
How to Turn Twitter Into Your Secret Traffic Machine

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How to Turn Twitter Into Your Secret Traffic Machine

You need an audience. You need to build that audience as well. I'm assuming (correct me if wrong) you want traffic to your website from social media to earn money from advertisements or you are selling a product or service.

Most of the advertisements I see these days online are all clickbait advertisements. Take some tips from the clickbait ads next time you see them.

What titles do they use? What pictures do they include?

This could help grow your audience. However, in order to so you will need to be creative so other twitter users will retweet your tweets and other twitter users will find your twitter profile and hopefully click on your website link.

This takes a lot of time, so please be prepared to spend hours getting creative and to build an audience that you need.

Once you have an audience say of about 100 people that are liking and retweeting your content then it will grow exponentially - basically on it's own from other people retweeting/liking/sharing.


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It is very correct, content is king when it comes to driving organic traffic.You make a catchy headline or title and share it on twitter,If it a good one,you have your already followers tweeting it and it gets to their own followers,they also retweet and click on the link and your headline goes viral.

To catch them on twitter certainly one has to creative about the caption.

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What I have done so far is I make sure I come in touch with those who retweet my content. As you can see that works out in many ways. In some cases though, it'd be reasonable to go through a lot of comments too. You can gain subscribers that way. I am finding it harder to get traffic on articles though. Very few people have patience on twitter to read article. So that can be really bad thing so far. I find facebook users having more patience.

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Twitter is mysterious to me regarding traffic because I know that the re-tweets can somehow get attention but it doesn’t really give you traffic. Getting new followers is the key but how do you do it? They say that you start re-tweeting so that the user who posted the original tweet might follow you. Again, there is no definite answer if you will be followed when you re-tweet. Maybe the best is to seek help from those who have a big following so that you can somehow get new followers from them.

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Well many SEO experts and traffic analysts will tell you the on how to milk traffic through Twitter, and the secret , the guidelines etc. but the truth is that it there is more to it that meets the eye. am not saying or denying the fact that Twitter is a good place for traffic generation, but it's not something you can just pull up from the ground level like that. it takes months and sometimes years to be able to use twitter as traffic generator, am talking from experience. it takes hard work and perseverance to build andaudience and you must be a magnet to the people, either with your creativity or humor or talent.
But if you can pull that off and great an audience then you will smile to the bank. but it's not a guarantee.

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For me, the best thing that has worked every single time that I've made a new Twitter account was to use hashtags when posting and to interact. People love interaction over the social media so make sure to post comments, like, retweet and build some sort of "network". Also, many people automatically follow back if you follow them so try and scope out those individuals that might be interested in your niche or whatever business you're trying to promote. It really isn't hard once you get those few initial followers - remember to make regular, high-quality tweets and you will increase your traffic in no time How to Turn Twitter Into Your Secret Traffic Machine

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Just wanted to ask since I am not a fan of Twitter and I don't use it for endorsing or advertisement, etc. How do you get people to click the link that you are providing on your tweet? Do you have multiple sites? Because if you only have 1 site or blog to share, wouldn't it somehow be annoying to your followers? Or the only thing to do is make new content daily and share them via Twitter?

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No, it would not be annoying. Twitter works with 140 characters. Do you know how many different ways you can say something?

You might say "Leap frog!" and add a link BUT nobody pays attention.

You might say "The frog leaped and guess what he saw?" and add the same link AND everybody pays attention.

I have a friend who says she has about 10+ different ways to tweet the same link. How to Turn Twitter Into Your Secret Traffic Machine

Have you ever been reading an article and in the middle of the article you see a sentence and a prompt that says "Tweet this." Then you read further and you see another sentence with a prompt that says "Tweet this". It's the same article and if you tweet both sentences from that same article, it's NOT considered duplicate tweets. And it's also not annoying.

The fact is people these days have a short attention span. You need to grab their attention. If you do, they might not only visit your site, but they might also retweet to their followers. Then their followers retweet to their followers and on and on and on. They might visit your site too!

That's how Twitter works! And it really does work! It works so well that Twitter now allows people to retweet their own tweets! If you've been with Twitter for a while then you know that in the old days that wasn't allowed.

P.S. Don't forget to put the link to your blog in your Twitter profile.

