
10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

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10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

Hello. In one of my last posts, I posted on the 16 Types of Facebook User and asked, which one are you? Which got a fairly good response! I guess people take this Social Media / Facebook stuff to heart quite well!? Well in this post, I want to do something similar, except, instead of talking about the types of Facebook users there are and which one you might be, I'm going to post on some of the types of people ruining social media that you can find on social media today. Just for kicks and a bit of laugh! 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media 

1. The Quoter
You know the type - they constantly quote, quote and requote people and what they have said. Like I can't already see it! Hold up "Socrates"! While I/we do like the occasional inspirational boost in the morning. Enough's enough already! Just please take a moment to step off your soap box and making out like you have it all together. Also, while I'm saying this, please stop posting on "how to dance in the rain". If I see it any more I'm going to track you down and beat you over the head with my UMBRELLA!

2. The Regurgitator
We all grew up with that one annoying friend or sibling that would forever repeat everything that you, or someone else said, to try and drive you stir crazy. Ever had a friend that kept asking why to everything? It's the equivalent. They are the types of people that follow people more clever than they are and then repeat everything they, or you say just to drive you crazy. It's like, come up with an original thought or status update every once and while please!

3. The Spammer
Ahh the spammer, it's as though they never sleep! They're always there or always have something to say to shove down your throat. And they also pay to have all their posts sponsored so that you cannot escape them and are haunted by them on a daily basis like an unrepentant sin! Enough's enough already! The plus side to these people though, is that if you need 100k followers or likes on your post, they're never too hard to find lolol..

4. The Masturbator
When you have something to say, you say it. And you say it because you liked it. That's enough for most people. And you leave it at that. But the masturbator goes one step further by liking all of their own posts. They actually like, favorite, tweet and retweet their own social media posts over and over again. Plus when you say something nice and or positive about them, they like/share/reshare/tweet/retweet it over and over again. OMG it must be tiring being that awesome! 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

5. The Automator
If you're the type of social media user that tries to sell wellington boots during a downpour at Glastonbury or you even make the odd inappropriate comment about how your Instagram is "blowing up right now", even during the most inappropriate of times during the nations history. Well that is because you are a social media automator! Or you're just insensitive or stupid or both! And we get it!! You place a lot of value in consistency and efficiency, you're on a roll so why should you stop? And we know you have a really really long list of things you need to do on a daily basis, sure, we all do. Well, one of the things you can check off of that list is "sucking at social media". Mission success! 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

6. The Slacker
Oh woe is to the slacker! The procrastinator of social media. I mean, if you're going to use it, at least use it more properly. There's nothing better than a well formed post or update on one social site than the same one across all of your social sites. That's the digital life of a slacker for you! They are too lazy and inept to handle and manage all social networks differently but not that inept they can't sync them all together just leaving a incestuous stream of a mess of posts all over Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and train wreck of disaster on Pinterest..

7. The Linker
The Linker, he or she is very much like the spammer and the automator, but they are the worst kind since they are usually on your friends list and there only purpose in life is to drop a link into every chat message chance they get. Updated a status about your new puppy? They'll post a link to their blog about wellington boots! To the linker, social media is nothing more than a traffic generator to them lol. In their minds, there is much logic and method to the madness! They way they see it is like this; Tweet your blog post once a day and share on social media, get 10 hits. So that must mean if you link to your blog 1000 times a day, you'll get 10,000 hits. Post 10,000 times and get 100,000 hits. It makes perfect sense see! Yeah if you want people to not like you and not ever talk to you in case you get link bombed by them! lol.. 

Do you like these? Do you want more of them? 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

I'll post more of them soon on other types of social media users that are ruining social media and making it a less nice place to be too from, instigators, drinkers, vanishers, venters, eaters, SEOers, Oopsers, taggers and more. Just for kicks! 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

Are you any of these types of social media user?

What other types of social media users are ruining social media today?




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You forgot one type, the type who doesn't like anything and leaves negative feedback all over the page. Some people think the world revolves around them, and if it doesn't meet their expectations, everything is terrible and wrong. I don't like those posts either.

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It's bad of them and whenever that I have an encounter with any, I don't like talking much about my personal life as well.

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I have luckily never had to encounter any of these types of people but I do know that these types exist. It's the worst for businesses if people leave bad reviews/comments on their social media pages because it can be extremely damaging to the business brand especially if it is not true at all and just a person being annoying.

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Yes, well take Amazon for instance, there are always a certain segment of people who do not like anything they are presented with. There could be a product that has 50 5 star reviews, but there will always be 1 or 2 people, who do not like a product no matter how great it is.

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Though I'm only active on my Facebook page because of my family outside the country but I try not to indulge so much because of characters like this, especially the spammers I get so irritated when one person litter everywhere with worthless post and sometimes I believe they do it purposely to gain attention albeit in a wrong way.Not to talk about the nose-parkers and hypocrites.We can't help it Social media is just like a marketplace with so many characters in there.

