
Is it good to listen to the music while writing an article ?

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Is it good to listen to the music while writing an article ?

I use to listen to the music while i write the articles. It keeps me motivated about writing and gives me new ideas. It is better to listen the music without lyrics so it would not disturb your concentration at work. I like the the trance and techno music for this purpose. It never let me get bore.

Do you listen to the music while writing ? If yes then what type of music you enjoy ?


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There is nothing wrong if you listen to music while writing articles, but you are most likely to loss your focus on the article, when writing an article you must divert all your concentration towards your article, you must unleash the power of your mind, only then will you be able to write a successful article but listening to music while you write there are every chances that the music might come in between you and your article, so it I think it would be better not to listen to any music while you write an article. Then again it depends on your brain capacity, if you are very good at multitasking, if you have the ability to do two things at a time, then by all means go ahead and listen to music otherwise please concentrate on one thing at a time because if you don't your readers might miss a great article.

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Well, I guess it would depend on the person, the genre and few other factors. Classical music and such can be mind relaxing, and a lot of people suggest to listen to such when studying. I don't see why it wouldn't work in this case. I would avoid music with lyrics though, especially the music you like as you might get caught in the rhythm, start singing and what not and probably lose your concentration on the topic.

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Listening to music is actually one of the things that I do almost every time I am trying to write an article.

I find it that if I listen to classical music (so without lyrics) during my writing process that I produce articles faster and in better quality.

Music just inspires me and puts me in a good, productive mood.

But I agree. It largely depends to what type/genre of music you are listening to. I can't imagine writing while listening to scream type of music.. or hard metal. I would advise against such genre during your creative process.

But we all work in different ways so whatever floats your boat.

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I think it depends on the person whether or not it helps to listen to music while writing. I personally like listening to music while writing because it helps me get into the zone and block out all the outside distractions that may slow me down from productively writing quality articles.

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Each person is different and has their own preference to writing and what helps stimulate and keep them focused on the article at hand. Personally, I love to have music on when writing my articles. For me, it's more so what type music I play. Whenever I have to write articles, I usually Google "piano jazz studying music". I used this type music to study when I was taking my finals as a senior, and it certainly helped the time go by much quicker. Truly, however, it comes down to that specific person. I know a lot of people who require dead silence to focus and write their articles. Moral of the story is this, do whatever puts you in the zone for that specific task.

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I listen to music when I am doing anything that has me sitting down and doing working tedious work. It helps me relax and makes me want to finish what I am doing. I think if you're listening to the right type of music for yourself it can improve your work flow because it'll motivate you to keep working.

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Its a good thing to do. Listening to music motivates me to write good words and it increases my writing speed.

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I like to listen to 'easy listening', or 'soundscape' type of music. I do not like to listen to anything with a pop beat, or similar as it would distract me. Soundscapes is like real earth sounds such as waves breaking, water flowing down a stream, nature sounds, birds chirping, and the like. This kind of music can help boost productivity and help with inspiration and creation. I always work online with some type of music in the background so I can be as productive as possible even when I do not feel like working it helps.

If you don't listen to music in the background I would suggest doing it, it can also be relaxing as well.

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if you listen to the light music and without singing it can be helpful and make you more relax and concentrate on your article but if the music be so loud and singer sing always then some times it can make you forget what you were writing and it can be more awkward for example you are writing about economy and suddenly in the middle of the article you write big big butty but you gatta big butty lol...

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Yes because music helps your mind and you stay focused instead of getting upset

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listening to music while writing or doing most tasks is usually a good idea. However, if you are writing or doing anything which involves words than it might be best to listen to music without lyrics. I find that when I listen to music while reading or writing, I sometimes write the words I hear playing rather than what I intended.

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The goodness depends on the type of music. There are certain songs I dare not listen to while writing because I would become distracted. On the other hand, there are songs that when I listen to while writing,inspiration just keeps flowing. My opinion is that it absolutely depends on the song.

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It is good, if you don't dance. When you dance it is difficult to write.

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I listen to music while doing all my work including writing jobs. I would say that the choice of music is really important, nothing you know to well. Volume is also important to soft so that you hear a sound every now and them can be really distracting, to loud and you might find your attention to be more focused on the song than the job you are doing so just listening to soothing background music can create a really nice working environment for you to work in.

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There are people who can concentrate better listening to music. I do not particularly like listening to music when I'm creating an article for my blogs. At most I hear some instrumental music.

My favorite music I leave to listen to them another time. This is a peculiarity of mine and I believe that each person should test.

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I say there's nothing wrong with it, although some people tend to lose their focus I say it depends on what kind of music. For example, I write with instrumental music on the background, it relaxes me. Also I say it depends on yourself and how much focused you are on writing.

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When I'm writing, I tend to be oblivious to the sounds around me so whether there's music or not, I don't really mind. It can't help me either. I personally prefer not hearing music on the background but I can't help it because I'm working in an open area inside the house. However, I'd really mind it if the sound is too loud. I prefer everything to be quiet when I'm doing some proofreading so I mostly reserve stuff like this at night when everyone's sleeping.

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I like to listen to some slow instrumental music while writing .I cannot write well if I listen to fast songs as it will be too distracting. I believe it's just a matter of preference of the individual concerned.

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I always listen to some soft music while I am writing. This makes me feel more relaxed and helps me to concentrate better. Music also makes me feel motivated while I am working and I am also able to complete the task much faster. However, when I am doing other tasks like online selling or creating videos then I listen to other kinds of music. The type of music that I listen to depends on the task that I am doing.

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I don't see anything wrong to listen to music in time you work online, writing articles, blogs or making essays. This depends only on your character if you can do two things at the same time and if the music doesn't distract your attention then nothing is wrong. I know people that write even much better when they listen to music!

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When I was younger, I couldn’t write well without the sound of music from my transistor radio. But in the recent years, it seems to me that music is an intervention to my thoughts that it can be bothersome to write while listening to music. What I do is play the music before I write as a sort of warm up or appetizers. And although sometimes I start to write with the music playing, it won’t be long before I turn off the music because my focus is somewhat ruined by the music. Maybe it’s a sign of getting old huh.

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I listen to music when I'm reading or studying or exercising, but I can't do it when I'm writing. I find that it affects the quality of my work and it takes longer for me to get the job done with music.

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I agree and disagree at the same time. As a freelance writer I have a wide collection of music. In my opinion its the only thing that keeps me sane motivated to write. When I have an assignment I play music in the background and many a night, I have worked till dawn and music has kept me awake and alert. It gets me in the zone. I always listen to music that I like and not instrumental music. if you're concentrating hard enough the lyrics will not distract you. I find instrumental music boring. And if I don't like the music I'd rather not listen to any music at all.

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