
5 bad habits to avoid on social media

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5 bad habits to avoid on social media

Sometimes small business owners have some bad habits on social media that they need to work on.  Some people even think that social media for their businesses is over rated, which is ridiculous lol.  If this is you then you need to rethink your plan of action and get into social media already, but be careful because posting on your personal account is different than a business account.

You'll need to embrace social media when it comes to your business.  You need to enjoy, or pay someone to enjoy, posting to your social media platforms to engage with your customers since that's where they are most of the time.  

In this discussion I'm going to go over some bad habits that you either need to break or avoid entirely when posting to social media platforms.  If you're doing any of the things I listed in this discussion then you're probably not getting a great ROI for anything Social Media related and that would explain why you might be one of the people saying you don't need it 5 bad habits to avoid on social media

5 Bad Habits To Break Or Avoid

  1. Discussing anything related to Politics or Religion
    Some business owners want to post their own personal opinions about politics and religion on their businesses social media pages, but you should avoid doing this.  Sure you may be one religion and someone else is another, but that shouldn't be injected into your social media posts.  You're targeting a lot of people and if you start offending them, they won't stick around to see what else you post.

  2. Too Much Information
    When you're posting to your social media pages, you need to remember that your competition can be watching you.  You won't want to come out and say "We'll be discounting this item by 25% starting a week from today!" because then your competitors can be ready for that and do the sale the next day which would siphon a lot of your sales if they did it right.  Be descriptive but vague by saying something along the lines of "Be ready to receive an email from use with a discount code for certain items on our website.  Sign Up HERE" and then link it to your newsletter page to not only make your competition now know what you're doing but to also increase your list size 5 bad habits to avoid on social media

  3. Social Media Doesn't Matter!
    Some people think that social media is just a bunch of pointless posts on facebook and twitter that do nothing but waste time and take up space online.  Well that's not true at all because if you run a good social media marketing campaign you will notice that a lot of sales can be generated through social media platforms because that's where the people are 5 bad habits to avoid on social media  If you ignore the fact that social media is a great sales and lead generation source, then you're already losing to your competitors lol.

  4. Thinking as yourself and not your customers
    Have you ever hear the saying "Treat others how you want to be treated"?  Well that's how you should view your customers.  If you're on a website and it's hard to contact someone or you actually do contact someone and get a super plain response, you're not going to be too interested.  If you have active social media profiles, you're going to have people treating them like your contact us page, it's inevitable.  If you get a question from someone on facebook and your response is "You can contact us at (phone number) or email us at (your email)" then you're going to have a bad time.  People are on social media platforms and if they ask a question there, they want the answer there as well.

  5. Don't ignore reviews
    You need to treat all the reviews as little golden nuggets that do all the selling for you.  Studies have shown that when someone sees a good or bad review on a social media page they are likely to treat that the same as if a family member or close friend was saying it.  Reviews can make or break a business, so monitor the reviews and try to come to a good outcome whenever a bad review does get posted.  Contact the person who posted it and try to make them happy.  Of course you can't make everyone happy, but at least you can try 5 bad habits to avoid on social media

In Conclusion:
You'll need to get on social media if you want to be competitive.  If you're doing any of the 5 social media cardinal sins, you need to stop right away.  Be professional, don't share too much info, help out your followers/readers and they will in turn love you even more 5 bad habits to avoid on social media

Remember to follow me!




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Great post!

I think social networks are getting boring more and more generally and the big culprit for that is simply the people themselves.

I particularly like to have good sense in social networks just as I have in my personal life, but unfortunately people do not think that way.

I think your tips are fundamental and this should be publicized so that a lot of people can learn to use social networks properly.

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There are probably more other habits that one should refrain from but the five you mentioned are the main one that people should pay attention too. Giving too many personal information is obviously a bad idea. It is also advisable to not share your location for security purposes.

Most introverts are the ones who are vulnerable to cyber threats, attacks and bullies because they spend too time much online and end up revealing what they should not.

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My sister is the opposite of what you mentioned about giving information. In fact, I advised her not to be in Facebook because she appears to be paranoid. When someone she doesn’t know would like her post, she would immediately suspect that it is a troll or a stalker or even someone who is investigating her. But I agree that giving too much information in social media can be a risk to you because of the hackers.

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I agree with all of the habits you've listed. I want to emphasize the important of the first one. You shouldn't avoid just religion and politics but ANY possible controversial topics - always try to be as neutral as possible and keep your opinion on such things to yourself because you don't want your business to suffer due to it (this includes racism, sexism, any type of discrimination, abortion, offensive jokes, gossip, and so on).

Another bad habit that I know quite a few people have is spamming your followers with posts and tweets. Please refrain from posting 10 things in one day, or 5 things within one hour. It will only annoy people and they will either put you on blocked, ignore list or remove you from their social media.

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Procrastination on social media is the worst one. And it's more common than we all think! When your friends or relatives follow your business page, you can easily see their bio and receive news from them. This will make you lose a lot of time you can spend working on your actual business! My advice is, use one account for business and a different one for personal purposes.