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I could guess they could be bored and that's the reason they let out their feelings on the internet at the end.

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i had to unfollow one of my relatives because i found her posts hateful and disturbing. you never really know people i guess.

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Same here, I am annoyed with posts that are nonsense as if the poster is just seeking attention. Sometimes I come across a one-liner that says nothing but just telling the present situation like “just woke up” or “having lunch” which are really nonsense to me. But that is social media. It is a venue to express what we want and to showcase our personality and attitude hence people would know if you are dumb or smart.

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I can't stand all of these, but I must admit that I do post links a lot to promote my own sites and my blogs. I do not seem to lose friends over it, but I preface some of these posts periodically with a bit of a disclaimer that if you do not want to be bothered with the update just skip it and move on, etc. I guess I am somewhat confessing to worrying about being an annoying social media "persona", but so far things have never been negative towards my posts. I detest spammers and automators and block them as soon as possible or report them if need be. We have to weed through a lot of annoying things out there in order to get to the good stuff, but I still believe that social media, if used maturely and responsibly, can be a source of fun, information, knowledge, and inter-connectivity.

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Putting a disclaimer is what differentiates someone that care and others. It would make your friends understand that it was a for a purpose.

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I appreciate you saying this, and it does reassure me, to an extent. I do care about my online perception, and I do not want to annoy others like I have been annoyed myself online by certain practices. I also do not want to miss out on certain opportunities which advertising on social media can provide for me, so it's a tough tightrope to walk learning how to do this with cordiality and courtesy simultaneously with business savvy.

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I agree with this too. I think you are letting your readers know that they don't need to be bothered with clicking on your link if they don't want to. It is just polite really, and a good thing to do if you don't want to lose friends.

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Number 4 is one of the most annoying for me. I just hate those people that think that liking, retweeting or sharing their own content is a good idea because it just looks pretty silly, to be honest. I don't see how it benefits them in any way and it just annoys people as well.

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I think they are just trying to boost their posts by doing so. It's not a big deal for me as long as they stay on their own.

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Making series of posts on a daily basis is not that bad, and that's the reason we login and see those posts. I don't see much bad on making and liking my character.

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My favorite is the one that is always posting negative things on social media, but insist that they are positive. Like no, you are not positive at all since you spend your days posting a lot of negative things. For instance, I have this one friend of a friend, not even my real friend but I would feel bad if I removed them from my friends list. They would spend all day positing negative things about their life. For instance, if they didn't like someone's attitude, or even if a stranger was to look at them while they were walking down the street they would respond like this:

"So today I got death stared buy a [stranger] walking down the street! I felt so scared for my life, almost as if they were trying to kill me! I kid you not! They kept looking at me. I was mortified! Ugh, why does this always happen to me."

Copy/paste from their actual page (latest update):

Omg just bought a donut at [gas station] it looks like someone just bit off a piece and put it back.. get your shit together [gas station] that is so gross!!!!
(heavily edited because they type like this: omg jus bought a doughnut at [gas station] yo it looks like a piece was chewed the f*** off by someone and their *ss decided to put it back, (more cussing)... .. yeah you get the point... )

I so want to just delete them and i will at the right moment, for now i block their postings, but i still somehow see some.. 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

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Years ago when I decided to work online to earn income, I realized that social media was the primary way to reach an audience of readers and customers. The type of people you describe in Numbers 1 through 10? They are pretty much the same kind of folks you encounter if you work a regular 9 to 5 job where you have to physically come into work every day. (Some of those folks might be your boss or in higher positions.) The good thing about social media is you can delete or block those types of people, so they don't ruin your social media experience. However, if you work in the same building or office and need to try to get along, you don't have that option. LOL. 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

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I must admit when I am on social media I never get irritated because I believe everyone has a right to say or do what they want to. I must admit that I am a quoter. I love my quotes, I soak myself in them and they keep me going especially during hard times. There is nothing wrong with passing on this knowledge, it may help someone who is having a rough time in life. Social media is now a business and a platform for people to advertise their products so I'm not going to castigate those who use it to their advantage. As time goes by the will learn to be less obvious.

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Ha! If you got rid of everyone on that list, there would be no one left on social media. That said, the only people who grind my gears are those who air their dirty laundry. It is the equivalent of a husband and wife fighting on the front lawn for the whole world to see. The worst are those who will post a screenshot of an argument with a significant other or ex. That is so low rent.

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If you got rid of everyone on that list, there would be no one left on social media
Exactly what i wanted to replay to this. So if we really wipe off all of them, then you only left with few family friends to communicate, then it's not, social media any more, just sit with them and have cup of coffee and chit chat 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

Also i don't support any of these mentioned here, but i guess that's what social media networks are turned in = Bla Bla + Spank them all + use them as much you can + who cares..........

