for those who are not using eyeglasses, exposing your eyes to the screen for a
long time can ruin your vision that you may be needing to wear corrective
lenses in the near future. The recommended time for staring at the screen is 30
minutes. That means you have to take a break for 5 minutes to rest your eyes. And
a nagging headache is the common symptom of the bad effect of the glare to your


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I wear glasses at the moment. But I have noticed that I do get headaches sometimes especially when I use the computer for way too long. Sometimes I will spend hours on end on the computer which is probably why I get the headaches. It's probably best if I do what you have written here and take a few minutes break every 30 minutes or so.

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I've been through this too. My glasses are supposed to have some anti reflex cover, so I guessed this could work against screen glare, but unfortunately I still have the eye strain and sometime headaches. I've noticed that if I take a rest around every 25 minutes, then I feel better, and I can keep working on my laptop longer than usual. I also, use some eye drops and blinking exercises to feel better too.

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It's fine. We usually forget to take into account the actual strain of constant use. So we end up using it more and finding out the aftermath. So I recommend not using the computer and similar devices for more than 3 days. It really helps with all those problems.

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No more than 3 days? well, that would great, but what about freelancers like many of us here? You do know we have to spend a lot of time on computers, because that's our job. At least, that's my case, I've noticed this job takes so much time from me, and can't afford to stop working for days. I would love to keep working online, but spending less time on pc/laptop, maybe some job as translator/transcription, so any tip about it will be really appreciated.

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Sorry about that, friend. What I meant was if possible. I know that a lot of us are forced to work in unhealthy ways.

Sometimes you have to prioritize your health above other things. It's our greatest wealth. And this is what allows us to function properly.

The simplest solution would be to give your eyes a much needed break. I've read that resting your eyes for about two weeks can gradually improve your condition.

But it really is up to you if you can commit to a long vacation from devices. They're really the cause for eye strain.

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Thanks for your recommendation, honestly what you say is completely true. I've been work sick before, because I was not eating properly. About my eye strain, I went to the eye doctor, I have to do some exercises to relax my sight, and I have to use eye drops, which are just lubrication drops to avoid dried eye. Also, I have to use glasses that has protection shade cover.

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Glad to have helped with your eyesight problem. I'm sorry that I can't offer an instant solution. Sadly, it's the demands of our everyday life that often cause us pain and suffering.

There's no shortcut to recovery. The best way to eliminate the problem is to cut off or remove what's causing it in the first place.

Since you can't really stop doing your work, what you can do is give your eyes the much needed vacation they deserve. An extended period of rest away from digital devices will allow them to gradually recover from constant strain.

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For 3 days? I don't think I could ever not use any of my devices for even a day really. I just have so much things to do and I rely quite a lot on my devices especially my smartphone and laptop so not using them for a while would not be great. It's crazy to think how we rely on our devices nowadays isn't it.

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Yes, it is. There's sort of this inception question going on in our minds. Is it really crazy that we rely so much on our devices? Or is the crazy thing the fact that we can't imagine life without them?

People have lived full lives before the age of technology. One might say that they might have lived better lives despite not having the "convenience" of modern tech.

As much as we want to think that gadgets have changed our lives for the better, we can't simply ignore the facts. They can just as easily deteriorate the quality of our lives if we're left to our own devices... literally speaking. Hahaha!

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Same with me, I wear glasses because I had been staying close to my laptop for 7 hours daily. The glare and radiation from the screen had caused my eyes blurr and tired. The glasses aren't cheap either. Need to back off from the screen every hour

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That's so sad. Many have experienced this as well. That's why using computers for too long is not good for us. It's advised to take 5 minute breaks for every 30 mins. spent using computers.

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It can be disheartening to get migraines from excessive computer use. But it is what it is. You're usually left with a sense of numbness around the area. The good thing is that once you get adequate rest and proper care, your body should return to normal.

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This is true. We really need to have protection for our eyes. I thinks its because of the radiation that we are exposed in our computers. In our desktop before we really bought a screen-er for our computer. The same we did for our television. We also bought television screen-er.

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Yes, that happens to me as well. I get headaches if I stare at my smartphone or computer screen for long periods of time. Thus, it is better to limit screen time and take your eyes off the screen for a while.