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I truly agree with all of this. Good job on putting this together. It can help a lot of people.

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One of the main things that you should avoid doing in social media is stop spamming. Spamming means posting too much. You should never use social media to show your narcissism.
Interaction is very important in social media. You must interact with those who reply and comment on your post.
Reciprocation is also vital, you should reciprocate your audience.

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I have found that politics, religion and feminism is often turning out in debate. And it never ends with good discussion. So in our group we try to avoid those discussions. You can find that it can be harder to manage such discussion later. So it's always better to have some sort of rule on page and the group that can manage the social media pages lot better.

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We need to avoid these topics. However, what if our contents are on these topics. I once wrote and published an article about "Headscaft" I shared the article on facebook. The discussion was heated, however, it was good for me because I was getting a lot of traffic. I did not publish the article to make it a controversial topic, my intention was to throw some light on the topic.

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Yes many people end up having the issues with those topics. And I have seen many have unfriended each other due to those topics. I think we can't always be on the new topic and discussing random things though. Some of the time we have to stick with the randomness of the social media. And work with different types of the content if possible. Some of the thing about the social media are harder to learn without experience.

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You have a point. However, it is also true that you cannot please everyone. Recently, a friend of mine posted about Donald Trump. There was a heated discussion. The Democrats supported her point, however, the Republicans castigated. You cannot please both, you will always have to choose a side.

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That is true. And that's one more reason why I prefer to avoid those discussion. I think it's odd that liberal people are being intolerant these days. And they don't want to even hear the opposite point of view. And it can be dangerous in that context. I hope that things change though sooner.

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thanks for the information, it's useful for me as I build my brand online, and Facebook is on top of the social media mountain, and without a solid foundation on Facebook your business could move slow.

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When you are sharing your link on the social network then you should write an attractive description with it. Think that if you were a visitor then how would you like to see a line that shows your product and its qualities.

It is a good idea to keep communicating with your followers and visitors. Ask them about their preferences.

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Thank your for posting this, I agree with everything written in this article. This may open someone's eyes and spare a heartache.

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For sure, politics or religion should be a given to never discuss on social media especially in front of strangers.

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I can't believe you have to tell businesses owners this. It's like they forget or don't realize that social media is just another form of advertising.

Would you place an ad for your car repair service and say:

Get quality service at a great price. Guaranteed!
By the way, we're Jehovah's Witnesses and support POTUS Trump, in case you're interested.

If a dissatisfied customer posted a bad review online about your business, and said they took their car to your shop and you replaced a good car engine with a bad one and charged them two times what other car repair shops charge for the work. Would you ignore that?

Of course not!

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True post, this is also applicable to me the last habit which is review. i check reviews to know peoples mind about a post. This will actually guide when using the social media.

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I agree with everything in here. Especially the one about not posting religious stuff. If there's something I've learned, it's that don't ever put religion into something because it would separate people even more. Be open to other people and their perspectives in life, try not to shove certain things down their throat.

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I remember the old adage--about what not to talk about at the kitchen or dinner table: sex, religion, and politics. It seems to still be true, to a degree, in social media...I guess we are still at the virtual dinner table. However, this can be a stifling way to utilize the possibilities of social media. We need to obviously talk to people outside of our normal or "safe" circles, and I think that our civilization, culture, and society grows with the discussion of these hot button issues in the social arena. The ancient Greeks had the "agora" where these issues were discussed in public every day. However, all that being said, people need to be considerate of one another, and, when you have someone who ONLY uses social media as a political or religious or gender soapbox, it can be very abrasive. A common sense balance needs to be struck, and reason and respect should always prevail in any conversation, virtual or not.

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That's a very informative post. I have actually seen people being banned from forums due to the way they expressed their views about religions. As for politics I always ignore such posts as I don't really want to contribute on such topics. I am actually very careful concerning what I share on the social media with my customers. I make sure that I am not providing any information which will put me at a disadvantage. I use the social media to advertise my products and I have been successful so far. Customer complaints are for sure very helpful as they guide me about what I must improve in my business.

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I want to add one more view on this discussion. I don't agree with #1. Well social media is a place to discuss everything including religion and politics. Have you noticed, these days during the election, the candidates are very active on facebook and twitter. It is very common to see politicians campaigning on social media. If the leaders are doing this, why can't the followers.
Religion can be a tricky issue. However, everyone needs a place to have his say. If you want to speak about Islam, you can do it however, you should stop spreading hate.

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Your #1 is the most important for me. Never discuss religion or politics. As what my father had said, if you want a debate then start a topic on religion or politics and the talks will not end. In fact, some of my Facebook friends who are also my personal friends have been posting about the local politics since they are fans of our president Duterte. But I always ignore their posts and I never react to them, not even clicking the like just to avoid any argument. Likewise with religious posts, I also ignore them just to be on the safe side.

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