
Do you multitask? What are those tasks?

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Do you multitask? What are those tasks?

I am great one for multitasking. As I am writing this post my tv is one and I can do both write and listen. My maid is busy in the kitchen and I will direct her as I am writing here. Our Preiti wants attention - she wants me to give up typing and sit with her. I just her I will be there in a while.

What are you multitasking?


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I've got breakfast in the making on a slow burn on the fire. Water is boiling to make some tea. I'm cuing up an audio book to listen to while writing and mentally, I have a hundred more to do's on the list that I'm going to slowly try to accomplish. All in a days work these days!

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I used to have milk on the gas while I was here responding, posting and commenting mostly lost to the world here but the milk would not wait for me. It would just spill over and even the vessels would be charred. I no longer multitask meddling with milk any more (lol)

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Well, I can pretty do multi-tasking efficiently. There was one time I was waxing my floor with this coconut shell/husk and at the same time, I was on call with my friend who was aking me about his social media account. And on my other hand, I watching the news on my tablet. And oh, I was chewing meat at the same time.

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This is indeed interesting. How did you manage so many things? This reminded me of my niece in the US where I had gone to spend a few days with them. She was stirring something on the gas, talking to someone on the phone and with the leg wiping the floor. A great picture she made (lol)

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Ahaha. Yeah indeed it is a great site to be hold. Lol. Anyway, I guess it just comes to you. I'm sure you have encountered the same thing for sure in one or two parts of your life. Do you multitask? What are those tasks?

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You gave me a laugh with the examples of your multitasking. I agree that we could do multitasking in whatever we do and it is very common to multitask when you are doing house chores as evidenced in your example. With freelancing, I don’t suggest that we do multitasking especially when the task is about writing serious topics. It is best to maintain the quality of work so that your clients will always be satisfied. It is not the quantity but always the quality that matters in the end.

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I pretty much multitask the whole day. Why not? it is great. You can do more things at once if you're a skilled multitasker. I think that it's a really good thing if you know how to. As long as the tasks efficiency doesn't suffer.

The only things that I don't multitask is when I have to really concentrate - for example, writing articles or similar jobs. I produce higher quality work when I focus solely on that. But in general, I do it all the time and love it Do you multitask? What are those tasks?

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The moral of the story therefore is multitasking is done only when trivial things are attended to. And most of the time we are into serious business. You are right when you say there are areas we need to focus on and so multitasking takes a backseat.

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Typically I try not to multi task when it comes to important things. If I'm focusing on important work, then I try to make that the main focus of my attention otherwise I don't feel that I'm putting in the 100% effort which it deserves. I think when you multi task you're not going to get the 100% perfect finished product which you want. You might get 80%, because you've got 20% somewhere else.

On the other hand, if I'm doing something for leisure such as drawing, I'll multi task by maybe listening to a podcast or watching a show at the same time.

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There are some who have the capability to multi task even with serious issues. And yet on the other hand there are some who can do only one thing at a time no matter how trivial it would be. This person I know who would only watch tv and when the child came to ask for something she would shoo it away

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I believe everything comes with practice. When you first start something it will always be hard and you won't do much of a good job. Multi-tasking is the same deal. You got to practice until you can do two things at the same time reasonably well. Then you go to three and so on. Searching for some tips online can always help too.

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I'm really bad about multitasking. I do it a considerable amount (in fact, I'm doing it right now) when I would usually prefer to focus my attention on one thing at a time. Sometimes my mind just refuses to work that way, like now, and I find myself writing articles, editing a video, writing a script for a future video shoot, and listening to music all at the same time.

Because I'm splitting my attention between three different tasks, it kind offers a break whenever I feel I've hit a roadblock. I can simply switch to one of the other tasks I was working on to give myself a break from the previous task, which is really nice.

