
How long have you been trying to make money via the internet?

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How long have you been trying to make money via the internet?

When did you first start trying to make money via the internet? Has your internet marketing gone on a long time or a relatively short time? I have been blogging for maybe the past 5 or 6 years. I think I started trying to make money online a bit before that. What about you? How long have your online earning efforts be going on?


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It's been 10 years and I am earning good amount of money. Though I don't have much savings. I have to work harder on that part. But I am working on it. And every single day it is taking some time for things to work out. Each year it feels like struggle. And for this reason I am thinking about saving and getting into better business instead. Hopefully my life changes from here onwards.

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You sound like a hard worker and a determined person. I am sure things will look up for you. I have learned things from you and others in these forums, and a lot of the knowledge I am picking up here is helping to supplement my income, although not by much. I guess any money that is in my account that was not there before is GOOD money, but I, like you, need to find a way to make freelancing more lucrative. Even at the short time I have been at this, I totally understand where you are coming from.

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I agree any money is good money. However there are times when the money needs to be saved aggressively. And you can't invest blindly into anything. So just working harder now and saving more. So as to avoid accepting desperate projects. If that can be fixed then surely things for me can change eventually.

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Gee, that was a long time that you have been freelancing. If you are an employee in our company you will already earn a minimum retirement pay when you resign. It’s nice to know that you are earning good money because that is an inspiration to the newbies and other freelancers like me. I have been freelancing for 3 years but I cannot say that the earnings is substantial so I have to continue working but not really hard because I am just a part time freelancer.

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I work with a company that does not have any retirement plans. And that is what lead me to do freelancing. So in such case you can see that some of the time you have to build your own retirement plan. And you have to struggle harder for the money now so that later you don't have to. I personally have to work even more harder for proper retirement.

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I find that things change so often online sites that were once good, are not now. Sometimes people who buy do not buy anymore. People come to websites and leave websites. There is so much fluctuation, it is hard to earn a consistent income online and that is one of the issues I find with online work.

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Well you know what they say,'The Big Wheels keep on turning as we keep rolling on the river!' This holds true for online and offline as well. I've been tuning in and out of the online arena for a few years now. Initially this was just for research purposes but lately after learning about online marketing and listening to you guys, my interest has grown rather significantly in the online business. I have been following a few WAH feeds(work at home websites) that promote many forms of internet jobs and internet marketing techniques. I've tried a few of them and I have had moderate success, enough to tell me that once I persist and keep learning and researching and applying myself then eventually, I will establish a lucrative online business. Sometimes it's not even about how much time you spend online but what you do with your time when you're online. There are many avenues and it always pays to discover. With some consistency and persistence, anything is possible and it will be only a matter of time before opportunities will surface in your favor.

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Yes, well Associated Content was even before Yahoo Voices. It was the same kind of revenue sharing site. I don't tend to like sites like that where you have to try to drum up page views. I would rather just do the work and be paid for it. However, not all online sites operate in that way.

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I actually started making money online with PTC sites in late 2013. It was fine them because I had a full time job and I was just looking for ways to augment my earnings. It was a different story when I had to leave my job to care for my child and start my own small business. That's when I began to seriously find online sites that will allow me to earn real money at home. I signed up for a freelance writing site, got promoted in two months to Prime Writer status, and it has since become a regular source of income for me. Initially, as a Junior Writer, I had very limited earning opportunities on the site. With hard work and patience, I made it past the starting rank.

In 2016, I got exposed to more online earning sites which made me think twice about re-entering the job market. There's something about being my own boss that makes me stick to freelancing. It's been a financially rewarding decision. I would have to say though that my life and career before my freelance career has had significant impact on what I have achieved so far as a freelancer.

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That is fantastic. I think your story is more the exception than the rule but it gives those of us who freelance hope. I think it is a really good thing you do and that you can look forward to when freelancing, if you are talented and work hard.

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I only started trying to make money online two years ago. That was back in 2015. I only succeeded to do so this year and I am happy about it. Back then, I felt it might be too hard to get started and that is why I was trying sites like fiverr and quitting. It is because I had no idea of what was expected and I never knew anyone who worked online so I could ask for some advice.

