
What does a freelancer do?

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What does a freelancer do?

Hello, everyone
I think there should be a dictionary here on SEO Clerks so people who are not from this type of background understand a bit more about this world. Simple definitions like for example what is a "freelancer", what is "outsourcing", and other similar terms are a bit confusing for me. 

Can anyone help? 

Thank you


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Well, as you can guess a freelancer is somebody that works freelance. More simply put: you work for yourself. You are ''self-employed''. You aren't under any really long term contract or anything similar. You perform jobs and tasks for your clients but you can always move onto a new one. You can perform various jobs - it all depends on your skills and knowledge. Also, you have to look for these jobs yourself.

Outsourcing is another term for contracting out - the words itself can explain the meaning (you get a contract with outside supplier).

Generally speaking, if you just Google these terms you will see them very well explained.

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This is the simplest and easiest way to explain those two differences. A freelance job is just a part-time job and you always look for a potential buyer of your service/product. I like how you explain it. What does a freelancer do?

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Well, in my opinion, a freelancer can do many things, from marketing for members to article content writing. Maybe even make someone a website a freelancer can do many things for others like min jobs or do SEO work for someone. Basically, the same you see on SEOCLERKS all or most of us are freelancers.

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A freelancer is someone who provides a skill (eg: photography, web-design, writing) to companies/persons, but isn't employed by them, or running a business of their own. For example, if I was horrible at writing comments, instead of typing this up myself, I could hire a freelancer writer to write it for me. Who knows...maybe that's what I did?

Outsourcing means having an external entity do something, rather than doing it. For example, perhaps the freelancer I hire to write a comment for me, is terrible a spelling, grammar, and punctuation. The freelancer I hired, might hire another freelancer to check his work for errors, before he provides it to me.

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I even wonder same thing before. So this is what it means. Now its more clear for me on how online job works.

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Regular employee does the specific task for the company. Same can be done by the freleancer. Here they don't need the monthly salary but per task based job. And that's how they are going to be paid. So it is low time earning type of job. You can earn more or less in this case. I think freelancing is good for those who don't like the cubicle. And that means one has to be super specific with the way they are earning. And they need to find something that earns them on regular basis.

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A freelancer is a person who works for himself in his own terms and doesn't have a boss to tell him/her what and how to do his job. A freelancer is not committed to any work contract, and he is working when he wants and what he wants. A freelancer is writing assignments, writing articles, tutor people, and an example of a freelancer job would be a journalists, actors, photographers, and musicians.

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We all here are freelancers since we do our own thing based on what is required while outsourcing is when we are given specific projects to handle. A clear example of outsourcing is that which is done by an Ad company who want matter for creating Ads for other companies and those jobs are outsourced sometimes.

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Hi there,
Thanks for query. Freelancing and out sourcing almost similar word by sense. There has not huge different between two word as my think. People also use to say this type of job, like work from home, earning from internet and self employed etc.
But, for me I am not used to say freelancing as my profession. This word make me less responsibility for doing any serious work. As a professional freelancer, you always need to do serious work for your client as your own business. Who think as freelancer as profession, at the same time he may think he is free for work. On the other hand, if you feeling like out source contractor, you may do anything for earning something from overseas. This word me me unlimited for any kind of job. It look wide feeling. Rather than freelancing or working from home.
Person is same but feeling as different if you thing wide and close for those words.

Regards by Ajlancer

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I am not really good at this but in my own understanding, a freelancer is someone who offers their services to others in exchange of money. Among are the top most offers of freelancers to people who wanted to rent their skills and/or talents such as writing, graphic designing, web development, web management, etc.

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To be a freelance means working for multiple companies or people at once without being restricted or bound by any of them. They are those that you could see in the internet offering their skills and abilities on platforms mediating clients and freelancers. Nowadays I believe being a freelance is rather hard unless one has a specialty in one field.

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I think these days many companies are restricting on how many freelancers can be in their work force. So there are going to be contracts. You may find that some companies don't like you to work with multiple companies at the same time. So that can't be the criteria in such case. For each company this could be lot different if you ask me. Freelancers vary in the way traditional employees work and earn.

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A freelancer is that who has a very specific set of skills and is taking jobs as an individual and not as part of a company. Basically, you don't work for anyone but yourself, people hire you and not the agency. Compared to agencies which are being hired by the company to get people that would get the job done, freelancing offers the company to know where their money is going at and freelancing usually means you can work at your own time at your own pace.

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Basically, someone who works without a commitment to a company. It has advantages like the freedom of choosing your own schedule and working hours but on the downside, you don't have the stability and security that a regular job would provide you with

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I am a freelancer because the kind of thing I do (write, mostly) it is really hard to find a regular job by doing it. When you have a talent I think freelance is your best option. A freelancer is a person who knows how to do something and finds a way to make money out of without intermediaries.

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A freelancer does everything that a client required but of course is it should be in their knowledge or what they know to do. If not, you can get low quality works from freelancers.
Normally, a freelancer used to do custom works that clients need but sometimes they could do works for themselves if that helps them to earn extra income.

