
Social Media 2017 : Twitter Alternatives : Why Use Them?

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Social Media 2017 : Twitter Alternatives : Why Use Them?

Twitter rules! No doubt about it. But are there Twitter alternatives? Yes! Here is a quick list.

  3. BagTheweb
  5. Musteus
  6. Plurk

On the list above, I have used Plurk and would recommend this social network for two reasons:

Reason 1: High Alexa ranking:

"If the network has already risen above that vast sea of online networks and made it to the top, might as well join them!"

Reason 2: It interfaces with Twitter and Facebook.

Link your Plurk account to your Twitter and Facebook accounts. One "plurk" results in a tweet and a status update on FB.

"That's a three-fer social media update with just one click!"

Do you use Twitter alternatives?
What benefits have you derived from being a part of these alternative social networks?


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I have never used Twitter or any of the alternatives. I don't know why but I am just not a fan of twitter. I will check out these alternatives to see how they may measure up to my likeness. I have already subscribed to Facebook and, I will explore the linking option between Plurk and Facebook. Thanks.

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I have found that some of the social media are having a lot of issues with the freedom of speech. And in such case you can find that twitter and facebook are not that good. I have checked out and diaspora. Those seems to be good alternative. You can find that some of such social networks such as GNU social would also replace the twitter in terms of functionality. I have found plurk to be slow bur usable.

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well, this is the first time I am seeing all these sites. And honestly, I don't think there is a need for such. I am occupied with checking facebook and twitter and won't be able to manage another media except of course if it is for a client.

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This is why I love this task daily .paid to comment job exposes one to new content everyday.Never knew about these sites and never knew twitter has alternatives maybe because twitter is more popular.

i will check them out especially of the pros outlined above.

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Do you honestly believe that you get an advantage in using the alternative platforms instead of Twitter? From what I see, the internet is a game of numbers. That’s the main reason why social media networks are trying to eat their competitors. Facebook had bought Instagram and Google had bought Blogger and Youtube. With Twitter teetering on the edge of bankruptcy last year, I guess it has now recovered. And with those alternative sites, I hope they prosper so there will be a good competition.

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I have noticed that some social media sites seem to be country-specific, so if you want to target or reach that population using that tool might give you more exposure. Also, as you mentioned, with the various reports about Twitter teetering on the brink of financial doom, creating an account using a similar tool couldn't hurt. I like to keep them as BACKUPS. I recently heard that China has a search engine that is beating out the Google search engine as far as users in their country. That's how it is in the world of technology. Constant changes. You have to try to keep up. I also agree with you about good competition. It's healthy.

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I am using Twitter and that is enough for me because i am using other social media as well. I don't need any Twitter alternatives, because from all your list Twitter is the best and i use Facebook, Instagram and Likednl, and all of these offer me the chance to socialize and advertise.

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Wow, I have honestly never seen any of those site names before... ever.

Does that mean they're that unpopular compared to Twitter? I love using Twitter and I don't really any benefits in switching to these lesser known platforms since the whole point, especially from the business standpoint is that all of the potential consumers and traffic is on the biggest social media platforms - Twitter is definitely one of them.

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First time of hearing such names. Why are they not well known if I may ask? How old have they been in business? You really don't want to invest your time and energy on a site only to have it fold up after a couple of years.

Also, what are doing differently from the well-known platforms? If there is nothing different being offered, then I will rather stick to my old guys. I am trying to cut out my work and find better ways to maximise my work-time. Hopefully I can get to sleep before midnight daily Social Media 2017 : Twitter Alternatives : Why Use Them?

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I am not aware of these Twitter alternative, but I think I remember reading something about Pluck. I wonder this is gaining more and more popularity. I think it's good that we can share the updates on three sites by only writing once, though we might need to maintain more accounts.

I don't think I am going to try them out, as I would like to learn more about Twitter at this moment.

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I am actually using Twitter and it seems to be a really good social network to me. That's the reason why I never thought about looking for alternatives. I have never heard any of the sites you mentioned above. I don't think I need to use them but I want to do a little research about those sites.