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It's a very valid strategy man. Take me for example: At first, i wasn't able to like you said. No matter how much I tried one of the things that I was doing would be poorly done. With enough practice, you can get there. One thing that helped me a lot is working while I listen to music. I focus on the lyrics and on what I'm writing and it helped my train this ability

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Multitasking efficiently is an art and some are good at it. I do a fairly good job of it but must admit I have messed up the milk on the gas many a time that it completely went off my mind leading to vessels getting charred. (lol) I have therefore decided never to multi task when milk is on the gas.

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Focusing on one thing is not a bad idea at all. That ensures that whatever is taken on hand is done well and thoroughly. Multi tasking, unless one is good at it can result in anything done in a slip shod way. One needs a good memory while multi tasking.

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Yes I do multi task often. Just very similar to your case right now as I am lying on my bed and commenting on this post I am seeing a movie at the same time. And most time when I read I do listen to music

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Well your kind of multitasking is the simplest I feel as you do not have to concentrate much on those tasks that you are multitasking.
Tasks that are result oriented need a lot of concentration and very few are capable of such a mix.

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When you work online, you cant just help but multitask, so rather than trying to manage it, you should rather learn a skill on multitasking or get an app that helps you schedule time. The key take here is embrace it.

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Definitely, multitasking is great. We can get things done quickly. However, multitasking might be hard if there are tasks that are new and need deeper attention. Sometimes, we need to process tasks serially one after another if we need the end result to be of high quality.

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No two tasks that need concentration can be tackled together. Multi tasking is fine with just listening to music and writing or having a conversation with someone and stirring something in the kitchen and so
on. One needs to pick activities that could be handled together that do not need great attention.

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I work from home as a Freelance writer and I am a mom of two. So basically, my tasks are split between my work-space and homechores. I work at my desk from 9am till noon, take a break to attend to home chores, then continue till 3.30pm or 4pm. Take another break for more home duties and back to work after 9pm when my kids are in bed.

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You I notice allot time for specific tasks but do not attend to them together. This way you get better results as you are concentrating on just one job at a time.
While you are at your desk who takes care of your children?

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That means you do not multi task but do one thing at a time. You could perhaps pick a few tasks and do them simultaneously and thus save time. If there is something cooking in the kitchen that needs time you could do that and the time that it requires to cook you can use it for writing - just saying.

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I multitask by using mobile and laptop at the same time lol. Sometimes I sit there with a laptop on my knee while on mobile and drinking coffee. I do sometimes as well play Xbox as well lol Yeah I stopped doing that as it took concentration off my work which you shouldn't really do but Xbox is addictive.

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Whatever is addictive should be a voided while multi tasking as full attention will be drawn there and whatever else is being attempted will be a messy affair. Choosing those which require equal attention is the success of multi tasking.

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I always do multitasking. I'm a freelancer so commonly I do multitasking on the computer and daily routine. A good example of this is doing my daily task to my client in the USA while eating my breakfast. Another one is talking my boss on the phone while browsing my profile on Facebook. That's the only small things I'm doing every day. If you don't know how to multitask I believe your progress would be slow. Being fast attract more clients and add potential investor. We should learn how to multitask it's an advantage skill and its free.

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As I have already commented multi tasking is indeed an art and all cannot do it efficiently. Having said simple multi tasking could be handled if each of those jobs do not need deep concentration. One cannot possibly do one's account and at the same time update one's blog.

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I mostly multi task the forum posting and the writing work. That works out for me. For some topic though I have to come up with different level of thinking. But it works out for writing and the commenting type of works. You don't have to use brain and physical resources. And that means there is less stress on you. I can tell you that some of the time multi tasking is lot easier this way.

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I agree with you that those jobs that do not need much thinking could be handled quite efficiently. There are so many such jobs that could be clubbed together and handled without a bother. My maid is good at that. She will put the pump on in the garden while she does weeding and at the same time sweeping the yard.

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I used to write an article while listening a song plus playing a succerstar game on my tablet. Meanwhile i used to chat with my friends on my cell phone and have a little conversation with my mom as well.

