
Do you guys visit mental health websites?

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Do you guys visit mental health websites?

I know mental health is not the most popular or trendy thing in the digital world. Mos of people prefer to visit websites about working out, fashion, beauty, lifestyle and even gaming. But I've had the chance to get to know some wonderful pages about this topic, and I think they are really helpful. Do you guys have ever tried to find help in this kind of sites? 


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Yeah, sometimes. Two speakers I like are Noah Elkrief and Dan Siegel. I visit their sites because I could do with some inner peace. My mental health has been poor of late and I may have undiagnosed Asperger's syndrome.

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I have visit their sites too, I love how they connect with their readers and how they make people who doesn't have mental issue understand how it is to have a mental disorder or syndrome.

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Right now I don’t find a reason to visit a mental health website especially that I have a hectic work schedule with my office job and freelancing work. But if there are issues that needed clarification like a relative or a friend has been showing symptoms of a mental health problem then I would probably find a site that deals with mental health to be appraised of what is happening. An example is my husband’s cousin who is suffering from frontal lobe dementia. Maybe they need to check on that kind of website.

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I have not visited that kind of site so I cannot really have a say about that topic.

You should still do it though as there are very few blogs (I am assuming you are planning to blog about mental health) with this kind of topic. If you get to write quality content, you already have an edge over others in the market since there are not really many bloggers who have this as their niche so you'll fare well in this category.

Less competitors, more potential viewership for you.

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I personally don't but I think you could get something going for you there. I agree with airfightermax on the points he made, compared to the other "trendy" things you mentioned your idea sticks out of the mainstream. So if you just push it with hard work and dedication who's to say you would not succeed? Go for it Lady, I wish you all the best in your endeavors.

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I have at times. There is some good support and information to be found on the web. I think that many people would find these pages helpful for whatever issues they or a family member might be experiencing. There are some good resources online.

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I do it sometimes in order for updating my knowledge on some matters, because of my profession. I think it is a very needed topic to be discussed and people who invest their time in creating content about it are to be praised!

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I think it's useful. Knowing more abut mental health can benefit you in the long run. You'll learn how to cope with certain conditions of the mind and how to properly assess yourself.

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I do for the same reason too, sometimes it is good to have a research in mental health to have more knowledge and so we can understand people more.

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No, I can't say that I visit mental health websites or read blogs about it. I sometimes glance if I see some interesting article but only if it's on one of the news pages. I luckily don't really have mental problems so I don't need to go to such websites. However, I imagine that for those that do experience those issues these sites and help groups are extremely helpful and I am glad that they exist.

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I have not visit such websites before but if it is a topic you are passionate about, why I not give it a try and see? I think, it's a specific niche, it is not broad. People who visit your site may be looking for solutions.

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Actually not only I have visited them quite a bit but I also run a website about helping people with life issues through spiritual practices! I deal with problems like depression, loneliness and life issues as a whole. I have just started writing but I intend to make it grow. Feel free to stop by:

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Hi, Goldlady I never tried to find help in this kind of sites because I am not ill and I don't have anyone from my family to have a mental illness, Thank God. I know that these sites are very useful for those in need and I am glad they offer a good support for those who suffer from a mental illness!

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Visiting some of such site can be good for health. For example, site such as can be good. They have very smooth and soothing image on their home page. It's a simple GIF image or video. And it will calm your mind. You can see that there are very few people who are on such sites. But if you are into meditation and calm stuff then do check such sites out.

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That's very nice. I think many will benefit from visiting that site. It'll give them peace of mind. Much needed stress relief from every day life.

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Mayoclinic and some of the livestrong websites are really good. And people benefit from it. I think even the psychcentral is a good resource to work with. I have tried some of the website in such cases. And they seem to be not that bad if you ask me. They were good enough on many ways.

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That sounds great. I'm sure those who've visited them will carry their knowledge as long as they live. Also, they get the information they've been looking for from professionals. It's tough researching psychology on your own.

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Yes some of the knowledge is region specific though. Like some places weight of specific value and body mass index values vary. So based on that I can tell you that information needs to be validated on local levels too.

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Sites that contain advice on mental health issues can be very helpful, especially if they contain content written by people who have experienced the issues themselves.

If you are considering setting up your own mental health website, however, it is a subject the needs to be taken seriously and handled sensitively.

Sites that promote scam cures for things like depression, for example, are not only unhelpful, they can be dangerous.