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Have worked for over 2 years towards making money online and today am happy for all my hardworks, because am seeing the light towards internet marketing thanks

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2 years is not a really long period of time, but I am glad you are enjoying some of the fruits of your labors at this point. Sometimes it takes awhile to notice any results when you first start marketing. It takes awhile to build up a clientel like any other business.

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I started my first online job about 8 years back. At the start it was a bit difficult to earn as I was new to this online world and I couldn't spend much time online as I had a full time job. At the start I was mostly involved in writing online. However over time I learned about different ways to earn online. I earn mostly through online selling, writing articles and online tutoring nowadays. I also have a blog but I don't really earn much from this.

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I am curious--did you set up your own private tutoring company online, or did you go through a specific agency? I've been interested in doing this, and I looked into some companies outside of America and overseas, but I have been unable to procure a tutoring job, mainly, I think because my experience is ALL college level as a professor and instructor. Any suggestions?

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In fact I have some previous teaching experience (about 3 years) and I got this freelancing job through a local agency. I think the best thing to do is to see if an agency in your country is offering such jobs. I teach English to French students mostly.

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I haven't done that much of the online selling, but I have found that apps that allow you to sell in your local community are beneficial and helpful. eBay always seemed to complicated to me. Most of the items I have to sell are larger items..but I might try to mark them for local buyers only and see what happens with the sales.

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I started back since 2014. By that time I just turned 18 years old and I have resigned from working on a Mcdonald's here. I find it hard to work while studying. I realized that my studies are getting affected so I had to quit working and focus on studying. I felt that I needed some sort of small income every once in a while so I started looking for work online. Even though I can't get to work on projects by freelancing, I am able to make small amounts of money through various sites such as adfly.

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Yes, I have not really substantially increased my income even though I have been at this for awhile. It is hard to write and have consistent followers. It seems to be kind of a hit or miss thing in terms of gaining followers and converting them into sales. Make sure that you are doing all you need to do to make money online.

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You said it right here--it is incredibly difficult to keep followers and to have consistent followers for our writing. I believe that I do quality writing in a variety of genres, and I am sure your work is quality as well. I am researching everywhere I can, including in these forums and from getting advice from more experienced freelancers like you, ways to keep people coming back for my work. It is a challenge every writer has, no matter the genre or writing assignment, I would say.

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I think the people who make the best money have been either doing it for a long time, or write for a consistent customer. As I think I mentioned on here, I know one person who makes good money, but she has regular clients that she writes for. Clients she has found through Upwork. This has been her best experience.

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I am not entirely sure because there were periods where I sort of started but didn't get fully invested into it... so it was just an extra ''hobby'' - a thing that I would attempt to do when I had free time. However, I think around a bit over a year ago is when I started being more serious about earning money online. I've put all of my focus into it and it has been a great journey. I had some downs but I've also had really nice ups that lead me to earning more than I ever expected. It still isn't anywhere near my dream goal but hey How long have you been trying to make money via the internet? you gotta take it one day at a time!

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I used to do a great deal of article writing. I kind of got burned out on it though. You can do well if you have steady clients though. I know someone who writes and edits on Upwork and earns a steady income. Not the kind of income you can get from a "real job" but enough to make her happy, which is what its all about!

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I am trying to get into article writing as well. Do you have any suggestions for me as to where to go to get started with this type of venture. I will definitely check out Upwork, but do you know of any other places which are actually worth looking into?

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Textbroker has always been a solid performer. I would check them out. They seem to always be looking for new people. I am not sure that it is as easy to write for them as it once was though. Just do a google search for online writing sites and I am sure several will pop up.

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I have been bouncing around from sites to sites for about three years but never made anything substantial. My best situation so far has been posting on forums which have developed a bit of momentum of late and I am now seeing a bit of promise with these forum posting activities.

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Yes, there are lots of ways to make money online, but unfortunately, most of them seem to make only a few dollars. You have to really know what you are doing in order to make good money online. There are too many people scraping around for cash, when they could be making money.

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I started earning online 2010. My first online writing site was myLot.
When it announced that it will stop paying, most of us transferred to Bubblews and there I earned a lot until it was flooded with spammers. I know that it would eventually close and transferred to myLot again when I was notified by a former member there that it is again paying.
Then, somebody referred Postloop to me.
So I am now about 7 years in online earning sites like this, and I am super enjoying it.

