
Is social media killing off blogs?

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Is social media killing off blogs?

With social media becoming ever more present in the modern day, are blogs slowly dying off because of the increased popularity of it? I believe so and the main reason is the fact that it is just so much easier now to see the latest news and information from social network posts. With blogs, you have to look at individual posts one at a time and then look through the whole post to extract some of the information. But with social media posts, information is condensed into a few characters and can be posted quickly.


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Blogs and pure page content won't die off anytime soon. Sure I agree that the time of blogs has passed, 10 years ago blogs were a lot more popular because social networks haven't yet taken over.

I also believe long written content is making a comeback, even on social media platforms. I'm also glad that both Facebook and Google had started working on ways of making content more accessible and mobile friendly with the rise of Facebook instant articles and Google AMP.

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I don’t think social media can kill the blogs. That’s what they say about forums that it is on the downslide because of social media particularly the Facebook Group that is a direct competition of forum. But take note that a forum can earn for the owner and the Facebook Group earns only for Facebook. Same with the blog, it will remain in the internet because there are readers and writers. As long as the 2 factors are there then they will continue to exist.

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In my opinion, blogs have taken over newspapers. However, currently blogs are not going away anytime soon. Social media is really only attractive to the younger generation currently. My prediction is that once this current generation grows up with social media, only then will blogs have a chance of going away.

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I don't think so, blogs have been around for a long time and cover various topics of interest. If anything, social media is a tool to help them grow. Social media can also come and go easily over time. But there will always be people interested in following specific blogs.

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I don't think social networking sites can kill blogs because blogs have its advantages that social network posts did not. For instance , if you post an article 1000 words on both site (blog and social media) then Google will index your blog post faster. Why? because google loves blogs and its content is spread over whole bloggers and it is easier to be shared on other blogs.

In other words, some posts on social networks are under private thus Google spiders could not find and index them, it is obviously a disadvantage of social network profiles. But we also have to admit that sharing on social networks is easier to get traffic because there are a huge number of readers there and ready to read your posts when its just published.

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I do not think many people enjoy reading long blogs, they rather see photos or short captions on social media.

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Blogs give the same information as the news had. I usually read news from CNN rather than blogs but you cannot deny that even the social media such as Facebook and Twitter are updating the news faster now but not in detail.

I prefer to read the CNN for the correct news updates.

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Not at all if anything social media helps blogs. Many bloggers use pinterest which can generate you valuable traffic if you use correctly. Also making Facebook pages and joining blog groups can also help with blogs.

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In 2013, I was privileged to attend the so called Blogger's Night in one big hotel. The bloggers were mostly young but there were also some seniors who I've heard were respectable and popular bloggers. As mentioned by one blogger, blogging is not a hobby but a career since he is earning good from his blogs. In comparison with social media, 99% of the posts in Facebook are snippets and unlike blogs that are reliable, social media posts are not verified and confirmed as facts. To me, social media is like a discussion in the street corner while blogging is an essay in school. That's how I compare it. So it is clear to me that social media cannot upend blogs which may be the one to upend the traditional media.

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I don't think social media hurts blog in any way. In fact, you can easily promote your blog on social media sites and get users to visit your site, so in the end sites like Facebook or Twitter can boost your blog views by quite a lot.

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I think social media is not meant for killing the blogs. Think of it as an extension. You are not going to be able to monetize your social media content. So you have to use the blogs for that purpose. In case if you wish to use the social media to avoid blogging, that may not work for you. But some of the people have more success with social media they can skip the blogging. It depends on what you can do effectively. It all depends on what things you can take off the social media. For me it's good with the content that's all.

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I don't think so. I don't even think that blogs are dying. Blogs are just changing which is a normal process. Everything changes through time and so did blogging. We have different styles now which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I feel like if you don't see social media as your enemy and start looking it as your friend, as your ally that you will actually see how well hand in hand blogs and social media go. You just have to know how to use social media platforms to your advantage and it isn't hard actually increasing your blog traffic through it.