Deathisue is right in saying that, if you need help with mental health issues, you should seek help of a professional. Mental health websites are fine for information and support, but they shouldn’t be used as a replacement for professional treatment and care.

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Helpguide is one such website that is very popular on the mental health topics. You can see that the amount of topics on the helpguide covering many such topics are good on those who are having stress and depression. You should consider spending time on such sites. And advice from them can be good for the health and the career. I think I have spend around 1 hour per week on such sites. I learn a lot of those skills from such sites.

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Yes, i like those sites. I am already advancing in age , so I would like to maintain my sharp memory. These websites that have practices and quizzes makes me really think , thus activating my brain. And one thing too why I like joinng writing sites, is because writing and commenting makes me use my brain. A brain that is active will be far from having dementia and alzheimer's are I have read.
I hope there will still be online writing sites even when I am at my retirable age already.

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I do visit mental websites because my brother has OCD and my mom has irregular temperamental behavior that my neighbors would call the policemen for help.

These sites are helpful because they provide sufficient information on the symptoms, causes and treatments which benefit family members living with the mental patient. It did helped my dad because he is living with both of them while I am married.

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There are good sites out there and there is no problem in searching for the information Do you guys visit mental health websites?
Unfortunately many people are close minded and will look down on you for talking about those issues...
20% of the population suffer from mental health problems and I think this topic should not be avoided and be discussed more openly; finally more people (many more than previously) are aware of this reality.
I also search for some information from time to time, no problem in it ;)

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I actually haven't, but I am aware there are a few out there. However, I believe they are indeed very important. Especially for people that might be afraid to reach out to a professional or need a place to start. You never know who's really struggling and finds it along the way.

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It's great for those of us who are interested in psychology. Sometimes professional help can improve how you perceive yourself. There are definitely cases where we need guidance on how best to approach life as we know it.

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Hello Goldlady--

I don't frequent these websites, but if you find them helpful, or helpful to someone else, I don't see why someone should not visit them. That being said, in terms of any kind of illness, it is best to get multiple opinions and professional opinions from people who have had actual real life experiences with the problems of dealing with the specific illness. I would be wary and careful with these sites, especially in terms of taking their advice too prematurely. Your mental health is, obviously, nothing to tamper with, and not everyone online, as you know I am sure, is even close to being a reliable source.

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I don't visit those websites that often but I regularly used to in the past. My friend was suffering from depression and I was going through those websites to better understand about her condition and how to help her. There were many people sharing their experiences and I learnt so much from them. After a long struggle my friend is no longer depressed but she still has to take her medicines. I don't visit those sites nowadays but they did help me when I was in need of information concerning mental health.

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I would visit it more to contribute my thoughts than wanting help for myself. I have had experience with a couple who needed this kind of support and I was quite a success there. I thought I found a forum at The Forum Wheel but they are now offline. I did write a couple of posts there.

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That's nice. I'm sure people like you have much to share. Personal experience can provide much needed insight in certain situations. Like complex issues and such.

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I should seriously search for such sites where I can contribute. You are right there about how those who have had grey hair do learn a lot in life and they have much to share. Why waste that knowledge and take it to the grace?

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That's very nice of you. I'm sure people will highly benefit from your experiences. You never how one simple act of goodness can affect other people's lives.

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I only visit mental health websites when I have to do a research for a book or an article. Otherwise it doesn't really hold any interest for me.

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I have stumbled in one if this site and its quite interesting. How to handle depression, anxiety and how to handle stress,etc. There is also about how to improve your memory and I find it helpful. Symptom of ADHD,OCD, bipolar disorder and other mental order that other people may not be aware of. This is helpful to those people to be aware of this illness and this will let them know how to handled this situation.

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No I do not visit mental health websites unless I am not feeling well, and I just research my symptoms. Or, sometimes I come across a video or of a health I am not familiar with that and I may want to read about it but not very often.

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Thank you all for your feedback. Yes, this is something I am really passionate about so I think I will give it a try and start to build my blog project focusing on mental health.

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If a person knows what they're talking/writing about, they can somehow transmit that enthusiasm and spirit to almost anyone else. I like sites about mental health and psychology. I find them interesting. I don't go looking for them. But I have had occasion to stumble across some pretty good ones, loaded with information. Hope your blog will be a fruitful initiative.