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I have been on MyLot as well. I am surprised I missed Bubblews because it seemed to be something many people were on at one time. It can be fun to make money online, but I have yet to find anything that pays me anywhere close to a living wage so that is disappointing actually.

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If you could have been at Bubblews, you must have earned a lot. When it was a bit new, it really pays a lot. I actually earned as much as $150 monthly for about 1 year there. It was a nice extra pay aside from my having my full-time job.
But for those stay at home, they earned triple of that monthly.
Sadly, it closed because it was spammed by scrupulous spammers.

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Yes, I know there were alot of people on that site but for some reason it was completely off my radar. I think it is a site that was good in it's time but unfortunately it did not last like so many that are on the web.

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If I remember correctly, I started joining writing sites in 2014 but I don't remember the month and I also don't remember the first sites I joined. I think it took me 6 months before I earned a decent amount. And although the earnings are miniscule compared to real work offline, it's all right with me because my main agenda in joining writing sites is to improve my writing skills particularly with the grammar and vocabulary. So here I am until now and hoping that I can stay working online until the day I retire from my office job.

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Yes, I guess some people may have an ulterior motive in posting online, and do it mostly to improve their English reading and writing skills. Whatever, you are using the sites for is fine really. I think people appreciate content from those in other places in the world.

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Not very much, actually I'm a newbie on this. I would say around maybe a year now. A friend was doing some freelancing, he explained to me he was doing it as a part job, I got interested and here I am. So far I keep as a part job, and still doing my regular job. Is kind of exhausting sometimes, because it requires a lot of my time, but I'm doing financially ok. I don't know how long I will keep one or another, but I guess it depends on which one will give me more time for me.

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Same here. I was referred to by a friend as well who was working on UpWork and to be honest, he isn't really doing well for himself either. He said that it is really hard to find your break in online careers because anything can change in just a single click.

I also started out just a couple of months ago. I haven't really earned a lot when it comes to making money via the Internet. There are a few who are legit but when it comes to the big freelancing markets, it sure is hard.

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Well, until you can really count on and feel comfortable with your online earnings, I would say don't quit your day job. It is really hard trying to make money on a consistent basis. It really depends on what you are doing for money and how well it works for you.

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It about 8 months now,it has not really been easy especially for someone from a green country like get to register but can't log in because of your IP and it can be quite frustrating.

in all I enjoy the freedom of working for myself and earning according to my sweat, unlike a regular job.

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I started to look into making money online since I think since when I was in high school and that was in 2012, 2011, ... Back then I used to read that People make money online with just adding ads in their blogs's contents and so on but I was too lazy to write and I thought I couldn't manage one for myself I tried micro jobs, It felt like magic to earn money with just completing some surveys I rember having started with thegreenpanthera It was really good offers were fair because I didn't expext to make lots of money right awa and I was making good money let me say enough for me to buy games and other apps till when I got introduced to marketing and freelancing that's when I upgraded myself and made some real cash :-)

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I am making money on internet for last 15 years How long have you been trying to make money via the internet? First it was fun and curiosity when i seen how other people doing it, then it was extra income for long time until i started to work as full time internet marketer and freelance entrepreneur. First started on eBay as reseler, i was buying digital products with reselling rights and resell them. You know, buy once, sell hundred times ever after How long have you been trying to make money via the internet? Why not, easy peasy... Then i started making my own products, websites, offer SEO and marketing services, web designs, programming, developing etc etc...

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You sound like you are really well versed with your earning. Can you give me an example of what a digital product would be? What sorts of things did you buy and resell? It sounds like it was lucrative for you. I would like to know more about it.

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I have started for around 2 years. This has not been an easy journey so I transitioned to blogging casually and writing freelance instead. Now that I am having a full-time job, it is kind of difficult to juggle so many ventures so I only do jobs when I have a free schedule.

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Yes, for most of us, "real jobs" are our priority, and online earnings kind of take a back seat to that. I am not sure if that is good or bad, but it just seems to be the way of the world. It takes an awful lot of work to make online earning replace a steady source of income.

