
Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?

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Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?

Hi, i am a lover of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedln. I like to socialize and make new friends all over the world, because we can share between us new things from the other part of the world. It is hard to visit another country if we don't have any money, but if we have a friend there we can demand him/her picture and more information about it's country. Social media is like an open door for me, is open to see the entire world! Are you member of any of these sites? What does a social site offer to you?


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I have accounts on those three but I don't use Twitter. I personally don't like it even though it's very famous. I just find it complicated for some reason. I feel like I'm reading a reddit post when I'm looking at it. I don't know, maybe it's just me. Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?

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I've never been much for social media, but I'm also not a very social person Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?. I have a YouTube account, if that counts?

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I think when you have very small content to post then you can make use of the twitter. When you have large content to post which needs user interaction then you can make use of the facebook. You can post video and image content for awareness and reaching more people through instagram. Each social network has it's own demand. And that is based on that people should be posting on it. That's how I think.

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I have an account at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Linkedin , Pinterest and Tumblr. Frankly speaking, I do not socialize there. Instead I post short summary of my post and share the URL link there in order to attract traffic to my posts.

That is my intention and it worked!

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You are right Peachpurple, most members on these sites are joining only to advertise their business, and boot their traffic on their sites or blog. Thanks for your answer and have a nice day!

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A social media site offers me the medium to interact with family and friends and likewise catch on the latest trends in the internet and digital marketing world.

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Facebook and only Facebook for me. There is no other social media site that is comparable to it. It out stands all others by it's presentation, working and ease of functioning.

Though I have my accounts in Instagram and Twitter as well I rarely use them. It is only the Facebook which I use everyday

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Facebook for me too. I have other social media account but I spend more time in it since most of my friends are in Facebook.

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I think most of us started accessing social media via Facebook only. Prior to Facebook it was a social media site called Orkut. It also had a great fan following but as Facebook cropped up it soon went into oblivion. I don't know whether we still have it or not.

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I am a member of all three. However, my favorite is definitely Twitter because it isn't based on pictures, like Instagram, and constant irrelevant attention-seeking status updates, like Facebook.

My Instagram account doesn't have any pictures uploaded. It is just a basic account that I use to follow people that I want to. Facebook - I have two profiles, one is for my real life friends and relatives and the other purely business. I honestly don't use it very often though. Twitter is much nicer than both of the other two sites Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?

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I mainly use Twitter and Instagram, both for different reasons. I prefer Twitter out of them because it connects me to the world and keeps me updated. Instagram is more for entertainment purposes, to see what others or maybe your favorite celebrities are up to. I was never a huge fan of Facebook, it's become a lot for me. I understand it can connect people, but I just don't like it. What you mention is one of the perks of social media. It can let you see the world from someone else's perspective.

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I have accounts on all those social medias you mentioned but I use Instagram most.

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Nowadays, I'm only an active user on Instagram. I use Twitter for generating free leads, but solely only for business, no entertainment purposes.

Personally, I'm not a fan of Facebook as a social media platform anymore. I first joined Facebook in 2009, since then, a lot has changed on the website as a whole. I feel too involved when using Facebook. Reacting with different emotions to posts, sharing anniversaries, etc. From a social media perspective, I'm not interested in hearing and reading how people are feeling at that specific moment.

Twitter can be useful from a business perspective. Entertainment-wise, however, Twitter can be equally a waste of time as reading through tabloid after tabloid. If you know how to promote a specific product or service using the trending the hashtags, then you can generate a lot of traffic instantly. The majority of them won't stick, but you'll have some solid leads when the dust settles.

Instagram on a personal level is my favorite. I love the concept of sharing photos and videos, likes, followings, and followers. Nothing more, nothing less! The DM feature is the ideal messaging app. Combine that with the newly implemented "Going Live" feature, Insta is where it's at for me!

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I personally like Instagram more than Facebook and Twitter. I'm a semi professional photographer and i do freelance photography too. I do post lot pictures on my Instagram account mostly traveling pictures related to nature. I do use Facebook for staying in touch with my loved ones and I'm not very fond of Twitter. I was used to be an active user on Twitter but now I mostly use Instagram and Facebook as a social networking sites.

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I use the two networks Facebook and Twitter heavily. Every network has a taste and useful,for example Facebook most of my friends near and far use Facebook,which makes me daily to follow their news on Facebook.Twitter is a beautiful feature that you can easly follow any person and know the news of the first Powell without asking permission and wait like Facebook and also all the news is short and compressed in a way that does not tire of a lot of talk in it . I see Twitter service is similar in one one way or another service breaking news that are prominent and concise .

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Hi, JackDan, if you are a pro in photography I can understand why you like Instagram most, I am not that good in photography but I do own an Instagram account and I do post pictures there, maybe are not a good quality ones but I am sure it connects me with my friends there. My favorite is Facebook and i log in there every day to see what's new in the world.
I want to thank all of you, Raja, Jonathan, Simplymh, Meg, Reginfalange, Tronia, Aniee and Amitkokiladitya for your time and answers to my post!

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I actually prefer using Instagram. Twitter, I've only used a few times when I was finding people to promote my content. And Facebook I've found has been quite dead lately with user interaction from the younger generation which is my target audience.