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Wow!! This indeed is multi tasking without compromising or giving less attention to whatever you have been doing. As I have commented elsewhere it is the choice of tasks to multi task are important so that all get equal attention.

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Hi, Iamaw I am doing multitasking every day. Even when I am at work, I am doing my job and I listen to music and sometimes beside my job I am helping others too. When I'm at home I am playing games on my PC and I listen to music or download pictures from my Android etc.

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I tend to consider the things that I do as important that I have to carefully focus on them. For example would be when I am writing a blog article, I need to concentrate solely on what I have to write. Once I start writing I have to concentrate on that task since once I get distracted, I'll lose my momentum and the idea that I had too. Otherwise if it is just house chores they are very easy to multitask if they only require certain muscle memory to perform

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Usually, I like to multitask with work and social media, and sometimes my online subjects. It gets tedious at times, especially if I don't focus and suddenly find myself binge watching Youtube lmao. There are also times where I do two different kinds of work at the same time to make it more convenient for me (a lot more stressful though)

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I'm exactly like that bro hahaha, I used to do that a lot when I was studying. I read something important and then took off to watch something on youtube or listen to a song. It kept my mind from getting tired. I always studied like that: 20 mins study 10 on youtube or similar. Even though I've never been a top notch student this method got me through university all right.

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I am typing to answer this and my phone is playing my favorite album by j. Cole.

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Absolutely, my work technically requires me to multitask. I can run several tests and machines while preparing a report at the same time. I also work with music on my desk, and at home I can do several things at the same time. I think most of use multitask, it's just a way to be more productive.

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When I want to multitask, I am a great failure. However, failure has never stopped me from multitasking. When I am online, I am not only logged into my websites, blogs, earning sites but also social media sites. In the mean time I will also be downloading something. I listen to music, when I work. When I am in the kitchen, I try to cook multiple dishes at the same time. When I am reading a certain book, I will also pick another book and alternate my reading.

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It would seem that my entire life, as of late, is definitely a study in multi-tasking. I am a writer and a teacher, so I am constantly in the process of publishing writers, grading papers, writing my own material, and editing. I find that I am more effective when I rotate certain projects, thus, certain modes of thought, throughout the day. So, for example, I will work on creative work for three hours, technical writing for two or three hours, and then academic work for a few hours before going back to creative work. I have found that, when I rotate modes of thought, I actually come up with ideas for different types of writing while writing in various modes. In other words, sometimes I get my best creative ideas in the midst of grading papers...

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Wow, you guys are great at multi tasking jobs. I usually comment on two sites at the same time, Forumcoin and Postloop, each site I open 5 different tabs and take turns to comment. While doing this, I teach my son his maths homework, boil hot water in the kettle and watch out for the weather, who knows it might rain and wet my laundry

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I struggle to multitask beyond doing something like writing and listening to music, so for the most part that's really all I'm doing for multitasking - Task A, and listening to music. This is usually while I'm doing things like writing, reading, cooking, whatever. Sometimes I'll try to watch TV while I'm doing something else, but then I usually end up paying more attention to the television set than whatever I had initially planned to work on (not much multitasking going on, there. . .)

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I am currently on a couple of websites earning some money while listening to music in the background. I always have to be multi-tasking when I am on the internet.

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I am on my PC typing some project work and at thesame time replying messages on my mobile phone. I don't have much to do now. But I've opened four different tabs on my PC to keep me moving smoothly.

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I don't get your question are asking multitask on phone or other things.
on my phone yes I multitask opening different tab and using at the same time.
I also multitask while doing some home activities I do listen song, chatting with my phone and probably cooking in the kitchen.

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I woke up some few hours ago. Done preparing breakfast and now eating. You can say I am multitasking.

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Yes! I multi-task most of the time. Presently I am watching my favorite movie and also replying to this post. Its help a lot when you're doing a less tedious work.