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I do not wear glasses in front of my screen. This might be the reason why I got red eyes. Its good if you really wear glasses. Also taking a 30 minute break is a good advice.

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The glare of the screen is very harmful because of radiation. its good to have monitor screen order to protect your eyes. Today I learned from the Bible in Acts chapter 9 the power of light in making the eyes of Saul blind. He also heard the voice of Jesus. It was Ananias who prayed over him and his eyes were opened.

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I strongly agree with you. Eyeglasses are great to be used to protect our eyes from the glare of the screen of the computer. Its definitely a need for those who stay long at the computer.

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I agree with you. Wearing an eyeglasses is a good solution to this problem. It keeps your eyes from the destructive glare of the screen.

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I do wear a glasses that have extra protection in radiation and it works. I don't get headaches with staring at the screen anymore.

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Computers nowadays are part of our daily routine, whether in work, gaming, study etc. But the glare that the monitor is producing is harmful for our eyes. Some will say you should glasses that protects our eyes from Blue Light Exposure. But one this is for sure, whether we are wearing glasses or not, we should always rest for a bit after long hours of exposure, to avoid headaches, eye irritations and all possible illness that will be caused by over exposing ourselves to the glare of the screen.

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Most people say that the light given off from monitors is harmful to our eyes, and this is something that has been stated over and over ever since the creation of the television. However, I am honestly beginning to wonder the validity of these statements.

I've been a gamer all my life, playing video games daily ever since I was six years old. Needless to say I've spent thousands of hours staring into a screen since then, and I still do every day as it is part of my work.

Yet despite doing this year after year, I am now 25 years old and have perfect 20/20 vision, while according to most experts I should have a degree of impaired vision at this point. I can't argue that it isn't harmful for some people, but I'm not seeing any ill effects.

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I agree. Using the computer for a long period of time can make you feel tired. It can also make you feel sick if you don't get enough rest. Having short breaks makes a huge difference.

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Hmm, this the daily problem most of us, who work on the computer both at work and at home face, and it's really harmful to the eyes, but not as destructive as it seems. I think the human eyes are different for each individual, because i spend almost 16hours with my eyes on the screen, and i hardly experience this effect on my eyes, although I do have a feeling that am stressing my eyes and it's harmful, but I clearly have no choice. Although I do break away sometimes, and take a look at my phone or my dog for some time and get back to what am doing. I'm also considering buying a screen glare protector, i think that's the best option, it helps to reduce the rays of light entering the eyes.

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My best advice is for you to get the protector that you are currently thinking about in the sense that it is one of the best ways to ensure that you keep yourself safe in the future. The truth is that while you might not feel the effects at this moment, there are chances that it may happen in the future if you fail to do anything about it now.

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I couldn't agree more. People think that they're the exception if they don't get the symptoms. But you're simply not there yet. It would be best not to wait until the time irreparable damage has been sustained.

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This is what I was trying to say in the sense that making protective measures are better than getting into the mood where the eyes starts having some kind of issues.

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You can't stop people from using their eyes too much. Sometimes they need to feel something before they finally get it. We can only hope that they realize this before it's too late.

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Sometimes you're better off taking a few days off from using devices. I know that it's practically impossible to do so in our age of technology. But it does wonders for your eyes.

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Drinking lots of water allows you to stop even for a few minutes. You're meant to have frequent bathroom breaks. This gives you the incentive of not always staring at the screen.

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That is very true, Iwork with computer for many years, and at first i was OK for as many hours i worked on my computer, but after few years my vision started to get blurry even hours after using pc so i needed to start using glasses and now is much better while i work or even after i stop using computer or other devices. So my advice to anyone who is not i trouble yet, take some prevention and protect your self in any way, so you can work safer for many more years to come

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Thanks for sharing your advice. Many young people don't take this seriously. I hope they reconsider the health of their eyes. It's what allows us to function in our daily lives

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I don't really notice the glare of the screen much but I take frequent breaks when I am online, and I think this helps to ammeliorate the effect of being online a long time. It is just one of the things we have to remember to do when we are online. It is sometimes hard to remember to do it, but taking a break is something that our eyes will appreciate.

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Yes, this is true. I think people frequently forget to take care of their eyes. It's one of the most important aspects of their life. So it would be in their best interest to save it from harsh exposure.

