
How can reviews improve your business and increase online sales

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How can reviews improve your business and increase online sales

Ratings and reviews - one of the most important factors in e-commerce, sometimes ignored and not used properly.

Becouse more the half of the customers in the US read online reviews and inform themselves about any product online before buying (not necessarily online). This means that people have gotten to a point that even if they are in the supermarket they may browse the internet and read a few reviews before buying a product.

How can reviews improve your business and increase online sales

Why are reviews so important nowadays?

So overall reviews will ensure sales and profit, there is no doubt about that. Sure you may run into some problems if you have a lot of bad reviews, but a few bad reviews here and there are expected and nothing to worry about, in fact, a few negative reviews may even help you. Reviews dissolve any doubts the potential customer haves, finding out other people had bought that product and they are enjoying it is a huge deciding factor for any niche.

You are over 50 percent more likely to have a sale if you have at least a few reviews on a specific product. So make sure you give your users the possibility of writing reviews. If you had sales and nobody left a review, email them and ask them for a review! Seriously this works like crazy, especially if you are a small company, a client getting an email from Ikea asking for a review may seem a little bit fishy and may be ignored, but coming from a small company the recently made a purchase from, well that will grab their attention, especially if you make everything sound very personal and direct.

Your description doesn't compare with the power a good review holds. You can write and publish the best product description of all time, informative and answer all of their questions, a review will be at least 10 times more trusted by the user.

How can reviews influence your SEO?

Short answer: By a great deal to say the least!

Think of it this way, you constantly get new, fresh and unique content being submitted to your product page. Do you think Google doesn't take notice of all that? Well, it sure does and Google loves it!

So in essence, reviews and comment ratings can help you gain more unique and hopefully, quality content for Google to take notice on. You will get better ranks because all the fresh and updated content as well as for the long tail keywords users may generate in those review comments. You will also rank for very popular terms like "product name review".

Keep in mind there is so much you can say in the product description users before you are boring. Reviews are a totally different thing, they are generally on the bottom of the page and search engines expect them to be there.

You will get an organic CTR increasements and therefore more organic traffic if you are smart enough to implement structured data in your reviews that can eventually be picked up by search engines in the form of feature snippets. A great example of feature snippets are the review starts some product pages may have inside Google search results.

What about bad reviews?

A study made by Reevoo uncovers the fact that a few bad reviews can actually increase sales. Keep in mind that people that really want to buy a specific product will tend to search and read bad reviews. They want to be convinced not to buy that specific product, but because they are in a such a high state of purchase mode, they may end up buying the product nevertheless in spite of the negative reviews.

I've experienced this myself here on SEOclerks marketplace. I have an overwhelming number of positive reviews but I also have a few negative reviews which actually made some of my services more popular. Why? Because those negative reviews were made by people that totally misunderstood my services or just expected me to over deliver by blackmailing me with a negative review. In the end, users saw over that and I actually got more sales per day as long as the negative reviews were visible.

Personally, my trust levels go down when I find a product with 100+ positive reviews and 0 negative reviews. It just seems fishy and this is why I believe a few negative reviews can convince some people that your product is the real deal and not a scam. \

Here are some interesting data on negative reviews:
How can reviews improve your business and increase online sales


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Reviews have a great influence on customers. Before people buy anything, they will read reviews. Reviews can make or break business. While positive reviews will increase sales, negative reviews will take a toll. It is true that you cannot impress everyone, however, there should be more satisfied customers than those who are not happy.
You have listed an intesting fact that sometimes negative reviews can actually increase sales. I will have to check this out.

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I agree that reviews can greatly affect the business. Whenever we would go abroad and I would search for a hotel, I always check the reviews. There was one hotel that seemed good but it was ruined by one review that the hotel staff are not accommodating. And with just one negative remark amidst all the good remarks there, we settled for that hotel and found out that it was really a good hotel. But I know that most people would take bad comments seriously at once.