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I multi-task when I am working or even at home. I usually attend to calls and send e-mails at the same time. At home, I will play a simulation game on one screen and watch a drama on the other.

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Yes I multitask. I do it so much and it helps to keep my brain active. I always find myself to be doing at least three things at a go. I could be typing a document, watching my favourite programme on TV and also replying some messages on my instant messenger.

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I am great at multitasking too! And I do not think that's a woman thing. I know men who can actually multitask and doing right. I write posts for a blog, audit some calls in another platform and text my boyfriend at the same time.

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I used to be all about multitasking. I felt that the more I was doing at once, the more efficient I was. The better at multitasking I got, the prouder I was. "Look at me, a natural renaissance man." Well, it was all fine and dandy until I took a step back and actually analyzed all of my work. There is truth to the saying that the jack of all trades is a master of none. The work that I had gave all my focus and attention to was the best work I had done. On the other hand, the work I did while having my attention spread out, paled in comparison, but there was more of it. It's a matter of quantity versus quality, and I chose quality in the end.

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I do multitask on a daily basis in my current job. I usually answer customer calls, prepare reports, send emails and check the customer database at the same time. When I first joined this job I found it to be very challenging and difficult to cope. However, I am now used to it and this job helped me to improve my organizational and time management skills and also my multi tasking abilities. I am a bit sad that I will have to leave this job soon as I got a better offer. I am sure that I will be able to apply the skills that I learnt from this job to my new job and I will also get to acquire new skills.

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Wow, reading from your comment, I see that this job had helped you to cultivate the multi tasking abilities, what is your current post?

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I used to work as a relationship manager but I left the job as I got a better offer. I now work as an online trainer. This job has lesser responsibilities but I love it more. The job is more interesting. I learned many things from this previous job. It helped in refining my existing skills and develop new ones.

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I can multitasksometimes, when they are easy tasks- like cooking and watching a tv show-, but
it depends of what I’m doing because otherwise it tends to be really stressful
and gets a little overwhelming after a while for me. I can’t work and do
something else for example because it really needs my attention and I can’t
focus if I’m thinking of something else. So I would rather just do one chore at
a time. I’m a big fan of lists so I’ll do a list, prioritize the chores and
start one by one.

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I always do multitasking when I'm doing chores at home. On one hand I'm doing laundry, separating white from colors, putting loads in the machine, while my kitchen is cooking rice and meat, and I'm sweeping the floor all at once. All of it while I'm listening music and my dog is playing fetch in the living room. No wonder why sometimes my food can get burned, my laundry gets mixed or my dog makes a mess with laundry clothes.

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I do multitasking. I'm watching TV while replying here same time I'm also checking social media. Sometimes when I'm cooking I still holding my phone talking and messaging someone and doing Facebook. I can do two or three task in my work place but doing more than that can overwhelmed me and forget which things I should finish first.

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Well, I can do almost anything, when I am posting online and writing for some job I can listen to the people that is talking to me and answer them, I can have music playing when I am doing things on my PC, sometimes I use to cook having my laptop with my music playing and I can write or do my freelance job while I cook my food.

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women multitask a lot in my own opinion. As a woman I do a lot at a time. I blogged,breastfeed and even cook at the same time.If I don't carry out things tasks simultaneously I might not be able to meet my set targets,considering the fact that time is never friendly.

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I also multitask more. It could be writing on forums while watching TV or listening to music. I believe it is natural for women to multitask. But I am always good at something if I give it all my time and focus on it only.

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I usually multi task at home while doing house chores. But we don’t have a washing machine so I had to go to the laundromat. After placing the laundry clothes in the washing machine, it’s time to open my phone and check my Facebook account. When at home while cooking, I sometimes play Candy Crush so I will not get bored in the kitchen. But I make it a point not to hold my phone when I am talking to someone. That’s not a good time to multi task for you are being impolite already.

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