
Has Your blog or website earnings increased over time?

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Has Your blog or website earnings increased over time?

Has your blog or website earnings increased or decreased over time? What do you attribute the increase or decrease to? Do you track your earnings on a regular basis? It is always interesting to see how our sites have done over time.


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I have noticed recently that my earnings are progressive,I'm really feeling good because my labor is not in vain.Before now it was moving in arithmetic rate but as at the last few weeks it in geometric progression.

What I noticed is that I get more traffic when I give my titles or topics very catchy headlines and I try to write more helpful articles.Articles on 'how to". People find it more valuable and my Entertainment blog is doing so well,I think people really love gossips and entertaining stories.

So basically it has been on the increased.

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Congratulations to your successful blog and that means you are doing the right thing for the traffic to be increasing. I hope I could have a blog like that with a good traffic because it is easy to promote a blog especially in social media but it is not easy to get regular readers. What I mean is that you get 10 new readers today but how many of that 10 will come back to read the next blog?

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My earnings are pretty much fixed. As you can see the adblocker use is going to affect the earning. And this way there is less chance of the business or the blog may earn good. So I think it'd be reasonable to make use of the affiliate links instead. I am sure that can be good enough for the site to make the most out of the links. In such case you can see that many people may not earn much from the google adsense. So far the google adsense earnings from me are pretty much stable.

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Well, as long as you are satisfied with what you are earning, that is all that should matter I guess. Yes, I think adblock is here to stay so it will be something that people will have to be aware of in the future when they have visitors to their website. There is no guarantee people are even seeing the ads.

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It is increasing slowly but surely, but definitely not fast enough if you ask me. Of course, I am pretty new to this and to monetizing everything, so I realize that things will get better the more I learn about the business and apply myself. I am still very optimistic about this whole venture, and I am determined to find new and more creative ways to get traffic to my sites and to therefore increase my profit margins, hopefully. I have learned a great deal about my business and how to improve it by coming to these forums on a regular basis. I have learned about affiliate marketing, blog traffic strategies, social media, business card websites, eBooks, you name it!

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That's the spirit, Joe. The important thing is that the earnings ARE increasing, even if it's not as fast as you initially expected. Especially if you're still in the beginner stages. It's normal that you haven't learned everything or reached max that you can make. As you apply different things to your website/blog, you will notice steady increases. Just be patient because sometimes it doesn't happen overnight Has Your blog or website earnings increased over time?

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I appreciate the words of encouragement, and I am trying, but I am a bit of an impatient person at times. Still, people like you, and everyone I have met and talked to in forums about making money online or freelancing, have all said that it just takes time, and a lot of these people are pretty successful at what they are doing, and of course, they started off just like me at some point, so I try to remind myself of that.

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Well, I guess as long as you don't spread yourself too thin, it is all good. I think you can learn valuable information from this site as to what works and what doesn't work. I am sure you will increase your profit margins as long as you heed good advice, and take it one step at a time.

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This is one good point. One has to take a lot of action. And work on small things for it to work. I have noticed that some of the time website requires the earning to be properly managed to be reasonable. I don't invest much on this point. But considering the effort required in this case to manage the blog. I think it's safe to say that earnings will vary over the niche demand. Some niche perform based on seasons. And some just work all the months.

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I think that it's normal for a website to earn more few months down the line than it did within the first week... or at least that's how it always worked for me. My websites have always had increased traffic and earnings when they were running well for a few months straight but there's still a limit - the earnings don't keep increasing into infinity, obviously. I guess it also depends on what sort of blog/website you have and which things you have implemented that can help you earn (affiliate links, AdSense, ...)

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Yes, I think as long as you are following the proper strategies your blog or website earnings should increase over time. I think tracking your earnings over time is very important so you know whether the strategies you have employed are paying off or not. I am sure that most people do this however.

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My blogs earning had been going down. I do check with Adsense and Google Analystics chart that my earnings had been decreasing drastically. I believe that I need to revamp them and replace the ads which I had not done so for the past 8 years

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Sorry,to hear that peachpurple. Maybe as you suggested it is time for different ads. It probably can't hurt anyway. It is always something isn't it? It gets really frustrating sometimes when you are trying to keep a small or moderate income going online.