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Yeah, i happen to agree with that. If I unfriend everyone on my facebook that meets the criteria as posted above then my friends list would only be like 10 people. Even some family members would be removed.

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Unfollow them all and who you left with??? = Close your social media profile and go for a walk 10+ Type of Social Media Users that Make Me Not Want to Use Social Media

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Among those 10+ reasons I wouldn't want to use the social media, spamming and masturbating are the two most cogent reasons. These are the two major reasons I personally have for not wanting to continue using the social media. I always found that spammers leverage these social networks to defraud a lot of people with their garnished scams. People fall easily for these and regret falling for them when they realize they were dealing with spammers.

Masturbators also leverage these social media sites by uploading images and videos that can make the youths commit atrocities. If the social media had not allowed these, they would have been a social industry for anyone to use.

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I honestly don't follow that many people and what annoys me most is really just little things here and there and not from the people I follow. Usually I will get annoyed if on any particular day I will get more notifications than I would like, but I tend to just let that go because it doesn't happen everyday anyway. If one of the people I follow starts to act weird then I just unfollow them because it really isn't worth my energy to hate on them when I could just fix the problem with a few button clicks.

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What I do hate the most are those people who always post of everything that they do or have. When they woke up, brushing teeth, breakfast, OOTD, drinks at Starbucks, food at a restaurant, not feeling well, snack time, mirror selfie, rant, dinner and more. As if we do care to know every inch of their life. I do also hate the 4.1 Upgraded Masturbator, where not only they like their own post, but they also comment on their own post and what's worse is they're the first comment. It feels like they're talking to themselves online and want it to broadcast. That's the reason why I don't often use social media anymore. I do open it from time to time to get some news, information about my family/friends/relatives and when I'm bored and want to watch any cool videos.

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I don’t know how you would classify my pet peeves in social media. Aside from the spammer, I also hate people who post their rants and who share religious items that say you should reply amen otherwise you will suffer bad luck. What’s irritating with rants is that there is no name so sometimes I get the impression that the poster is quarreling with me. With the sharer of religious items, I don’t really know why they think that they will go to heaven by doing that. I am turned off by those kind of social media users.

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It is the people who use Social Media as their own bragging site that annoy me the most. If you believe the posts, their kids are over-achievers, spouses spoil them every day, and their meals are all from five star restaurants. They are in fact regular people pretending to live this golden life.
Am I jealous? Well, to be honest sometimes a little bit - yes. It's hard to feel enthusiastic about your fried egg sandwich for dinner while browsing photos of someones sushi feast.
The fact is, it is not right, this "show off" mentality. With depression ever increasing, social media can have an extremely negative influence on our lives - if you do not have the ability to realise it is actually NOT a depiction of real life.

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Among those categories of social media users, the only one that makes using the social networks enunciating to me are the spammers. They leverage those social networking sites to share lots of garnished scams and succeed in frustrating a lot of people online. They have succeeded in making so many people determine that they can't work online let alone making money online.

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There are tons more of the kind, the Alive-- always going live on everything. The sourpuss--who constantly complain on everything, etc. I used to categorize social media users too and get annoyed by their types. The types that you mentioned here and a whole lot more in between. However, I realized I can also be categorized as someone who is condescending. That the rest of the users are annoying, and the types of me-- the one who observes the rest of the social people are annoying. So I stopped once I realized I fall in another slot altogether. While I still get annoyed from different dramas found on social medias, I have to keep a mental note that each one has a role to play in order to make the social media running. And instead of focusing on the annoying people on it, I should just use it to my advantage and my preference. So right now, when I get too much from a certain person about his/her posts, I just unfollow them and move on. These days though, I find so much humor in reading the comments section of some of the major news outlets in the world and I just keep myself entertained.

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There is this person who has been sending me links to items on sales at her store and she has been doing this nearly every day. This is really annoying and I have now stopped checking all messages received from her. There is another person who keeps updating his status every hour. I don't want really want to know what he's been doing all day long. Anyway, this world is made up of all kinds of people and this is what actually makes life more interesting. lol

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The spammer is the worse I think, the worse place for the spam as well as in WordPress comments and also forums. Every time I login to my forum admin area I always get a ton of users waiting to join but looking at their email address I know why they want to join.

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Nice classifications about social media users. I am not any of types of those. I think the next 9 qualities you can publish. I have to check myself which types of social media users category I qualify. I like to get sales or lead from my every social media post but I forget every time to use hashtag for getting sales or lead. I like stay online so that peoples of worldwide friend circle can see me I am online and they can ping me.


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Anyone has a right to complain. However social media is just that, social. A place for people with the same qualities and interests to interact.My advise if people irritate you on social media, unfollow them or unlike them.Twitter has started suggested people you should unfollow, so this is unhelpful.

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