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It is also interesting to note that some people intentionally leave a negative review. I was once buying a product from ebay. There were over 100 positive reviews, however, there was also one negative review. When over a 100 people were satisfied with the product, how could one remain unsatisfied? We have to divulge on this fact.

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Because of the numerous adversities that people may have been shortchanged by some online sites, many persons have resorted to the checking of multiple reviiews of these sites to seek to satisfy themselves if it would be wise to do business there, therefore. for many, reviews have become an important feature of the online purchasing process.

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I agree that good and bad reviews are well accepted by the readers, the so called consumers. We read both good and bad reviews of the products that we wanted to buy so that we will know the pros and cons before regretting later. Hence, writing review articles are getting popular these days because it is hard to find any honest reviews of any products online.

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Reviews go a long way to help business.Think about 90% of one's customers writing positive review about a'II be amazed at the sales and profit margin for such a product.

companies even have to pay for reviews because they know it helps boost their businesses.Good reviews the way to go for good businesses.

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I think on amazon good reviews definitely help. Some of the time the bad reviews may make the seller stop selling particular product. And this means people have to focus on other type of products. So yes, reviews from and other places have their own benefits. You can see that online sales are different in each places. You just have to adjust with what you can do with it.

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Consumers nowadays are hungry for information so reviews do actually drive business. Even if a person does not buy a product, he or she might browse through some stuff and recommend or mention something based on the reviews read beforehand. Therefore, reviews do influence buyers especially those who are getting a product for their first time.

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Even I look for reviews before buying any particular product. I don't concentrate myself on only one site to read about the reviews. I usually go on different sites. It is obvious that if there are negative reviews about a product then no one will want to buy it. I have actually noticed this for my products too. I try my best to ensure that my products are of high quality. Negative reviews will lead to a fall in sales which will in turn affect profitability.

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On fiverr,amazon and the rest, once you have a bad review, the chance of sales becomes Slim and vice versa.
Review goes a long way in online business. I encourage my clients to give me a good review and I try my best to satisfy them alot.

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I don't know what else would make your sales increase dramatically if not for online reviews and recommendations. I'ts like, if you don't ask for they or offer them, you are basically wasting some of your efforts and potential customers! Reviews are a must and must be always included in every service or website or product that you are offering.

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I think reviews are fantastic as long as they are not "fake reviews" I mean most people who buy online are savvy enough to know that not all reviews are legitimate. Some apps and sites pay people to create and write fake reviews, so if you are going to use reviews, try to use those from people who really like and respect your product.

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Personally I always read reviews prior to purchasing product/app. I generally only search for negative reviews to eliminate all the fake reviews. While I do not base my decision on the negative review, I use the way the company responds as my guideline.

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Positive reviews have always been a plus for businesses, whether they are online, printed in a paper, word of mouth. Sure a business can survive without reviews. But a business would very likely do even better with reviews. Reviews are good publicity. Some people voluntarily write up reviews. But it couldn't hurt to ask a loyal satisfied they would be willing to share the good news about you with others. Negative reviews? If you have 10 happy customers and 1 customer who complains, most people will ignore the complainer.

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That's very true, if you have few negative reviews and a lot of positive reviews, people will ignore the negative reviews because everyone knows that some people are mean by nature. having said that if the negative reviews are more than 10 percent, people will begin to doubt the authenticity of the product.

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That is one difficult task to do if you need to ask a satisfied client to write a review for your business be it a service or product. Take note that not all your clients are writers and to be honest, I would be turned off if the seller would ask me to write a review. I actually received 2 emails recently from our cable provider for tv. They are asking for a rating of their service. I did not reply even if the second email was just to click on the rating of 1 to 5. My question is what do I get from that favor?

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Our cable TV provider always asks for us to complete a survey. I have noticed that at some sites, before the visitor leaves they ask if you will take a survey and/or provide comments on how they can improve their product or service. Sometimes they also ask your permission to print your comments or excerpts from your comments. Sometimes I don't mind responding to a short survey and maybe leaving some comments.

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