
How often do you change your site, blog or forum's theme?

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How often do you change your site, blog or forum's theme?

We always want to keep our sites beautiful and appealing no matter what the contents are. Beautifying your blog or forum assures that your visitors and subscribers will have the best viewing experience while reading through your posts or browsing through your sub-forums and interacting with other people.

Some blogs, forums or websites, have these theme manager selector wherein the viewers or guest visitors can always change whatever their desired theme is. Some may have very high contrast themes, some may have dark themes (which I prefer specially at night) and some also offers a whole theme revamped. I actually like the idea of a whole forum revamped because there are additional features and addons available such as chatboxes, AFK Lounges and game lounges. These are really pretty cool features to have specially on forums!

Does your site, forum or blog have these features too? Or you keep it to a minimal style? Also, do you often change your themes or you have a theme selector available?

How often do you change your site, blog or forum
Image above is purely for reference. Source: Google search images.


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Not very often, or at all, actually. I am still pretty new to one of my blogs where I do my own writing. The other blog supports the writing of other authors, and so it has a lot of text. I kept it very minimal just to showcase their work--poetry and prose-poetry. However, I do consider how to make my other self-content based site more attractive. I anticipate that I will tinker with this more down the road, but for right now, I am more focused on just producing quality writing.

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That is also what others are doing. But sometimes having a good theme that complements your niche is a plus and your subscribers will dig that; so are the new comers of your blog. So it's still an advantage to have a theme specially if they are changeable at any time by the guests or members.

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I think it is difficult to change the niche of your site because you may lose the present readers. Especially if it is a blog, how could you come to terms with the present blogs that have a different theme from the new theme? What I have in mind is to just let the old blog stay and create another blog with the new theme so that you will not be rocking the boat. The only problem that may arise would be the creation of contents.

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So far, my cousins and sister, try to keep their blogs/forums kind of updated, so I would say they try to post new stuff every night or at least every 2 nights. The theme is more permanent for my sister, but my cousins get crazy about their blogs on the weekends, just take in consideration they are very young and wild, and they are very good gamers. So I would says it depends also on the topics you post on them, and the type of customers/followers you have.

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I do most of my changes in the beginning stages, i.e. experimenting with different templates. But once I get my blog going, place affiliates ads in a certain spot, make sure my search boxes and subscribe buttons and contact info are visible, etc. I usually won't (or don't want to) change my theme because then you usually have to re-do all of your customizations and that is a job times two!!

I wanted to try the new Blogger templates but it required so many other changes for my old blog that I simply decided to create a new blog. It's extra work but it's starting to shape up! I don't know why but it could be because the Subscribe button is more visible. Within the first month, I got about 60+ subscribers with the new blog. In all of my years blogging (or trying to blog), that's never happened. Maybe I should rethink changing templates for my other blogs. (O.o)

I have seen the templates where the viewer can choose how they want to view your blog, but I personally didn't want that for my blogs.

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You are right. But there are also light themes that doesn't change any of your page lay-outs or templates; only the colour scheme and additional designs. But I agree with you on the most part. It's very tiring specially if you change the theme with another page lay-out and all new set of templates.

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I am like you in that I would not want to have the viewers have the option to view the blog in different ways. I have not heard of that before, nor have I run into that option in my own blog reading, but I would rather hope that I could set up the basic template, appearance, and format of the blog that it is appealing to my audience as it is. I have learned so much since I first started my online journey, and now my blog just looks a bit stale to me, so I really want to do something to make it more appealing.

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I think I change my theme according to my mood because I do it very often than not.
I customise my theme sometimes to suit the image colors of my blog.

I really love the free theme provided by blogger platform. When I want to keep my theme simple but classy I use any of the blogger theme.

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I dont change the design much. I prefer to make use of the simple themes. And this does work out for me. Only issue being you can see that people who rely on the forums and blog for revenue. They have to do the design experiments often. Because for them it may or may not work out often. So depending on how the revenue is earned. I think design and color choices needs to be changed. I personally change when I see the revenue changes needs to be changed.

