
Android 8.0: Oreo coming soon!

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Android 8.0: Oreo coming soon!

I love how Google have continued their trend of having their different versions of Android named as our favourite sweets and biscuits. And now it is the turn of Oreo to have an Android version of its own. Android 8.0 is described by Google as "Smarter, faster, more powerful and sweeter than ever."

Android 8.0 will help you benefit from much faster speeds and is promising you that you can enjoy upto 2x the speed immediately after booting up. It's also nice to see that they have properly setup autofill on apps now which means you can quickly login on apps without having to type in your password (as long as you allow it). You can also benefit from picture-in-picture (a feature that a lot of TVs have) so that you can have your skype app in a tiny box at the bottom left whilst you use your phone normally.

Will you be able to get the update on your phone? And are you looking forward to it?


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Aren't they all smarter and faster and all those same marketing propaganda sweetness? Lol. That is just how it goes and Google's Android never fails to amaze us when it comes to their mobile operating systems. But have they gone too far though? Seems like the more updates they put on to the newer devices, the more juice those features consumes to the mid-range devices.

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Well, you won’t be smacked with any obvious new features—but there are still a few worth checking out, The most obvious change to the interface and navigation can be found in the Settings app. There’s a new icon inspired by Oreo’s aqua marine-accented motif, and many of the menus have been rejiggered and rearranged.
Gone are the categories for Wireless & Networks, Device,Personal, and System. Instead, various settings have been given smarter groupings. For example, Network & Internet collects Wi-FI, mobile, date usage, and hotspot into a single screen, while Connected Devices does the same for Bluetooth, Cast, NFC, and Android Beam.

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I think I only have a version 5.0 Android on my phone, so I doubt seriously it would support the new Android Oreo. Many people who are really into their gadgetry probably really would enjoy and get a lot out of the new Android phone. I would recommend that update to all those who crave the latest and greatest in technology.

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Android 5 is quite old, has your phone not been updated to Android 6 yet? Is it an older device that is not compatible with Android 6?

To be fair, a lot of people don't have the choice to upgrade because their phone manufacturers may not have made Android 8.0 compatible with their device yet. Like me. I am still waiting for Samsung to release the Android 7 update for my phone (Galaxy A5 2016). So as much as I love Android 8, I won't be able to upgrade to it for a while.

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Yes, I've had the same issue. Though mine is version 6.0. Marshmallow. That seems to be the limit. Each gadget can only be upgraded to a certain extent. But it looks like the more recent gadgets will be capable of upgrading seamlessly after some time.

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To be honest, the main thing that attracts me to this new OS is the name (because Oreos are my favorite). If you ask me, Android has failed to continuously be innovative and creative with their updates. After a while, it sort of feels like the same thing repackaged over and over. Maybe a change here or there, but nothing really significant that would make me go back to Android. I'm not saying iOS is perfect, but I don't see myself switching operating systems anytime soon.

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It's released now. And it seems to have not so many features in this version. Only good feature I can think of now is the picture in a picture. And also it seems like Android O seems to have got some really cool graphics improvement. And the notifications too were improved in the process. So that does look like a good option. I personally think that Android O is a good release hopefully it does background update of future version of the Android.

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I have a Samsung Galaxy S8+ so hopefully the update is free for me. Because I am all for making my phone faster. And to be honest its already pretty fast. I also thing the picture and picture think would be really sweet too. Do you have any idea when its going to be released?

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Yes Samsung has notified the press about the S8 and S8 plus series getting Oreo update around November or before depending on the rollout schedule. So yes you will be getting the update. Also I am guessing the Treble update makes it easier for the Android to roll out any future update without need of the vendor. I am sure next year we would be able to have the new version even for older devices. So that is a good change from this Oreo release onwards.

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Sounds interesting with redesigned emojis and the picture in picture feature plus it claims that your device will boot 2x faster. It may be worth a try. I have a J7 2017 model January released. I hope it is compatible with the Oreo update as I'm only seeing the S7 and S8 models for Samsung on the list. I hope Samsung won't let our 'cookie crumble' by restricting this update, then again it's not the process by Samsung to determine which model will accept the update or not. It's more in the hands of Android which depends on the limitations of their newest sweet treat to the Android party mix!

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One thing that I enjoy in smartphones is the speed of how the devices process task given to them and I think that is where Android 8 will get better than the previous versions of android. I'm eagerly waiting for that!

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Who knows when this will come about? I am talking about the Oreo 8. One thing I know is that I will not be able to afford it, so I have resigned myself to not being able to purchase it. However, I am fine with my phone as it is. I have no problems using it for now.

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"Smarter, faster, more powerful and sweeter than ever."

Google and her sweet talks. I see this as a business icing though. I hope it's really smooth and fast like they've said.

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I hope this wouldn't be hyping as usual Businesses can say anything to stay afloat and we can't blame them because it one way that good money can be made.I need a new phone for this.I don't think the version of my android can support this.

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This is actually sweet! and I can't wait to have it downloaded or upgrade it on my phone. I remember only getting the latest version of marshmallow which is the version 6, I think. And look at it now, it's on 8 and the name is sweeter than ever.

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I am after the speed of access in the internet and my phone sometimes lags on that category. But the tech in our office said that the speed of internet access largely depends on the internet provider. However, I understand that there are phones that are slow and there are phones that are fast. One fast phone is the iPhone. With the new Android, it will be a hit if the speed of the phone is very visible.

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I was also really excited for it. I was surprised that it didn't take them long to update after just releasing Nougat. I find it funny how the names keep sounding sweet. It adds a unique touch to their OS releases. And with the name Oreo, I'm sure people would love to use it as soon as possible along with the many upgraded features.

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