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Well, at a point you will discover the earning of your website will be decreasing, most of the causes are as a result of poor SEO, or lack of quality contents,even good content is not enough anymore. Your articles have to be outstanding and must be much better than the one of your competitors. Don’t write just and useless articles just for the sake of publishing something new.
Instead, concentrate on quality and make your content stand out from the crowd. The competition is increasing as we speak, and quality will be the only way to succeed.

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I'm been in and out with blogs and forums so I haven't really had any proper earnings from either for a while. If a website or blog has been growing rapidly then, of course, it should see its earning increasing as well. I think the problem for a lot of people is that for a lot of smaller websites and blogs, they are seeing a lot fewer earnings because Google is paying less for advertisement clicks.

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I have earned in the past with blogs and forums, but my current blog/forum is lacking the TLC that it needs to take off. So I haven't put any ads on it at the present time. What I really need is 2 of me, one of me to deal with day to day life. And the other me to be able to dedicate 60+ hours a week to my blog/forum. And then maybe I will get somewhere with it and then I will maybe start earning from it.

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Yes my earnings have definitely increased over time but not as much as I expected it to. The problem is that I am really busy and can't really spend that much time on my blog. I only post about once or twice a week. There are some people who keep on visiting my blog and this is one thing that I am happy about. I have also advertised my blog on social medias.

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after writing for almost a decade on various writing sites, I launched my own blogs two years ago. In the first year, I did not earn anything. This year I am seeing a rise in the earnings, however, I am far from withdrawing my earning. Since my blogs were a slow earner, I decided to launch an ecommerce site and affiliate store earlier this year. It took me more than six months to generate moderate traffic, Now that I am getting good traffic, I believe my earnings on ecommerce site and affiliate store will imporve.

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I am happy for you vinaya. I think over time you will learn more what is working and what isn't. I hope you are tracking all your earnings so you know what is paying off and what isn't. It is often important to do that so we know what kinds of things to invest in.

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Yes, I am always checking what is working and what is not working. I am using three affiliate networks: Amazon, Comission Junction and Linkshare.
I am not earning much on Amazon, however, I will continue to work with Amazon because it is one of the largest affiliate networks.
I am earning good money with Commission junction. I am always tweaking the Cj ads.
I have not earned anything on Linkshare, therefore, I am thinking to drop linkshare. Yes, I am always checking what is working and what is not working. I am using three affiliate networks: Amazon, Comission Junction and Linkshare.

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I have heard of Commission Junction. Thanks for your feedback on them. I will remember that. I agree it is hard to earn on Amazon so it would be good to have an alternative like Commission Junction for instance.

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Hah! I wish. -_- I don't even check my AdSense anymore because I'm sure it hasn't changed. I wouldn't be surprised if my remaining balance get deducted for my inactivity. Has Your blog or website earnings increased over time? Nah, I'm not really focusing on my blog right now. But I can see that there are some people here who have seen an increased of their revenues coming from their sites. Good job guys!

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I've been working as a guest blogger and I've seen changes in the number of visitors per day and I think it is simply because of the fact that we do things differently on the blog.

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OK well it might be the fact that the word is getting out there more using social media. I think that many people don't spend enough time getting enough targeted traffic to their blog, and that is no doubt a problem for many people and their increases in traffic.

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If you are updating your blog regularly and you are maintaining your readership then I guess your traffic should be increasing that will result in increased earnings. But if the opposite happens then you need to evaluate why your blog is somewhat stagnating. One blogger told me that you should continue marketing your blogs because readers come and go which means your 100 readers now may just be 80 tomorrow. And if you will not make a move then the dwindling of your readers will continue to your disadvantage. Getting new readers is a must every time you post an update.

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I am still earning but I would say that they have decreased. The positive is that I am earning from my site despite the fact that over the last two months I have not really been active on it. I have not posted any new content nor promoted the site.This is true passive income. Starting October I intend to capitalize on the holiday season and post as much content as I can. I also intent to increase promotion of my site. Fingers crossed that this will get more traffic and lead to more sales.From my mouth to God's ears!

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