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Yes I have visit them!. I read someone before said "he/she didn't visit mental health sites because he/she didn't have mental problems" I don't think you need to have mental problems to visit a mental health site! It's good to improve your mental health even if it is reaally good. You learn tips and tricks to deal with pessimistic people- That are all around the world- and even to feel better with yourself. I thinks it's very unrealistic to said you have never had a bad day... And in those days is pretty nice to read something good for the mind!.

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I enjoy reading personal accounts, often I can relate to certain aspects of their life. A lot of the website are very clinical, much like reading a doctors textbook. Everyone is different and will experience some mental health issue during their lives.

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While I don't visit any websites related to mental health in particular, I do frequent certain forums which promote such discussions. I am very much so interested in the psychological and spiritual aspects of human life. Being that I myself suffered from different psychological ailments throughout the years, I obviously went out of my way to find remedies and advice on the internet. In that search I found many forums where people openly share stories and advice, and now that I myself am doing far better it is my turn to share advice and help newcomers.

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I personally do not visit such websites. However, I always receive a lot of links to these websites as spam. I do not see the uses for it personally so far. Perhaps I will need to use these sites if I need to do research as material for my writing projects.

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I like to read in general and sometimes I read about mental health I even own couple of mental books Like personality desorders, manipulation, narcissist ... all these books are about mental heath plus I have a special interests in meditating Which is a wide subject and I learn day by day how to make it better as it helps me to relax and communicating with myself :-)

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In my case I have to. I work on the health care environment, and sometimes I have to help people with mental disorders, or just with some kind of affection like depression, maybe some others who have a relative they care about. It has helped me a lot too, because I've learned how to give the care they deserve, how to lead them into the right direction. Mental health is not just for people who have an affection, it also involves to take care of your own health, to avoid being attacked by today's stress and worries. They only way to be healthy is to have a healthy body directed by a healthy mind.

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I do occasionally, to learn about some stuff, one does not need to be mentally low to learn these things.I'm a very inquistive person so I read everything readable.

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Exactly, this is what I'm talking about. People needs to get involve and learn about mental health, that way, we would avoid having a wrong perception on patients who need help. Not necessarily, you got to have a relative or friend with issues, so you can go and read about it, but also you can bring help through foundations, or institutions that always need volunteers to help the others.

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I'm such person that do not joke with my mental fitness for I know that everything I do in life starts from the mind. So, what I always do is work on way that can better my mind and reduce issues that will trouble my mind. I have not visited any metal health fitness website, but I think it is high time I did that to see ways to improve myself.

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I think these websites can be good and bad depending on the type of thing you are looking for. For most they are a supportive place to be able to discuss their problems and issues in a non judgmental and supportive atmosphere, as long as they do what they are supposed to do.

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I have two blogs in the mental health niche. One blog features content on general topics such as happiness, meditation, wellness, wellbeing. Another website is on Anxiety niche. This blog features articles on how to deal with anxiety and all that.
You can check my blog
Wellbeing & Wellness
Mental Help

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I have visited some mental health blogs and forums. It is nice to see people sharing their feelings,experiences and helping each other find a solution. I admit such websites are not so popular but their are so many illness nowadays that can be prevented if we learn how to achieve mental health and wellness.

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Yes I visit Mental health websites a lot, it is like a normal everydag routine for me, as I use it to develop and keep my mental health in order asides from that it keeps me informed about mental health.

I never knew how helpful it was till I got diagnosed with acute schrizophenia and bipolar, since then I go through this sites to read testimonies about others with different mental health issues and how they are still living it well, it does help me as I always get to feel much better about myself everyday I visit them.

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Sometimes I check mental health sites just to learn more about it. Our mind is the foundation of who we are, how we think and how we interact with people. Understanding ourselves and other people's minds can be difficult. But once we have the proper guidance, I'm positive we'll see things clearer.

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I have been visiting websites with mental health articles for a long time. They contain many valuable tips on how to increase personal productivity or how to deal with stress. I learned a lot for example from or All you need is half an hour of reading a day to improve many things in your behavior.

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Thanks for this, I will try to visit these sites and I hope I will like it the way that you did.

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I have not visited yet into one website about mental health. If you know one, I would be glad to visit it also. Its because I have a brother that needs help. He has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. We are spending a lot every month for his check up and medicines.

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I have, countless of times. I always try to understand people with mental issue since I used to be a psychology and we need it for our research. When I shift to another course, I didn't stop visiting those sites because it helps me too.

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Great post! I think it's a good idea!)

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