
What is the single best social media platform to advertise on?

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What is the single best social media platform to advertise on?

Normally I would just assume that the best platform would be the biggest, facebook. I'm looking to widen my horizons a bit. Any and all feedback will help.


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Why single though? The more the better. You should be using all of them if you want the most optimal traffic increase.

Lately, I feel like Instagram has been pretty good. Especially with new business and projects. It's sleek and straight to the point with visualization (pictures) which people seem to respond well to. It increased in popularity by a large %.

But yes, Facebook is the biggest social media platform at the moment but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the best option. It's hard to pinpoint to only one site.

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Yes, AlexHarris I do agree with you on that. Quality is always the most important, for me too What is the single best social media platform to advertise on?

Maybe tell us more about your business/project/site? I mean if it's a very niche business it might be better to advertise on x platform but if it's more general on y. Hope you get what I mean.

I found an article that says the following (from 2016): Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin.

Hope this is of any help.

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If you are talking about paid advertising, I will say Facebook. Their advertising platform is powerful. You can advertise with a minimum of $5 a day. They have a filtration system that is super targeted. This helps with your ROI and it can convert interested prospects into sales much better.

If you are talking about unpaid advertising, I will say Facebook again. You can build a group around your niche. You can sign up in groups that relate to your niche, give some great content and then advertise your website or product.

The runner up in my book is Instagram. Your posts, Hash tags or pictures can go viral quickly when done correctly.

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I guess the $5 minimum of advertising budget for a day is very reasonable and affordable even for small site owners. When you are promoting a business like a product or a specialized service then Facebook ads would be great. And the bonus part of the Facebook ads is in showing that your ad is liked by some of the reader’s friends. Although it is not true but the reader will surely be interested when he sees the name of a friend that liked your ad.

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Before it died, Vine (in my opinion) was the most optimal, efficient, creative, and innovative single best way to advertise on social media. When Vine was peaking in popularity, major companies like Pepsi and McDonalds, used Vine as a means of 7-second brand promotion. Vine was a clever technique in social media platform business promotion, it dealt in capturing an audience within a few moments of audio/visual content. Despite this, so many creative ads spawned from Vine.

Now that Vine has died, however, Instagram would be my next single choice. Brand promotion through direct business to consumer (B to C) social media account interaction is the best way to communicate with an audience. You top with creative 60-second audio/visual content, mixed with professional photography; advertising through Instagram is an excellent and smart choice of social media platform promotion.

I'm not a fan of putting all my eggs in one basket. So I suggest creating multiple nets by registering to multiple social media websites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). For a single choice, however, Instagram is the way to go!

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It is always better to use various social media platforms because different social media platforms have different demography. However, if you are considering to use one single platform, it has to be facebook. facebook is the best platform to market abnd promote your content. You can use facebook for free as well as do paid marketing. There are various ways to market on facebook,, you can create a page, join a group or promote on timeline.

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It is true that that quality should be the first preference but when someone is asking about the single best social media platform then I just would like to tell him about the best social media website to promote his blog or products.

I had a great experience with twitter as it is easy to increase the number of followers and we can get the targeted audience. Twitter is the best platform to find the people with the same interest.

Another social media platform is Facebook. Almost 95% of internet users are on facebook and it is not hard to find the people of your interest. You just would have to create a page on facebook and share your content or link over there. In this way, you will increase the traffic and the sales too.

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I think it all depends on the public profile. In my opinion, there are social networks suitable for each audience, so it is crucial to assess where your customers can be.

Example: Sometimes your customers may have more presence on Instagram, so a Facebook advertising would not be so ideal even being the largest social network in the world today.

Evaluate the metrics and see in which social network your audience is most present. This way you will know in which to invest.

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I was saying single best to know which I should focus my efforts on more. Since if I am focusing the majority of my time on a less competent website then I couldn't be doing things as optimally as I would hope. When I already am nowhere on the map, I should at least put my best foot forward with the best I have. Also, thank you for your information every bit of advice helps.