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I agree that the glare from these devices could pose a problem to our eyes. It seems that the glare may have a more negative effect on our eyes if we are viewing without lights on. Yes, we aware that it's a good thing to take frequent breaks from the device but many times we are so caught up in whatever we are doing that we neglect to do we should to protect our eyes from possible damage.

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One tip that I have come to notice is that you get to that situation where you need to reduce the screen of the device that you are using especially when you want to have a safe viewing session as you work.

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What I do is listen to music instead for some time. It gives my eyes enough rest to avoid constant eye strain. Frequent breaks prevent us from overusing our eyes.

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It's the greatest disadvantage with technology. We often end up spending hours on it without noticing how much time has passed. This can keep us company for boring times. But it does more harm than good whenever we abuse our bodies.

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I agree we are yet to add the screen which is good for the health. I think there is very less innovation being done in this type. You just have to make sure that that you are not constantly staring at the screen. And you have different types of colors around. This seems to be the way you can get control over your vision from going affected with it. Most of the time going into the garden helps a lot for the health and also for the eyes.

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I try to rest my eye from time to time when on my pc, because I know the effect of glare on my eyes.Without being told we will feel the effect sooner or later and we will give our eye the needed break.Thanks for sharing, this serves as a reminder to us

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I spend around 7-8 hours on a computer. I am a writer and internet marketer, therefore, my entire work is performed on a computer. I have been using computer 7-8 hours every day since a long time. However, my eye sight is ok, I have never worn corrective glasses until now. One of the problems associated with working on a computer for a long time is the dryness of the eyes. I use eye drops frequently, this not only relieves eye strain but also fills my eyes with liquid. Green is good for eyes, Therefore, I use green color in my room. I move my eyes from my computer once in a while at look at the green walls or curtains.

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I have to wear my glasses whenever I am working on my laptop else my eyes may get irritated or I may get migraines. Moreover I spend lots of hours working on my computer and I need to protect my eyes. I do try to take regular breaks from time to time to relax my eyes a bit.

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To avoid spam, please search the subforums next time. There is another similar thread regarding this one and it can be found here:

Thanks! (:

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I have worn glasses for many years now but I still definitely feel the strain and the tiredness of my eyes after a few hours of staring at the screen. I am a freelancer and all of my jobs basically involve computer so it's impossible not to use it. However, like you have said, breaks are very important.

What works best for me is to simply close my eyes for five minutes and after you will feel a huge change. I have previously also used a program that dimmed down your computer screen so it matched the lighting of the hour and your surroundings.

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Use an app to reduce the brightness of the screen, even below what the screen configuration allows. Excessive screen brightness can cause discomfort in the eyes and headaches. This is especially true at night, where ambient light is minimal.

If you are sensitive to these problems, you can use an application to decrease the brightness of the screen. You can configure them to adjust the amount of brightness according to the time, automatically so that you forget the subject. And some also offer protection against the dreaded blue light that damages the eyes and causes insomnia.

I use flux, and so far it has been game-changing.

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This is true, I end up having to wear glasses because I use to do my assignments from high school at night with the lights off. It destroyed my vision. Another thing I will recommend is always keeping the lights on. Now in college I do my assignments with the lights on all the time to avoid the headache or so...

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So this the reasons why I'm having a frequent headache after spending couple of hours in internet. I just thought that I'm might just a migraine attack. I dont wear protective eye glasses so it might have affect my eyes a lot.

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I also have migraines frequently. I never wear glasses when staring a computer and I also never take the 30 minutes break. I think that might be the reason.

When it comes to my phone, the light is always reduced to zero.

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It's a good thing that i always use myreading glasses when I am at my laptop in the office for almost the whole day. I think it is my glasses that keeps out the glare from directly entering my eyes. Besides, I have the brightness of all my gadgets at the medium level. That way, My eyes will be free from its harm.

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We all know that 30 minute rule has gone out of the window. I must say as far as the laptops and cell phones are concerned, the glare issue particularly for the later models has been greatly reduced. I understand the lighting effect, not only from the computer but from the immediate lights around play a role in reducing or influencing the stress and strain factor. It is recommended that additional light be used to offset the glare. You could always use a glare filter but I think if you have a computer that is at least three years old you should experience less of that issue. Perhaps it's time for an upgrade.

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