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Curious to know if you ever got around to experimenting with Plurk. Thanks.

I have never had a problem exercising my freedom of speech via social media. In fact, my experience has been it is a fantastic platform for “my voice”. Although I don't really talk that much. Agree with your observation about Plurk.

Most people do just fine using ONLY Facebook and Twitter. The fact is, even though people use alternatives, they only use the alternatives because they can link them to their main social media accounts, i.e Facebook and Twitter.

Agree. Nobody NEEDS the alternatives. But it's good to know they are there. Many of these sites might be in countries where the governments BLOCK ACCESS to Twitter and Facebook. I just learned the other day that China has a different search engine from Google called Baidu. But the social media accounts you use to socialize and to advertise are tried and true.

Not unpopular? They just have not carved out their share of the social media market. They are the little people in the land of the giants. Social Media 2017 : Twitter Alternatives : Why Use Them? Nevertheless, they're working on it! Nobody ever SWITCHES. They just avail themselves of the alternatives and stay loyal to Twitter, at the same time. That's what I've noticed.

Only advantage might be an audience that is not using Twitter. Some people don't like the bigger sites. They feel intimidated and/or lost in the crowd. Some also have privacy concerns and feel the larger networks open them up to dangers. It's just human nature. Most of the time when I've been invited to join a new social network, there was usually a mention that the community was smaller and the people had more in common and the interaction was in a more comfortable and pleasant environment. What can I say? That “idea” gains converts.

Plurk is very popular in Taiwan and if you're trying to reach an Asian audience, according to their Alexa ranking they're really popular.

For me, Twitter is the best and it is free. For me, the alternatives are also free. If I can extract some value from using them, I'll do that as long as the sites are free. I see no reason to pay to use them if Twitter allows free accounts. (O.o)

Thanks everyone for this awesome feedback.

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I think Twitter is definitely here to stay considering its popularity on the social media network. So, I don't see any of the aforementioned sites taking over from them anytime soon.

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I agree. Heard so many about Twitter not being able to survive. But it looks like as long as Donald Trump is the US president, Twitter has to stay alive so he can tweet!! Social Media 2017 : Twitter Alternatives : Why Use Them?

Thanks for your comments.

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UPDATE 8/16/2018:

I created an account with PLURK. For me the site had no VALUE ADD. I don't think the members of this network were interested in my content and my friends who were there stopped being active. My last login was March 2018. Also, it works better on a mobile device and I was using my laptop.

I'm rocking Twitter though. I have multiple accounts. A general account, mainly used for home biz stuff; one for food and drink; one for online shopping; one for health; one for cryptocurrency investing; and one for my randomness.

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When it comes to social media, I have experimented before with the alternative for Facebook but I’d say Facebook is different. It is hard to describe but the popular social media. I am not much active in Twitter but my question is why do we need to use the alternative platform, what do we get as an advantage over using Twitter? All our followers are in Twitter and shifting to another platform will make us start again. That was my experience in Instagram. It’s not easy to start from scratch.

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If you have been following the news then you know about the data breaches of the main social media platforms. Experimenting with other platforms is just providing you information about alternatives if you need to know.

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I keep up with Twitter because I have yet to find a comparable social media tool. There are many who recommend alternatives just like I have in this post, but honestly! … by comparison … they really don't compare. That's my humble opinion.

This article (link below) was published 2 days ago (Dec 2, 2018) and the Number 1 Alternative to Twitter is Tumblr. Whew! That's a relief. I'm already using Tumblr. The Number 2 Alternative is Instagram. Whew! Another relief. I'm already an Instagram user. But if you allow me to volunteer my opinion, these 2 platforms aren't anything like Twitter. Why would someone consider them as an alternative?

There are about 10+ alternatives listed in this article by Good to know because … you never know!

Best Apps Like Twitter 2019 | Twitter Alternatives - iFindHub

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