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Facebook, the most effective social media to advertise any product. Facebook is the second most visited website after google ( According to Alexa website ranking ) so its more likely that your product can reach more people on facebook than other social media. In facebook, we find many distinct groups which primarily created on single interests of people so its easy for a particular product to reach out more people with this group , say for example " In a group which is primarily about agriculture, its easy to advertise agriculture related products.

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I'm promoting an English school that we're opening here on this island. I was trying to maybe reach out to the people that live here for all of them that would like to learn English. Also, I was thinking about getting into the Amazon commissions thing but I am not quite sure how to start out with that. Since I have no starting traffic and I am still getting the feel of the market and which Niche to best cater to. Thank you, everyone, for your replies they're really helping me get insight.

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I've been going through the paces for the past few weeks and Facebook seems to be ranking supreme. As far as attracting potential customers and supporters goes. Your posts genuinely helped. Thank you all. Especially you Tronia, you're like my answer angel. lol

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I would suggest start advertising with Facebook. I am researching how to become a freelancer and everyone seems to be talking about Facebook.

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If you use Amazon as your model or guideline you will notice on an Amazon product page that there are social sharing buttons. You can share to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest or via eMail. You can also copy the link and share with whomever wherever. As a general rule of thumb, what Amazon allows, most affiliate programs will allow.

Two notes.

NOTE 1: The affiliate program may allow social media sharing. But the social media network you're on might not allow links from that affiliate advertiser. They might zap your social shares as spam. I'm not sure who decides what. All I can say is “test your links” to see what kind of a message you get when you click on it. If it ends up at the product page, no problem. If you get a message that “This link is blocked because it made lead to spam”; then don't try to share those links via that social media account.

This rarely happens with Amazon links. But it can or has happened with links from others sites like CJ (Commission Junction), ShareASale, LinkShare, etc. I don't know why! (O.o) Simply speaking from personal experience.

NOTE 2: When sharing via social media, make sure the link you share has your Amazon Associates ID or affiliate referral ID already embedded or incorporated in the URL, otherwise you won't get credit for the sale. Sometimes when you click the social sharing button directly from a site, it does not have your referral ID included. So check before sharing.

As for which is the best?
  • Some say Pinterest because people actually shop via Pinterest.
  • Some say Twitter because actually shop via Twitter.
  • Some say Facebook because people are always in their FB account.
  • Some say Google Plus because it's Google!

I say: Whichever social media share results in earning you income. I use all of them. What is the single best social media platform to advertise on?

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Facebook has definitely worked for me and it will always be the number one. Advertising through Facebook helped me to grow my business. There are many other people who actually helped me to make my business successful. My friends helped me by recommending others to join my Facebook page. Through some forums I made some online friends who advised me about other ways to advertise my products and they also requested their friends to join my page. I think having the right contacts actually helps. Other good platforms to advertise are Twitter, Instagram, you can create a Whats App group (I don't have one for my business but I am in such a group on whats app) and LinkedIn.

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I would advise that you start your advertisement on Facebook considering that it has got a large number of users and it is also one of the cheapest means to showcase your products as well to the general public. You can do so by opening a group and adding your friends to it and that is that.

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I think you should use all the social media sites that you can use. What have you got to lose, especially if you can do it for free? I also think that it depends on what you want to advertise. I always view Twitter as an intellectual platform, so you would have to do some clever advertising to get conversions. Facebook is more fun and friendly, so if your advertising clothes or shoes or toys your more likely to get a reaction. I find Pinterest best for advertising something that requires a visual reaction e.g food, nail polish, lipstick e.t.c

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My take on social media is always Facebook not just because it is the number 1 in terms of users but it is the most convenient. A single post can be seen by all your friends and there is a probability that they can share your post to be seen their friends as well. And the best thing in life is free, yeah, posting a personal ad on your Facebook timeline is free. However you have to be a little creative so as not to appear like spamming otherwise some of your friends may block you.

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