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I think social media and blogs works hand in hands this is due to the fact that most of people who spend more time blogging are some people who spend time writing small captions of their posts to promote their blogs so or authors who wants more traffics they all use social media to advertise and it works well so no matter how much social media is rocking now days blogs will still rock in their way.

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I do think blogging has already past its peak, but I do not think it is dying. Simply because there will always be people who will need a medium to express themselves. Although, I do think that a lot of people have started blogging on Facebook itself. They do not feel the need to have a website when they can say what they want to there as there is no word limit.

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No. In fact people are realizing that posting blogs on other social networks giving them content builds that social network. So the best option in such case is that one should bring back the traffic to their own blogs. That seems to be one way to get back the bloggers lost traffic. Blogging has evolved into vlogging and podcast. But it's possible that people can make use of the blogging to establish the business.

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Blog will never shutdown. Some sites might close but the whole idea of blog will stop is not going to happen. Take a look at vinyl. Its a tech that is a couple of decades old but still there is someone using it. Same appliesbto blogging, people will come back to things that they are comfortable with. They would check other things available in the market but eventually they will still go back to what they prefer.

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I do think blogging has already past its peak, but i don't think it is dying or will die any tima sooner or later. Simply because there will be always people who will need a medium to express themselves. Although, i do think that a lot of people have started blogging on Facebook itself. They don't feel the need to have a website when they can say what they want to do there as there is no word limit.

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I think no. One reason is monetization. You cannot make money on social medias where you put your articles or written stuffs (unless you are into online store). You still need to have a blog site for it.

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I hardly think so. Tumblr is an excellent example of a blog that is doing well. WordPress and Blogspot are less popular, but I always hear folks talk about them now and then from people trying to build sites. What the smart thing to do is connect your social media account to your blog. Then, people will click on the link, and you still get a lot of traffic. Have you noticed that a lot of media news sites like CNN use blogs as well? It's very common. Blogs are just better mediums for articles and discussions, I think. Sure, Facebook and Twitter are popular, but Disqus is also popular as well, and as long as you take care of the interaction part of the blog, as well as other parts, blogs should be okay in the long run.

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I wouldn't ever say that blogs are dying off, the reason I say this is because there are still people out there who prefer blogs over social media in which case, these people will always keep blogs active. Will there be a big drop in the amount of people who use blogs? Yes, I believe so and the reason for that is because many people who prefer social media over a blog because everything is all in one place are the one's who will aid with the drop in users on blogs.

Blogs are not going to die off any time soon for as long as we have some people who will use them, they will just not be as popular I guess compared to social media.

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I think so, in a way. It really depends what sort of content is in the blog. People who used to blog as a means of sharing details about their daily life will find themselves migrating their posting activity to Facebook sooner or later, where it's easier for their friends to access and read. People who use blogs as a mean of sharing long opinions though would stick to the blogging platform because it allows for google searches as well as the option to monetize their site.

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I believe social media does not kill off blogs since people even access both. People might even access blogs through social media by the use of external links if some posts or ideas have references to blog posts. It doesn't actually kill off blogs in a way that you might think social media is stealing audience from blogs. It's much more about preference of a person. Social media is used to socialize and contact friends, while blogs are used to share your ideas and experiences.

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I don't think that social media is going to be the leading cause in the potential downfall of blogs. Blogs are typically maintained by people who have a real passion for a certain subject, and over time have developed above average writing and research skill sets. On the other hand, social media is packed with millions of people who may or may not have any skills, and express various degrees of passion that typically aren't on par with that of bloggers. The only social media format which has the potential to outweigh blogs is YouTube. Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram don't have a shot at that.

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I don't think it's killing off blogs, it just so happens that a lot of people are more into social media. If a blog is interesting, I wouldn't mind checking it out every day along with social media. I personally still check my favorite blogs as we all know that social media stuff can be quite toxic and badly researched.

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I don't believe that social media can kill off blogs that provide value and relevant content. Social media can be a tool to promote your blog, not supplant it. People will access reputable blogs to gather in-depth information about a subject, something that they can't expect from social media which, of late, had been a home for newly-sprouted 'news' site with their own version of news. Not all people take to social media to read news or content. I use social media to get in touch with family and friends and nothing more. If at all, bloggers can take this as a challenge to turn out read-worthy blog posts.