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Well, it actually depends on my instincts i would say, because i don't really have a time frame or schedule mapped out for changing my themes.
But most times it happens when i feel the theme is now getting boring to me, or when am testing out a new design, or new HTML skills i learned. But most times, when i see some cool themes on people's website, and it catches my feelings, i would try it out. But it actually depends on when my current theme gets boring to me.

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I never change my blog/forums theme it's a template theme that has been highly customised and it would cost way too much money to change it. I am on a strict budget and the only way I would ever think about changing it is if 5+ years have passed or if it started making a lot of money and I could afford a fully custom theme.

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Oh. Never knew that changing forum themes with be costly. I thought it's already included in the package. How about you just do it yourself? I mean do the template changing and other designs? If you are using the famous blog platforms, I believe they offer interchangeable layouts and templates that fits the theme of whatever your blog is all about. How often do you change your site, blog or forum

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Well, it depends on who your followers are. If your followers are teenagers you should change your theme every once in a while because, they notice that, they like different stuff not always the same thing. Always the same thing is boring. I think the additional features and addons available such as chatboxes are a great idea to keep your forum entertainment.

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Not just by your followers, but also on what your blog is all about. That is true though, teenagers like to have classy and colorful themes. And also, they want to have interesting topics and articles which suits their 'teeny' life or something. So it is crucial that the selection of your audience must be done thoroughly.

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I don't really change my forum's theme. I actually like my blog the way it is and I think that even if I change the theme this will not really increase the traffic to my blog. I think having quality content is most important of all. This is what will encourage others to visit my blog. Moreover I have been very busy recently and can't really spend that much time on my blog.

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well I just realize not that often. It's been a while since I change it. I like keeping things simple with my blog and I like the theme I got now . Maybe I haven't found one that I like enough to change it? I don't know. I guess I'll pay attention these days to see if I found one that I like enough to change it... After all we have to keep ourselfs in the trendy line so it is appealing to the followers..

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I don't change the theme for my blog or forum frequently. In the beginning, when I am launching my blog/forum, I will be trying too many themes. I will choose a theme based on my niche and begin publishing posts. However, after few days, I will be switching my theme. I will continue to this until I get "wow." Once I have settled on the theme, I will be using the same theme for a long time. I will not change the theme until I want to do a makeover for my site. I believe the theme is the face value of any website. I wouldn't want to change that too often.

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Generally speaking, once I find a forum theme that my visitors like and openly acknowledge, I keep it. Over time, I do make modifications to the theme itself. Looking to improve upon what's already there. But I don't change my theme that much. It sort of fits the type of niche I'm going for and is also well designed.

As far as how often? Well, that all depends on how long you've had it for. As well as if you've made any new modifications. Remember, you can always freshen up something that's old. Just keep it up to date and add new features!

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That is true in most cases, also proven too. If you receive positive feedbacks from your visitors and subscribers saying how good and very user-friendly your theme is, you shouldn't change that for a while. And if you do, as you said, you will just have to tweak small things to it but retaining of course the original theme. Have you tried totally revamping your theme to another look? And if so, have you gotten any positive feedbacks?

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I changed 2 years once or lesser than that, it depends on how my theme is still working for visitors or not.

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In our sites 12 year existence we've been through 4 different designs with our fifth one set to arrive soon. So we change our sites design and make some tweaks maybe once every 2 years. But ultimately - it's more logistically and content necessary than visually driven. But visuals are certainly a part of it though. Just not the 'sole motivating purpose' of our site redesigns.

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I know I said I never change my blog/forum these but I just switched my WordPress theme about a month ago and when Xenforo 2.0 comes out I am going to need to change my forums theme. But I want to keep it as close to the original as possible. I don't want to upset members of my forum. Because most people hate change!

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I think it’s not a good idea to change the theme of your website unless there is a valid reason like rejuvenating or even reviving a dead website. There is one forum that I regularly visit. When it changed its theme, I seemed to get lost and although the menu was still the same with the list, it confused me no end. That’s why I messaged the admin that the new theme was not convenient and it just gives a reason for users to be confused.

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