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I started mining for bucks online since i was 15 0r 16years of old, when i will collect money from people to cartoon their pictures.
Then from there, i migrated into freelancing, and the struggles to get to the post, and from there am still moving from one pasture to another looking for the one that is more greener, or the highest paying income.

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Yes, well join the club. Most of us seem to migrate to one thing or another online in an attempt to make the most money. For some it is writing, for some it is selling, for others it might be a combination of activities. It takes awhile to try to find the right formula to make money online.

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I have been online working for about 10 months now, so I'll say I'm pretty new in this business. I would like to know more ways to make money -not adsense please- since I only work with a few plataforms now.

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Its also been couple of months since I start earning online. Like you I'm also interested to learn other ways to earn money online. I still have a lot of things to learn about online business. I'm still new to this and freelancing job.

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I have been trying it for last 10 years, as I started up as a teenager and worked my way up. It hasn’t been easy but in recent times, I have managed to create my own identity and have been selling products that has generated decent revenue. Last few months has been memorable for me thanks to team, as they have added great value to my site and has allowed me to use proven funnels that has worked for my site brilliantly!

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I've always tried to make money off the internet. It's probably been around 10-12 years now since I first started using the internet and straight from that moment I have tried to find a method to make money. But only recently did I manage to start making a decent amount doing paid work for people. I've made an amazing amount of money over the past few years, nothing too large but enough for me to use as disposable income to buy some things on the side that I enjoy.

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What sorts of things have you been doing to make money? Do you care to share them with us? I think most of us on this forum would be interesting in making an amazing amount of money, or at least enough money to live off of. It would be great!

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I first started earning money on the internet in 1999, I made a adult website that sent me on a vacation to Orlando Florida and then my family threaten to disown me so i took it down. And have said that I have tried various of other types of making money online. And the next best website that made me money was a linux website that made around $50 a month with adsense. I ended up selling the website and every attempt after has been a complete failure. So I gave up on trying to earn money online.

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I've been earning money on the internet on and off ever since I got out of college, so that would be about three years now. That being said, it hasn't been through methods involving AdSense or Affiliate Marketing such as blogging or YouTubing. I've mostly been working as a freelancer, earning money here and there. Currently I'm getting serious in terms of starting my own blog site, so I've been gathering all the research and sharpening my skills as a writer, and am planning on starting up a site very soon. It will be the next big step for me in terms of making money on the Internet.

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Yes, well there is a long learning curve with making money online it seems and you have to be willing to put the work and the time in no matter what your online venture is. Unless you are willing to do that you probably will not be very successful, but that goes for all areas of life really.

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I joined Hubpages in 2010. In 2012, Hubpages accepted me into Hubpages Apprentice Program. The Hubpages Apprentice Program was learn and earn program, where one would learn about online publishing and SEO and earn upfront from each article you publish. I had been writing online since a long time, but I received my first payment only in 2012. In 2012, I received payment from hubpages and helium, since then I have been working online.

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I thought about writing on Hubpages, but it seemed like it would take a long time to make any decent income on there. I miss Helium that was a pretty good site. I wonder if Yahoo Voices is still around? I think they took the place of Associated Content, that was a writing site from years past.

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I also miss Helium. Helium is the first site that paid me for publishing online. However, it took me more than 6 months to make $25 (the payment threshold). Apart from earning revenue from the articles, I also participated in rating and managed to earn $3 every month for rating the articles.

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I never earned any money on Helium but I thought it was a neat site nonetheless. It is sad it kind of went the way of Bubblemews, Yahoo Voices, Triond and many other sites.

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I would say 10 years and counting. But ever since the start of my brand my marketing and earning philosophy has gone through different phases and stages. Constantly evolving, as it should be. It's always necessary to change with the times.

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Yes, I agree changing with the times is very important. Things have changed a great deal online since most of us started our first blogs. I think it is necessary to keep up with the times when it comes to blogging. It is just one of the things that we need to keep in mind as we perform our blogging online.

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I have been trying to make money online for the past six months though it has not been easy but richly rewarding in terms of experience garnered. It is obvious that online sources of making money could be time-consuming but financially rewarding especially if you do big-time blogging and engage in other online financially rewarding ventures.

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