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Thank you for the very detailed clarification! Yeah I assume you are talking about "clickbaits" but in a good way. I hate seeing clickbaits and doesn't really show you what you wanted to see. But also, that is one good way of having traffic since people will be curious. Most new Internet users these days are people who just found about how great the Internet is.

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At one time I had a regular 9-to-5 and management was experimenting with how the Internet could be used to help us perform our jobs better. We did not have the Internet on our desktop. Only certain computers had Internet access. However, I switched jobs and WHOA! the first thing I saw when I signed in was the icon for Internet access. From that point, I became an active Internet user AT WORK and have never regretted it. That was 1998.

That same year, my oldest son moved back in with us and he was not going to live without the Internet! So he brought his computer into our home and we signed up for Internet access. These days, none of my kids can do without Internet access. I'm fortunate because I live with them and they pay for the service, so I can work from home. My intro to social media, especially Twitter, was late in coming but I finally got into it. I could do without it if other people would do without it. But they won't, so I can't! The Internet and social media are here to stay! How to Turn Twitter Into Your Secret Traffic Machine

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You are fortunate indeed! Who says kids gotta move out when they turn 18? Lol. Anyway, it's nice to see you doing very well on social medias and the Internet. It's not everyday you see someone who is having a great time using these platforms. Others would probably give up specially if they get unlucky streaks.

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I agree, Twitter is a great tool for finding and cultivating an audience. I also agree that I see a lot or even way too much of clickbait type strategies, and while it has worked for a lot, I don't believe that it's a practice that can last long or can be beneficial to a business in the long term. There are just too many sites employing this tactic and people have grown tired of it. I think just doing it organically will help with building a more long lasting relationship with your audience and earning their trust can be very rewarding, as you can be more sure that people will believe whatever you put out instead of only a portion of a larger audience believing and the majority dismissing your content as just clickbait.

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I think creativity is the key for your tweets to be retweeted and create traffic for your site. It's not easy though because I have a close friend who did that to promote his online business but nothing happened. I found his tweets creative enough but there were no takers. I'm not well versed with tweeting for I am more into Facebook. And I guess you need your active connections to help you in spreading the word. In other words, even if your tweet is creative and worth retweeting, you cannot rely on people who do not know you very well. The sharing of your message should start within your circle.

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Catchy sentence with picture uploaded and the link should do the trick. I used to share my post URL link at twitter but no result. Finally, I uploaded picture for each link and another twitter with a catchy sentence, that caught the readers attention for sure.

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In order to use Twitter for traffic, you need a twitter account. That's the basic requirement. having account is not enough, you need to build followers, more folowers means more traffic. It is always better to have 1000 followers instead of 100 followers.
After you build a good number of followers you should beging sharing your contents. When you share contents don't just leave the link, write a short teaser. Tell what's link is about and how your followers are going to benefit by checking the link. You should also retweet yourn followers' tweet. They will surely reciprocate. try to use relevant hashtags, hashtags will make your contents easily visible on twitter.

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I was hoping for an in depth guide on how to increase your Twitter followers. I guess I was expecting too much. Haha! Well you know, content is important in every social media network. If you'll check Facebook, you'll see that interesting content and clickbait content get lots of views and shares.

But of course, everybody knows that. What I want to know is, what time of day should you post? How often should you post per day? How many articles, text and pictures should one post? How long will it take to get lots of followers?

I hope somebody would be able to enlighten me regarding these queries. Thanks!

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Twitter is something that should allow you to be able to increase your social media presence. It is something that is very available and all you have to do is sign up for an account and make sure that you have something catchy and attractive to post. This is one of the things that you might need for traffic.

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Twitter has some things you need to watch out for. For instance, you want to avoid being too commercial and not engaging in conversation. According to one article I read, that can be grounds for sanctions.

Well, anyway, those problems are easily fixed. You could simply post some funny tweets and occasionally comment on someone's tweet.

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I've that heard that twitter can send you more traffic than Facebook because nowadays, Facebook won't let your status updates be seen by too many of your friends.

You'll have to pay for FB ads for more exposure. That's why I'll from now on focus my attention on Twitter. I haven't got much traffic from it yet but at least now I know what I was doing wrong. To get the attention of twitter users, I'll need to get more creative. It won't be easy, I must admit but I have to try it.

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