
Company poll: Would you like to create/vote on Polls?

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Company poll: Would you like to create/vote on Polls?

Good afternoon freelancers, to you who use, read, post to and interact with the Community FAQ here, the posts on it, peoples questions and the other of you that do. Not to leak out highly sensitive company secrets or anything lol, Company poll: Would you like to create/vote on Polls? but I heard from an echo that the powers that be were thinking about introducing polls to the Community FAQ here. It was more of a statement really about how they/we/it need them.

And that made me wonder, do, would and why would it/us/we need polls for And obviously everyone knows, because polls are and can be very cool to have and very revealing/insightful/fun to start yourself, vote on and interact with and see which of the choices is the most popular. Which is cool but they could be very good for the SEOClerks Community FAQ. So yeah!! Hope you don't mind me leaking this but I thought I had to use my initiative and put a poll out about having polls here.

Yeah I thought it sounded really good and would personally love to see it. Because polls are great conversation starters and are very magnetic by nature. They bring people together, make them come back and are highly shareable. So the need, I'm guessing, would be for all those reasons, and more. I mean, it makes sense anyway. Because we're a community. And communities like forums and social networks have and make use of polls and all sorts of media elements and interactive gizmos/widgets and that. Facebook adopted polls long ago for these reasons.

Polls, on the SEOClerks Community FAQ. Optional of course, (you can still create normal post) but would be really cool to create polls on things and find out the truth about what people prefer and stuff. On things like SEO especially!

Some possible basic 2 choice poll idea examples:

  • Google vs Yahoo vs Bing
  • Hootsuite vs Massplanner vs whatever
  • SEMrush vs Buzzsumo vs Moz etc
  • Blog Commenting vs Forum Posting
  • Guest Posting vs Article Marketing
  • SEO vs SMM etc etc
  • Apple vs Samsung
  • Razzy vs Chuck Norris
Either two or multiple choice answer polls of all sorts and kinds! Company poll: Would you like to create/vote on Polls?

So I just thought I'd post this just to put the feelers out there and see what people think! Company poll: Would you like to create/vote on Polls?

Should the SEOClerks Community FAQ have polls?

Would you like to use them or you don't really care?

What pros and cons can you think of on (for/against) them?

What are some possible good, useful or fun polls we could create?

I personally think it would be really cool and am all for it Company poll: Would you like to create/vote on Polls?


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Same here. Polls can be a nice feature to have in a content-based community like this one!
You gave us some nice examples of possible polls, I'm especially interested in finding out what the SEOclerks community is using in terms of SEO tools, like the "SEMrush vs Buzzsumo vs Moz" example poll.

Second, together with polls maybe we should also have "debates" where the users can vote with "Agree" or "Disagree" on various statements regarding the SEO and online marketing industry.

So yeah, I'm all in for additional features, the FAQ section is growing and should continue to develop and introduce new stuff.


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I agree with you both. When I made my first discussion on SEOclerks I remember I was looking for the poll option and sadly, there wasn't any Company poll: Would you like to create/vote on Polls? I'd love to make topics where we could cast our votes and actually have some quantifiable variable to compare as to ''which is the best'' or ''which is the most common used'' and so on. Cristian wrote it very well. SEOclerks is developing very nicely and quite fast, and evolving it's the features is important.

In short: please add polls!

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Yes, I agree with you. It is good to create a poll option to compare the products or services. In this way, we can analyze that which thing is best. People would have an option to share their opinion. The webmasters can optimize their site and can get a lot of content by creating a poll option.

I love SEOclerck because there is an option to write a description with the poll. My lot tried to copy this option but that is not much interesting and don't have a variety of things to do with it.

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Maybe the poll can help potential buyers in choosing the best product for his need because of the comparison. However wouldn’t it be discriminatory for the not so popular products that are sold in this marketplace? In the example above, the comparison between Google and Bing is not fair because Google is on the top of the heap in the Alexa ranking while Bing is way down below past number 50. It would be good if the comparison are similar and almost of the same level of quality.

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