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From an online marketing perspective, I think blogs and social media are equally effective in promoting products and services. There might be a few differences in how the marketing is executed, but these should be minor in the overall scheme of making a sale. And as each has varying startup and maintenance costs, as well as effectivity under varying conditions, the cost-effectiveness of each, as well as a combination of both, should be studied and compared with each other, to find out which is more appropriate, in achieving optimal revenue.

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No I don't agree that that social media will kill blog. I don't even see blogging dying anytime soon. Media do not die out because of the advent of another media. Let me take you through the history of these media, we have print media and then we have mass media they both coexist with no one dying. Then the advent of website, tabloid and blog and they all coexist, and now again there is social media. The best we will have is all these media coexist while they lean on each other for survival and relevance.

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I do not believe that social media will ever kill off blogs. As a matter of fact, people use social media to access my blogs, and then comment at the blog and re-promote it on social media. I do think that the two mediums can truly compliment each other, and most social media formats are based on shorter content blasts rather than a more exponential writing forum which a blog provides--sometimes, the reader prefers one or the other...

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Hello there! This is not the first time I hear something like that. To be honest, a few months ago I thought that was a fact. Seemed to be like social media and more superficial and short content was killing the magic of reading a great post. But now I think that if you know how to mix them... can be an amazing combination! Through social media you can promote your blog and make it reach thousand of peaple around the world. That's amazing!

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Hi there,
Thanks for your nice query. I do not think bolg will die due to social network popularity. Both has still same popular nowadays. But, recently we know that social network become most popular. At the same time see as quantity of blog popularity, still blog more popular than social network. And think think both one relay with other. For example, you may see many facebook news feed which came from several blog and at the same time if you see many blog published facebook ad on their site via google or somehow. And from their position both stand good position one never less than another. Good things is google always encourage bold owner by good content basis.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Do I thinkpeople read less blogs than see social media? Yes. But I don’t think they’ll die anytime
soon. I mean there are still a lot of purists that like to read long and
quality content and not just look through a bunch of photos with short a

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It is true that many people love to read contents on social media sites than on blogs nowadays but that doesn't mean social media is killing blogs. I believe both work hand in hand, if you can post quality contents on your blog that people are looking for and promote it on social media sites, you will get users to visit your site.

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I think the question should be as blogs taken over print media.Because I think social media is a subset of blogs.Blogs have been in existence before most social media and I think,it will remain same for a long time.Most news on social media are links shared from blogs.So when it's click,one is still directed to a blog site.

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Social media is killing almost all forms of websites on the internet. Why? Because everyone wants information now and they don't want to wait. Why should a person read through a 2,000+ blog post when they can go on social media and ask a question and get a answer faster than it takes to tie a pair of shoes. And I will be honest, it saddens me the direction that the internet is going. But like my doctor says adapt or move on!

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I know it's killing off forums, but not sure about blogs. Anyway, though, there are some that say forums can still make it - despite the competition - and I'm sure the same logic applies to blogs. Well, the strategy would be to simply try harder than usual at a blog. In that case, you'd have a shot, just like the many popular blogs that are still popular (lots of traffic, sharing, engagement).

Note, myself, I find social media as a major help - because it drives traffic to my forums (and it would my blogs also if chose that route).

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Social media sites are user generatedcontent sites. Whether it is a facebook post, a tweet or pin, these are all generated by users. Social media site do not provide information, they are just a platform to share information. You cannot find an article on social media, you find a link to the article. Therefore, social media is not giving any competition to blogs. In fact, social media is helping blogs to reach the audience.

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You could also ask the same thing of forums. But, I think that blogs and forums are here to stay. People are starting to have an adverse reaction to the way information and content are spoon fed to them on social media. YouTube has been criticized and even sued for limiting the organic reach of certain topics and groups. Facebook and Twitter have the same problem. Blogs and forums allow for unfiltered discussions.

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