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Starting up a business isn't always easy, but if you use freelancers to help get the work done it will be like you're a fortune 500 company right from the beginning. When it comes to stating up your own business, you're the one at risk of failure and being overworked due to all the tasks you haave to do as the CEO. But if you use a load of freelancers to get a lot of the work done, you obviously won't have to do it yourself. I would estimate that by 2020, 40% of the US population may be doing some form of online freelancing. This means there are a lot more people working online and you can use their skills to help propell you into more success. Now this doesn't mean that they all will be online 10+ hours a day, they will likely be doing this super part time which means 1-5 hours a week. I think that they will basically log on if they have an order through a platform like SEOclerks or ListingDock, finish the order and then log off until they get another order.
In this discussion I will go over the 11 ways you can utilize freelancers when you decide to start up a website or business
1. Your Website
When it comes to people stumbling on your website, you have to think of it as handing out your business card to a stranger. They will evaluate you based on how it looks and functions, which is kind of a horrible thing, but people still do it. You could have the ugliest website design and have the best service in the world, but you'd get almost no emails. You could have the best design in the world and the sh*ttiest service but become a millionaire. People judge you based on your design, so hire a freelancer if you can't do this yourself
2. Logo Design
A nice looking logo paired up with a responsive design that is cutting edge will always close more deals than you calling 1,000 companies in a day. Have a great logo will make you look like an instant authority, so don't skimp on it. Luckily for you, there are plenty of great designers here on SEOclerks, I like using Sajeewa for all my logos
3. Social Media Managers
In todays world you need to be on social media. This part of the job as a CEO will take a good amount of time, so be sure to outsource it if you can. Find someone that can post, like, comment and respond to inquiries for you so that you don't have to worry about anything. It's better to have someone do everything on all your platforms than have 10 poeple to 10 different things. One person can manage everything better and work well between platforms by cross posting than multiple people can.
4. Writers
Hiring writers won't seem like the best investment in the beginning, but you need to remember that content is king and you should never forget it. Get loads of content on your website so that you can eventually pull in loads of traffic from the search engines when your website does become an authority.
5. Video Design
Having someone make intro videos and explainer videos will free up a ton of time for yourself. If you aren't familiar with how video editing works, just remember that people go to college for this and if you did it yourself it would take a really long time lol.
6. Research
Hiring someone to do market research is always beneficial because you may not know what to look for. This is also good for when doing PPC campaigns because some people are certified and can help you do everything in a way to save you money in a short amount of time by optimizing your campaigns in the beginning rather than you split testing and figuring out what works.
7. Public speaking and pitching
When it comes to getting your idea funded, you may not always be the best speaker. Sure you could set up a nice looking power-point presentation, but can your words back up your slides? If you hire someone to pitch for you, you're going to increase the chances of getting that contract or having an investor throw money at you.
8. Business Taxes
I don't think I've ever done my own business taxes because we always send it to the same office near where we live. I've done my personal taxes and even now I send them to the same company to do them so that it's all under one roof lol. Having a CPA look over your taxes may cost a couple hundreds bucks, but it can get you a lot of deductions you may have missed yourself and possibly a nice refund if possible
9. Patent Attorney
When it comes to trademarks you will want to see what you can work with and what you can't. Hiring a patent attorney to check out what you can use is always better because if you just go at something, it could be trademarked and then you have to hand over all your hard work or delete it. Usually you can just delete the work and that's it, but there are some companies that don't care about you and will hit you with a law suite. So by hiring a patent attorney in the beginning to look over everything is better than hiring him to defend you when you get sued lol.
10. Help Desk
You can have people manage your emails and support tickets for a few bucks a week. They will basically be your assistants but in a virtual world, or a Virtual Assistant (VA). I use these types of freelancers for all sorts of things from answering support tickets to data entry.
11. Programming
I myself am pretty horrible at programming of any sorts. I always outsource this work to a few different programmers that I've found over the years. The work they can do in 10 minutes would take me months, and that's why they always get my business lol. Remember, time is money
In Conclusion:
You can't do everything by yourself and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can be on your way towards being successful online Of course you might not be able to outsource everything right at the start due to low funding, but in time you can have someone pick up a job here and there to lessen your work load
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This is a kind of mutual benefit system that will help both the parties to earn well and good. The wide range of people being employed, all with a different outlook, will ensure diversity and quality control of the work as well. With the increasing advent of freelancing, your post will act a great motivation for all the free lancers. The wide range of work opportunities suggested by you will go a long way in helping both the free lancers as well as the employers. This is a kind of mutual benefit system that will help both the parties to earn well and good. The wide range of people being employed, all with a different outlook, will ensure diversity and quality control of the work as well.
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