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A freelancer is certain type of people that gives a client all the options available . They are free of any company. They work for themselves. A client attach to a particular freelance for his work because he finds him to be competent to do his job better than any other company's employee. Freelancers are their own boss. They work in their own terms and conditions. They choose to earn with lots of options present online. There is tough competition out there. Many find to get good job in companies so better start doing freelancing if you are good at something.

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A freelancer is an individual that has a very specific set of skills. Freelancers work for themselves only.
They have the freedom to choose jobs for themselves and look after their own tax and National Insurance contributions.

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I'm going to be over glorifying the term a bit, but think of freelancers as mercenaries of the creative world. Much like mercenaries, we have the skills and resources to complete the mission you give us. And also like mercenaries, we don't work for free. You give us the job, we get it done, and then you pay us. A freelancer might work through an agency, but ultimately they work for themselves and have no managers or CEOs to look up to. They are their own boss.

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I will start a new freelancing job as from next month. Freelancing means that I will be working for myself. I am very excited and happy to start this new job. There are so many advantages of working for yourself. Firstly, there is no need to travel and you are your own boss. Basically, my new job will be about online tutoring. This job will definitely allow me to develop some new skills. I also had to learn a new language before taking up this job.

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A freelancer is someone who works for themselves providing a service. This service could be a skill set or they might work within a particular title. A freelancer could decide to work for only a client as per project or could decide to take on multiple projects at the same time.

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Amazing answers everyone, I now really understand the meaning of both terms.
Might have an idea on another question from what I read here.
Thank you!

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Without consulting dictionaries In my simplest words For me a freelancer is someone Who has specific skills and he or she uses them to do some tasks and Make money, That's what I understand when I hear a freelancer.

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Maybe it's just because i'm not from this area, or i never heard the word in my country. I feel bad ahha

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A freelance is a person who has a specific skill and work for Companies on a contract basis.

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Roger that, i think i understood the concept from the posts below, i think i don't need more definitions, but if you want to give me some examples, i will be glad to read them What does a freelancer do?

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when I started my blogging and freelancing journey, I totally got married to Google search engine.Most of these terms are well explained on google, so you don't need to be confused.

Freelancing is doing whatever job you see online and making your money without having a fixed employer like a regular job offline.

outsourcing is getting a job or task online and giving out to another person to do and you paid the person from your own pay when the job has been completed

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You basically said to Google it, the thing is, i searched on some sites, and the definition was a bit complex for a non English speaker.

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Actually most of us a freelancer. A person who writes for a website, write articles for the company, write reviews but do not draw a salary. Just an agreed wages per task. I am a housewife who had been writing for a couple of sites for 8 years, paid me through paypal.

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Uhh nice thought, i'm a Freelancer What does a freelancer do? I feel important know ahah Can you share some of the sites you use? Thank you for the reply!

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The basic thing you need to understand about a freelancer is that he is someone that does work for others while he/she gets his pay and that is all unless both parties decide to keep contact for future works. A freelancer is not the same as someone that is employed in a company where the person is paid monthly or hourly which means that the pay of a freelancer involves if there is work available to be done. If you have certain skills such as writing, graphic designing, you can search for works on iwriter, freelancers sites and connect with clients that want their work to be done for them.

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A freelancer works for himself and does tasks online or offline that he is paid for per task. You are your own boss and the jobs you work on are more or less one offs, that is you are paid per job as you complete them unless you establish a contract or automate a revenue stream or some sort deal. But the possibilities are endless and the range of services and classifications such as online jobs, sales, providing a service are more and more optional as the field is growing. This can be very exciting and at the same time overwhelming. You can only rely on your skills and abilities unless you have a regular job and you freelance when you are not doing your regular job. You can also eventually become such a success at what you do as a freelancer that if you want you could eventually buy the company that you work for and have the boss work for you instead! Well you catch the drift, the sky is the limits and beyond and anything and everything can evolve based on your efforts and well just circumstances and opportunities and breakthroughs that still very much exist.

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A freelancer is a person who offers his skills or service for a specified job that needs to accomplish. After the job is done, he can accept works from other people. He is not tied to a certain contract or a boss. He can decide whether to accept the job or not. He works at the comfort of his time. If it is an online job, he can decided where to work. He doesn't have to go to an office.

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The best definition of a freelancer is someone who does for themselves. A freelancer is a person that offers services in exchange for money. The most common services offered are writing, transcription, design, data entry and virtual assistance. These services can be offered for a period of time or as a one of. Everything depends on the negotiations between the freelancer and their client. One service or different services can be offered. The best example of freelancing online is being a consultant. Freelancing is like being an online consultant. Basically, you can get anyone to do anything online, for a fee.

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The WordWeb dictionary defines a freelancer as "A writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them." Based on this description we can say a freelancer is a person who offers his service (writing, graphic designing, web programming, web designing etc.) for a certain price and is not associated with any organizations or companies.

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I have been a freelancer for a time now and my main line of work is as content provider for forums. It is mostly the paid forum posting that I look for because that is the easier freelancing work for me. Some others do the article submission and there are also the survey and other micro tasks that you can earn money from. But don’t ask me the amount of earnings because I earn so little that can be just enough to buy me breakfast.

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