
Auto Twitter? Does that help?

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Auto Twitter? Does that help?

Has anyone used "auto Twitter" services and found that they help? Limiting your Twitter contacts to Real Twits, getting retweeted with original live human comments, actually engaging with followers, definitely makes it take longer to boost your following...but it makes your Twitter stream more credible. Any A/B testing out there? Which way boosts actual sales?


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I have never used auto tweet. However, I have bot followers. I don't know how bots happened to follow me,however, these bot followers generate views for my tweets.
If you are a great influencer on twitter and have many followers,but don't have time to interact,I think automated service will be a great help.

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How do people get these bots? I was in a site that had so many. They autovote andcthat is good. I never knew twitter had them.

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I wonder how you got to know that you have bot followers. And it is also a wonder how they came about. Perhaps some smart guys are testing their bots and your Twitter account was one of the targets. Now they see that their experiment is successful. But how do you reason out to Twitter that you have nothing to do with those bots? Your account may be penalized for that.

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I have used hootesuite, and few others. And all of those services were used for scheduling. And that is something I wish twitter has it on it's own. I wish not to use those services unless I make money. So for clients services I can use it. And it may helps a lot in managing those accounts. But overall I think it's better to manually post tweets and get in touch with users out there as well.

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I use a combo. The automated tweets keep my post stream populated. As I am busy working on a variety of other work-at-home projects I spend most of my time doing that work. I try to set aside certain times during the week when I dedicate 1 to 3 hours doing manual posts and also rechecking my automated posts. Sometimes those automated posts sort of come through looking like spam. Also I like using BufferApp, an alternative to HootSuite. It requires a little bit of manual labor (because I'm using the free plan) but when the posts finally appear in your social media posts stream, they look very nice and professional!

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Yes some of the time being online and active can be a good thing. And people can make the most out of that socialize experience too. Because people don't like automated tweets and replies. So it's helpful to be online for this. I hope to mix some of the sites too. But it's kind of harder if you ask me.

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If you use an auto twitter it could be helpful to get traffic from twitter. I think it would be great if it does post with originals blog links rather than any link shorteners service. Shortened links look spammy and no one like to go through that link. You can create a lot of links to your blog online if you post them originally.

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Have a wonderful day.

Application programming interface based social media marketing can help you a lot about auto tweeting. Here auto tweet, retweet and likes means whenever you will publish a new tweet- 100+ re tweet and like will come instantly as per your previous set up. API based websites gives this facility. But for comment you have to use hashtag based social media marketing policy. Re tweet and likes will work every time.


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Not sure what you mean by "Auto Twitter". I have never used a service by that specific name. But I have used services that automatically tweet for me. It is helpful. As for retweets, those I handle personally.

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I've actually never tryed out auto twitter, although it does sound quite appealing. I might have to give it a shot. Thanks for recommending this!

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I've never used a product like that and probably never will for the foreseeable future. I like to engage with my followers on Twitter and create a friendly and personal environment - using an auto-posting program would take away from that aspect. I know it takes a lot of time to build up your social media profiles but it's worth it.

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I'm not entirely too sure about this. Is it possible for apps on phones or other computers to regard autotweets as spam and therefore, not displaying them on your twitter feed? Also, if a twitter user sees that you've been auto-tweeting, it gives off the impression that there isn't much of a connection to be made between him/her and you.

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I actually prefer you do it without auto twitter. Actual interaction with your "audience" is really important. The relationship is "organic" and that actually increases the trust they have on you rather than having bot followers. I myself appreciate someone who interacts with his audience as it seems more natural.

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I have never used Auto Tweet, and I don't think I will use it near future. I prefer to see who really see my posts and tweet. A real person would interact with me much easier and trust me better if I 'm not using the auto Tweet.
The auto tweet is better for a business owner not for a user like me!

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I have only used regular Twitter, in fact didn't know about the Auto-Twitter. For me, nothing like the real experience to read and be read, it feels great to get more followers, and re tweet their opinions. But if you are a super busy person, i think Auto- Twitter is the option for you.

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