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Instagram! I'm a very visual person. I work best and understand clearly when things are presented in pictures. Instagram established a name for themselves in the social media field by recognising this. Human beings are generally visual beings and will respond best to what they can see. And if what they see is sharp, very high quality designs/pictures/videos as what you have on Instagram, then it's a winning recipe Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?

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I'm going to go for Facebook as I think it has the most features that are inclined towards connecting with other people. Other social media sites don't have that tiny chat box on the side so you could multitask while reading the news plastered on your Facebook wall. Aside from that, it's also a decent place to get general information from people's opinions on certain matters, simply joining a group would already expose you to a lot of people compared to others where they would barely notice you because everyone is using the same hashtag.

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I am on Facebook more often as I like to join the Facebook groups where we have the same interests or challenges, such as parenting and homeschooling, hence we can support and get help from each other around the world. I might not have a mom friend who think alike as me nearby, but I can always find them online. Facebook group is a good place for us to gain friendship, support and knowledge.

I am still very new to Twitter and Instagram. I am going to explore them soon.

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I have to admit my ignorance of Instagram although I see some Facebook posts that were shared by Instagram. It looks like Instagram is for posting photos only. With Twitter, I understand it completely but I don't get the drift. What is a tweet for? Why would I follow? It used to be just a short message but now tweets can have pictures too.

Facebook is my main social media occupation. I use it to connect to my circle. It is very convenient since I can post and share photos and videos. There's also a private message in messenger. Facebook is now complex with countless of functions like Pages, Groups, etc.

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I also have accounts on those three but I don't use Facebook and Twitter. I am on Instagram more often. I like Instagram more than Facebook, Instagram help me promote my pics since after I made my Instagram account I delete my Facebook account and Twitter account. Instagram also help to communicate with the help of Direct message feature and the live feature is also a good feature. It also has the story feature that allow the users share their stories

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Im a facebook user. I dont use twitter and instagram. The reason why i opened an account with facebook, its to play farmville. Nothing else.

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Hi there
You asking just wow question. Thanks for your realization. yes! I agree with you. Social media now part of our daily life. And we mostly use your mentioned social media to communicate our friends and family. It is too easy to communicate near and dear one. Even we can make new friends without country barrier. We can learn things about costume and culture from here to there even if you do not have ability to visit there. it is really nice part for learning something new. over 99% intent user involve with those popular social media, why not me?

Regards by Ajlancer

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I have account with all the social networks listed. But I am not frequent on Facebook as much as I am on the other two. But for me Facebook is just too heavy and too many advertisements and unnecessary posts on Facebook. If they can make a light Facebook really that will be great. But I favorite instagram most, it is simple and visual yes cool.

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I'm a Facebook user since my friends and family are in it. I used it to connect with my friends and family to chat and shares some photos. I have Twitter and instagram but I rarely used it. You really can't enjoy that account if you don't have your friends in there it seems boring.

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I am on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. However I use Facebook the most. I have a Facebook page where I display my products. I conduct my business through Facebook and that's the reason why I spend so much time over there. I also use Facebook to keep in touch with my friends and relatives. I also follow various news channels on Facebook and rely on them to get my daily news.

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I too enjoy social media, but I'm mainly on Facebook and Instagram though. I'm really passionate about photography and filmmaking, so Instagram is the perfect social media outlet for me. It lets me connect with people who share my passions as well as lets me share my work easily with people all over the world. Facebook could be used much in the same manner, but I typically use it to keep up with friends and family and share my work with them on that platform.

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I'm on the three categories because I'm a very social person and I love to socialize a lot.those days of no social media I used to have pen friends, so it not just social media, I have always been the world lover.So yes, social media made me interact with people the world over, make some money and has given me the avenue to always share my thoughts.

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I would order like this

Because I tried all and I think my site got traffic best from Facebook and next to others.

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I have been a member of Facebook for the past 6 years and have enjoyed my time relating with friends and families on the social network and through that, I have made a couple of business partners as well.

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The firsst social media site that I ever joined was called hi5. I joined this site because I wanted to connect with my friends who were in other countries. later, I found that more friends were using facebook, therefore, I deserted my hi5 and joined facebook. I started using facebook as a personla networking, however, when I began writing online, I found a wonderful way to generate readership. Later, I joined Twitter. I have been using facebook and twitter for many years. I have instagram account, but have not used it much.

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I have also created an Instagram account for testing purposes only but I really haven’t been using it because I don’t find any relevance. Besides, I have no photos to share regularly so I guess Instagram is not really useful for me. Facebook is my main line in social media because it is my connection to the people in my circle who are living far away. Although I do not post every day but I try to check the posts of my friends as a way of interacting with them.

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Instagram is very powerful medium. The site is packed with young people. If you want to reach young people, you should be using Instagram. You can even use Instagram to make money. For example, if you have a large fan following, you can use your account to advertise products, services and business and make money from promotion. You can also work as an influencer marketer on Instagram.

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I personally use these 3 social medias listed. But the one that I use the most is Instagram. Mainly because I like viewing photos and videos more there than on Facebook. I also like posting my photos on Instagram as well. I find myself enjoying using Instagram because sometimes I can also interact directly with those people whom I follow such as my family, friends and some local Youtube beauty enthusiasts.

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